More Blog Posts582

  • 441 weeks

    Oh man I've been buuuuuuuuuuuusy. Like, so much so. Just moved town and had to get everything situated in a new house. Plus, I've finally adopted a kiddo, so I got that going for me, which is great. More difficult than I ever thought it would, but the wife and I managed to get everything down pat (for now at least).

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    28 comments · 3,598 views
  • 449 weeks
    Update And Junk

    Hey, it's that time of year again. With the colder weather and changing leaves. Or more along the lines of Florida terms, absolutely no difference whatsoever! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!


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    18 comments · 1,518 views
  • 454 weeks
    I Believe A Proper Explanation Is In Order


    Oh yeah, right. My bad.

    Well, uh, people... yeah, it's been rough. On me at least. You guys on the other hand could still be having a rad time. Or something. I'm not trying to put you down here. Just trying to be... real? I guess.

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    51 comments · 1,307 views
  • 455 weeks
    Dear God

    I forgot to mention it was my birthday like two days ago. Damn, I've been busier than I thought.

    Oh, also, writing a novel. Because I'm a neeeeeeerd.

    32 comments · 1,528 views
  • 459 weeks
    Whelp I Guess I Should Mention My Vacation Thingy

    Lemme tells ya, trying to find a decent internet reception in Miami sucks balls. But on the bright side they have incredibly fruity drinks over here, which is rad.

    Also holy fuck so much shit in my feed message. Haven't checked Skype in a long time. So many things. So little time.


    Eh. So how are you guys doing?

    14 comments · 1,433 views

Updates · 8:33pm Nov 10th, 2014

First off, thanks so much for all the support and concern I've been getting from everyone. It really does mean a lot that so many people care about me, and it helped me through the initial dark patch that was my first couple of days. I had really fallen into a state of despair, mostly due to the pain, but also because of the fear of what the future would hold. But with my wife, family, and friends, I've overcome that bleak mindset and am now ready to take charge once again.

Anyway, as for health concerns, I don't have any spinal damage first off. Turns out it's just strained muscle. The road to recovery might be difficult, but at least it's nothing too serious. My leg is still broken, but I've gotten worse off from those. And as for my right arm, it was only a minor fracture and not completely broken. As for my hand, it's turns out it is broken, but not to the point I'll never be able to use it again. Overall, I got off lucky.

Aside from that, I'll probably be taking a break from the internet and everything else for the next month or so. My steam account is still in possession of my cousin so I can't really play games right now, so you won't really be able to reach me there. Still gotta figure out what to do with work. I cashed in the rest of my vacation days and took an early Thanksgiving break, so I still have some time to decide what to do. And as for those who want to donate me money or something like that, really, it isn't necessary. I really don't enjoy taking handouts of any kind, even if you guys think I deserve it. My wife and I have a savings we've been building up for when we adopt a child, but for now we're going to use that money instead for medical costs. Insurance for my health and car managed to cover most of it, so really, it isn't that bad. Plus, my wife still has a job, so we're not all that worse off. While I appreciate the offer, I won't be taking in any donations. I'll be able to rough this out alright by myself.

As for fimfic, well, I probably won't be seeing a lot of it until I'm recovered. And even then, I'm not sure how much. Missed work will probably be my top priority, along with adopting a child and finding better housing. Plus, overall, the glimmer and glamor of fimfic has lost its edge on me. I'm not tired of writing stories, but the site itself has become a bore. I blame most of it on the defunct featured box that keeps stories up there for weeks at a time, but also because reading stories has lost its fun value. I guess fanfiction overall has lost its appeal on me. I'm just not deriving as much joy as I used to. My other stories I submit to magazines and the like are much more invigorating, but even those I'll have to put off for the time being.

I'll try to get on skype tonight at any rate, and then once I get out of the hospital I might visit family in south Miami. Sorry I haven't replied to any comments or PM's, but I haven't been in the best condition to type, and I only get to spend so much time with my wife without having to worry about another thing. But like I said, I do appreciate all the love and care I'm getting from the community. I've been in a lot of fandoms over the years, some better than others, and it's from this one where I found the most love and acceptance. It amazes me what the MLP community is willing to do to spread good cheer, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you all.

So, signing out for the time being and hoping to see you all soon, this is RainbowBob. Love you guys.

Report RainbowBob · 930 views ·
Comments ( 50 )

So glad to hear you're doing well, man. And as for losing interest in Fimfic, I don't blame you. Do what you wanna do and don't let a single site stop you from doing that.

Hope to talk to ya soon.

Good to hear you're alright, man. I'll miss having you around, but at least I know you'll be back at some point and in some capacity.

Good to know you'll heal.

As for Fimfic becoming boring, there's me and my fabulosity.

Majin Syeekoh

That's great news, Bob!

Glad to hear that the damage wasn't as bad as you thought. Time to work your one-handed typing jutsu on Skype, though.

Glad to hear you're recovered enough to leave the hospital. That's pretty fantastic news.

