• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
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Pumpernickel Rye

More Blog Posts13

  • 309 weeks
    The Dead Chapter

    Writing is hard. The worst part in my opinion (other than writer's block) is putting time and effort into something only to scrap it in the end. However, this can be a good thing. Sometimes you make something better to replacement or the story would be better without it (lots of cut stuff from the first story). However, this was the only time I cut an entire chapter. I'm not too happy to abandon

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  • 336 weeks
    Nymph isn't alone with her problem

    Happy New Year, guys! Please drink and pizza responsibly.

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  • 350 weeks
    Well this certainly made my day

    I'd love to see Pinkie and Cadance team up for shipping madness.

    New chapter coming soon.

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  • 353 weeks

    Or technically today. I live west coast, so it's tomorrow for me.

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  • 424 weeks
    In Need of Prereaders

    So after a long, long wait, I got the Queen of Hearts sequel on the way, The Heart of the Queen. I'm not happy with how long it took to get this going since the first story ended, but writers block, rewrites, and life kept getting in the way. Right now, I have the entire story outlined and I'm happy with what I got. I have the rough drafts of the first three chapters just about done and am

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Has Pumpernickel Gone Stale or Is He Coming Out Fresh? · 8:29pm Jan 13th, 2015

So I'm sure many of you are wondering why I haven't written anything in a long time. I'm trying, but college has been taking up a lot of my time. It might be a while until I publish anything, especially after recent events. What happened? Last Thursday, I had a sudden seizure and dislocated my shoulder from it. Everything was fine until I popped the damn thing out of the socket this morning and had to go to the ER. Now I'm paranoid to move that arm, even to type. Sorry, guys, but I'll do what I can. To make up for the wait, here's a chunk from the next fic. Keep in mind it's still a rough draft.

Chrysalis slid the glass door open and stepped onto the wooden deck, feeling the cool air gently brush against her body. Outside the two-story beach house and down the hill was the sea, something she never got see for her herself until the day before when she and the others arrived. She took several steps forward as the ocean brushed against the shore with her eyes fixed on the water, wondering how sailors managed to navigate that endless blue.

She took a look at herself to ensure everything was proper before anyone else saw her. Before coming, Rarity took her measurements and made her a bikini that matched the color of her green stomach. She never wore a swimsuit before and found it to be very odd. It looked exactly like her underwear, so why didn’t people just go in their underwear? She didn’t think she could ever understand trends people followed, but it made her feel sexy. At least getting it made was much easier than what she did with Twilight.

The woman quickly shuddered. Chrysalis agreed to help the Elements with any of their needs to show her change of heart and Twilight took full advantage. The girl was curious on understanding royal changelings, especially since only two were around, and made her a guinea pig. The other Elements and Celestia were there to keep an eye on her as Twilight examined her body, took blood, used a spell to x-ray her, but none of those came anywhere to as bad as what they did at the end. To further understand royal changeling anatomy, Twilight requested she stripped naked. Even though only Twilight and Celestia saw her nude, it was still incredibly embarrassing for her as Twilight examined every inch of her, taking notes on anything she found interesting, and she prayed she would never publish whatever she learned.

She was alerted by the sound of someone running across the wood behind her. Before she could turn around, Pinkie, a girl with a body that all dietitians wished to understand, ran in front of her, bouncing non-stop in her pink swimsuit that was covered in blue and yellow polka dots. “Wow, Chrysie! You look so great!” Pinkie pulled out a camera and took shots of her at every possible angle.

The changeling swiftly snatched the camera and held it high above her head as the girl jumped for it. “Pinkie, I appreciate your appreciating my body, but you need to be more careful. We cannot afford any pictures of me to be seen by anyone.”

Pinkie stopped attempting to reclaim her camera and gave her an innocent shrug. “Whoops! I guess I forgot.”

“You don’t say.” Chrysalis lowered her hand and gave the camera back before sighing happily. “I do look good, don’t I?”

“You do! You’re like a fashion model! Well, you are, but as Cherub. Speaking of models, here’s another one!” Chrysalis turned toward the doorway as Fluttershy slowly stepped forward, carrying a towel over her shoulder and wearing a yellow bikini. However, the pale avian was not looking at neither of them with her arms folded across her chest. “Huh? What’s wrong?”

“N-n-n-n-nothing,” she replied timidly. “Well, maybe I’m a little embarrassed to show off this much skin.”

“But you always wear a swimsuit at the spa!” countered Pinkie.

“Yes, but it’s a one piece and I don’t usually wear it around so many people,” she said in almost a whisper.

“No need to be so tense, Fluttershy,” spoke Chrysalis. “It’s only going to your friends here, who are mostly women.”

Fluttershy gave a slow nod, but still eyed the floor. “I know, but I just don’t like being almost naked. Ever.”

“Come on! No need to be shy, Fluttershy! You gotta love being almost naked!” Pinkie immediately began flashing tons of pictures of her girlfriend as Fluttershy tried covering herself with her towel, squealing with embarrassment. Chrysalis could easily tell how uncomfortable she was solely on how red the butterflies on her cutie mark (on her face) turned. Chrysalis wondered how Rarity talked Fluttershy into wearing a two-piece, but she liked the results. Fluttershy was definately cute and it was a shame she was so shy.

