• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th

Graglithan The Greater

Fear my Linguistic Might! For I am Graglithan!

More Blog Posts27

  • 207 weeks
    Slight improvements

    So, I got the internet back, first and foremost. This means I can do more writing with less hassle, and access all my files again.

    Secondly, I managed to keep my old landlord from taking all of my security deposit. It's not the full bit, but still more than half.

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  • 208 weeks
    I am having a bad time

    so, it is going to be even longer before I can work on anything proper, cause the company the landlord is supposed to get internet from is being a pack of incompetent morons. I was supposed to have been able to work on my stories and update stuff almost a month ago. Top that with the passenger door on my truck being caved in, and you got a pretty good idea as to how things are going for me.

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  • 212 weeks

    So, all my work is pretty much on hold until my creativity comes back. On top of that, I'm moving into a new place, so I will have next to no time to work on anything at all storywise.

    I apologize, but I REALLY need to move to the new place. Like, it bad here. Unhealthy bad. My shower 'drains' at a rate of 1" of water every 5 hours.

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    1 comments · 211 views
  • 222 weeks
    Feeling a bit better and a question for all

    Okay, so, I'm not coughing up as much blood as before, and as such, I do plan on getting back to writing. It turned out to be my allergies double-teaming me with their good old friend the Flu. Got to love allergies, right? At least now know the blood loss is not from my throat, as all this phlegm has resulted in a bit of dehydration that's caused some nosebleeds. Well anyway, now that I've

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  • 223 weeks
    Medical Problems

    Over the past week, I have been sick with a G-track virus. That wasn't so bad, except that shortly after, I also developed a horrible cough and congestion. This cough wasn't too bad at first, but as of yesterday, I coughed up blood that morning, and also this morning as well. I've gone to the doctor, and they've given me a cough syrup that is EXTREMELY potent, so I may need to take a lot of time

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Been a while since I've done this · 3:15am Sep 29th, 2015

Hello everyone! I thought I'd let you all know that I actually have been working and not just slacking off like a lazy bum. Chapter 9 is in progress and I even plan on letting a little bit of it leak out beforehand. The main reasons for my lack of progress lately has mainly been the college classes I've been taking for the past month. English papers don't exactly write themselves, and History is just a bitch. No really, It will always be a bitch for me. Long term memory is not my forte.

Well anyways! I might as well get on with it if you're ever going to see the sneak peak of the next chapter. If I keep on yammering like this I'll just leave you with a massive wall of text that'll-

Groggy would be a good way to describe how I felt. My head was pounding as I slowly opened my eyes. Even in the world of the waking, I could still feel all of the pain from the dream. There was also a steady beeping in the background. When I tried to stand up, I could feel something grab onto my arms and help me up. The whole time though, something just didn’t feel.... right. It took a few moments, but eventually, I could see straight and was sitting up in the bed. Looking to my side to see who had helped me, I saw an emerald and sapphire crystal pony with a neon blue mane. On her flank, I could scarcely make out a round flask of some kind of with a sky-blue crystal shard floating inside. For the instant we looked at each other, two names popped into my head.

Crystina Delmas, and Crystal Finish

“Hey Grent.” Crystina’s worry was easy to see, but mixed in her pure sapphire eyes was also relief. “Feeling alright?”

I opened my mouth to respond, only to end up coughing. “Been better.” Bringing my hand to my sore throat made me pause at the hard feeling. I raised my hand up and saw that it was replaced by a gold hoof. I glanced over at the pitcher on the counter next to me before turning back to Crystina. “Water?”

She reached for the pitcher for a moment before pausing and looking at her own hoof and slumping dejectedly with a sighing. “One moment. I’ll get somepony with hands.”

While she was away, I took another look at my former hands. I rolled each one and blinked slowly as they turned. A glance down at the rest of my body showed how I barely reached halfway down the hospital’s blue sheets. The lumps in the sheet were irregular compared to how I remembered my own bed’s blankets looking when I slept. Glancing to my left, I pinched the covers between my two front hooves with dexterity I shouldn’t have been able to do. A quick toss revealed the rest of my body for anyone to see should they enter the room. I stared numbly for a few minutes at the silver and emerald tail that flicked between my legs. The hospital staff had been kind enough to give me a gown, but the pale blue cloth didn’t hid the fact that I was now changed completely. As I stared, I waited for one of those snarky remarks my internal dialogue would normally throw at me. Maybe something like, an “I told you so” or a mockery of “this little piggy”. My “Brain” may be a jerk half the time, but he kept my anxiety down.

Only, this time nothing came. My thoughts were, unnaturally empty as I basked in the silence of the room. He was normally so talkative during moments like this.

Why was he being silent?

I didn’t get to think on it much longer though. My one-sided thoughts were broken when Damien came into the room, 100% griffon. Seeing him come in completely unclothed was a little weird, but there was also the fact that his feathers made it look like he was wearing a suit helped a touch. No really, with the way his feathers colors are, it looks like he’s got a light gray shirt with three, purple heart buttons up the front, and a fairly decent sized, purple heart shaped broach over his actual heart. His body was a dark brown with the exception of his arms being a darker gray, and the end of his tail had a darker brown tufft. His head had an even more prominent collection of feathers that had somehow arranged themselves into a violet pompadour. The coloration matched his enormous wings with how they started gray but ended in the same vibrant shade of purple. Just looking at his wings made me a little envious. In short, Damien was probably the most naturally fancy gryphon I’d ever seen. Dude looked like a gryphon James Bond with extra swagger. I strangely had that same vertigo with his name that I with Crystina.

Damien Yellman, and Titanium Vent

I had to shake my head for a moment, only to wince as a throbbing pain shot through my neck and into my ears. The feeling just made me more aware of how my body was currently shaped, and all of the small aches and pains that transferred over into new spots that were fitting of their old ones. “Oh man... just how long was I out?”

- and then we'll be here for possibly an eon or something and.... wait... oh, it's done. Well, there you have it! A chunk of what's been done so far. Now here's something for you all to do while ya wait even longer for me to focus long enough to finish! Anyone care to make some speculations on what kind of info-bombs will be dropped in the next few chapters? I'll give some artwork using MY BRAND NEW TABLET based on one of them if you can guess it right. Did I mention the BRAND NEW TABLET yet? I have a BRAND NEW TABLET!

Until then, This has been GTG. Farewell for now!


Comments ( 9 )




Though slanessh is the best God ^^


I prefer Sheogorath myself. I feel such a connection with him. XD


But there ain't no party like a slanessh party :(

3428886 True, true...... okay I just had a horribly delightful idea. Let's get these two into one room. Just to see what happens!


Dear god... That would disgustingly hilarious XD

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