I guess fanfiction overall has lost its appeal on me.

See, that was me for a good year and a half. But here I am now, and I've read ~100 stories in the past month. It's an ebb and flow. Roll with the tide, and interest will probably come back. Just make sure you hang around with your friends, though.

Glad to hear things aren't as bad as they seemed at first. Good luck with the adoption. I suggest you stop at one, that seems easier. My parents ended up adopting four after the older kids moved out. Place is a madhouse during holidays. As for FimFiction, if you feel like it's time to move on then you should. Though I'm sure I'm not the only one to hope you at least poke your head in every now and then once you are feeling better. If the place, and the stories, aren't getting you excited you should be putting your efforts in places that are getting you excited. Cartoon horses can only go so far.

I'm glad to hear that Everything seems to get better, I hope that your recovery will be as fast and painless as possible...


I feel bad that I didn't know that you had an accident, but I'm glad you're doing alright.

I kind of feel the same about the site, although I'm hoping to at least finish the stories I've started before I through in the towel. In all honesty, the only real reason I've had a desire to make the feature box is the possibility of a Saturday night review. :raritywink:

You just need to work on getting better. We'll keep your place warm while we anxiously wait your return.

Glad to hear you're doing okay man! Thank god it was nothing too serious. We'll wait until you recover and if you decide to leave the site. I hope you have a good life with your family, you deserve that much from what you been put through.

Praise Jesus! Glad to see things are working out for you. We'll wait as long as you need, and if you end up not coming back, well, God obviously has more important things for you. So go out, live you life, and don't worry about us.

Good luck in your endeavors man, and hopefully this whole thing doesn't make you unable to drive for the rest of your life.

I'm happy that you got relatively lucky and are in a position to weather this

So glad to hear you're going to be alright.

I blame most of it on the defunct featured box that keeps stories up there for weeks at a time, but also because reading stories has lost its fun value.

I agree wholeheartedly about the Featured box. You'd think it'd actually be for stories specifically selected to be featured, instead of just being an extension of the Popular stories box.

As for losing fun value, I don't blame you for getting tired, we all need a break sometimes. Still, once you feel up to it, read everybody's gift fic and maybe you'll feel reinvigorated. If not, that's okay, but be sure to tell us where we can read anything else you put out if not on fimfiction.

Best wishes :heart:

So much this. Interest comes and goes like the tide, so I wouldn't fret too much over that. Still, remember you got tons of friends here who will love you no matter what you do. :heart:

And it's good to hear you're doing well. Shame it happened, but life is life. I wish you a speedy recovery, Bob, and all the sugar cubes you could ever want. Take care, and I hope to talk to you soon.

I'm glad to read it wasn't as bad as you thought. Well-wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

I'm relieved to hear about how you're fairing. It's nice to have such supportive friends and family. Also, you and your spouse seem like uber smart people who have prepared for anything.

If this is your departure from the Fimfic scene, then that is unfortunate, but completely understandable. I have every bit of confidence you could become the #1 most subscribed lemur on this site at the rate at which you've been going. But, all that matters is making connections and enjoying oneself, dreit? Oh, and getting better. That's sorta important too.

Regardless of whether or not you continue to write, just know that your personality and your charisma is outrageously addictive, and people are happy just to know you and to share the same community as you. So, keep that in mind, should you consider to back out in the long run. Your presence is greatly appreciated, and we will continue to magnify your legacy.

Get better. Until then, live long and dash apples

He lives! :pinkiehappy:
I'm glad to hear that your doing well.

Couldn't help but think of this when hearing this news. :twilightsheepish:

Site Blogger

Good for you, not taking our handouts (and yes, I was prepared to offer one). It's good to know you're willing and able to take care of yourself, which is an exemplary and diminishing trait. Even if you stop with the horse words entirely, it's great to know you're feeling better.

Glad to hear it's not going to fuck you over in the long term, take it easy, bud.

ain't much, but you'll be in my thoughts and prayers, sweet pea. if you do end up needing anything drop me a line, ok?

Told ya you'd be fine.

~Skeeter The Lurker

And please, if you do leave, don't forget the friends you made.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Huzzah for recovery! And I hope things go well for you, no matter what! :pinkiehappy:


Good to hear you're doing okay. Keep on keeping on.

Well, a couple of people and I were prepared to set up a fund, but if you insist...
Hold the phone a second!

My wife and I have a savings we've been building up for when we adopt a child, but for now we're going to use that money instead for medical costs. Insurance for my health and car managed to cover most of it, so really, it isn't that bad. Plus, my wife still has a job, so we're not all that worse off.

That assuages two of my concerns right there. I was hoping beyond hope that you had insurance. Also, a child? Wow. Big step, and I totally understand that coming back here might not be ideal for a long time.
Just get better, and we'll keep plodding along. If we end up waiting for you like some of us are waiting for Ponky, then so be it.

