• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2013


More Blog Posts57

  • 630 weeks
    All things considered....

    You all pretty much knew that I was taking a break. Granted it was a break that I forced myself to write during, no matter what the result (By the way, ive deleted almost four chapters worth of words.) And so far the results have been....Far from what I want, so, considering Coals recent break, I think I may as well follow suit. The story may be lacking in updates because of my own inability to

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    12 comments · 789 views
  • 630 weeks

    Fun little story. Its a collaboration project between me and a few others, we all pitched in a chapter, different takes and such. Figured id plug it because hell, I wrote a chapter, I deserve to plug it!

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    3 comments · 415 views
  • 631 weeks

    Good news and bad news.

    Bad news is, Ive only managed to write like...Two paragraphs.

    Good news is, I beat Cave Story + on hard mode. I now count myself as a bad ass.

    Worse news, I seriously have no idea what the hell is wrong with me D:

    Better news... Well, im sure some will come eventually.

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    13 comments · 566 views
  • 631 weeks
    Hold up, I wanna be famous a moment.


    Okay, sorry, I felt I should get that out of my system. Maybe now Ill be one of the popular kids with our emo tendencies and shit.

    OH Oh wait, never mind, im sorry, im over the age limit for being a little bitch aren't I? Shame that, I was really hoping to get away with it.

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    44 comments · 497 views
  • 631 weeks

    All over the place! Lazy lazy lazy! I aint done SHIT!

    And it sucks!

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    6 comments · 565 views

Hold up, I wanna be famous a moment. · 9:57pm May 7th, 2012


Okay, sorry, I felt I should get that out of my system. Maybe now Ill be one of the popular kids with our emo tendencies and shit.

OH Oh wait, never mind, im sorry, im over the age limit for being a little bitch aren't I? Shame that, I was really hoping to get away with it.

Seriously, if you are under the age of twenty, and you are even considering suicide, then you have no fucking idea how good you have it. So shut the fuck up, get a helmet and stop being a little BITCH about your life. The only one you are going to hurt by being a bitch is yourself. You get picked on in school? Boo fucking hoo. You think complaining on the internet is going to help? Consider this. YOU ARE ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. You think ANY of us are going to give two shits? We can implore you and "Oh no, don't do it we love you!" But really now. We are anonymous, we are legion. WE DO NOT FORGIVE. Not to mention, take a look at what you are doing next time you write a suicide note on a computer.

You are writing a suicide note.

On a computer.

With internet access.

You think your life sucks because you have been given access to a computer, a home? More likely then not still living with your parents and receiving care? Seriously, next time you plan on committing suicide, think of it this way.

You are a fucking idiot.

Thats it.

Report Kintra · 497 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

So. Much. Win.

And truth, truth too.

A swift punch in the face, right!?

*takes gun out of my mouth*

Well thanks now I feel like a jackass!




So much truth right there man.


You are a good man. You wanna see where this stemmed from, check out Ice's latest shit...


Aaaand told you! Pure comedic genious!

"Oh shit, I knew I forgot something! "
Does weighing a lot over than an adult man make me big enough to think about suiciding?

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: It's funny because it's true!!!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

104059>>104056>>104055 True so true... you to Kintra.

Love you guys, SOOOO much right now! :pinkiehappy:


You too, you're being added.

Aww, there goes my plan for the weekend... *sigh*
Well, guess I'll have to go do something fulfilling and meaningful now.

D'awwwwwwwww :heart: I luv u 2


I know, I saw it.

I will say I was at a similar point (at the same age) but I didn't bitch about it. I sealed myself away for a whole day with nothing distracting except music and just thought through the hours.

At the end I was like "Wow...I'm a fucking dick." due to me being selfish to even THINK about taking my own life, not think about who it will affect.

But still, bitching about shit doesn't help and sometimes just thinking about things does make a difference.


And many lols; now we're bitching about people bitching! It's bitch-ception!

But yeah, we were just getting tired of it... Like I said before, I think a lot of people find ponies for the same reason; escapism.

This is becuase we need to get away from life. A lot of us are in a similar boat. But... Here is not the place to vent. Find a helpline or some shit, not a happy, loving community of writers. It's wrong to prey off of our pity and sympathy.


Aaaall about makin' friends here!

Well bro, a little brutal... but I think that's what most of the 'Little Bitches' of today's day and age need! It's call tough love. I happen to agree with ya Kin.

