• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!

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  • 1 week
    Full Steam Ahead!

    A backer returned, so more updates!

    Behold! Still room for more if you want your story worked on.

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    New Story Vote

    Open for all, patron or not: Click here!

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    June Calender

    Does the calendar view help? Lemme know.

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  • 4 weeks
    Upped to Mature

    The patron requested it, so Blue Wedding Belles is now rated Mature, and will proceed under that banner. Figured I should post an alert about that.

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    May Calendar

    By popular request, a calendar view:

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Forgotten Past Kickstarter · 10:45pm Aug 24th, 2015

Less than 12 days left. We've reached and passed $12k and there are so many more goals waiting for us! We want to make this book as big and awesome as possible, and that will be done with your help. Every pledger helps. Every single one. We want all our adventurers at our side as we push into unknown territories.

Go here now: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224492525/ponyfinder-forgotten-past and put in your pledge while there's still things to get! Every backer is a huge help and a vote of confidence. I love writing, and I love writing with my supporters, which is what this project allows.

Comments ( 17 )

dang this really makes me wish I hade some spar cash to throw your way.

3344703 Even $1 at least lets us know you're on our side :D

Wow, 12k? It had better be a kicka$$ book for that investment. :rainbowdetermined2:

Just kidding, I'm sure it will be awesome.:derpytongue2:

3345136 We haven't let down our backers so far. This is Kickstarter #3.

3345157 I know, but I need to tease somebody, and I know you won't cry and hide if I rib you a little.:pinkiecrazy:

3345161 Don't you know? I cry on the inside.:ajsmug:

3345167 Yeah, I need to calibrate my criteria for what to say and what to keep to myself before I drive someone to suicide with my sarcasm.

For example, that would have been a great thought to keep to myself.

3345178 Um, you haven't said anything that bad to me. o_o

I was able support your campaign pretty early on. Glad to help!

3345334 Glad to have you aboard! We added some new tiers that may or may not interest.

You've all been so great to us on this adventure, we're returning the favor. We'll be including the PDF with all hardcover books of any book. The current book (Forgotten Past) already came with the PDF at all levels, but this will give a PDF of Tribes of Everglow, the core Campaign Setting, or Griffon of Everglow if you purchase a hardcover of the book. This is at no additional charge, because you deserve it.

Can you clarify? Does this mean that new purchases of the existing hardcover books will include a pdf, or that buying the new hardcover will include one of the old pdfs? Does this only apply to people involved in the previous kickstarts? (Also, I haven't seen Tribes of Everglow on Drive Thru RPG, is it out now?)

3349873 Anyone who buys any hardcover in this Kickstarter gets a pdf of that book included.

3349927 There are more books in this kickstarter than Forgotten Past?

3349936 Oh, I see. Core, Griffons and Tribes are for sale as part of this new project.

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