• Member Since 30th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2014


More Blog Posts72

  • 504 weeks
    I'm sorry

    okay i cant stand it anymore im so so so so sorry to my two friends Brony kaiju and 2006midnight for doing this but i jcst cant stand this anymore you two where the only ones i could talk to who would get and understand me no one ells does though even with all this information right in front of them they wouldn't get it but you two i give a big thank you to you two but i to everyone ells i give a

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    44 comments · 661 views
  • 505 weeks
    i never thought this would happen

    Never in my wildest dreams did i ever think someone would deticat a story to me it made my heart feel so happy that someone would take the time and do that and the story described my emotions so perfictly that you have to read this story to know how i feel then you will understand what i am truly saying here is the story

    3 comments · 413 views
  • 505 weeks
    thought this would be fun to here

    i was at the mall on my moble phone using fimfiction with Jessie looking material for our costomes and new shoes and Lily need new hair bands what ever they are but what i didn't notes that theres a man following us and when i split from Lily and Jess to look for material the man was still following me so when i was in a store that sold fabric the man came up to me and asked me a question he

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    30 comments · 560 views
  • 505 weeks

    Hay every one i feel so much better today now with Halloween coming up is anyone doing something for it me and Jessie do something every year, this year im going as Pinkamean Dian Pie the Cupcake killer and Jessie is still thinking i guess but last year we went as two team fortress characters i went as the gender swaped scout and Jessie went as the doctor person who ever that is i don't know team

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    39 comments · 468 views
  • 505 weeks
    .... I'm sorry i have reached my breaking point

    I'm sorry if i annoy so many of you i just got into something i didn't think would go the way it would but i falled to do what i said i was going to beacuse of my feelings the person i was talking to wasn't very nice but out of respect i will not ever say his name on this blog or anwcer any quetions about what happened i see it know a a privet matter but this isn't what this blog is about it is

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    9 comments · 510 views

I'm sorry · 12:07am Oct 14th, 2014

okay i cant stand it anymore im so so so so sorry to my two friends Brony kaiju and 2006midnight for doing this but i jcst cant stand this anymore you two where the only ones i could talk to who would get and understand me no one ells does though even with all this information right in front of them they wouldn't get it but you two i give a big thank you to you two but i to everyone ells i give a big waping thank you for being there for (sarcasm) a big 6 to 9 comments on my blogs that's so amazing.... ly stuide look im sorry i became the bitch that no one wants to see but you all oveusly don't care enough to even notes how much pain im really in to be honest i am better off just not even being on this site im causing so much pain and argument between people im just tiered of being the one causing it and I have had to report people for harassment and 1 person for sexual harassment and i just cant stay here anymore if this is going to contenu i refuse to stay here on this site and contenue to feel pain im sorry but im leaving why earlier then i said i was im going to request a band right after i post this and if someone could take over my storys i would apretiat it i don't care who it is i just care that they are taken care of its ether that or i cancle them and i thought you guys don't want to be left hanging so im giving someone the option to finish my storys cus i just cant im so sorry to all that don't want me to go but i cant stay in this site anymore im sorry im just sick of it being called bitch in the hate PM messages im sent i will be taking down everything on my page so it is not ever seen again and i will use this sit just not with my account i will never log on again i will read the storys but i will not be commenting ever again i can promise you that

Report rainbowangel409 · 661 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

What?!?! No please don't! I'm so sorry, I had to study for some tests and i was gone for a couple days, I didn't see your blog posts, sorry!!!:fluttercry: Hug...?:fluttercry:

I never called you that. It was just taking time to fully gain my trust again and I've been busy with college so I haven't had a lot of time to comment.

the fact that you havent been around for a few days is proff that you don't know whats going on but if i could meet you in real life i would hug you cus a hug is what i really need right know but nothing is going to stop me im sorry :ajsleepy:


I am so so sorry I know that my excuse isn't much...
Also, I undertand enought to see you're sad, that's enough for me...:ajsleepy: I feel awful...please don't leave...:raritycry:

im sorry i already sent the request :ajsleepy:


No...forever? You have an email?:ajsleepy:

What?! Nonononono! Please don't do this!:raritycry:

I don't give out my email

I'm sorry midnight it hurts me more to leave you guys then it hurts you but with all im going through i just really need a break like forever im tearing up and crying just thinking about all this im so so so sorry :fluttercry:


Oh okay...:applecry: I'm so sorry I didn't comment!:fluttercry:

2531103 Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself, alright? Then maybe I won't feel so guilty:fluttershysad:

its okay the commenting wasn't what was really bothering me it was the hate PM's people where sending me :ajsleepy:


Hate PMs? Um, like who (if you wouldn't mind telling me...:fluttershyouch:)?

