• Member Since 11th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2022


More Blog Posts31

  • 243 weeks
    100% deceased this time, for sure.

    Hello all of you who still read this stuff. As you might recall from last time (god that was long ago) I am sorta dead to the fandom as I haven't enjoyed the show for about five seasons now and writing has been a challenge to say the least. All that said, I have started writing again here and there, and the result is a new chapter which I hope all you fine folks will enjoy.

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    9 comments · 1,051 views
  • 331 weeks
    Legally dead. (but sneakily not)

    I was going to make a zombie joke but then I remembered I did that once already. Then I remembered that I'm the highest authority, so ha!


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  • 379 weeks
    It's over 9— no, no, just 1.

    I am terrible at celebrations. My mind tends to be much more comfortable in dark and depressed places (a flaw that I'm working to address). That all being said, we, that is, you guys, have reached over a thousand in strength of numbers. Which isn't in the least bit scary, until I imagine all of you with torches and pitchforks on my front lawn. (that's an

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    8 comments · 665 views
  • 390 weeks
    I yet live!

    Even though I wasn't quite sure of it myself, life has, in fact, not done me in.

    I know I've been silent for such a long time that some have legally declared me dead. This is false, though it came close a couple of times. I've been trying to better myself, and somehow ended up getting a lot worse instead. So, on to the news.

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    8 comments · 602 views
  • 431 weeks
    A little bit of shilling for a friend of mine!

    To whom it may concern (I should think all of you who are fond of good writing and good stories) Green , Steel Resolve's masterpiece, now has it's first side story.

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Shippy goodness, and questions from me, to you. · 5:30pm Aug 1st, 2015

Hello everyone!

Today's blog is going to be mostly about questions from me to you, though the comments could possibly also have a few questions in reverse order. Despite my writing being quite verbose, I'm actually not, so I'll jump right into things:

First off, I have around four thousand word chapter of cuddly/talky Twilestia in what will be about a ten-thousand word story. (don't hold me to that, who knows where my muse will run off with it) It's mostly complete and only needs two things before I can post it. The first is editing, but I'll take care of that. The second, however, I need your help with.

In the story thus far, I've been incredibly cheeky with their interactions, and sexual intercourse is a definite possibility (It would mostly be slow, romantic, and focused on wingplay) The question is: Would any of you be interested in such a thing? I've tried my hand at mature only once before, and it wasn't all that well received (Admittedly, that was in large part due to muddled character motivatons that somehow managed to convey a message I really wasn't going for.) If, therefore, most people could take or leave the more mature side of things, I would much rather post it as a teen-rated story. Please leave your opinion on such things in the comments.

The second question I have for you fine readers is a little more difficult than the first. Thing is that I have several well known Twilestia shipping stories which I would like to make sequels for. The problem with that is that I also have two stories currently in production, which will not be finished for quite some time. That means that I need to pick one (Though I do intend to write sequels for all four)

So question two is: For which story would you like to see a sequel the most?
-The Fundraiser
-Sizable Differences
-Minding the Gap
-Unbound Train

This last bit is going to be about me and my life, rather than loving, colorful, ponies so turn away now if depression does not interest you.

In the last chapter of Under Her Wings I briefly mentioned my depression, which in turn brought a whole slew of people that assured me that they could wait and that I myself was more important than the stories I write, and so forth, and so on. I am immensely grateful to all you people who are supportive, yet, that very feedback also feeds into my depression.

First things first: I am healthy, I have a stable job, and I have a loving family.

So far so good.

The problem lies with the fact that, aside from suffering from severe anxiety attacks and low self-esteem, I feel that a general malaise clouds my life when I consider the future. I have little to look forward/strive to. Or at least, that's the way it used to be, before I found MLP, and writing along with it. I really started writing roughly a year after I joined Fimfiction, during which I gorged myself on the stories the site offered back then. Writing offered me an outlet for my ideas, as well as something to look forward to perhaps doing in the future.

However, and this is where the other two problems come into play; each and every time I consider posting something (be it a story, or a new chapter for a story) I have to struggle through a bout of intense anxiety, fear, and self-loathing. I'll be convinced that my writing is terrible, that the chapter isn't at all good enough, or that I should just stop writing altogether. (I wouldn't, but the fear makes it seem much more reasonable)

That problem leads me back to the start of this rant, if I can call it that:

I invest a lot of myself, and my self worth, into my stories and just about the highlight of my day is when somebody comments on a particular scene and explains why they liked it, or others of that nature. Conversely, when no one seems to notice or care— That's a crude way of putting it. When people seem more interested in me than in the story, it affects me adversely.

So, I guess what I am asking is, if your intent in writing a comment is to cheer me up, the best way to do that is to tell me what you enjoyed about the chapter/story I just posted. It helps me out for those times when nothing seems to be going right with my writing. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 12 )

I'd like to see a sequel to the fundraiser story, and then sizable differences, and then minding the gap, and then unbound train. I like all 4 stories but the fundraiser is definitely my favorite of them. I really enjoy the fact that Twilight has no clue how fundraisers normally go so she just does what she thinks will work.

I'd really like to see a sequel to Minding the Gap. :twilightsmile:

on the mature thing I really don't mind if it's there if you think it adds to the. story

as to which story I want a sequel to first is defiantly Sizable Differences it is actually one my top favorites.

gotta say all of the stories I've read of yours are very good. they are good at at making you feel what the characters are feeling and they flow naturally.

wish you the best of luck both in life and in writing.

