• Member Since 18th Oct, 2012
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Calm Wind

We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.

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Just to clarify · 3:32pm Nov 6th, 2015

Some people seem to be getting the wrong message from my choice to remove/change something that happened in the story.

I DO NOT... bend over backwards for my readers/commenters, nor give in to peer pressure (Want to know how many requests for clop i've gotten since i wrote chapter 19?)

My choice to remove the section was my choice and mine alone. I saw the reaction, i took a look at what i wrote, and i realized i didn't completely consider something. Despite how i thought i avoided a certain thing, i hadn't and i didn't want it to be like that. It would have messed with plans i had later in the story.

I did it for my sake, not for the readers' sake.

I'm sure some of you can recall back in part 2 of this story, where i caved to all the people asking me over and over/demanding i end the the small psuedo break up that happened and get the characters back together. I couldn't take it anymore and had it happen about five chapters too early... only to have it completely mess up my outline for the next events, forcing me to go back and mix around things (that may very well be the reason why i actually dislike the way part 2 progressed and turned out)

Ever since then i've been under the firm mindset that i cannot change anything or do anything simply because it's what the readers want. I can't even begin to count how many times EVERY SINGLE DAY i get PM's from people asking me to have something happen in PTH that they want to happen, or ask me if this or that will happen/'i hope this will happen'

My answer is always the same. The story is set in stone, events will happen as they happen. I'm not making it up as i go along. But even my outline isn't perfect. This part was in my outline but i hadn't considered every angle of the implications. Once i got the crowd reaction, i went back and looked at it again, and from THERE i made the decision. I did not look at the comments, panic, and quickly decide to change it.

If this blog is coming off as a little stern, it's supposed to be. I'm a little angry with myself because of how i mishandled the scene and almost sparked a controversy in the comments, people were already having lengthy discussions about it and i didnt want them there. It's been getting to me that some people feel like i was succumbing to pressure when that's not the case at all.

So please... i'm not breaking from any of my plans, and im not doing this to appease the masses, if i did so it would be unfair to them because i wouldn't be telling them the story from my heart anymore. this was my own choice to fix something i feel i messed up on. I'm not perfect, and luckily, fanfiction gives us the opportunity to make changes at any time if need be.

Report Calm Wind · 850 views · Story: Piercing the Heavens ·
Comments ( 38 )

Please only change what YOU think absolutely NEEDS to be changed. It's your story and if some people are being non-donkey asses about it, then make em put a (metaphorical) sock in their mouth! As long as you enjoy writing this story, I know I'll get a good reading session out of it! :pinkiehappy:

It sad that some people feel theycan pressure you into changing your story:fluttercry::fluttershysad:. I love PTH and even at the sad parts it still amazing and it incredible that you can evoke so much emotion from just words:heart:. I hope people understand that:unsuresweetie:. I hope your okay:pinkiesmile:


i wasn't being straight up attacked, but some people were asking why i 'bent over' and changed things because people complained.

Which wasn't the case at all. Wanted to clarify that so no one thought i was loosening my stance on the story already being set.


Im fine, this whole situation has just been rough because i felt i frist looked like i didnt understand a serious subject, followed by changing it because i wanted to, followed by people questioning my commitment to my own storyline.

Im hoping this blog will be the end of it so i can just get back to telling my story.

As always, do what you feel you must. Listen to you're readers, but don't feel pressure to change you're story up, good on you for sticking to the plan.:twilightsmile: Can't wait to see what you come out with next.:pinkiesmile:


Thank you. :eeyup:

I have, indeed, made it a point to always listen to my readers and be open to them, but at the same time i have to be firm about the course of the story. If i made changes based on what they wanted, the end product would not be the best work i can give them.

Very mature line of thought.:moustache:

I see what you're saying, and I understand the difficulty of such a balance, even if I've never experienced it myself.:eeyup: on the one hand, the writer has his/her plan, and they wish to stick to it. On the other hand, they're writing for an audience, and the audience wants what they want.

Kind of reminds me of that old belief among experts, some people don't know what they want until they have it. I know you're readers will be happy with whatever you get down, so please, do you're best.:twilightsmile:

Ever compromise the artist's vision for sake of pandering. It's a huge no no. Keep on what you're doing. It's fine.

Calm,just do what you love:heart:.I didn't have a problem with how you had first written chapter 106,but if you think that it should be changed,I believe you,and I'm pretty sure that almost everone who has stick up to the story is:twilightsmile:.

Just so you know,you're my fav writer here and you'll always be.Why? Because you're the person that made me love the Bolts more than I already did:heart:

Ps.Wow,that's probably the longest comment I've ever written:rainbowderp:


Thanks :eeyup: And im so glad you love my Wonderbolts, i saw so much potential for fun with all of them before i began and im glad i took up writing for them :twilightsmile:

:pinkiehappy: I hope this blog's the end of it too! I'd rather you write your amazing, and inspiring, story!

((Side note: I thought the get-back-together in Arc 2 was off-kilter somehow... :facehoof: Some people's kids... Wish I'd been reading when you were writing that...))

Just remember that you've inspired several of your readers to write stories of their own, set in your Wonderverse... Oh... and me too! :twilightsheepish:

You know how to reach me if you need to rant. I've always got an open ear and a willing shoulder... Just not the left shoulder... That one's all sorts of out of whack due to a knot that just will not die... :raritywink:

No problem:twilightsmile:.Well,you are the reason why Fleet is my number 2 and Spitfire my number one:raritywink:.Also,when PTH ends are you gonna make onother story with them?(please say yes:fluttershysad:)


i don't know if im going to do another long epic, but i plan on writing shorter, brief stories with my characters (kind of like the Wonderverse fics only canon to the universe) because i'd hate to have created all these fun characters and have them just disappear later :eeyup:

*hugs* We all mess up. And the story you have is great. If I were writing it... It'd be different. But I'm not writing it, none of us are. You are the author. You make the ultument choice. And honest, I don't think I even read the scene in question very much. I hardly ever do. But since so many of said scenes end with Then The Birds and the Bees... That's where my mind went. And knowing Rapid Fire's personality, I could see him doing it. So I didn't have any issues.