Whatta ya all think, Kintra for next president! I'm sure we can come up with a great slogan. Something like, "Shut the fuck up, next!"


Hear, hear! And those who do not agree, well; SWIFT PUNCH TO THE FACE!

104115 Na, we can just start a Roshamboing contest. Only I go first <kick with steel toes>


I'm so glad I'm on your side... I really am! I wanna have kids.

Also, this blog makes me feel good about humanity somewhat...

And Kintra, thank you for voicing what I was originally just bitching about over Skype.

104134 I have the feeling we will get along just fine :)


Haha, you know what, I do too! Paladin, you really need in on our Skype stuff... Fun, bitching and other more... Promiscuous stuff all round!

If ya want I'm usually on skype. Same name as here.


That's cool. I'll just get Kintra to whack you into the call sometime! He says that he has you, so s'all good!

Besides, Imma head to bed in a min. It's midnight here. Anyhow, I'll probably speak to you tomorrow at some point then hopefully!

Good deal. Get some rest and dream of kicking some sense into the whiny crybabies of the world!


I will do just that! And then... Sweet, sweet pony dreams...

Maybe I can get ponies, kicking sense into the whiny bitches! Yeah, I'd like that...

The truth has been said.... It's all out there now...

well said sir! I salute you.

That's life for you. It's a never ending hell ride until the day you die.

Everyone have problems. It's a matter of solving them.

Congratulations, you just made most of the underage population cry. I salute you good sir!

Oh, and I was thinking about suicide before, then I actually thought about how stupid it was. That was about 2 years ago. Now I'm 16, and realized I was SUCH a prick back then. :facehoof:

That was...nice?:rainbowhuh:

A bit brutal. but to the point.

To be honest that came across as being pretty assholeish, but I know what you mean. Although you shouldn't generalize like that. I've lost about 8 friends and family members and I'm only 16. I just about lost my father to a heart attack last night too. Just because I contemplated commiting suicide after that many deaths means that I'm just being a little bitch? :unsuresweetie:

Shit happens

and then we move on. Sorry dood, but there are low points in everyone's life, just accept the hand that you're played and then cheat.

Kintra is saying that being a 13 year old and writing an internet suicide note makes you an attention whore.

Words may be harsh but they get to the point and share my views. Won't have said it any easier

Oh, ok.
Yeah, I've contemplated it, but never for more then a few moments, then I scold myself for being stupid and move on.

But you have failed to take note that there are other factors that play a part in people killing them selfs and not just "you have no fucking idea how good you have it"
Very Very relevant song. ^_^
But thats just like, you know, my opinion man.

105449 Better.

And of course there are other factors, but for the sake of this specific argument, its a bunch of whiny fuggin kids attention whoring themselves out, so I feel no remorse in applying the bare minimum.

After a while, I find it kind of suspicious. Wouldn't the local newspaper report of his death/suicide if it happened?
Without evidence, tis' a lie!

For all you know, that guy is going to pop back up and say, "I'm back!"

106671 Obituaries, yea. All we know is the kids name was brice, and he was thirteen.

Could be "Bryce" though, so who knows.

*Shrugs* The kid's probably gone by now. I saw his face book turned black, maybe he deleted it or something. The problem with the internet is, we don't have much emotional value as the ones going to be really be affected. Dark-Castle had a similar suicide blog, but later he came back, and said it was a big lie.

I still remembered that blog that I wrote about being super depressed. I didn't know what to do then. I was omgwtfbbq. Then, came your comment which hit the nail on my head. About some helmet analogy concept or something. After a long time starring it for a few days, I realized what you meant & what I must do. (It didn't help much with my first story through. - But I'm changing how the story can be better represented. Bit by bit.)

Which goes to show sometimes harsh comments does work it's shock value.

If You Haven't Failed - You Haven't Lived

107072 gotta be cruel to be kind, right?

Sometimes a nice pat on the back is needed, but for me, I cant do it. I'm not gonna sit around and watch somebody pity themselves, just cant do it. Not over the 'net. But, im glad I helped you out.

Yes, that's true. And I thank you cuz it helped to change my life. Literally.
This makes me wonder what would you do if you see a real life person doing that through... :moustache:

107095 Depends on how well I know the person, if they are a friend, you already received that end. I'm not gonna sit there and let you wallow in whatever it is ponies are supposed to wallow in, (:raritydespair:) im gonna make you see you are being a fucking idiot.

If I don't know you... Well, I'm probably gonna ignore you.

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