• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2021


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More Blog Posts6

  • 319 weeks
    Forgive me, for I am sleepy

    Next chapter of Rendezvous is all written. Will edit and publish it tomorrow. Wanted to publish it tonight, but that's not going to happen because it's super late and I have an early morning meeting at work tomorrow. I was already falling asleep at my desk yesterday, so I really should have gone to bed hours ago.

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  • 320 weeks
    Switcheroo Entries!

    So I've finally started to make good on that promise to publish 50K words by year's end. Took my sweet time, too.

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  • 335 weeks
    Oh boy, let's see how much I can overreach

    Everybody knows that New Year's resolutions don't work. But hey, they can't hurt, right?

    I'm going to do a dumb thing and make a promise on the internet. It is as follows: By the end of the year, I plan to double the wordcount I have published here on my Fimfic account. Rounding it up to a nice, even number gives us 50,000. No sweat, eh?

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    11 comments · 505 views
  • 460 weeks
    I Wrote a Blogpost for One Man's Pony Ramblings

    Exactly what it says on the tin, folks.

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  • 465 weeks
    Hi new followers! + Old Coot retrospective

    So, this is something I'd usually like to do on people's individual userpages, but I was afraid I'd miss someone. So have it all in one go:

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    11 comments · 798 views

Hi new followers! + Old Coot retrospective · 9:30pm Jul 13th, 2015

So, this is something I'd usually like to do on people's individual userpages, but I was afraid I'd miss someone. So have it all in one go:

Thanks for following me! I really appreciate it, and I hope to continue to put out stuff that you like. I've been really blown away by how much attention my story is getting lately, and I'm thankful that so many people thought it was worth a fave, upvote, and/or follow. Thanks a million!

So, anyways, I'd like to use this blogpost to talk about An Old Coot, starting with how I wrote it. If any of you are interested in the brainstorming process behind it, I've got a post on the Writeoff forum talking about how I came up with the idea. The TL;DR is that I originally wanted to write a story where Spike and Twilight weren't on good terms, but I switched Twilight out for Celestia when I realized that Spike loves Twi waaaaay too much for them to fight like that.

Now, the question a lot of you are probably waiting for: Is there going to be a sequel/revisit?

....And I know this is the worst kind of answer to get, but right now, it's "Maybe...". But in regards to if there's ever going to be a definitive, comprehensive explanation for Twi's absence, that's almost definitely a "No." (I'm sorry, everyone!)

The thing is, I don't want to mess up what I've already got. A lot of what makes the story great (in my opinion) is not knowing how things are going to end, which makes you genuinely want everything to turn out for the best (if I've done my job as a writer right). So unless I can find a way to make explaining Twi's disappearance in a way that pays off even better than what the audience has envisioned it (which is a very tall order), I don't think I should try to tie things up. It's a lot better to keep the book open, in my opinion.

On the other hand, I recognize that there's a lot to explore about in this universe, and I am also very eager to dive back in there myself. The most interesting areas to me are the time periods immediately before or immediately after the events of An Old Coot.

I've got a couple of world-building ideas and a couple of character ideas, but no concrete plot points yet. On top of it all, I'm still trying to decide if its even a good idea to write a revisit at all. So, long story short, there isn't going to be a sequel or a prequel in the near future, and there even might not be one at all. It's definitely on the list of possibilities, and I'm definitely putting a lot of thought into it, but there are quite a few hurdles for it to get past before I'm willing to put anything down the submission pipe. Not the least of which is the fact that the inside of my head is an incredibly disorganized place (I seriously need to hire a maid).

Long story short, I wouldn't hold my breath on a sequel. In fact, it'd probably be better to assume one won't come out. That way, you might get very pleasantly surprised if one does manage to get published, instead of having your soul crushed by an disappointingly endless wait.

So, that's where I'm at right now. I've got no concrete plans for fic-writing, outside of participating in the next Writeoff Event. If I happen to get hit by a stray bolt of inspiration, though, I'll be sure that you guys are the first to know.