But in the end, it was your choice. We have zero say in the end.


Yeah part two IS off kilter, and in my opinion VERY poorly paced since the main conflict caused the side conflicts to be drawn out much longer than i wanted. I'd go as far to say it's the worst executed thing ive written on this site, not taking away from how much fun it was to write. I dont think it's BAD, but i feel like it could have gone a lot better than it did.

And, as i mentioned, it contained a moment where i caved and learned that i cannot, under any circumstances cave under the pressure of what my readers want. Like i said, it wouldn't be fair to them if my story was thrown off course.


Yeah i just didn't want people to get the impression that it was what most people felt it was. When i realized i had made this blunder it had to change, i don't want those themes in my story, no matter what the character's personality is like.

3525156 It's your story Calm.

3525156 Oh, I'm doing science class... Did you know that PTH stands for Parathyroid glands... Just a little fun fact that caught me off guard.

*Edit* Correction, Parathyroid Hormone. It's what makes bones grow.

3525039and hopefully nothing like this happens again:twilightsmile:

Just my two cents before I drop the subject entirely: Speaking as someone who has a younger sister that dealt with a similar situation, I understand why many people were bothered by it, but I was mostly just shocked by its sudden appearance. I'm sure that you would have handled the subject well moving forward had you kept it the way it was. Honestly, it reminded me quite a bit of the Marvel Comics character Jessica Jones, if you are familiar with that at all, and I would have been interested in seeing how it turned out.

That being said, I fully understand and support your decision to make this change, and I wouldn't have thought less of you either way you decided to go with this. You are writing a truly fantastic story with a rich lore that honestly makes the show come alive in my mind, and I look forward to seeing more of this story in the days to come. :pinkiesad2:

As always, you have my support and admiration.

Ok,thanks for answering:twilightsmile:


Huh, well that explains Soarin's new horn ;3

On a more on-topic reply than what I posted in response to Cowgirl (Because I actually do have something to say, and not just be silly).

I wholeheartedly agree, Calm, as a fellow writer (And one of those writers that Witching was talking about, inspired to take up the pen and paper because of your work), I know you walk a fine line sometimes. You want to keep the readers happy, but you don't want to compromise your story. In the end, the story should win out, because not everyone will be happy.

I am sad, though, that such a blog post was needed, because people really should understand that you are looking out for the integrity of the story. You've stated more than once that what happened in the chapter was unintentional, and that you went and fixed it. That really should be the end of it.

In any event, I just woke up and I think we all just want to leave this behind us. So, I hope no more words are needed on this subject, and that my half awake response made sense.


I don't know what people are talking about... :rainbowhuh: And the things they are apparently saying is pretty irritating.
So do your thing, this is your story, nothing is going to be changed unless you want it to.
I like your story alot!

Sooo... Yeah. Have a nice day! :twilightsmile:

No of course not, as much as I wish I knew and could control what happens, it's your story and you deserve to run it. I hope I wasn't one of the people you meant when you wrote this blog. I do beg that you don't ruin WaveFire, but that's because it's so adorable :rainbowkiss: However, I don't think you should change the story for our sake, I want you to write it how YOU see it. It's more fun with the suspense :twilightsmile:

And I must add that I agree with Jim, you'll always have my support and admiration. :heart: Now I gtg, they're having a SSB Melee tournament at school! :rainbowwild:

It's alright. We all make mistakes. And you're absolutely right about not caving in to your readers. You're the author of your story, and you have full control over everything, so it SHOULD be understandable to everyone. So please don't change.

(But seriously, you get PMs EVERY DAY!? Man, I'm jealous of you. The last one I've got was like...two months ago?)


Yeah i have a lot of people who talk to me on a daily basis :twilightblush:

Hoo boy! Do I ever understand where you're coming from. Reader comments bother me a lot more than they ought to, especially those that are made on events that won't have a pay-off until many chapters later, and you know that explaining them is impossible right at that moment. So you have to put up with rants and demands, or worse - "This is how it should have happened".

While I haven't gotten to this particular story yet, the fact that it's so big and popular tells me that you're doing something right, so keep it up! :twilightsmile:

While I never had people tell me to make my story go this way (except for an OC story which might not ever appear here), I can understand what you mean. To me, I'm liking this story either way so it's up to you to do what you feel is right.


Huh. I don't think I'll ever get to know what that's like.

Honestly? You do you. I was raised by an English teacher who firmly believed that some stories are for comfort and some are designed to make you think (and she put her money where her mouth is. I was reading and analyzing "Farenheit 451" when most girls my age were reading "Anne of Green Gables"). Ultimately, as the writer, it's up to you to decide where the story will go. As a reader, we just have to buckle up and enjoy the ride.

It's fine man, don't tear your self up over it

I mostly lurk but I truly enjoy the way the story is turning out and I read updates as soon as they're out. Love your stories the way they are. Stay strong fellow gym rat.

im confused
what did you take out?
been outa the loop a wile with irl stuff


had a scene that i felt was just avoiding the subject of rape, but after going back and looking at it, i pretty much did convey rape, so i changed it because i didnt want that in the story. It was changed shortly after the chapter was posted and the change was minor, no major effect on the plot.

oh the one with spitfire?
cuz i haven't read 107 or 108 yet
been busy
{edit} apparently you posted a chapter today
man i need to catch up

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