• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
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Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.

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Plotting... Possibly Even Scheming! · 9:13am Oct 4th, 2015

If you just want the TL;DR, then skip to the end.

The tagged story is Desert Spice, which I have taken way too long to get back to, but this blog post actually covers Tastes Like Heresy and my new fic Monster Hunter: Equestria, as well. Let's start with MH:E, actually.

To those of you who are reading my new fusion crossover fic I posted this past week, Monster Hunter: Equestria, thanks. Thanks to Kwakerjack in particular for the shout-out. And another thanks for SirNotAppearingInThisFic, as he was a great help for getting the darn thing edited and proofread before I posted it. As for the latest news on it, it should be popping up on EqD in the next day or two. Made it in on the first try! :pinkiehappy:

And for those who haven't read MH:E yet, you should read it. First chapter involves Derpy chucking a vampire off a cliff. It was inspired by Pony Episode 100 "Slice of Life" and Larry Correia's Monster Hunter: International. You don't even need to know anything about MH:I to enjoy MH:E, either.

Even though I'm enthusiastic about my new fic, I'm not about to forget about Desert Spice. As I have mentioned before, I'm going to be alternating releases of Desert Spice chapters and MH:E chapters. Now the main reason I haven't released a chapter of Desert Spice in the last several months, it's because I had very little clue as to what I wanted to have happen this chapter. Yeah, I'd gotten the chapter started, but I wasn't sure quite where or how far to go with it. This is the sort of problem you come across when you try to forge ahead with only a general idea of what you want to have happen, when, in the story at large. I'm tired of stumbling forwards-ish at a snail's pace, so this coming week I'm going to be plotting out the rest of Desert Spice. I'm going to write down what events I want to have happen each chapter, when and how I want characters and relationships to develop further, and so on and so forth. I'll be doing a similar thing for MH:E afterwards, though maybe not this week. By this time next week, there will be an outline for the whole story along with an outline for the new chapter of Desert Spice. Have I said Desert Spice enough yet? Who knows!

That's not the only thing I plan to spend my evenings on, however. I'm also going to be drawing Amber Spice. A lot. In fact, I'm going to be drawing her face with a different expression each day of the week. "Why would you do this?" you might ask. The answer to this is that I want practice drawing her face in different expressions. One of my dreams, ever since I took a class on the Graphic Novel as Literature (a wonderful course, by the way), has been to turn Tastes Like Heresy into a webcomic and post it to DeviantArt or something. There's just something about how I wrote that story that feels like it'd lend itself well to a comic, and I'm not just talking about my proclivity for onomatopoeia. Getting drawing practice in on Amber Spice wearing different expressions seems to me like a good way to warm up the back burner this idea has been cooking on for the past year or so. This comic project will still be a lower priority than writing either of my current stories, but it should give me something to work on in the evenings when I want a break from just writing but still want to do something creative.

On a Life of the Bugsydor note, I just finished applying for BYU's winter term this past week. Got all of my info, transcripts, and essays in in time, and now only time will tell if they'll let me in. I managed to get in before, when I was fresh out of high school, but University of Utah had made a better offer in the form of waiving tuition for the first year of classes. I've changed majors and had a couple years of classes elsewhere since then, and now I'm looking to head to BYU to finish my BS in Actuarial Science. They should be getting back to me within the month, so that wait should be interesting.

Thanks for reading, folks! I still love the heck out of comments wherever I can get them, by the way.

TL;DR: I'm working on plotting out Desert Spice this coming week. I'll be alternating releases of chapters of MH:E and Desert Spice, and Desert Spice is up next. Also practicing drawing Amber Spice's facial expressions in preparation for a comic version of Tastes Like Heresy at some point down the road. That, and I just applied for BYU's winter term.

Comments ( 6 )

Good luck, with all of that!

It's nice to hear you have a plan - good luck!

Planning the plot and plotting the plan are quite important. It sounds like you've got a handle on both, and I'm glad to hear it.

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Thanks! It feels good to have a plan. I feel a little silly for not having done this already.

Glad to hear it!

This certainly renews my excitement for Spice and Hunters. Looking forward to reading more.

And I'm looking forward to writing it.

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