“What are ya doin’ to her, Pinkie?” asked Applejack, who had an orange bikini, as she stepped out. Applejack had quite the tan on her since she rarely spent much time inside during the day and she was quite slim with the exception of some muscle on her, especially her thighs. “Ya of all people know that ya need to be easy on her.”

Pinkie at last put the camera down. “Sorry! I just think she looks so good!” She lifted it back up to take a quick shot of the farmer. “You look great too, Applejack!”

“Thanks. Ah’ve been lookin’ forward to this vacation for a long time and Ah intend to enjoy it. Ah am goin’ to relax and ain’t nothin’-”

They were surprised by a sudden gust of window as someone shot out of the house and flew toward the beach. After a few seconds, Rainbow Dash, slim and with smaller muscles than Applejack, flew back and landed right on the deck. “Ah yeah! We got some serious waves today! I’m gonna need my board and shred it up! This is going to be the best vacation ever!”

“Any vacation would be nice,” came a voice from the house. Next to appear was Equestria’s newest princess along with her assistant. The idea of Twilight becoming an alicorn still left a strange taste in Chrysalis’s mouth. She knew Twilight was good with magic and a great person, but it was odd to see someone of royal status who was so…nerdy. Maybe she’d be going out more as part of her royal duties, which would be a good thing in the changeling’s opinion. Just by looking at her legs or paleness anyone could tell she almost never went out that much. “I think we all need this after the number of times we saved Equestria, especially after what happened recently. It would be nice to relax for once.”

“No kidding. We should get free vacations more often for all the hard work we do!” Spike said as he leaned over the balcony toward the beach.

Rainbow Dash pulled him off and put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair with her knuckle. “Don’t you mean the hard work that we do? I don’t remember you going around saving the day.”

“I saved the Crystal Empire!” he argued as he struggled.

Everyone laughed as Rainbow Dash continued to tease him. Chrysalis always felt Spike was the odd one out of the group of close friends. He had scales that ran up his forearms, forelegs, on his tail, and the sides of his head, but the rest of him was just skin, giving him a fairly human look. Twilight hypothesized that dragons developed based on their surroundings and that living with humans and resist his greedy urges resulted in he how looked. Chrysalis figured it made sense, considering he became a giant monster from simply hoarding things and hoped he stayed looking that way. She and Nymph could never resist teasing him by calling him the most adorable dragon ever, something that the boy hated.

“Why don’t you point that camera this way?” asked Nymph as Pinkie took some shots of the princess and her closest friend. Everyone turned as the queen in her large, green bikini stepped out along with her bosom buddy Rarity, who wore a small white bikini with a stylish sun hat resting on her head. Nymph was very similar in appearance compared to Chrysalis with the exception of her height, hair, and was notably skinnier. She and Chrysalis were still smoothing out some rough patches between them and they thought a vacation would be good for the both of them, but getting to the point where they talked things out always made Chrysalis anxious. Nymph and Rarity struck a pose and Pinkie started taking numerous photos. As Pinkie used up her film and reloaded her camera, Spike’s eyes immediately became glued onto Rarity and Chrysalis had the same reaction.

Guess they are real after all. Lucky kid.

Nymph walked forward and leaned over the railing, staring out to the sea. “Wow, look at the ocean! Are you as excited as I am, Chrysalis?”

“Very.” She glanced back at the house. “Any of you see Luna?”

“She’s still getting dressed,” answered Cadance as she stepped out with her husband. “She should be ready at any moment.” Shining Armor wore blue trunks and almost everyone’s eyes were locked onto the man’s built body. Chrysalis was sure Rarity was slightly drooling, but she was too entranced to check. Spike, however, looked at his flexed arm and felt the top of it, sighing. Cadance, on the other hand, wore a very uniquely designed swimsuit. Each cup of her bra and her bikini bottom were in the shape of a large, red heart and Chrysalis had to admit she looked pretty good. Cadance had a figure that brought Rarity’s to shame and from what Luna told her, she was still growing as an alicorn. Chrysalis had a hard time picturing her height and even her magic hair when she was full grown.

On the subject of full-grown alicorns, Celestia appeared next in a large, white bikini with several pictures of the sun and sunglasses and everyone was stunned by her appearance. Chrysalis knew she was beautiful, but seeing her like this made her realize how blessed she was with how she looked. She stood towering over everyone but Chrysalis with a fully tanned body, a massive chest, a bottom created from potentially millions of hours sitting on a throne and millions of calories consumed from cake, and legs and arms with quite a bit of muscle. She was truly a goddess of beauty, but she was only second to the true holder of that title, who had yet to appear. However, seeing her like this made Chrysalis wonder how she ever had trouble finding a boyfriend.

Celestia looked at the others, all staring at her in awe with Nymph slightly enhancing her own features and Spike even getting a minor nose-bleed, and chuckled. “Sorry to have taken so long. Now that we’re all here, I suppose we shall all go down and enjoy the rest of the day under the sun.”