Thank you, again, for your interest in the weird things I sometimes type out. I hope you'll continue to be entertained by what I have to offer. :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 11 )

I'd even be fine with a side-quel of where Twilight was during the whole thing, even if she still doesn't know why she's somewhere/when else.

I'm totally fine with no in-depth explanation of Twi's disappearance, I love the aura of an unexplained mysteries. I'm also glad that you decided to continue with the universe you created with Old Coot, at the same time I do hope you continue to write other Slice of Life stories. Especially with Ditzy Doo, I really liked your one shot with her. At any rate keep up the good work and keep churning out more delicious Slice of Life Stories. :twilightsmile:

It really is kind of a good sign to be asked for sequels, to be honest; better for people to be left wanting more of a complete story than for them to not want any more at all :V

I mean, I wanted to see Twilight figure out who her mother was in Just Words, but I don't actually think that would be nearly as good of a story as Just Words was. Just writing a straight up sequel about it wouldn't be as good; a story about Twilight actually finding out would have to be structured differently than that story was. And so, much as I would like to see a sequel to that story, I don't think it would be a good idea as a writer.

A lot of people have said, including you the author, that leaving out a reasoning for Twilight's loss is substantial to the story, or that, without her loss it wouldn't be the same. While I completely agree that the story wouldn't be the same, it also wouldn't be worse in any way. In my opinion it would be a complete story if you were to flesh out what you have and continue, even if you still leave out reasoning to Twilight's disappearance. To me it seems like bad practice to use such a feeling of being unfinished as a catalyst for a sequel, but that still doesn't overlook the blatant loose ends and incomplete ideas present in the story. It feels as if something's missing, or wasn't added (and not in a good "oh that's a mysterious story" way). Like this is a second draft missing some needed ideas, and I hope you consider a rewrite. Good story though!

I've got a couple of world-building ideas and a couple of character ideas, but no concrete plot points yet. On top of it all, I'm still trying to decide if its even a good idea to write a revisit at all. So, long story short, there isn't going to be a sequel or a prequel in the near future, and there even might not be one at all. It's definitely on the list of possibilities, and I'm definitely putting a lot of thought into it, but there are quite a few hurdles for it to get past before I'm willing to put anything down the submission pipe. Not the least of which is the fact that the inside of my head is an incredibly disorganized place (I seriously need to hire a maid).

Well, if you even need someone to shoot the breeze with, or talk out some ideas, my door is always open.

And it never has to be about this world either. Any of the others work too.

Like In Memoriam... hint, hint, wink, wink.

The questions I had on my mind was who else had Spike fallen in love with.

IIRC, he said he had done so once or twice. It is the twice bit that has me intrigued.

Thank you all for your input! I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to actually do something or not, but it's important to me to hear from you guys so I can approach that decision with all the consideration it deserves. Appreciate it!

...Ha, ha... Yeah.... (Nervously glances around.)

... I should reaaaaallly get back on that... It's just that enough time has passed that I kinda hate all my previous work on it now... Which is probably just insecurities and stressing, I realize.

I was actually playing with that very idea right after I finished writing An Old Coot. Not sure if anything's gonna happen from it, but I thought that was interesting.

The shipper in me salivates. :raritystarry: Lol.

I feel your pain. My most acclaimed story, Name Rater, was originally intended to be an open-ended one shot. But then I got like a dozen people clamoring for more, and I could bear to deny my fans. I have some ideas for a few more chapters, but nothing that would end the thing in a more concrete manner. Bah.

Fine, i'll put down my pitchfork.

#Keep moving forward

Oh Well, too bad, too sad.
I was hoping to find out what happened to Twi.
If I understand it right, you want to tell us that you are afraid that the story could get worse.
if that's the case, my advice would be to write the story with someone together. This way, the person can help you judge your own work and you get maybe some more ideas.
If it is really just the fear of dissapointing your followers, that is.
I don't think that someone who managed to write such an amazing chapter, could screw up the following ones.
It takes a lot of creativity to write a story, so far off the actual situation in the show.

But don't write it if you don't want to.
If you force it without the actual "will" to write it, it won't end well.
I guess I will write my own story based off this beginning just for me and my satisfaction.

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