• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
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Male. Los Angeles, California. Hmm. I have a WPM of 65. Meh. Occasionally arts. Lord of Dorkness's #1 fan. User #26976. inb4 Crossover

More Blog Posts173

  • 37 weeks
    Random Idea #84: Aeroformula

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  • 62 weeks
    Random Idea #83: Sword vs Gun fights (in visual media)

    I had some shower thoughts after watching some various fight shows, specifically about choreography. So, I assume we’re all broadly familiar with sword fights.

    Note that “gun” and “sword” here are simply shorthand for any ranged, projectile weapon and any melee weapon, punches and kicks included.

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  • 69 weeks
    Idea #82: A random review of Cyberformula: Road to the Infinity 1 to 4

    The audience for this game outside of Japan is probably in the low hundreds, but after binging the games for the past two weeks, I needed some way to organize my thoughts.

    First of all, what is Cyberformula?

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  • 81 weeks
    Idea #75: Worldbuiling Bonus 1

    Bonus content to Idea #75: Worldbuilding

    Sonic Franchise
    Seriously, how the hell did I forget about the franchise memetically associated with hundreds of fan OCs?
    1) Setting: Mobius and other various locales seem to imply a fairly Earth like world [1]
    2) Inhabitants: waves hand in the vague direction of sonic OCs [1]

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  • 113 weeks
    Random Idea #81: Complaining about Scale in third person POV games

    In most games at human-scale, and even car scale to a certain extent, the 3rd POV doesn’t greatly change how large things appear to be. Your avatar is still going to look small when standing next to a large truck. The game “It Takes Two” is a great example of this, since the characters are shrunk to the size of dolls and tossed into the insides of machines and snowglobes. A gear the size of a

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Random Ideas #8 (GitS) · 5:34am Jun 27th, 2014

The year is 1577.

Advances in magic research and in technological research have leaped far beyond what we could ever have imagined. Networks of information pass freely throughout all societies, allowing knowledge to spread to all thinking beings. Flesh and steel have merged, and have become indistinguishable to the naked eye. Life expectancy has soared. We have become smarter, stronger, better than what biology and natural selection had given us with the birth of Cybernetics research.

Ignorance and physical weakness has become a thing of the past.

But not hate.

For all our efforts to achieve peace with our neighbors near and far, there are still those who will resent another for a myriad of reasons. With the advances in magitek and cybernetics, those who wish to hurt others have more options, and more destructive ways to act out on them.

That’s where we (and others like us in other countries) come in: the Equestrian Omega Home Defense Force, or the EOH Defense Force for short. We pick up the best and the brightest agents we can find and take out targets that would dare to destroy centuries of advancement and the quality of life our citizens enjoy today.

This is Twilight Sparkle, signing out.

Spike, please send this file into storage and secure it to the best of our abilities.

Twilight Sparkle
The leader of the group, and also has the most extensive prosthesis installed in her body. Only bits of her brain and spine remain from her organic body. The details of her past are sketchy at best. Capacitors underneath her reinforced skull allow brief moments of “overcharging”, allowing her to perform feats of magic that would impress the alicorns for a brief period of time. Advanced artificial muscle fibers and an extremely durable skeletal structure allows her to be capable of extreme strength, but since she has chosen to stay with a relatively slimmer body, she is unable to maintain it for long. She also has hidden wings built into her frame, which allows her brief periods of flight.

Besides physical prowess, she is also extremely knowledgeable, even without relying on her brain boosting systems. She is an excellent hacker and extremely quick reflexes. However, she is a bit inflexible, which is what her team members help her with.

Tends to carry minimal equipment, and relies heavily on her own physical skills and her magic.

Second in command, and tends to be the one who calms Twilight down over a freakout. She is the second most extensively cyberdized pony on the team, though most of them revolve around personal defense and strength. She is, by weight, the heaviest of the group, and the tallest. Her limbs and torso are slightly, but noticeably thicker than average. She can maintain high running speeds and other extensive combat situations longer than her boss, but not as powerful power spikes. Her eyes are more heavily modified than Twilight’s, with several minute sensors allowing her to track multiple objects, zoom in on them in detail, and to observe IR, UV, and X-ray wavelengths.

Her entire body acts like a punching wrecking ball, with her joints able to expand partially to increase the power of a punch or kick. Has retractable claws and a short barreled revolver hidden inside her forehooves.

Rainbow Dash
Scout, stealth/ambush. She has less cybernetics, most of which are focused on her eyes and wings, besides a few bone reinforcements and two cybernetic legs. Her eyes aren’t as sensor focused, but more on distance and zooming, and also has boosted reflexes. Her right foreleg can snap open and reveal a short barreled shotgun. Her left rear leg contains ammunition, and a short knife.

Her wings are her pride and joy, allowing her to fly faster than any other being on the planet. Compressed oxygen tanks allow temporary space flight, along with the thrusters lining the underside of her wings.

Her body also has a cloaking field. It is quite energy intensive, but when not in flight she can remain cloaked for an hour.

Sniper. Only prostheses are one eye and a modified horn. Her cybernetic right eye has 50 times zoom capability, and her she has a few focusing rods wrapped around her horn. This limits her magic output when active, but allows extremely precise manipulation of her weapons, which tends to be a sniper rifle. She can also temporarily manifest a hard light barrel extension, to either boost the accuracy of the relatively short barreled weapon or add a silencer.

Newcomer, still getting used to the team. Only has a cybernetically enhanced brain. Despite her near organic eyes, she is still quite perceptive, and decent at noticing small details. Rather agile, despite her appearance, and has learned hoof to hoof combat at a young age, sometimes going into a bipedal stance to confuse her targets. Has a small, short barreled pistol for her personal side arm.

Pinkie Pie
Explosive, Demolitions, Contact hub, Net Diver, Engineer
The eccentric, jabber-mouthed one of the group. The front halves of her fore legs open up to reveal an impressive array of tools. Not as strong as Applejack nor as agile as Dash, but is rather well rounded. She also owns a set of radically varied bodies at home that she often switches out whenever the situation calls for it.

An AI. He started off as Twilight’s experiment, but eventually became a fully fledged AI. Often times, he is plugged into her head and helps run other systems to free up her concentration. His core can also be plugged into several specially made combat bots.

Fimfic, I am disappointed in the lack of cybernetic ponies.

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