• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2019


Hi, I write pony stuff as a hobby. As such, the amount of time I put into it varies. Feel free to ask me questions or send messages but I'm bad at responding in a timely manner.

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[Music] Kaldanor vs Rainbow N Rooted Part 2 · 3:08am Feb 20th, 2014

I'm finishing this, god damnit. Once a week. Six songs each. Last one will have seven.

I still haven't found a song that I liked, it will be painful, but it must be done. Part two only took 8 months to get to part two, but we're doing it.

What follows is my literal first impressions of listening to each song on Rainbow N Rooted. Today we have Tracks 7-12.

#7 The Frost Shard - Wasteland (Youtube)

What follows is a direct transcription of me yelling my thoughts of this song into a music chat at the top of my lungs. I think this will do as a "first impression."

Raelcun: He took digital instruments
Raelcun: and just
Raelcun: didn't change anything
Raelcun: They're all at default settings and it's really ****ing obvious
Raelcun: The song itself isn't bad
Raelcun: It's just, put some god damn effort into it
Raelcun: This is not a finished song
Raelcun: This is like
Raelcun: a rough draft
Raelcun: You do this and then you tweak and refine and make bridging sections
Raelcun: You fill out the song

#8 DatWhackProducer - Old Mixtape (Youtube)
-That intro is really weird.
-It's anti catching my attention.
-That weird sound makes me want to turn it off.
-Random guy talking, can't understand him.
-Hiphop track starting?
-Sounds like we have hiphop incoming.
-The background track sounds better now at least. Remove that intro, please.
-Oh great now that intro loop is going in the background.
-It's distracting from the kind of nice stuff going on in the foreground.
-Oh wow this is mixed pretty badly, it's clashing with itself pretty bad.
-Are we going to get lyrics?
-All of this fake leadup is getting annoying, at least the intro track stopped in the background.
-Drums are at a decent level too.
-Sounds like no vocals are incoming.
-Without the vocals it sounds like an incomplete song.
-It sounds like a track that was made for a rapper to put lyrics over, but then it got published without the lyrics.
-Something is missing, it needs another layer of sound to take the place of where the vocals would be.
-Overall, better than the rest of the songs so far, but that's not freaking hard.

#9 Senntennial - KLA (Youtube)
-You have my attention.
-Strings are better than most of what I hear so far.
-Intro is quite good so far, can't wait to hear how it ruins it.
-Mixed decently well, but we're 40 seconds in and it's not really doing much.
-Can we move on to the actual song now?
-Okay, we have some quiet trills in the background, that's still not a full song.
-Minute in, still durdling around and not doing anything.
-Okay slow symbol buildup.
-We've got a song!
-But it's not worth all of that buildup.
-The buildup wasn't even really buildup, it was just a boring wait.
-I don't feel like I was rewarded for waiting that long.
-The soundscape still feels like it's very empty.
-The instruments are all starting and stopping a lot, it leaves a lot of holes in the sounds.
-Now we're fading away to nearly nothing halfway through the song.
-Pointless audio filters while we do nothing different with the song.
-Another symbol buildup into exactly what we were doing before.
-This would be alright if ONE of the instruments in the background was creating a constant backing track.
-If at least one of the sounds was constant enough to give us a base to the song it would be fine, but everything cuts in and out and I get these weird holes.
-Oh, now we're losing layers to the song as the song fades off. It's just the intro backwards.
-Drum buildup as it fades away, what?
-Why would you do a drum buildup to a drop right as the song is fading out?
-WHAT it just ended while building up with the drums and fading out? I am so confused, what kind of an ending is that?

#10 phaux & TheMalenEst - Cuteness Induced Diabetes Seizure (Youtube)
-Intro is alright so far, I guess.
-Nothing really that amazing, it didn't catch my attention.
-Vocal samples are okay.
-It isn't bad so far, but it's not good.
-This song is just there.
-Okay now we've got some wubular stuff going on, maybe?
-Okay yeah, bad wub drop.
-This is a pretty awful wubstep drop. 4/10
-These vocal samples are really simple and repetitive.
-Oh now we have a generic "go go go go" sample in the background that I've heard probably five thousand times.
-This song is still not awful.
-It's just... painfully mediocre.
-The style of this song has shifted majorly at least three times now.
-Oh we're back to the same bad wubs.
-Yep, copy pasted wubs.
-Now we're just throwing random instruments in.
-The song just yelled "Boooring!" my thoughts exactly.
-Some random dude mumbling something about ponies, nice way to close out the song.
-The song's individual parts weren't bad (except the dubstep drops)
-But, as a whole it made no sense.
-The samples added nothing to the song except a distraction.
-Some of them seemed designed to be distracting, even.
-And it shifted style like three times.
-Overall, pretty bad. It had no direction, no purpose, it was just there.