Super-glad that things are looking up for you, even if it's going to be a tough climb back to the top. You can do it, broheim! :rainbowdetermined2:

As for leaving Fimfic, well, you know what they say...

... uh.... wait, that isn't... I mean... that came out wrong. :twilightoops:

Feel better soon Bob! It's good to hear that things aren't as bad as they seemed!

Glad things are looking up somewhat. It'll be a bummer not having you around as often, but the important thing is that you're relatively okay and getting better. I'm pleasantly surprised that you'll be around at all, since it sounded like you'd be out of commission for a while.

Also, adopting a kid? That's such a great thing, and I wish more people were willing to do so. Good luck with that whole process. I know it can be a bit of a headache just with the application.

I'm happy to hear that your injuries aren't the sort that leave permanent damage. As for getting bored with FimFiction, it's completely understandable. We'll always be here if you decide to come back.

As someone who was given a great home through adoption, I think that it's wonderful you and your wife are looking to adopt.

Comment posted by BleedingRaindrops deleted Nov 11th, 2014

I'm so happy you're on the road to recovery! And yeah, I get that feeling of Fimfiction losing its touch nowadays. Don't forget us liddle people though. Haha. We still love you, you sponge you, and hope the best for you. :)

Good to hear you're getting better Bob.:twilightsmile:

Very glad to hear your injuries are recoverable. Here's wishing you a peaceful recovery. See you when I see you. :twilightsmile:

Thank GOD you're OK. I hope you get better soon and become happy with whatever you want to do! Thanks for all the fun times and we'll see you if you decide to return! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Keep on keeping on yo.

Author Interviewer

This sounds like overall good news. :) The road to recovery can be long and hard, but it's also possible, and I know you'll be along in no time. :D

(Also do watch that video I linked on your last journal if you need a laugh. See you in a month!)

Glad to hear you're doing better, Bob. It sounds like it was pretty danged scary when you were in the hospital and everything hurt, but it is always good to know that you're likely to make a full recovery.

Sorry to hear you're not as interested in this place anymore, but eh, it happens. Everyone drifts in and out, and interests change over time as people grow. Sounds like you're up to a lot of stuff, so it makes sense really, and it is good to hear you're in a financially secure place.

I never really know what to say in situations like this; I'm not exactly the best at comforting people.

Good luck, dude.

Wonderful news! Glad to know you got supportive friends and family, they really help to make everything better on the road to recovery.
That's said, I'm a little sad to hear you possibly leave the fandom. Lately it feels like everybody is loosing interest and I feel that I haven't yet even gotten into the community, despite I joined FimFiction two years ago.
I wish I had friends who shared my interests in ponies, there's not many bronies in my country.

But anyhow, best of luck in your recovery. I hope you make it through without bigger issues.
Cheers from Finland! :pinkiehappy:

Get well soon, buddy. :/

Glad to hear there wasn't any permanent damage, can't imagine how it must have felt having to worry about that. Take your time and rest up and I hope the recovery goes as quickly and painlessly as possible.

I am very happy to hear that you're fine, and that there is no problems with the back. Lets hope you'll heal extra-fast :D

I have been kind of in and out. I knew there was something going on with you but that is about it. Nice to know you are recovering from your ordeal just the same, now that I know a little more of it.

To me you are one of the best on this site. But when one must move on, one must do so. I floated about the net myself. Only been into to this FIM cartoon for about two and a half years myself. Like most things, it might not last.
Speaking of lasting and things one must do, I feel I absolutely must download each and every one of your stories wile I can. Not that I think you intend to pull them any time soon. But one can never tell what the future holds. And Speaking of the future, good luck with yours.

To a good life, cheers!


In all honesty, the only real reason I've had a desire to make the feature box is the possibility of a Saturday night review.

I was sort of thinking the same thing on one of mine I asked him to look at. Not sure if he did, If not; best over all that he didn't. It was just that bad. A real eye sore. It might have been one of those indecisive feelings towards the review. I am sure it would have been hilarious to read, yet at the same time painful to see just how bad it was seen as by him. Maybe he past it by for that reason. The world may never know. It has been reworked now anyway. Some suggestions given to me I took by one that did review it. The review was a harsh pounding. But I got the message and redid it some according to those suggestions.
Oh, and I like your avatar. When I picked up the movie at an FYE, I asked one of the store clerks about it when he seen me holding it. His first comment upon seeing it was, "Oh, that one." After when I asked what he thought of it he told me , "It's a classic." And that it was. "I'm singing in the rain!"

You aren't the only one that fell out of circles. If I hadn't seen the group they made for you in on my sidebar, I might not have known for a long time.

You're a good guy, Bob, and one of the most patient and likeable people I've ever met. Keep on keeping on. We'll be here when you get back. If you're done with fanfiction, then move on with bigger and better things. Life is all about moving forward, finding new people, and experiencing new things.

Guess you can tick 'Near Fatal Car Accident' off of things you haven't experienced in this life.

Sorry. I had to end on a joke, even if it was in bad taste. See you around, Sponge Man!


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