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Cherry Frosting

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  • 496 weeks
    New Lunar Republic

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  • 544 weeks
    Romance One-Shot Version 2

    So, after re-reading the first version I decided to make this a bigger, and official, thing. As such I'm making you all a forum to fill out, with special links and pictures! If the question is in bold it is required to be filled out, the normal writing is optional.
    Welcome to the Romance Request Contest-ish Thing!

    What couple? (Pictures can be put here to persuade me)

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  • 545 weeks
    Mane Six Best Pony, and Why

    If you look on my page you will notice two bits of text: My Top 5 Favorite Ships, and my Top 10 Favorite Ponies, but nothing about the Mane Six! I thought about it a but, and I have come to a conclusion. Now I will tell you my order of the six, and why.

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Mane Six Best Pony, and Why · 8:41pm Dec 17th, 2013

If you look on my page you will notice two bits of text: My Top 5 Favorite Ships, and my Top 10 Favorite Ponies, but nothing about the Mane Six! I thought about it a but, and I have come to a conclusion. Now I will tell you my order of the six, and why.

1. Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight is probably my most logical choice, as she is the main character. I love Twilight's character, she reminds me of myself a bit, she was alone for most of her life, as was I, but when she met friends she became who she is now. Her obsessive nature is funny, and it gives her flaws that make her more realistic. The only thing I dislike about Twilight is her alicornification, which is why I rarely write/read her like that. I love her style, especially when she is drawn with detail.
Look... A
Personality... A++
Flaws... B
Like Myself... C

2. Pinkie Pie.
While Pinkie is crazy almost all of the time. Though, we are proved in Party of One how much her friends mean to her, and what she would do if they were taken from her. Pinkie is adorable, and her spazziness can make me smile on a bad day. If I had a friend like her I would rarely cry. The fourth wall breaking is also a plus. Even though I don't like pink, her character is great, the two pinks used on her resemble her feelings: bright, happy, spazzy.
Look... A+
Personality... A++
Flaws... C
Like Myself... D (I have her energy sometimes, but I can't handle it!)

3. Fluttershy.
Now this is really just based on looks, though her personality does help! First, Shy is the cutest of the Mane 6, no one can deny that, but that doesn't make her the best. Her coloration is very calm, just like her. Now her personality is very shy, but why not? Her character does fit that way, and she knows what it's like to be lonely, and sad, which is where her element shines through: Kindness. If you put her in , say, Canterlot, she'd be hiding and even more of a door mat than usual. But if you put her in a forest she'd be the best pony you'd know. That's not entirely shyness, that's fear of the unknown.
Look... A-
Personality... B
Flaws... C
Like Myself... E

4. Rainbow Dash.
Now I know what some of you are thinking: "Why is Dashie so low on the list?" I'm gonna tell you if you wait. Now, say Dash was put in my life, I'd do my best to avoid her, why? Because she's a bragger. If there's a trait I can't stand, it's that. The fact that she is exaggerating almost every time she brags doesn't help. It's fine to be proud of your achievements, but don't rub it in other's faces (Muzzles), it could hurt their feelings! Now, her look. While I don't hate the mane and coat colors, or style, I know they could have come up with better. The light blue looks okay with read, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and I'm pretty sure it's the only color that wouldn't suck! Her style is pretty boring, nothing special to it, it's just there, we're done, kind of look. If they had taken the time to think they could have had a much better design. Now, the fact that she's above other's, even with the low grade, is because she has a chance. Her character can be expanded in so many ways! Choose one.
Look... D
Personality... E
Flaws... B
Like Myself... F

5. Rarity.
AH, the element of generosity. Now, in the show she is considered a beauty, I disagree. The look she has seems artificial, like she's dyed her coat and mane two minutes ago. Her style is okay, but not really something I like. Her personality is way to stereotypical, oh, look at me I'm a beautiful designer! No.
Look... E
Personality... C
Flaws... B
Like Myself... F

6. Applejack.
She's a nice pony and all, but she's readable. I know what she's going to do before she does it nearly every time. Her look is fine, but nearly as stereotypical as Rarity's personality. The honesty I appreciate, as not to many people have it. It's my favorite element, too. Her personality is just, there, the story line would be nearly the same if you put a different pony in her place.
Look... C
Personality... B+
Flaws... A
Like Myself... B-

Report Cherry Frosting · 401 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

1. Fluttershy. Most people would argue this choice for a range of reasons, but the reason she's at the top of my list is why this is here. Fluttershy is adorable, most people can agree on that, but that's not the reason she's number one. She's on the top of my list because of her personality. She's the kindest pony ever, that's why she's the Element of Kindess, but it's not just being kind. Fluttershy is really considerate to her friends, and while in some cases this leads to her being a bit of a floor mat, it's still something that I value. She's also proven that she can pull her weight when push comes to shove (Dragonshy).
Like Myself:B

2.Twilight. Twilight is here on the list because she's, well, for lack of a better word, awesome. She's got magic, she's got wings (now (Yes I'm okay with Twilicorn)), and she's smart, if a little naive. I say the naive part because she doesn't always use the best possible solution. Not much else to say on this one.
Look: B
Personality: A-
Like Myself: B+

3. Rarity. Well, being blunt, she and the rest are only separated by a slim margin. Rarity is generous, but her character wavers a lot, and that kind of inconsistency kind of puts me off. However, she's proven to be a good friend on enough occasions to put her at number 3.
Looks: C+ (Eh, I like her mane)
Personality: C
Flaws: C-
Like Myself: F

4. Tie! Rainbow Dash and Applejack tie here for fourth place. I really can't choose one over the other because their good and bad sides balace out to be about the same. Applejack is stubborn, honest, helpful, and a hard worker. Rainbow is boastful, a showoff, lazy, but loyal, tough, and pesistent.
Looks: B
Personality: C
Flaws: D
Like Myself: B-
Looks: C
Personality: D
Flaws: D
Like Myself: F

5. Pinkie. Why is she last? She's hyperactive, nosy, loud, and somewhat crazy. But she's also the only one who can make references like a boss.
Looks: C
Personality: D
Flaws: A+
Like Myself: E

1618380 I have to disagree with your Pinkie Pie placement:unsuresweetie:

1618389 Yeah, now that I look at it, she's better than Rainbow Dash.
Okay, new order.

"Best Pony"? :unsuresweetie:
Well, if you insist...

First of all, and moving away from the Mane Six, let me show you this highly educating video on who really is Best Pony.

Haha, just joking of course. No, there are actually two Best Ponies; one a misunderstood mare trying to fit the role she was given, the other one the tragic hero of her episodes who is unfairly viewed as villain because of her actions.
I am, of course, talking about Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis (aka Crystal Love).

What? "Mane Six"? :trixieshiftleft:

...Never heard of 'em.

1621448 :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:
Pinkie, let's win dis'

I always tried to avoid all this best pony thing. I may like all the mane 6 different and I think some are better than others but I'm not one for making a ranking. Nice to see that you put some thoughts into it though. Some just say "Pony A is best pony because I say so".
I'd have to disagree on some points but thats just my opinion! :pinkiehappy:

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