“Hold on,” spoke Chrysalis. “Where’s Lulu? Everyone else is here but her.”

The princess looked around. “I thought she already came out here.” She turned back to the house and called, “Luna! Are you coming?”

“Uh…maybe?” a voice called back from upstairs.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. “Luna, get out here already! You’re holding us up!” yelled the older changeling.

“I…okay…” After almost a minute, Luna appeared at last by coming down the stairs and stepping outside. Although a bit shorter than Celestia, she possessed similar features with the only differences being her incredibly pale skin, which Chrysalis loved since in heavily contrasted with her own black flesh, and a face capable of producing the most adorable smile. However, one thing was off about her. “So who’s ready for fun?” Luna asked, sounding incredibly uncomfortable.

“Clearly not you. Why are you wearing a towel?” asked Nymph.

“Because it’s…comfy?” she answered timidly.

“Luna, are you naked under there?” asked Celestia as she stepped closer.

“Of course not!”

“Then take it off,” said Celestia, but Luna flinched in response. “Luna, what’s wrong?”

Luna slowly turned her head away with her arms folded across her chest. “S-someone made me a swimsuit that was meant for Cherub’s eyes only. I…didn’t realize exactly what she meant until I put it on. It’s…embarrassing, but it’s all I have.”

Celestia nodded at her. “Okay, let’s have a look. The rest of you turn around.” She motioned her hands as everyone but her and Chrysalis looked away. “You can show us now.”

Luna bit the tip of her thumb as she looked into the distance. “I…I’m not sure about this.”

Chrysalis walked up to her and placed her hands on her shoulders. “It’s all right, Luna. We’ll just take a quick peek and yoink!”


Luna immediately used her arms to cover herself, but slowly pulled them away. She wore a dark blue bikini that looked very similar in design to everyone else’s, if not just a little bit smaller. Already Chrysalis could feel her heart race and could not wait for it to strike noon. “Luna, you look fine!” said Celestia.

The princess opened one eye as everyone else got a look at her. “I…I do? This isn’t too revealing?”

Her sister nodded at her. “Luna, times have changed. This sort of attire is much more acceptable these days. You just have to embrace it.”

At last, Luna let out a smile and Chrysalis felt her heart flutter. “Splendid! What are we waiting for? Let us go to the beach for fun in the sun!”

Celestia chuckled as her younger sister skipped on ahead. “Of course. We will be right…b-behind!?” Unfortunately, they did not check Luna from the back, which would have allowed them to see that she was wearing a small thong. Everyone was stunned as she headed to the water and Rarity and Twilight quickly placed their hands over Spike’s eyes.

“Best vacation ever,” commented Chrysalis as she followed, “with a high chance of a full moon.” The others then began their descent with Celestia loudly sighing to herself.

The changeling queen took several looks at the two couples around her, growing a smile. “Oh dear!” she suddenly said loudly. “It appears I too am having trouble getting lotion on my hands and will require someone to fully rub my body! Oh, Shiney! Could you…” She was met with a stare from Cadance that could easily melt a hole through steel. “…fetch me a drink?” she finished quietly.

The man chuckled as he took out a bottle of water from the cooler. “Sure thing.”

“Thank you.” Taking the water bottle, she stood up and walked over to Chrysalis and Luna, setting her towel beside them.

“You know changelings are raised to be subtle in their approaches,” Chrysalis spoke as she helped put lotion on Nymph by changing her hands into human hands.

Nymph harrumphed at her and lied down. “I have no absolutely no idea what you are talking about.”

Man, I can't wait to finish that one. It's only going to be around 10 chapters, so the wait shouldn't be too bad. I do have that other one shot idea I mentioned before, but I'm still undecided on writing it.

While you all wait for me to write that up, you can actually show some support by joining a group I made. What group, exactly? A group dedicated to a ship that strangely has very little support and following. A ship that needs to have way more stories made than what is available because it's too amazing to leave in the dark. What ship could I possibly be talking about?


I am truly confused how this ship didn't take off considering this fandom ships everyone in the kitchen sink. I mean, this is a super hot ship and I wish to see all the ideas writers can come up with for it. It totally works, too. Cadance is all about love so would take Chrysalis in, Shining Armor loves comics so the idea of banging a hot alien queen would be a dream come true for him, and Chrysalis could acquire both kinds of love from them, so everyone wins. I just hope making the group will get people aware of the idea and writers start making something. Currently, my favorite Chrysarmordance How Love Works story is on hiatus, but you can read it and show support if you like it. It's hot stuff and I eagerly await an update.


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That's all for this update. I hope you are all doing well and you can message me if you got any questions. Oh, and pray I don't dislocate my damn shoulder again.

Report Pumpernickel Rye · 764 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Chrysarmordance OT3.

Linking to NSFW stories in blogs is against the rules. You can link to the author instead.

Well I like queen of hearts so it won't scare me off regardless.

Wait, so why humanized?

Because nude sun bathing isn't that exciting with ponies.

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