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What is "Now?" · 7:04am Nov 21st, 2014

Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 1,143 views ·
Comments ( 34 )
KMCA #1 · Nov 21st, 2014 · · ·

I don't even understand why I read your blog posts... I always need someone to translate for me

"now" is "publish a new Yaerfaerda chapter and then go to bed, SS&E." :rainbowwild:

edit: god-freaking-damnit! why didn't the new chapter show up in my notifications?! ugh...

*see notification that SS&E added a new post*

"Oooohhh! :twilightsmile: New blog post. Weird title, though..."

*see that it's just Colgate pone headbanging*

"wat? :rainbowderp: "

What's that song by Queen?

Looks like Time Pony watching microseconds flow by.
She should stop, that can't be good for her neck...

How now brown cow?

kluck #8 · Nov 21st, 2014 · · 3 ·

well you could finish that one fic about scootaloo going back in time or something like that i think there was something about an onyx eclipse and some place called Petra or you could tackle it from a new direction and skip to rarity and hold off on Petra since its done nothing but give you and us poor readers nothing but grief with the endless hiatus. I mean it was only like one of the most well loved fics ever it even almost and might still show up in The Sweetiebell Chronicalls And never would I beg

please for the love of All the gods don't give up on E.O.P

"Now" is a fleeting passage of time.

First it looms at you from the future, then it passes you by without a second thought, and then it becomes a distant memory before you realize it.

Hmm could it be the bird that everyone is prattling on about

Now is the recent past, as it filters into the current model of the world kept by the brain.
It is the reflection on what we have just autonomically done in that moment as reflected on and tied into a coherent story of ourselves and the world in the fraction of a second to seconds after an event.

I dunno, but when I find out tomorrow, I'll come back and tell you today.

Baby don't hurt me, no more.

But when will "then" be "now"?

What do we want?

"An abstract understanding of time!"

When do we want it?

"Now! Tommorow! Yesterday!"

"Now" is a concept created to give time travelers headaches.

Now is when you realize you've forgotten something.

She's practicing.
Colgate wants to become a creepy ponymatronic.

Heeeeey Macarena!

This gif lagged the shit out of my phone.

A measurement of a lemur's release schedule.

Funfact: Because our brains needs to process the information we get, Now is 80 milliseconds in the past.

Now is... Well, it was when I started writing this comment but now it isn't. Now it's now. Now, does that make sense? I know now that I should just stay away from your blogs as I now realise that they give me headaches - especially when asked to contemplate now. Now... Why do you want to know?
Too many "now"'s. My head will explode in 3... 2... 1... Now! No, now! Then! Oh, whatever.

It's 00:02:25 at my place. Does that help you?


stop being in my head

"What is now?"
And Colgate is headbanging.
Comon', guys.

"Now" is when you tell me why the fuck Stu Leaves is on that goddamned trip that everyone just wanted AJ and RD on!!!!

Now is error code...

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