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  • 242 weeks
    History of Fraud Within the MLP Fandom

    (Foul Language)

    While I am aware that a huge chunk of people despise facts, the truth and/or irrefutable evidence in case it hurts their feelings: Here we go again.

    For no particular reason, I just feel like covering the MLP fandom's absolutely abysmal statistics in this regard.

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  • 376 weeks
    Project Horizons Revised Edition Status

    Right, so have gotten the occasional prod about this, and just to be clear: I really have no idea if I'll ever finish it. Yes, I am aware Somber just threw PH in a ditch, went "Close enough!" and ran away. (Not that I can really blame them) Not bothering to fix any of the blatant mistakes and/or errors on it. And yes, you have told me my version was vastly superior to the original. (once I cut

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  • 395 weeks
    MLP 18+ Folio Survey Results

    Well, after a month of polling, I decided that should be decent enough replies. Less than 100, so not hitting a nice sweet spot. But ah well. I’ve rounded up the percentage points to whole 5′s as to not flop all over the place with ,28 or what have you. (This survey only focuses on the "major" folio releases, not the small, indie ones)

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  • 422 weeks
    Proof is Irrelevant

    (Ranty ramble incoming x3 Foul language warning.)

    Just a late ass post before bed xP

    Anyhow, over all my years in this fandom. I've come to realized that proof, most the time, is utterly worthless.

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    2 comments · 555 views
  • 438 weeks
    Regarding Project Horizon Revision

    Right, so I got some replies on the prior one. And what most people seem to ask for so far, is that I just focus on what I apparently "un-fucked" in the original story. Mainly the 18+ content. (though tbh, I think some people are a bit harsh on it. Yes, most of it was bad, but it wasn't THAT awful. I mean yes, many of them are almost as bad as how K-Kat fucked up Fallout Equestria with the two

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    12 comments · 629 views

Why are so many obsessed over guys with tits? · 3:23am Aug 16th, 2015

Well, recently had some troll throw a hissy fit after I called them out on their bs.
And obviously, unable to formulate an argument, they ran off bawling and huddled up the the comfort of the block function :P
Anyhow, fic itself was just one of the usual guy with tit stories, they'd genderswapped Diamon Tiara, but tried to excuse not calling them a male with a "well, the character is originally female!" , which yeah, they were BEFORE you R63'd them dumbass... it's in the name: gender-SWAP. Gotta be pretty thick to not notice something like that.

Anyhow, wasn't worth bothering with that as it seemed to be a pretty poorly written fic if they can't even defend anything about it, and instead jump straight to throwing a hissy fit. And I really dunno why this is so common with futa fanatics. Like, most of them can't even make a proper sentence, only knows how to draw/write males, and their first reaction is always to panic and flip their shit when they feel the least bit threatened, most of them starting to spout how "no homo!" it is to like guys with severely oversized penises, along with how gross they find women. Like... I'm amazed how these people fail to even realize what they are saying.

Like, I know why futa are popular. It's a miswiring in the brain for almost all straight men. It also helps that they're taught to like it in the porn fandom :P So it's really simple why most males would enjoy a curvy man. What's not understandable is the massive shitstorm so many of them cause if ever approached about it. I've met like, 3 artists/authors that have the incredibly rare either female or herm identity futa/herm. And they proved they weren't just a guy with tits, by simply, proving it. Like, yes, holy shit! It was that hard. Instead of pulling some bs excuse about how "Well, you see, his original female form has a female genital, just because he's currently genderswapped as a guy doesn't mean it's not still there on his original female form, which he currently isn't... and he also currently has a sex drive and is well endowed, despite his female form both has no sex drive, nor an endowment... but yeah! He's totally not a guy, because I said so, as it makes it less gay!"