#11 Phaux - Swag Overload (Youtube)
-Pew pew pew pew pew.
-Literally that's how the song started.
-Decent intro so far at least.
-Okay, more glitched vocals.
-I'm a sad Raelcun(Kaldanor).
-The song is repeating itself already and we're only 35 seconds in.
-The sound quality is decent at least.
-Mixed decently.
-I just have no idea what the point is.
-Building up to a real song now?
-Ouch, that dubstep drop actually hurts.
-Seriously, what is that? 2/10
-What does ANY of this have to do with "swag?"
-It's Fluttershy singing about cute little bunnies.
-This is the awful kind of dubstep I expect to see a "xXx420MLGBlazeItNoSCope" frag video to.
-God this song is only half over.
-Okay at least the dubstep ended while we do the bridge in the middle.
-Seriously what does Fluttershy singing "wonders" and "cute little bunnies" repeatedly while getting mixed into painfully bad dubstep have to do with "swag?"
-I actually don't understand this song at all.
-It's like he just decided to make a bunch of noises and put them together for no real reason.
-He has the concept that a drop should be built up into, and he does that but that's the ONLY thing he does.
-"Yes, oh my god" voice sample... nice. I haven't heard that a million times before in bad dubstep.
-Yes it's that same clip, you know which one.
-More pew pew pew pew pew pew.
-Because we haven't hit enough stereotypical voice samples yet.
-The only "swag" is Rainbow going "Aw yeah" and getting glitched out, but that's not nearly prevalent enough to merit the title.
-The outro sucked, but at least it's over.

#12: Aoshi ft. Fluttershy - FluttERR (Youtube (I don't recommend reading the lyrics if you want to keep your sanity)) Apparently it wasn't Fluttershy getting pitched and sampled, but voice acting by Rina Chan... okay.
-"Stop messing with my voice" Flutteshy said while getting autotuned into the wrong pitch.
-Yes, that's how the song started. No instruments, nothing, just Fluttershy's voice getting tweaked.
-Then a random guy did a creepy laugh and the song started.
-Someone is snapping their fingers with deep bass.
-The song lyrics here are creepy.
-Is he trying to imply that he's having sex with Fluttershy?
-"Back and forth on the floor" and Fluttershy making little grunts.
-Why is her voice still tuned to the wrong pitch?
-"Flutter like this"
-"Flutter like that"
-Okay now we're rapping.
-But she's still interrupting the rap with the random samples.
-So it's supposed to be assertive Fluttershy or something?
-The background track is alright, but way too loud. It's taking too much attention from the lyrics.
-Seriously, this song is creepy.
-"Hot to trot, swaying them hips"
-"Step off her hooves mind her lips" followed by Fluttershy saying "Let's do this."
-"Girl work that fame."
-Seriously what the hell is this song?
-Is "Flutter" supposed to be code for sex or something?
-I'm completely distracted from the technical aspects of this song by how creepy it is.
-"Yes" "We flutter" "Yes we flutter"
-I think he's actually trying to imply that he's having sex with Fluttershy.
-Now she's saying "Glitch"
-Yes I understand that you've been doing glitch stuff. You don't need to tell me five times.
-Then it just ended and he said "Flutter."
-Do not want.

Welp. I still wouldn't recommend wasting your time with any of these songs. Because yeah, wasting your time that's what it would be.


Report Kaldanor · 445 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Yeah... A lot of the songs were hit or miss for me. I'll give more input as you get to the songs I actually liked. XD

Thank You Based Raelcun

1855025 I like your new avatar but I still miss the cute chocobo. xD

1855055 Sorry, Stardust is completely seasonal. Rhy is my main 'me', so he's what I use. XD He's been around for close to a year now, I reckon.

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