• Member Since 10th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2016


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  • 564 weeks
    Fan Expo

    Anyone going?

    8 comments · 902 views
  • 590 weeks
    My honest opinion on the new episode.

    I'll be blunt. I rated it as the second worst episode of the series; only episode I hated more was Spike at Your Service. Now, the difference in the two episodes is that in SaYS, we only had a Spike that went full retard and basically terrible characterizations over all. The Timberwolves weren't enough to pull it out of a crater that dug to the core of the earth filled with shit I wanted to set

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  • 592 weeks
    I've basically given up on this site. Also Twilicorn, I guess.

    Take a good look at the featured box and the new stories list. What do you see? The same recycled stories you see every other week. Possibly the only exception is the HiE where two bronies turn into Pokemon and are sent into Equestria. Unique idea, but it's absolutely horrid.

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  • 610 weeks
    What a good day!

    My head's slightly pounding, my stomach feels like it won't be able to hold any food down, yet I'm still happy. I guess I brought those symptoms upon myself when I decided to start drinking last night in celebration for my 19th birthday!

    Now I can legally drink!... Not that I really cared.

    Anyway, that's about the gist of this blogpost; so yay, happy birthday to me and whatnot.

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  • 613 weeks
    Quick update.

    I bet you guys are wondering what everyone's least favourite Pinkie lover is doing. I'm here to fill you guys in.

    I have a number of things going on in the silly little world of pony fanfics, most of it planning with a few good friends I've made on the site (and raging at terrible fanfics.) Now, I have 3 major fics I'm going to be working on over the course of the next year, if not longer.

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Kongregate Conversations, Entry #4 · 3:47pm Aug 9th, 2012

Heeyo, Carmine here with your least favourite sub-blog of a not so famous blog. Today, on Kongregate, I had the greatest thing happen to me. It's one of those things you can't explain, but you have to see for yourself.

liamdude1: heyho

liamdude1: people

dog2432: hi

bombroad5017: ._.

liamdude1: who's online

liamdude1: hi

liamdude1: what game u playin

bombroad5017: My everyday game. ._.

liamdude1: what

liamdude1: whats ur every day game

liamdude1: bombroad

MrPHOENIX134: Go on his ****ing profile, you stupid shit

dog2432: lol

bombroad5017: My everyday game is playing with dolls.

bombroad5017: ...Now BRB.

liamdude1: playin whith dolls huh wierd

MrPHOENIX134: liamdude1 are you like, 10?

liamdude1: 9

MrPHOENIX134: Oh, wow.

MrPHOENIX134: You shouldn't be on the site

dog2432: ya true dat

liamdude1: playing with dolls isnt a game

MrPHOENIX134: You're stupid.

dog2432: holly crap your a sheltered kid

liamdude1: no im not

liamdude1: u cow

dog2432: ya u are

liamdude1: no im not

liamdude1: i have a home

liamdude1: a very nice one

buggieboy: Sure youo do.

buggieboy: *You

buggieboy: You're also underage.

buggieboy: Which means I get to report you.

liamdude1: oh well

MrPHOENIX134: Beat ya to it buggie

MrPHOENIX134: huehuehuehue

buggieboy: Also, Liam.

buggieboy: Ponies.

MrPHOENIX134: I saw that too.

buggieboy: Well look at what we got here brother of mine it's the same in every room!

buggieboy: *Nudges Phoenix*

buggieboy: Sing.

MrPHOENIX134: *cough*

MrPHOENIX134: I'm listening to Queen.

MrPHOENIX134: Gimme a minute

buggieboy: We should really work this out next time.

buggieboy: Until then, we can't go into business.

MrPHOENIX134: We should

MrPHOENIX134: Also, how am I going to translate that to this situation?

buggieboy: Change ponies to hater and insult the **** out of them.


buggieboy: That's how it always works.

MrPHOENIX134: apologies

liamdude1: do u like reporting

MrPHOENIX134: do u like the dick

liamdude1: i will report u for swearing

MrPHOENIX134: lol

buggieboy: HAHA.

buggieboy: That's hilarious.

MrPHOENIX134: lrn2rules

buggieboy: You're pathetic.

To MrPhoenix134: Inb4obligatorybronyremark

MrPHOENIX134: Buggie I think I'm ready now

buggieboy: Alright.

MrPHOENIX134: Start us off

liamdude1: now i will report buggie boy

buggieboy: Well look at what we got here, brother of mine. It's the same in every room!