Well, I guess it's worth mentioning that your story "under her wings" is one of the stories that actually manages to keep me interrested. It have happened that I notice it updating and dropping another story midchapter. And I'm not talking just on this site either. :twilightsheepish:

I find myself most interested in either a sequel to "Minding the Gap", or "Fundraiser" myself.

And, uh.... I'd like to see some mature rated Twilestia...

(English isnt my motherlanguage and autocorrect can be a bitch, sry in advance :twilightblush:)

About your depression , I think my problem is/was similar.
I finished highschool and i had no idea of what to do with my life. I had been looking for a follow - up studie (is the word i think?:rainbowhuh:) for over 2 years and finally the moment had come to make a choice, but I had still no clue on what or how.
So, following logic i thought: "you know what? Im a man and im Pretty technicale, so im gonna be a car engineer, since men like cars. So thats what i did. School was oke, lots of friends, no enemys and the lessons were Pretty interesting to. 1 thing i did notice was that my friends all LOVED cars and I was like: "yeah I like the red one". Than came the time that we had to get practical experience and I had to work in a garage.
First 2 weeks, I didnt like it AT ALL, but I thought i Just had to get used to working weeks of 40 hours instead of simple school weeks. Was not the case. I went on for another 6 weeks While everyday my mood got worse.
Eventualy, I completely sunk in a depression and Just gave up. I finished my week and gave up. In those 6 weeks that i went on i still was looking for different studies but nothing was what i was looking for.

That and some other things that are to personel to disscus Just... stopt me.

I have been like this for about half a year now, still randomly having very bad moods, but thanks to my parents Im going to start a study thats very superficialy and that will give me more choices in studys. I hope Im making a right choice.

If I were allowed to give you advice, DON'T breakdown and question everything you do. The saying goes: think before acting, but in this situation its better to Just act and think less. (Atleast thats how I experienced it).
And dont forget to pat yourself on the back sometimes, beceause even if it doesnt go as planned, you did your best and thats already a good thing:twilightsmile:

Pfffieuuuuw, first I empty my hart on the Internet.

PS: your story's helped a TON, Just so you know.

Sizable Differences or Minding the Gap for me!

first, i don't get bothered by mature stories, i actually prefer stories that have no age limits, i only care about the quality of story telling.

second, Minding the Gap was my favorite ship story, i wouldn't mind seeing that progress to a sequel :twilightsmile:

third, i hope i haven't bothered you when i try to connect to you, because you know, i also worry about the future and stuff, and i'm 29, no car, no license, never been in a real relationship, i procrastinate, i'm over critical of everything, including everything i create, second guessing everything, denouncing a lot of my own creativity.

maybe you just don't want to make friends on here, i want to be your friend if you let me, but that's up to you really :pinkiesad2:

if praising your work makes you happy though, i'll have you know that i prioritize reading your on-going stories The Guardian and Under Her Wings over any other story i'm tracking, because you have the most eloquent and quality writing of anyone i've found work of so far. you are my favorite writer, even though i don't find myself a fan of TwiLestia, i am a fan of how you write those stories, they are cute and nice, and for the most part, your stories seldom have errors or inconsistencies, and i am always happy to help point things out in a friendly respectful manner :raritywink:

and there are big and popular stories, like the famous, or in your case, "infamous" Fallout: Equestria, i had learned that the editing process was ended years ago, and it's basically "finished", shipped out, etc... so that notched that story down immensely for me, because it still has issues, and they are issues that will exist FOREVER NO MATTER HOW MUCH I NITPICK IT TO FUCKING HELL UGH!!!...

...okay, i'm okay, i'm fine... :pinkiecrazy:

but anyway, take care Karrakaz, i wish you well and look forward to reading more of your stuff :heart:

I would really like having a sequel to Unbound Train.

Also, I have loved every single story by you that I've read. You're one of my favorite authors on Fimfiction. Whenever I see a story that you've written I know that it's going to be great. I've never been wrong about that, and I don't think I ever will be. :twilightblush:

Well, I'm not bothered by mature stories, provided they aren't just mindless clop.

As for anxiety before posting, I certainly understand where you're coming from, just be brave and trust your instincts. If there is something specific you feel is wrong, look at it, otherwise don't worry, you can always revise if it goes sour.

Lastly... You've heard of the story "Past Sins" right? It's pretty famous, and definitely my favorite, however I have no shame in admitting that had I found "Under Her Wings" first, you'd be my favorite.

Bottom line: You are a good writer. Your work is very entertaining, to the point of making me grin with glee at an update. Don't let life get ya down. :ajsmug:

I have no issue with mature stories and would definitely read one written by you.
For the squeal I would love to see one for Unbound train or Sizable differences. But really just do whatever you want, I will read and enjoy it anyway.

Minding the Gap! Please make a sequel to that! It's a seriously adorable fic. Although I could look at Sizable Differences before making a real choice in that.

As for sex. I could probably help you as a pre-reader. I've quite a few clop fics of my own, and most of them have won me awards in the contests I've placed them in. So if that's a problem you have, and you wouldn't find it too weird, I could help. Although the biggest bit of help you can get is "Be Descriptive!" You can have the flimsiest, most threadbare plot in the world, but if you give descriptions and immerse the reader in the sensations of the lovers. It usually works out well.

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