• Member Since 20th May, 2012
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  • 7 weeks
    I forgot how to make a blog post

    I spent like ten minutes trying to figure out how to make a blog post. Don't worry. I figured it out.

    1 comments · 118 views
  • 115 weeks

    The world is a strange place. I'm a little on the older side, but I just had a first for me. One of the people I helped raise died recently. She didn't have the best life. Her family was difficult, and I like to think that mine provided a reprieve. I helped change her diapers, taught her to read, and watched her grow up even in a difficult household. Her family loved her very much, but didn't

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    4 comments · 465 views
  • 274 weeks
    I don't know why I do what I do

    For whatever reason, I wrote a weird Starbound fan-fiction. It's not very good, it's 16k words, and I can't post it here because it's 100% not pony related.

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  • 340 weeks

    Sometimes I do things. Sometimes I don't. Here is a list of things, and whether I am doing them or not.

    Currently working on:
    Shitty adventure game (It's extra terrible...)
    Harmony Combine stuff (all three stories actually...)
    Cleaned Castle (Wanna drive this train to the end of its story while I'm thinking about it)

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  • 343 weeks
    Check yo self.

    So I've been reading too many current events, and thought I'd give a shout out to anybody that's been paying attention to them. Some of the stuff I've been reading in the news reads like some of my weird fetish stories, and not in a good way.

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CV:C Pending update · 4:41pm Dec 28th, 2014

Working on it. I'm Really bad at this, I know. Here's the first few words. Really the whole chapter except for this bit takes place about a month after this, but whatever.
- - -
Rarity watched as her friend was torn apart. Her mind was empty, filled with nothing but what her eyes were processing. At first, she had been horrified by what happened to Cadence. Nopony deserved that, especially not royalty. As soon as Twilight had been taken, her focus shifted. She wanted to help, wanted to rescue her friend. But all she could do was stand and stare, her body refusing to move as her mind was enthralled by the graphic display of power and violence. The Queen had taken Twilight, and proceeded to gloat over her victory, belittling ponies and demanding tribute from the confused mare.

Twilight had responded by declaring that The Queen was not her queen, that she was loyal to Celestia and would never give this monster anything. That had been a mistake. The Queen's tone had grown vitriolic at Twilight's declaration, and then she had gently informed the little mare that if she wouldn't give tribute, then it would be taken. Rarity watched as her friend was defiled, as the Queen took Twilight's... tribute.

When the Queen had forced the recently shamed but still defiant Twilight's horn deeper into her mouth, Rarity watched in frozen horror. Twilight had been silent at first, tears streaming down her face as she closed her eyes. But when the Queen's mouth began to close tighter around her, she opened her eyes and looked right at Rarity in panic. Rarity had been unable to respond, still under some sort of mental paralysis as she watched her friends special talent ripped from her forehead.

Twilight's pupils shrank to little black dots, and she screamed. It wasn't a cry for help, or plea for this travesty to end, it was simply pain. A primal scream with no meaning but hurt ripped from her lungs, silencing anything else Rarity might have heard. Rarity's world shrank to nothing but Twilight at that moment. She could see or hear nothing else but her close friend screaming in pain and blood dripping down her face.

Rarity should have helped, she should have ran up and hugged her friend at the very least. Maybe shouted some unheard words of comfort or made a failed attempt at rescuing her. But she didn't do anything. It was so sudden, so extreme, that Rarity's mind had no way to cope except shut down. She simply stared, her eyes locked on the dismembered mare.

She didn't notice as Applejack and Rainbow ran forward, getting pushed back by the horde of changelings. She didn't realize that Fluttershy had dropped to the ground sobbing. She didn't even notice Pinkie, who was standing right next to her locked in a similar fashion. Her mind was focused on the spectacle of her friend, it consumed her thoughts and senses entirely.

How could such a thing happen to Twilight of all ponies? Rarity's thoughts ran amok, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Shouldn't she be sad? Or maybe angry? She wasn't sure. She felt emotionally empty as she watched, as though this wasn't really happening. Like this was all some dream that she couldn't wake up from. Her friend was hurt. Bleeding badly and screaming. And then her friend was silent as she tried to vomit.

Had Twilight even eaten anything today? It didn't look like she had much to throw up. Rarity noticed the Queen eying the stolen horn as she grinned sadistically. Like it was some sort of prize. That was Twilight's. It didn't belong to that monster. Rarity began to feel more detached as she watched. The Queen repositioned herself in front of Twilight, and touched her horn to the retching mares bleeding wound. Twilight looked up, her eyes in some sort of haze as her body stopped convulsing in pain. Twilight blinked once or twice and then smiled.

Rarity could only watch as the real show started. As Twilight lost any dignity she might have had left. The smiling blood covered pony began to talk. She said things in Twilight's voice, but the things she said were not something Twilight would ever say. That thing that was left up there, wasn't her friend. It wasn't Twilight. It looked like Twilight. It sounded like Twilight. But it wasn't her.

Rarity felt that she should be more upset, more distraught that her friend had died screaming in front of the Queen. All she felt was empty. She mused about her lack of guilt over feeling nothing for her friends death. She didn't even feel anything while watching the monster use Twilight's body like a puppet, making it say things and do things that Twilight would never do. She didn't even feel anything when the monster began to cut Twilight's skin, making more blood flow out of her body and the puppet scream.

She watched as the puppet collapsed, bereft of life as far as she could tell. The Queen had grinned contentedly, as though she just finished working on the most amazing dress. Rarity didn't even feel fear when the Queen looked at her menacingly, a threatening hint in her eyes. Rarity didn't flinch, she just stared blankly back into the Queen's dangerous eyes. And then the Queen laughed at her. The monster just laughed, and waved a hoof to its minions. As though Rarity was nothing.

As Rarity was slowly pushed out of the room by changelings, she kept her head craned, looking at the fallen little pony who had been her friend. She watched as the Queen lowered herself over the body and began to kiss the still bleeding corpse. Her vision was obscured by a wall as she left the room. She had no reason to turn her head so she continued on with her neck bent sideways at a funny angle. Usually, she tried to maintain composure or grace to feel more confident. But right now, she felt nothing at all. The changelings lead the despondent mare to whatever fate they had in store for her. She didn't resist at all.

Report tailsopony · 709 views · Story: Competent Villains: Chrysalis ·
Comments ( 9 )

God I've been waiting for this so hard. You're one of the best dark/clop authors on the site, and hands down the best BDSM writer.

I honestly thought this story was dead. glad to hear it's not.

Great to hear this coming back. :D

*puffs cigar*

Hell, it's about time.

Glad your still working on it. If you want to talk about it again in email i am game. I still have my notes from last time we talked.

Wow I had pretty much figured this story was dead. Thank you for proving me wrong.

Great to see that you're back at it.

Hey! How's the update coming along? You said this one takes place over a month after the events so far? That leaves a lot open to consideration. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Fluttershy 'integrates' with the hive as a broodmother.

Well this kind of tells us what happened to Rarity. I will wait for an update on everypony else. Maybe you can post this chapter in the story itself when you finalise it. Looking forward to reading the final version of this and other chapters in the story itself.

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