MrPHOENIX134: Haters with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of anger to be found!

buggieboy: Maybe they're not aware, that there's really no need for their retard despair!

liamdude1: more swears

MrPHOENIX134: That the key that they need to solve this sad trolling shortage you and I will share!



buggieboy: HE'S FLAM wait what.

MrPHOENIX134: Wait

MrPHOENIX134: wat

buggieboy: I thought I was buggie.

MrPHOENIX134: I thought I was Phoenix

buggieboy: ...

MrPHOENIX134: ...

buggieboy: Let's re-do this.

MrPHOENIX134: Shit.

MrPHOENIX134: Lets

buggieboy: Alright, again.

MrPHOENIX134: All right.



buggieboy: HE'S PHOENIX

MrPHOENIX134: that doesn't quite roll off the tongue very well

buggieboy: I know.

buggieboy: But do it for the sake of enjoyment.


MrPHOENIX134: I think the guy has lost interest

buggieboy: I haven't.

liamdude1: no

MrPHOENIX134: Did he leave?


liamdude1: no

buggieboy: Apparently not.

buggieboy: The retard's still here.

liamdude1: more swears

liamdude1: a

MrPHOENIX134: more swears lol wat

buggieboy: Hey, Hiperson.

buggieboy: Guess how old this kid is.

liamdude1: the more u swear the longer i stay

buggieboy: And 'retard' isn't swearing.

buggieboy: it's an insult.

MrPHOENIX134: liamdude, that's no very intimidating

MrPHOENIX134: not*

buggieboy: Then again, can't expect your six year old brain to understand.


MrPHOENIX134: I suppose by now you're wondering 'bout our peculiar mode of insult

buggieboy: I thought I was flim.

MrPHOENIX134: Well I thought you were buggie

buggieboy: Huh. I thought Liam was smart.

buggieboy: Guess we were all wrong!

buggieboy: I say, our mode of locomootion.

MrPHOENIX134: And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised anger

buggieboy: Any asshole can make a claim and any retard can do the same!

To hiperson134: You gotta admit, this is hilarious.

MrPHOENIX134: But my brother and I have something most unique and superb!

hiperson134: >implying I'm paying attention to chat (reply)

hiperson134: phoenix, I like your numbers

MrPHOENIX134: I like yours too, sir

buggieboy: Blah, got called away.

buggieboy: Unseen at any time in this great new world!

To hiperson134: We're bashing a pony hater. WITH A SONG.

MrPHOENIX134: And that's opportunity!

To hiperson134: How often do you see that?

buggieboy: Folks, the one and only!

MrPHOENIX134: We kinda started to switch again

buggieboy: Just go with it.

MrPHOENIX134: Fine.

MrPHOENIX134: the biggest and the best

buggieboy: The unbelievable!

MrPHOENIX134: Unimpeachable!

buggieboy: Indispensible!

bombroad5017: I'm back after eating a sandwich. ._.

MrPHOENIX134: I can't believe-able!

buggieboy: We need a name for our machine.

liamdude1: bom

liamdude1: bombroad

liamdude1: hi

bombroad5017: Wut

bombroad5017: ...

bombroad5017: That's all you are gonna say?

liamdude1: what u playin

buggieboy: Join us in song, bomb.

bombroad5017: What song.

MrPHOENIX134: Buggie Phoenix brothers' Super Speedy Anger Dicks 6000!

buggieboy: Good enough.

bombroad5017: lawl.

MrPHOENIX134: 9000+! sorry


liamdude1: get your ****ing ass out of here (reply)

MrPHOENIX134: sorry I went to make coffee

buggieboy: Young idiot, I would be ever so honored if you might see fit to let my brother and I borrow some of your delicious, and might I add spell-bindingly fragrant hate for our little demonstration here!

buggieboy: liamdude1: get your ****ing ass out of here (reply)

buggieboy: Why thank you!

MrPHOENIX134: i got exactly the same message

liamdude1: never u asshole

buggieboy: READY PHOENIX?

liamdude1: whatever

buggieboy: The funny thing, Liam.

buggieboy: Is that you think you're more important than me in this room.

MrPHOENIX134: Heh.

buggieboy: Phoenix...

buggieboy: Singgggg.

MrPHOENIX134: Reppin' 2008 mofo

To hiperson134: I'm fucking dying.

MrPHOENIX134: But I don't wanna

bombroad5017: ...

buggieboy: But we're almost done!

MrPHOENIX134: ngghhh

MrPHOENIX134: Fine where were we?

