• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


My name's PJ. I'm from New York. I write pony fics. I go to parties with bronies. I'm not good at self-introduction.

More Blog Posts42

  • 427 weeks
    600 Followers and I'm still alive!

    Every time I reach a new milestone in followers I like to make a blog post acknowledging how much you all mean to me. Thank you for pushing the button and looking at some of my pony words.

    But, as you've seen, I haven't written nearly as much. There are reasons for this. Some good. Some bad.

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    6 comments · 720 views
  • 452 weeks
    Well, it finally happened. I cried from a pony episode.

    Also, Diamond Tiara is best pony.

    6 comments · 582 views
  • 466 weeks
    In-Derp-endence Day!

    I am sitting on a lounge chair on the balcony of my Long Island home, a cold drink on the table at my side. In a few hours, if the weather holds, I will lean back and watch fireworks.

    I have just typed the last word of Lyra's Human 2: Derpy's Human

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    7 comments · 513 views
  • 500 weeks
    500 Followers and a controversial ending

    I usually make a blog post every time the first digit on my followers number changes, and this will be no exception. I was able to push it over the limit by getting My Girlfriend is a Siren into the feature box one more time. I hope to produce more stories that people like and that I like writing.

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    1 comments · 639 views
  • 504 weeks
    I actually publish something? What sorcery is this?!

    I've been woefully lax in putting out new stories. Yes, I get my one chapter a week out, but I used to be able to do that while writing other stuff as well. I have a novel I'm working on, but that's been slow and I don't want to put it out until it's been gone over with severely. Next year, probably.

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    1 comments · 490 views

Landing on my Hooves · 12:50am Nov 17th, 2013

So, here's a little about what's been going on. Back in mid-June, the place where I worked decided to close down. The reason would be a good story in and of itself, and I might write it someday. But it is not this day. :pinkiehappy: The close-down procedure took a while, but all the time I knew the end was coming. Looking for a job while I was still employed was a good way to kill time, but not fruitful. Bottom line is this: looking for a job sucks. The process is not pleasant, fair, or productive. Anyway, my job ended in October, basically because the money ran out. They still owe me some vacation pay, but I don't know if I'll get it.

For six weeks I was fully unemployed, and I had a lot of time, but I had to spend it at the employment office. Lots of applications, a few interviews, but no offers. Finally a friend referred me to a friend of his who referred me to a friend of his who hired me. I started last Tuesday. It's a lot farther away, though, so I need to find a new place. I signed for that today.

But PJ, you say, we don't care about you as a person. We want your stories! Post or GTFO!

Well, what it means is, things are getting better. Having the job means having a routine, and that routine will include writing time. I hopefully won't have to race on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to catch up on Derpy's Human, and that will free me up time on the weekends for All the President's Horses and hopefully future projects as well. But in the next week or two, I'll have to spend any extra time packing up. Hopefully season 4 will help me in the inspiration department as well.

I don't mean for this to sound so self-pitying. I like writing, and I like publishing and reading all your responses. I'm hoping to do it more. Just a little more time, OK?

Report pjabrony · 479 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Take your time, man. Glad everything ended up working out. You like the new job so far?

D'awww. I care, I even went so far as to get the LOTR reference: "But it is not this day!"

I'm glad things are working out for you!:raritywink:


I do, though I've only been in training so far. On the other hoof, one of the training days was out in the field installing a video card, which was fun. Still, the job won't keep me away from Bronycon in 2014, and I expect you there!


Thank you. I tried to put some entertainment in the entry.

Your very welcome, and do you know where bronycon is this year?

Well I'm delighted to hear things have turned the corner for you PJ. I hope your new job proves to be a good one.

Anyway no rush take your time and get settled into your new place. So what's your new place like better or worse then where you've been living?


It's in Baltimare again. July 1.


I haven't moved in yet, trying to decide when, so as to make the move easier. Right now, where I am, is a kind of loft apartment where the bedroom is upstairs and the sitting room is downstairs, and there's a skylight. That's kind of nice. The new place is a kind of studio, except there is also kind of a bedroom, but it's only big enough to hold a bed. But it's $20 cheaper a month, has a terrace, and is 15 minutes closer to work. Doesn't sound like much, but if you think about it, if I work 48 weeks, 5 days, and save a half-hour each day, that's 120 hours saved and another 5 full days of time to write or do other fun stuff.

Ah your new place sounds nice. And yes I can definitely see were a shorter commute even if the difference is small can definitely add up. Anyway I wish you luck with the move, and getting settled in.

Take all the time you need. Good luck with the new job and the new home!

Oh GOOD, you got a new job!

The rest? Take your time, dude. God knows everyone else does.

AGAIN?! Ugh!!!!:flutterrage:

But PJ, you say, we don't care about you as a person. We want your stories! Post or GTFO!

This line you keep on bringing up bothers me. 'Cause I can see the truth to it. Not saying that I care or you should care what I feel. Fuck what I think. Having said that: Survival comes first and you come first.

Really good to hear you got a new job and things are starting to come together! Sorry to hear you had so much trouble, but it's always awesome when things start to turn around.

Hope the new routine works out for you and lets you stick to what you wanna get done.

I've had writing on hold for over a month for various real-world reasons. Don't worry about delays -- life comes before pony stories. :twilightsmile:

Good to hear that the work thing is working out!

Congrats on the new job hope you like it and its a good fit for you . also congrats on the new apartment WOW you actually found cheaper rent did you ask celestia to use magic


Lol no. The place itself is smaller.

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