• Member Since 26th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2017


"I knew they could be pretty stupid, but I didn't realise they could be so fucking dense that light bends around them." ~Sigma

More Blog Posts24

  • 421 weeks
    Late-Night Mini-Rant: Buses and Crossings

    Anyone that ever rode on a school bus can probably empathize here. Or maybe it's something that only happened to me, and only I'm bothered by. Either way, those times when school buses have to constantly stop at every single train crossing? It's pretty annoying. Now, I didn't really give that much of a shit whilst I was the little twerp riding said bus, no... but in the

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    4 comments · 535 views
  • 422 weeks
    Friendly Reminder To The Fandom, and Fans In General

    You know what's bullshit? When aged, grown-up men (and women) get assblasted and aggro'd over a cartoon meant for those who are still some years away from reaching puberty. When they, the self-declared "true fans" of the show, seem to think that they know what's best for the show and the audience it was specifically written for. I can say that "it's a show for little girls" and "it wasn't made

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    15 comments · 877 views
  • 427 weeks
    It's Just A Prank, Bro; aka, "Why April Fools Is My Least-Liked Day Of The Year"

    In which I be "that girl" and demonstrate my inability to "have fun".

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    7 comments · 516 views
  • 438 weeks
    On Starlight Glimmer and "Punishment"

    Why do people have to be so goddamn childish?

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    14 comments · 1,318 views
  • 481 weeks
    On Mind Alteration

    Okay, not even gonna try and justify my last break. I was tired, stressed, and wanted a little escape, which ended up turning into a bit of an extended hiatus. And yet, somehow, several months barely felt like a few days. Blegh. Oh well. Funny thing is, what really got me is a case of being in the wrong place at the right time. Or wrong time, rather. Everything about it seemed wrong. But anyway,

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On The RealityCheck Controversy · 11:06am Jul 12th, 2014

EDIT: The original blog I linked here has been removed and reposted, but I won't bother to link it here. Go find it yourself, since I no longer wish to contribute to this continued farce, and honestly, it's not worth your time. We will return to our regularly-scheduled blogging soon enough; if a mod wants me to remove this, please let me know, and I will do so.

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried, my friends. This craziness is still ongoing, twelve days after the blog was posted. How much longer? Hell if I know. People are already fed up enough at this point that blogs are being made about it; might as well do the same, myself. Personally? I've been avoiding it like the plague, for pretty damn good reasons. Now I'm just watching the madness unfold, staring on in sheer what-the-fuckery.

Normally I wouldn't make such a short blog right now, but I'm tired, and really don't want to dig too deeply into this issue right now. If you weren't already aware (although something tells me that you should be aware of it at least by now), then here it is. Go on, gaze upon the stupid. It's cringe-inducing. I had to interrupt writing an actually decent blog just to write this notice, so, don't expect me to follow-up on this, because I really don't care to get any more involved. Unless something changes of course, whenever that may be or if it happens at all.

All I can say is... ugh, you know what? I don't even care. Seriously. I'm all for being entitled to your own opinions -- hell, just look at me -- but the stuff that comes out of that guy's mouth is absolute bull. He's a bigoted homophobe that considers liking the same gender a sin, and honestly, all that crap I said about Citadel? RC is far, far worse; at least Citadork tried to be friendly-ish on his stance. I mean, seriously. RC has his jimmies rustled over a fucking piece of fanart. Who. The fuck. Cares? So what if Ashleigh posted it? Good for her. There's no issue with copyright, because that image is fanart anyway; if Hasbro had a problem, we wouldn't have the art community we do. Who cares? It'd be no different than if some other star of equal or higher fame than her did the same thing. Screw him and his complaints to that effect; we all know by now he hated it because it showed and supported same-sex pairings, while he clearly hates the idea of that.

What a stance to have on a site where 90% of all shipping is same-sex, anyway. Clearly he is in a place he truly belongs.

But, I know arguing with him is a pointless endeavour, as this wonderful fellow seems to stick pretty tightly to his beliefs... but it's really hard not to argue with him, y'know? It's the hopeless situation where you're baited into the comments, and from there, the ride never ends.™ And the mods are apparently under no obligation to interject in this sort of thing, so I guess we'll just see how it rolls.

With our luck, maybe a few heads will.


Report BlinkyPony · 784 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

The stupidity in that blog post's comments box is mind-numbing.

Well, you have to consider that RC essentially just took a massive dump all over their life choice, and called their very existence a sin...so yeah people are gong to get pretty up in arms about it.

It's not just that, it's also the number of people who agree with him. It's insane.

2277262 I have not seen many supporters...maybe because they were drowned out by the sheer hat directed towards RC.

It was early on, at least the first couple of pages had supporters every second or third reply.

2277318 Welp...they sure are gone now!:rainbowkiss::trollestia:

2277151 2277262

Basically, I'm on the stance of, "I believe the same thing to a degree, but PLUCK NO to how he said it."

I'm a Christian, yeah, but last time I checked, My parents, my school, my church, AND my Bible said, in short, A) hate the sin, not/love the sinner, and B) to tell the truth IN LOVE. Nothing about what he did was loving, nor very Christ-like.

I get the feeling his supporters are other Christians who are more trying to defend what they believe, rather than what/how RC said what he did. (Which means they're not thinking.) So they're trying to defend themselves from what they perceive as attacks on their beliefs, but they're using RC as their... whatever, because he's what everyone else is attacking, so it's the 'easiest' (read: laziest) thing of defense to use.

I'm of the opinion that, you want to believe... whatever it is that you believe? Fine. Just don't be hateful about it, and shove it in other people's faces every chance you get.

Also, yeah, RC is a hypocritical *insert explicitives*. Commented on one of my friend's stories, saying that Spike, the CMC & co., etc, were being 'too smart/intelligent' for their age. Nevermind the fact that he has Spike, Nyx, the CMC, etc, acting just as intelligent, especially in regards with come-backs and witty one-liners. :facehoof:

So yeah. In short, pluck that guy. :eeyup:

Have you checked out the comments lately? It's a complete 180. I think RC either lost his mind or someone hijacked the account.

Either way, it's gotten a million times funnier.

I saw it, yes. Its from a troll account. A damned hilarious one I'll admit, though; a pity it was rather quickly banned.


The guy deleted the blog post, he'll probably pretend that it never happened.

Where did you get your profile image?

This guy was infamous in the furry fandom back in the day too. He managed to get his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page.

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