• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2018

Esle Ynopemos

Was that me? Or was it... somepony else?

More Blog Posts47

  • 477 weeks
    How suck/not-suck is this cover art?

    Hey folks. Next story is coming along, despite the kinks Season 5 is throwing in its path (Seriously, Babs Seed got her cutie mark? Off screen? For hairdressing? There's no way I could've planned for that). Chapter 1 is close, and I'll post it once I have Chapter 2 ready for editing so there hopefully won't be too long a break between updates.

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    12 comments · 1,017 views
  • 483 weeks
    Table for a guest, plus call for editors

    Have you heard about Kitsune Risu's new project? No? Have you heard of Kitsune Risu? You should. He's one of the most underrated authors on this site. Roughly one third of my library of Criminally Underrated Stories were penned by this guy.

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    3 comments · 521 views
  • 486 weeks
    Bitter Harvest mini-prequel of sorts

    Some of you already know, but I have been hosting weekly writing prompts over at Thirty Minute Ponies. Each prompt is always posted with a mini-fic alongside it, sort of as an example, but mostly to keep myself writing alongside the participants.

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    13 comments · 958 views
  • 494 weeks
    Contest results, and an apology

    This is embarrassingly and inexcusably late, and still half-assed and incomplete, but...

    The It's My Birthday and I'll Ship Ponies If I Want To contest is over! Like, more than a month ago! Timing!

    I am really sorry about this. You folks who put effort forward to make something nice deserve better than this.

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  • 507 weeks
    It's my birthday. Gimme stuff.

    I get to re-use something I've already drawn!

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    13 comments · 796 views

It's my birthday. Gimme stuff. · 7:33am Sep 21st, 2014

I get to re-use something I've already drawn!

Okay, my birthday isn't actually until November 14th, but I wanted to grab your attention now while there's still time to write something before then. Because my follower count has recently passed a milestone that I still don't quite understand why it's significant to stoners, I have decided to wield the incredible power at my disposal to get people to write stuff for me. You can do that when you're a big-shot fanfic writer. It's pretty cool.

Therefore, allow me to announce:

The It's My Birthday, and I'll Ship Ponies If I Want To fanfic contest!

This is a very simple contest. Really, more of a transparent ploy to have shippy ponyfic to read on my birthday than a contest proper, but competition breeds improvement breeds more competition breeds steroid-abuse breeds success.

-The Prompt is "Happy birthday, my love." You do not need this line explicitly in the fic, so long as it involves someone's birthday in some capacity. Bonus points awarded for clever use or subversion of the prompt.

-There is no minimum or maximum length. If you've got a surefire winner that's just three words long, go for it. If you've got a 200k epic, I might question how you managed all that in less than two months, but the least I can do for that kind of effort is read the darn thing.

-Any rating and any genre is fine. I'm clearly aiming for Romance with this, but your story doesn't have to be. If a Mature-rated fic ends up winning, there may be some complications with regard to the rules against linking to NSFW stories, but that won't stop me from accepting and considering them.

-Any ship is fine, but keep in mind the judge's tastes here. If you think you can win me over to the S.S. FlutterMac, you're welcome to try, but an Apple Pie or Zecoralestia will have a much easier time melting my heart.

-Only stories published between now and November 14th qualify. PM me with a link to your finished story before November 14th, 12:01 AM Mountain Time (GMT minus 8, I believe), and I will add it to my list.

All entries that qualify will be mentioned in a blog post. The top three, in addition to a short review of why I liked them, will have the undying respect and admiration of an author with middling popularity. For the winning story, I will draw a picture of my favorite scene. (Though I can't rule out the possibility that I might do so for other stories as well. It'll be my birthday, and I'll draw what I want!)

That's about it. If there's anything that's unclear, feel free to ask me about it. Good luck and good writing!

Report Esle Ynopemos · 796 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Happy birthday! Hope there ends up being a good turn out xD
Here's hoping for some Scootaloo x Diamond Tiara or Diamond Belle <3
(totally serious)

Aww, for a second there, I thought we had the same birthday. Such a shame.
Then again, if someone actually writes Zecoralestia, I shall consider it a very, very welcome gift.

...Is this a sneaky hint for your next story? Please say it is.

In case I forget on the 14th of November:

“¡Get your hooves up, party’s starting out right now!”
“¡Everypony, everypony get down!”
“¡Time to make a wish, better make it right now!”
“¡It’s been an year and today is your birthdayparty!”

“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthday!”
“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthdayparty!”
“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthday!”
“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthdayparty!“

Have this pony emoticon:

Ship Ponies, acquire drawings, please Esle. Time to start working on that DiamondChord fic! :rainbowdetermined2:

2471716 I had the same reaction.

I guess that means you and I do, though.

Cool, this is far enough out that I just might be able to do it.

2471716 2472100 Well, happy birthday to both of you, then. Sorry for stealing the birthday spotlight when mine's not for another month and a half.

If a single Zecoralestia fic comes of this, it'll all be worth it.

2471827 2471702 Apparently, Diamond Tiara is going to be a busy filly...

2471817 So far, the winning entry is one Twist emoticon. At first I didn't think it had anything to do with the prompt, but then came the Twist.

2472244 Yes, let's unite against the mean person getting our hopes up and then crushing it like a carrot-carrying train falling from the sky. The only way justice can be done is writing aforementioned Zecoralestia story. Or alternatively Celestishores.

Your attempt at humor is once again overplayed my friend. :ajsmug:

2472293 If Celestishores is Celestia x Sapphire Shores, I am all for this.

2474185 It is! The rest of the stories can feature Lunilee, Vinylcora, Fleurtavia, and Photolight!

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