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Interview Follow-up; or, Heil! Heil! Der Gnade Wunder Heil! · 5:04pm May 6th, 2013

How ya doin', guys?

Been a while since I checked in with everybody, but here I am! As some of you may have noticed earlier, Professor Plum signed me up to get interviewed over at My Little Reviews last Saturday. I totally blanked on the fact that this was, well, a live show, and I had it in my head that it would be recorded on Saturday and aired later in the week (as it happens with a couple other pony shows), so I hadn't made a blog post about it up until pretty much airtime.

Sorry about that, my bad!

Anyways, the interview itself was pretty damn fun, though the connection at my friend's house was pretty crappy that night so my audio was cutting off all the time. If I ever get the chance to participate in any other show like that, I'll try my damnest to actually do it at my house on a wired connection; there was a bit of a scheduling conflict this time that placed me at a friend's house for a birthday party at the same time as the interview. I certainly hope I do get the chance again, because I'm a sucker for discussing pony stuff, especially involving the show and fanfiction--I don't get to do much of that with most in my group of friends here where I live, after all.

On to other news, my Boston trip was so very awesome; this might all be a sort of "Grass is Always Greener" deal, but I completely fell in love with the city. It contrasts so starkly with how life is here in the Metro area of Puerto Rico it's not even funny. The concept of a walkable, bikeable city where you don't need a car is something I don't think many Puerto Ricans can even fathom in their wildest shroom trips. Pretty much everything I've always complained about living here, Boston seemed to have an answer for! Of course, visiting for a few days is not the same thing as actually living there, but the city made a very compelling argument for me to give it a try, at the very least.

Also, the temperature was the best thing ever. A couple of decades of trying to sleep through very humid, sweaty 80-90F nights will make anyone yearn for a change of latitude! The best part, of course, is that I saw snow for the first time! Whoo!

Anyways, this past month has kept me pretty busy, so I don't have much to report on the writing front, except for the fact that I'm revising the earlier chapters of the Ballad to bring them up to the standard of the later chapters. When I first started the story, I didn't think it would grow like it did; I always thought it was just gonna end up being 3-5 chapters long, and looking back at the early chapters now makes me realize how sparse they were. I've already updated the first chapter of the story a week or two ago (the revision was supposed to fix term usage and grammar/syntax, and ended up expanding the chapter by 1000 words!), so go ahead and let me know what you think of it! I'm already working on chapter 2 and 3--who knows, maybe this momentum will carry on throughout the entire revision and maybe beyond into the unpublished chapter?

And finally, if you guys are wondering about the title of this post: yesterday I went to the local Symphonic Hall to for a WagnerPalooza they were having; my friend Sharon (whom some of you may have seen from my amateur photography) was in the choir for the the opera sections they played there. If you've never been to see a live orchestra, you really owe it to yourself; it's just as face-meltingly awesome as any live rock concert!

Report Gravekeeper · 1,061 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Dude, you missed the greatest part! After you went back to your party, Tails went off on a proper rant about a truly terrible story. Half the cast couldn't breathe :rainbowlaugh:

Bah, snow. It's a novel idea at first, until you have to live with it for 23 years.

stuck on a ps3. wtb youtube link.

Still gotta say those changes to chapter one was refreshing and I only wish Rarity could have intros like that in other fics lol I for one could use some funny in my life these days so hit us with updates when you complete those revisions!

I always thought it was just gonna end up being 3-5 chapters long


Hah, now I gotta go back and listen to the whole thing! I listened yesterday to my part again (mostly out of curiosity on how my voice sounds in English and what sort of accent do I speak in), and man, now I totally hate my friend's internet connection. I'm almost certain it was the wireless, cause I've communicated fine on voice chat before. Either way, thanks for the great opportunity!

That's exactly how I feel about so many years of swamp-ass weather! Wanna trade for a few years? A Brony Exchange Program?

Chapter 2 should be coming shortly. Not that many revisions on this one, actually!

The tags I gave when I submitted it to EQD a couple of years ago are really telling of what I had assumed the story would be!

(Also, I'm so sure that the first chapter, as it was initially submitted, would NOT have passed pre-reader inspection nowadays!)

Comment posted by Gravekeeper deleted May 6th, 2013

I don't know, I quite like the summers here. Nice and mild. would November through March work for you?

See, that would leave me with the 85-105F temperature months... That would be bad.


Now you can make a Wanted poster of me for your Dark Army!

I had no idea you had an interview. Now I'm super jealous! But totes happy for you.

...Probably talk to you in a bit when I procrastinate doing work in class, Graves!


Good to hear you had a great time in Boston, it is a very walkable and historic city. If you can stand the cold in winter, the summers are fairly cool and tolerable. :twilightsmile:

Finally got to see the interview. Why don't you just post those prompt stories on fimfic? Lots of others do it too I mean. Plus, I think at this point most of us would accept 100 word fics from you if nothing else :rainbowlaugh:

Also, don't make me go up to Gabe and tell him about this because, by Luna, we'll have Half-Life 3 out by year's end! D:<

You need to drink whatever SS&E is on that makes him right so much stream of consciousness onto a screen. If he can finally write a masterpiece like "Applejack Is Full Of Squirrels", you can write a story of how Rarity's special jewel needed to create something of immense fashion for her secret lover, held by a fiendish Crystal Wizard who offers to trade the special jewel for the 13 hidden treasures guarded by fearsome crab monsters.
Oh, what's that? You thinking about not taking on that challenge even for such a powerful and special jewel? Well, I'll just trap your sister's soul into it as bit of a motivational incentive!

It'd be the Y's and Zelda boss battles or awesomeness. A Giant Blue King Crab guarding a rusty cane. A Sand Crab in the desert Oasis guarding a... rock. "A rock!? I fought this crazy sand spewing borrowing menace in this blazing heat with sand in places I'd never dreamed possible, and all I get is a ROCK!?!"

Don't mind me. A silly story idea I've had since these things popped up :p
Still shocked no one has done a Rarity vs Crabs fic myself... WTB AUTHOR POWERS! ><

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