I mean, seriously? Just because you want the free advertisement of using a specific character, yet don't know for shit how to write a female char, so you just genderswap a female, then incorrectly call them by female terms to fool stupid sheeple, just so you can have a male the average male reader can project themselves onto is just... seriously, just write with an actual male, or own up to your mistake and stop pretending it's a freaking female as he's waving his dick around, calling himself "big daddy". It's just incredibly ignorant. And yes, I know people like you can't handle admitting defeat, humans dislike doing that as a standard thing. But if you write a male, own up to it. Throwing a tantrum and going "lalalalala!" isn't going to get you anywhere... granted, I doubt people like you aim to go anywhere but... you know.

It's kinda like the guy that tried to write Twilight working a human design glory hole, failed to write it from a female PoV, admitted they didn't really know how to write from a female PoV for shit, but that it was their preferred PoV, and they were too incompetent and lazy to try a male one, so they'd keep practicing on it... atop with utterly hating writing about glory holes, and the concept as a whole... despite being a moderator for the official group for glory holes on the site... seriously, the fuck is up with people? I can be fine with them admitting not knowing what they're doing, but promising to practice. Like, that I can respect. But why would they want to be admin over something they don't even like? I mean, they said they only did a second chapter to milk the popularity off it, but still... I just can't grasp that. Granted, I rarely write because I enjoy it. And mostly to prove a point, test something or to create something new and unique never before seen. But I've never worked on something I found utterly boring and couldn't wait to get away from.

But yeah, most say I just have terrible luck and just run into the cesspool spawn of the futa fandom. But that has to be one big ass pool then considering how often these morons crop up. And how such huge majority of them have the same bigoted hypocrisy and hissy fit temper. They're all either incredibly narrow minded douchebags, or they're vastly accepting and open minded, logical people. Can't tell the number of times their "argument" is more or less a somehow more crude version of "your mom!" in how they try to convince me how "no homo!" futa is, but the "fact" that "it can't be gay, as then they can't fap to it!", often followed up by how unappealing they find actual women. Like... futa is inherently not gay just because 90+ % of all futa/herms are male. It's a fetish, a guy with tits is just that. Anyone of any orientation can like them. Unless it's something that carries over to them irl, and is something they base their preferences off. Then it's only a fetish. No more than how ex: Not everyone with a ex: Vore fetish wants to enact it irl.

Either case, can't recall if you can namedrop people, but going to guess with a "no". Not that I'd recommend that you'd go over and giggle at the slapdash piece of poorly written magical R63. It'd be more of a warning to just avoid said artist as the can't be reasoned with. And would save you time to just avoid any of their work. As Gummy knows there's a ton of artists that can't label their work for shit, then throws a fit once their poor labeling cause people to call them out on it, which in turn cause them to, as said: Blow a fuse.

I mean heck, not that long ago talked to someone that had written a male chrysalis, and they apparently wanted them to be female or at least herm. I pointed out where they had failed to address that, and how it was a male char. And they realized that "oh shit, it is a guy!". But ofc, they couldn't really be arsed to re-launch the fic. So they'd just aim for keeping it in mind, or if they were to try and fix it in a sequel... haven't talked to them since tbh. But yeah... so much "ugh..." facepalming I've done when people when people have given shitty excuses like "but I want to tag it as lesbian for more hits when searched!" or whatnot. As, that's often the people that then get upset when someone they tricked into reading their sloppy fic, asks ex: "why is this labeled as lesbian if there's only guys in it?". It's just as stupid as porn sites slapping a "lesbian" tag on anything with 2 females in it. Regardless what the content is...

Report Satch · 510 views · #Ramble
Comments ( 3 )

And I understood this. Now hopefully some others well *smiles* :rainbowkiss::heart::derpytongue2::scootangel:

3322847 Well, tbh, this was more of a ramble than a proper explanation xD
So it's not the best for that purpose heh.

But yeah, really don't get why someone would troll by writing a story about a guy with tits, solely to throw a fit at people that point out their blatant error. (not to mention sexism)

3325177 Yeah. thats true. :raritystarry:

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