i promise:twilightsmile:
hay can you promis me one thing midnight:fluttershysad: don't ever feel like you cant do something when anything is possible, don't ever feel like your usless cus you aren't, don't ever tell your self your pathetic when you aren't, be a proud confident person don't be afrad to get help if you need it promis me those thing pleas and one more thing befor i log off forever
we will always be friends no mater what your always going to be in my heart :heart::heart::heart:


i never payed atention to who but they said such ofle things :ajsleepy:

2531118 I can't promise to be perfect at all those things, but I do promise to do the very best I can. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. :raritywink:

And you'll always be in mine. I just wish this didn't have to be goodbye. :fluttercry:

im sorry but im just not staying even if i don't get a band i will not be going on again but i might or might not visit from time to time okay i will visit from here and there promise :raritywink:

well it might not be good bye i romis i will visit from time to time i would miss you gus to much but if my band is accepted i wont be able to but if its not then i promis i will visit :pinkiesmile::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

2531133 If you do make another account just to read stories, could you maybe PM me so that we can still talk? Please? I promise I wouldn't tell anyone.:fluttershysad:


:unsuresweetie: People are horrible...listen, you are a good person, and I admire you. If leaving is what you think is the best solution...:fluttercry: It was wonderful being your friend (:applejackunsure: if you consider me one:fluttershysad:), and I would hate seeing you go. Please don't...you have so many friends here...:fluttercry:

2531135 i can still log on with this acount cus something tells me my band wasnt aproved but i promise i will talk to you i just need time and space :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

2531268 Alright then. I just want you to know that I care about you.:pinkiesmile::heart:

you don't have to make a blog for me you being my friend i good enough :twilightsmile:

i already did yorky and it was very thoughtful of you to do but i don't want blogs writen about me im turning a new lef and begening something new without lying and yelling but how would you say to me visiting 3 times every month :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

such a good song :pinkiehappy: well i must go i promis i will visit on halloween or in a week :twilightsmile:

No! I'm sorry! I had to study! I had soccer, swimming! I'm sorry.... Please don't go. :fluttershysad:
I'm going to miss you...... :fluttercry:

Am gonna miss you so much you are a great friend :'( (those people that send hate to her F*** YOU!!!!!)

I wasn't here at the starting line, but I still joined you in the race. I wasn't as active these past few days, but that doesn't mean I don't understand you. In situations like these, I have no idea what to do. It'll be sad to see you go, but all good things can't stay. I wish they could but the world is not a wish granting factory. I have no idea about the lies you told, even if I did I'm not one to keep and hold.
I'm not much help when dealing with bullies or really mean people since I tend to ignore them most of the time. Your actions aren't extreme and what I'm writing is probably crazy. See ya on the flipside.:fluttershyouch:

2531124 It's good to know you regarded both me and calm as your really close friends and I know you're leaving but if you're checking this comment just know I'll miss being able to talk to you and trying to help out an awesome friend like you. It breaks my heart that people can be so cruel and we can't change the fact that not everyone will accept others for who they are but I'm glad you've accepted me for who I am and I've always accepted who you are. I'll miss you greatly Rainbow and I hope we can cross paths some day if fate allows us that oppotunity. I also wish you the best of luck with your wife and the family you've already started. I hope I'll remain in your heart for a very long time and don't forget about any of us.
2531091 Midnight you can always turn to me if you need someone I promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. Rainbow angel is right you shouldn't feel useless or pathetic because I can promise you you're none of those things and I want to be there to help a friend who needs me.

This last part goes out to everyone

Never feel like you don't matter in the world because you do matter. Everyone has their purpose in life and when you find your purpose never deviate from it because it's part of who you are and you should never go against who you are. I know everyone's not perfect but a little kindness can go a long way and never forget that deep down everyone is or was a good person even if they never gave up on themselves.

Give me a hug *Gives a big hug out to both of you*. I'm glad I've made friends that are equally awesome to Rainbowangel.

I care about you...:fluttercry:
I notice your pain...:raritydespair:
You are definitely not a B-word...:fluttershysad:
But... If you're going to leave anyway... I hope you have a nice life...:pinkiesad2:
I'm sad to see you go... But, I tried my best to help you... I just hope that you don't listen to the meanies that said those things to you.:heart:
Tell Jesse I said hi...

2531694 Thank you, I promise I won't forget that.
2531701 *hugs* Me too:pinkiesad2:

But but the stories the sequal to one mistake can lead to pain I need an update noooooooooooo why :fluttershysad:

You've probably left by now, but I wanted to say sorry. I was unable to comment yesterday (in the hospital) but I know what's been going on. I just wanted to say sorry for not being able to be there for you. Good luck in life.:heart:

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