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: Hello o.o

buggieboy: The bing bang zam part.

buggieboy: Where we call each others' names.

buggieboy: Toasty, we're singing.

liamdude1: hey

buggieboy: READY PHOENIX

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: wut


buggieboy: Good enough.

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: oh ****, it's you e_e

buggieboy: LET'S BING BANG ZAM!


bombroad5017: ..

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: wat

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: o.o

liamdude1: guess what ur as is too big too fit in your house so u live in hell where people hate u u retard person (reply)

buggieboy: And show this glorious room a world of delectable hate!

MrPHOENIX134: And show these thirsty haters a world of delectable butthurt!

MrPHOENIX134: mine was better

To liamdude1: ...Is that the best you have

liamdude1: no

To liamdude1: You give idiots a bad name. I hope you know that.

buggieboy: Yeah, it was.

MrPHOENIX134: You don't have an opinion, be quiet

buggieboy: You're worthless in this room, Liam.

buggieboy: Watch closely my friends!


ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L70Nca5MvM8

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: <3

buggieboy: Damnit Toasty, we're trying to sing.

bombroad5017: I'm playing a different game.

buggieboy: Not sure Phoenix wants to anymore, though.

MrPHOENIX134: Now, here's where the magic happens, right here in this heaving roiling anger press boiling guts of the very machine, those blobs of mad plucked fresh are right now as we speak being turned into grade-A top-notch five-star blow-your-horseshoes-off…


buggieboy: Genius.

MrPHOENIX134: I was typing man, it's long

buggieboy: We're definitely becoming traveling salesmen.

buggieboy: I'll be the looker, you just sing.

MrPHOENIX134: Definitely. I also got a message off mr liam

buggieboy: Same here.

MrPHOENIX134: liamdude1: guess what ur as is too big too fit in your house so u live in hell where people hate u u retard person now get out u ****ing bich cause ur barkin up the wrong tree (reply)

buggieboy: Apparently I have a big butt.

buggieboy: That only fits in hell.

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: The **** is this

MrPHOENIX134: guess what ur as is too big too fit in your house so u live in hell where people hate u u retard person x2 ****er (reply)

buggieboy: The funny thing is I'm atheist!

MrPHOENIX134: and that

MrPHOENIX134: And I'm homosexual!

buggieboy: Well Liam I'm glad you brought that up, I say that I am glad you brought that up. See that we are very picky when it comes to butthurt if you'd kindly try a cup!

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: the grammar, it burns e_e

buggieboy: Would you like to taste some deicious butthurt, Toasty?

buggieboy: Comes right from Liam's raging!

buggieboy: Fresh squeezed, and prepared today.

MrPHOENIX134: Yes, sir, yes ma'am this great machine lets just the very best

liamdude1: 走出房間,你笨蛋 trans late it (reply)

buggieboy: So what d'you say there, Liam, care to step into the real world and put the Super Speedy Angry Dicks 9000+ to the testtttt!

MrPHOENIX134: Okay are we done now?

buggieboy: Sure.

ToAsTyPaNcAkEs: yesterday I found out, some lady commited suicide at Holiday World once... I thought it was the untouched park.. apparently not ;-;

MrPHOENIX134: Nice.

buggieboy: That was fun.

MrPHOENIX134: I think that was a bonding moment, for us Buggie

To liamdude1: I'd rather not. 'Cause you're still an idiot.

buggieboy: It was.

buggieboy: I'm posting this on my blog.

buggieboy: This was the greatest brony moment I've ever been in.

Sheds a tear that was truly amazing. I have no witty follow up because that was the greatest thing ever.

Carmine, out.

Report Carmine · 728 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

I lost it at "traveling assholes nonpareil"

I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that the kid just sat there and took it...

...Or that I sat here and spent time reading about it XD

Also: "guess what ur as is too big too fit in your house so u live in hell where people hate u u retard person" - Highlight of the whole thing.

You need to record this. NAOW!

It's no wonder the big problems in this world are not being solved when the greatest minds in existence do impromptu vaudeville on some internet chat-thingy.
It's a sad, sad state of affairs.
Hilarious though! :rainbowlaugh:
And I'm kinda missing the "Butthurt! Butthurt! Butthurt!"-chorus with RD looping the loops in the background. Ah well, you can't get all.

guess what ur as is too big too fit in your house so u live in hell where people hate u u retard person

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

I'm kind of scared to translate that......

Out of the room, you fool

Rushed out the bunch, a hydrophobic probe, a hydrophilic 你笨

dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Discord.png Chaos. Beautiful, beautiful, chaos.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/discord.png

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