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Hasbroverse Worldbuilding post six: Griffins · 11:32pm Jul 22nd, 2013

Ah, the griffins. Two examples-Gilda and Gustav. Both completely opposite in... just about everything. The griffins themselves are spread all over the spectrum, from an empire, the kingdoms, to being part of Equestria proper. Therefore, my take on them for the Hasbroverse will almost certainly not be original.

History with Equestria

Scattered griffins were encountered even before the first Rainbow Bridge collapsed. 'Formal' contact between the Griffin Kingdoms and the Equestrian Alliance was about 150 years after the Rainbow Bridge collapsed. There were a few skirmishes and battles before a truce was formed. Sorta. You see, although the largest kingdoms/factions were mostly politically and politically stable, the smaller ones were at each other's throats. Literally, metaphorically, proverbially... you get the idea. ;)

After Discord, there were a few more flare-ups with smaller griffin factions. Eventually, Equestria sent military units north and set a definite border with the griffins. Things once more settled down. Ambassadors were exchanged. Trade routes were opened up. Although there was still some instability among the smaller factions, things quieted down.

A hundred years before Nightmare Moon, two of the larger kingdoms formally joined Equestria. Nearly ten million griffins became Equestrian citizens. Gustav and Gilda are descendants of the ones who joined. This led to a destabilization of internal griffin politics and a partial slide back to their internal fighting.

After the Nightmare War, the Griffin Kingdoms attempted to seize some Equestrian land, but were eventually pushed back to the former boundary. They turned inward once more, until about 600 years before the series...

The Coup
A grand conference was called between the leaders of the largest factions by a king whose name is lost to time; he is now known only as Black Claw the Tyrant. Yes, he is so arrogant he gave himself a draconic title. At this conference, he had his soldiers slaughter the other leaders and their bodyguards. Using black magic, he bound their souls to the location of what became simply known as The Coup. At what he named Mount Victory, he channeled their souls into him, taking their power and life-force. He became immortal and immensely powerful. Within days, his soldiers swept out, conquering all the other kingdoms and solidifying his rule into the current Griffin Empire.

From Mount Victory, Black Claw rules his Empire with an iron... claw. While there, he is nigh-invincible. Celestia at full-power would have barely over a 51% chance of winning, and no way she'd come out unscathed. The farther away he is from his throne, though, the weaker he gets. It is unknown how things would fare now that Luna is back.

The Empire
The Griffin Empire's tech level is analogous to the beginning of the 18th century in most areas. They use muzzle-loading muskets. They have trains, but they're fairly primitive compared to Equestrian models. There's industrialization, but again, it's behind Equestria. They have weather-control and magic, as per canon-Gilda sitting on clouds in her episode. But it's fairly weak compared to pegasi. No Princess Ponies and wands to boost their power, you see. ;) The best comparison is what EdBecerra posted here:

So - it's like Teddy Roosevelt's America versus Napoleon's Europe, sort of? A gap of at least a century for Equestria's closest rivals, and even more for the also-ran's?

Most citizens actually love Black Claw. There's a surprising amount of freedom for them.

The Griffin Empire is Equestria's closest rival, and the only one who's a match for it militarily. Although Celestia wishes so for peace with them. But she has little but hatred for Black Claw. Until Luna came back and was cleansed of the Nightmare, though, she had little choice but to wait.

Black Claw's primary objective is the Griffin Empire itself and its stability. He doesn't know of the Princess Ponies, their wands or of the Heart of Ponyland itself.

"What I did was evil? Bah! I executed pompous fools who weakened the griffins with their endless infighting. It's only fitting they serve in death to strengthen it. And now I use my powers to strengthen the Empire. We griffins had no alicorns, no Mag'ne, Dannile or Molye! We had no gifts given to us by nebulous half-legends or anything from Dream Valley. We shall persevere, and those who left us... they will be back."

In a straight-up fight, without Black Claw or the alicorns, the Griffin Empire would almost certainly lose against the Equestrian Alliance... but it'd be bloody. Against the Dragon Clans, they'd be squished-literally. However, due to a quirk in geography, the Dragon Lands don't share a direct border with the Empire. The dragons would either have to go the long way through northern Equestria, or straight through the northwest... and the land where the Ursa Minors and Majors settled.

Gilda and Gustav
Both are full Equestrian citizens. They pay taxes, have full rights under the law, jobs and so on and so forth. Gustav was born and raised in Prance. Gilda is probably local in Canterlot Province. Gilda has a bit of a chip on her shoulder concerning the Griffin Empire:

"Those freaks? Gyah, I hate even THINKING about them! I'm an Equestrian girl, not some slave of Black Claw. Guy gives me the willies. Now buzz off, loser!

Gustav is more contemplative:

Black Claw? Yes, I know of him. He fills me with shame. Like bad cream filling inside a cream pastry, that vile brigand! I am a loyal son of my home, of Prance. But it breaks my heart to see what goes on up north."

Those living in Equestria itself make up the largest non-pony population. They're not refugees or anything. Their populations have been integrated into Equestria for generations. They come in quite... handy. :p Although their claws aren't as flexible or functional as a human hand.

So, that's the griffins. Not the best situation. And yes, I do plan on addressing Black Claw eventually. His day will come.

Report RK_Striker_JK_5 · 831 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Damn... that is a lot bloodier than I originally thought.

Same here. It's like Black Claw is some kind of necromancer.

Darkest of Dark Magics, sounds a lot like my take on the Alicorn Amulet

1228609>>1228631 Sorry about that. I've never made any secret that Equus is a 'nice' planet, mind.

I know you didn't given the mind rape of the Flutter Ponies.

I wonder what the Elements old be able to do to Black Claw... ( for that matter, i wonder if he's behind the Ursa problem the dragons have. That, and if Megan would have any more luck than Celestia.

The weid thing is that if Black Claw is honest, than I can't really call him evil. Amoral, even monsterous, but not evil. His stated goals match closely with Celestia's if you substitute "pony" for "griffin.". He does have a point (though it may not be valid) about ponies having hax!magic while other species... don't. Is he the only other ruler that is functionally immortal? I know that Spykoran the Old acknowldeges that he is mortal, but has a very long lifespan.

Since his power weakens the further from Mount Victory he gets, was the binding perhaps two way?

Did you just have Griffin Darth Vader overthrow the Emperor and "End this destructive conflict and bring order to the Empire"?

Why do I sense Black Claw will appear as a villain later in the story? :twilightblush:

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