• Member Since 30th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 3rd, 2017


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  • 565 weeks
    Ahhhhh fanart~

    Not a few days have passed before someone gifted me with more Composure fanart!

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    4 comments · 1,595 views
  • 565 weeks

    Well, that took a year and change.

    But, it's here now. Composure, Chapter 7 - Catalyst.

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    15 comments · 1,253 views
  • 565 weeks
    Composure 7 status update

    Update on the chapter. Minor delays - my proofreaders made some good suggestions I'm taking on board.

    Composure 7 should be out between Saturday evening to Monday.

    22 comments · 849 views
  • 566 weeks
    Thank you for your patience.

    The draft of Composure, Chapter 7, is complete.

    I'll be tidying it up and running it past my prereaders and editors. My tentative e.t.a. is Saturday 10th August.

    This year has been immensely difficult for me, so I thank you all for your patience and understanding.

    All the best, and I'll see you on Saturday.

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    38 comments · 984 views
  • 591 weeks
    a twilestia world

    If you're going to do the wrong things, do them right.

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Catalyst · 7:01pm Aug 11th, 2013

Well, that took a year and change.

But, it's here now. Composure, Chapter 7 - Catalyst.

The name is important. Before this chapter, my plans for the story were vast -- far, far too vast for me to ever feasibly complete. A writer needs proper scope, and to know what needs to be said to tell the story. Most of my plans? It would have just been drawing things out. This, I feel, is a truer direction. Cutting to the heart of things with no delay.

Hence, Catalyst. I'm bringing the story to a close, but doing so in a way that in fact does not change the ending or emotions I had planned for the finale. I'm actually pretty pleased, as some new canon helped ease that along. You'll see what I mean.

I want to hear what you think about the chapter, so please, leave comments telling me what you liked and what might have struck a chord with you. Considering how long it's been since the last update, this is important for me. I want to know what you think of Chapter 7.

With the next update, this story will be complete. Composure 8 will be the grand finale.

Thank you for reading and enjoying so far.

All the best,


Report Varanus · 1,253 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

With the next update, this story will be complete. Composure 8 will be the grand finale.

Holy mother of fuck, that escalated quickly!
Anyway: Thank you, based Varanus.

Thank you for bringing us the greatness that is Composure, was a long ride in between but will be worth it at the end im sure. :pinkiesmile:

While I am sadden to hear that the story will end soon, I am pleased to know that it will epic and that you are updated. I will read it once I get home but thank you for sharing Composer with us.

Complete? :raritycry::fluttercry:
The fandom is ending. (lol)
But seriously. This will be the highlight of my month.



The fandom is ending. (lol)

You know, it's weird, I get that feeling too when something big and particularly significant finishes or comes close to finishing. The idea that composure is finishing is giving me that feeling now.

I may need to reread the entire thing, it's been a while.

gasp...new chapter out...gasp...can't breathe...gasp

While it's sad that it'll be ending soon, without reading anything yet I can say that it sounds like you made the right choice. It's almost too easy sometimes to try to go huge, when you could, and possibly should, go smaller.

Besides, once this is over you'll be able to move onto other stories. I'm sure that with all this time you've thought of at least a couple of ideas.

It's been around forever and I guess I've just rested so much importance on it that ending feels like a slice has been torn out of the fandom's heart. (except that it hasn't actually ended yet, and probably wont for a few months at least)
Regardless, I'm re-reading it right now.

Wow, it's been so long, I think I need to reread the whole thing... darn :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh:

that made me laugh way too hard. :yay:

And when it's all over...

You'll write another story, right? And it'll be awesome too? It'd be just too sad to think "And Varanus only ever wrote the one story. It was good and it took a while, but it's all there was, and still less than it could have been."

So it is ending soon? I am ok with this. This was one of the first true Celestia stories and a favorite of mine. You thought of a way for the story to work with fewer chapters? That is great, thanks for finishing it instead of leaving it hanging. :twilightsmile:

Now I should go read.

But even if he would do this, in a few years we can say to our grand children:

Here's a Story written by a great Man thats carry the Heart and Soul of Love,Fear,Angst and Advanture between two Loved ones. And thats not all, this Story was a milestone which was know in the entire Fandom, which has inspierd many Autors to make ther own Storys and the name of this Story was Composure, so read it or no Dinner for you!:flutterrage:

Yea there where other quiet equal in Value like this but thats a nother Story. *Sry I couldn't resist*:twilightsmile:

Ok I think I need a Docktor now..

I've only been around here for a couple of months, and did not find this story until a couple of weeks ago. I feel bad, having had to wait only a short period for an update, as opposed to a year or more, as others have. But, I'd have gladly joined those folks for another year, if that's what it took to see this epic hit its grand peak.

I'm absolutely looking forward to the finale, and I really hope that you write more in the future!

Well, this josses my suspicion after Chapter 6. I'd thought you might be deliberately setting up a ReBoot nod (the White Queen who wears a mask in the shape of her own face: ability to fly, ability to move objects, ability to project energy, trans-finite power supply... and then her mask cracks).

I'd be interested in seeing your notes for the original longer version of the fic, if you feel inclined to post them in an Afterword after the fic wraps up. Chapter 7 had a few disjointed parts, presumably as a result of your efforts to condense it. In particular, Luna's hostility-whiplash towards Twilight (when she'd previously been sympathetic) made me wonder if the chapter up to that point had been a Sombra's Door style hallucination from the corrupted crystals (which themselves seemed a bit out of place with the mythos you'd built previously).

Still enjoying the fic and reading with interest, at any rate!

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