• Member Since 19th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen February 20th


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  • 388 weeks
    Cactus puns needed

    The general consensus seems to be that 2016 was a rather difficult year. It was particularly brutal on my poor cactus.

    It looks kind of pitiful, but trust me; I'm thrilled we even made it this far.

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    10 comments · 1,439 views
  • 405 weeks
    1 AM: Fun AM, What-Has-My-Life-Become AM

    Summer semester will get you to your college degree faster only because it is a shortcut through literal hell. Details of my finest moment the night I achieved a new personal low below the cut.

    But first, please watch this video:

    That time of year is coming.

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    15 comments · 657 views
  • 440 weeks
    Quest Log Update: 2015 Wrap-Up

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    11 comments · 877 views
  • 453 weeks
    Delayed Reaction: Best Episode

    Me, attempting to keep up with my life all this great new pony content.

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    33 comments · 1,137 views
  • 455 weeks
    1 Year

    Where did the YouTube link embedding thing go?

    No time, let's vlog.

    6 comments · 519 views

Quest Log Update: June 2015 · 9:33am Jun 27th, 2015

Rarity levels reached an all-time high this month. Nationally, patriotism levels appear to have similarly topped the charts, which should make this Fourth of July a sight to behold.

Oh, yeah. Huzzah, but just here for ponies.

+That crack episode basically confirmed the existence of the Equestrian Secret Service.

+I didn't break a single nail while pulling up deck boards/using the jigsaw/doing other home improvement stuff

+Successfully created (and recorded!) a passable amigir amugurume crocheted pony pattern:

+Nuclear survival prospects are looking up

+Sister finally drew Spitfire for me (in scented markers!)

+After successfully assembling ponies, I proceeded to abuse my communication privileges with people I care about:


-Thanks to "Slice of Life," I now have Actual Ideas for a sort-of sequel to Records of an Academy Disaster that I have to dedicate time to

-I broke a nail turning the shower on

-My vault is perpetually on fire

Current Objective:

I am embarking on my family's annual road trip to Oklahoma to visit the grandparents today. It's a two-day drive, and since my grandparents live in the middle of nowhere, their internet is, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent. Which (hopefully!) means lots of time to write. Something about the Great Plains just kind of wipes all the Writer's Apathy away. I think it's the sky--it's positively enormous out there, because the constant wind means all of the trees are vertically challenged. Unfortunately, I won't get to see today's pony episode immediately. :raritydespair:

Hey story time: The Golden Arches of Civilization

Hope you've had a good month and are enjoying Season 5! Still eagerly waiting for a Wonderbolts cameo.

Comments ( 8 )

Great work on those plushies!
I probably wouldn't survive without internet for more than a week:twilightblush:,
though we don't really have problems with that anywhere here in Germany

Those are some nice dolls

That story was great, and pretty interesting - we don't really have those never-ending highways where I'm from. There's always some kind of exit, even if it just leads you straight into the woods.

And I may have to borrow that Official Stance on Basically Everything.

You're a funny internet person. Have a good time in Oklahoma! :twilightsmile:

Traveling with that many animals sounds like a recipe for disaster :twilightoops:

3186378 Thanks! I like to tell myself I'm not completely dependent on the Internet, but losing it is definitely not something I look forward to. :rainbowlaugh: Glad you don't have that problem!

3186433 Thank you thank you! The camera angle doesn't really show Spitfire's mane that well:
Also, Daring Do(esn't really make very good yarn puns):

3186435 They're kind of creepy, to be honest. The road we were panicking on was a turnpike, so while It was nice getting to drive at faster speeds, there's kind of this subconscious feeling that you're driving quickly to escape from something. It doesn't help that it's easy to imagine that all of humanity could have been wiped off the planet while you were driving. It does add to a feeling of adventure, though.

By all means, go right ahead. :raritywink: Thanks a bunch, I'll be sure to!

3187033 Not gonna lie, it was downright nerve-wracking at times--it's a lot of responsibility on top of a lot of travel stress. Thankfully, the only time we came close to having an incident was at the pet-friendly hotel we spend the night at: someone's dog was running around in the hallway with neither a leash nor human, and he made a beeline right for us before we managed to get everyone into the room. Other than that, it was just a lot of running around at rest stops, some advanced Luggage/Cage Packing Tetris, and noise. This year, we only had to bring the birds, which has been nice.

So sounds like Life's weird as usual, but any life that includes Knitfire (Captain of the Punderbolts) and pictures drawn in scented marker is truly one worth blogging about.

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