• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2016

Harry Leferts

Hey, Harry Leferts here from Nova Scotia, Canada. Hopefully you'll enjoy my stories.

More Blog Posts9

  • 500 weeks
    Hal-Con Update

    So I just got out of the panel hosted by the NSBronies group and I got to admit that it was pretty good. The only downside being how much time that they had been given, though at the end I went up and shook hands with them and talked for a minute or two. Great job guys!

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  • 500 weeks
    A song to go with Celestia's Story Part Four

    A reviewer over on FF.Net pointed out that this song was playing in his head while he was reading the new chapter. After listening to it, I could not help but feel that it really does fit this chapter, but also the war between Celestia and the nobles. I just had to share it.

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  • 501 weeks
    Looking forward to this year's Hal-Con

    Another year, another chance to go to Hal-Con! Hopefully this year though they won't close down early because they fit too many people into the building (this year shouldn't have that problem though, not least because they're using all the levels of the convention center). Personally, I'm hoping to go to the Nova Scotia Bronies meeting and meeting some of them in person. Not to mention getting a

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  • 552 weeks
    Heading to Hal-Con

    So, I'll be heading to Hal-Con this weekend and I am pretty excited as I finally managed to get this weekend off. I want to see the FiM panel especially. I would like to know what other events for FiM might be happening around the Con though. Hopefully I'll be grabbing some nice swag there.

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  • 564 weeks
    Widening the Lens

    Now, people have been asking me about when I am going to post a new chapter of Widening the Lens. Now I am happy to report that I am putting together the new chapter and it should be up in the next two weeks if everything works out as I am hoping. On that bit, we'll be seeing things get a bit closer to the events at Hippocampus being resolved.

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Shinji's Nightmare: Preview of the future · 4:23pm Apr 26th, 2013

Yes, I am still working on it. And for those of you interested, here's a preview, great thanks to Madfish for the modified song:

Alicorn fly, discover hope's reality
Soar now Moon Child find a brand new family

Moonbeams, starlight and space
Give chances of joy if you'll just make a start
But can you be free of the pasts that you flee?
Share your choice and you may just see

Just once you knew innocence
Stolen by the loss that birthed this darkest mass
Would guarding those who still have that lie
Make your joined hearts heal up or die?

Now you find there that there's choice must be taken
Those doubters will understand thee
Take flight on this new path, the Elements guide you
What you were is not what you must be!

Born, betrayed, cast out, find a change that calls for ye
Remade by the will to stop another yesterday
Emotion flow now, reconsecrated harmonies
Learn now, be strong, beyond dissonent history

Stand firm! Wings flare! Horn against all difficulty!
Soar now Moon Child together you are family!


Ritsuko whipped her head around and looked at the Bridge Bunnies as alarms blared around them. "Well? Any comfirmation on what it is yet?"

Makoto rapidly typed at his keyboard until he got his answer before he looked up. "Grey Waveform Pattern confirmed!"

Misato gritted her teeth as she slammed her fist down, it's impact having dented the metal on of her desk. "WHAT THE HELL?! Another Deva?!" She growled deep in her throat. "That's the fifth now..."


The four Evangelions stood on the seaside while the T-RIDEN-T took position among the JSSDF armor units in the hills. All of them keeping an eye on the naval group floating a few kilometers off shore. Inside Unit-02's cockpit, Asuka gripped her control sticks tightly as she looked around. "COME ON YOU BASTARD! SHOW YOURSELF!"

Inside her own plug, Rei just blinked as she opened a com window to Asuka, two more showing Shinji in Unit-01 and a female pilot in Unit-06. "Pilot Soryu, in do believe that what you are doing is called 'Taunting Murphy'." She then noticed something on a monitor and raised an eyebrow. "And I do believe that you are about to-" She was cut off as many miles out the naval group opened fire on something in the water, N2 depth charges being deployed as well as shells and N2 torpedoes causing massive water domes to rise and fall as they hit something. "Get you wish..." Rei narrowed her eyes as she prepared herself. "It seemed to have survived."

This was puncturated as a moment later the entire naval group slowly rose on top of a dome of water like some child surfacing below his toy boats in a bathtub. Back on shore, as a massive shadow fell over the Evangelions, Asuka looked at her pallet rifle and then back up. "Scheist... I think that we're going to need bigger guns..."


The reporter held his hat on his head against the hot wind as he brought the mic to his throat. "Justin O'Neill, BBC, reporting from the Italian island of Scilly on the lower slopes of Mt. Etna. As you can see behind me, the volcano is going through the sixth consecurative day of erupting in what may be it's most active eruption since the geological upheavels follwing Second Impact." Him and the camera shook as a rumble filled the air and the ground trembled. "Volcanologists are stumped as to the cause of the recent activity-"

They're all knocked off their feet as an explosion blew out a portion of the mountainside within view. Someone then screamed. "OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"

The cameraman and reporter stumbled to their feet and looked toward the site of the explosion in time to see several massive draconic heads emerge from the boiling ash cloud, each one having a facemask like that of Sacheil. The reporter paled as he made the sign of the cross. "Mary, Mother of God..."


The Russian General leaned back in his chair and chuckled as he watched the battle in the viewscreens that dotted the walls of his office. "I wonder Third Child... Will you live up to expectations and possible potential before you find Salvation..." He sipped at his drink and laughed. "Or will you find only Damnation?"


The US Marine felt sweat bead on his forehead as him and his Squad slowly moved through the alleyway silently, fully alert as they searched for their query. "Sarge? You hear anything?"

The Sergeant shook his head. "Not a peep, Son. The other Squads haven't found the bastard yet either, so don't let it up. That thing is somewhere nearby so-" He was cut off as the wall next to him exploded outward, sending him flying into a wall as a roar was drowned out by a hail of gunfire and screams...

From where he stood behind Gendo, Fuyutsuki frowned as as he watched the screen. "The Deva's crossed the boarder into Turkey, Ikari. Won't be long now until they call us in."

Gendo barely nodded. "Yes, as is expected."

The Sub-Commander shivered some. "We were lucky with Leviathan, Ikari." he glanced at him. "I'm not liking our chances with this one." As all he got was silence, he sighed. "So, what are they naming this one?"

Hidden behind his hands, the Commander's lips turned upward as he answered. "He whose footsteps cause the very Earth to quake... Behemoth..."


Misato slowly stepped up behind the bandaged Shinji as he stared out across the cityscape of Tokyo-3 as night fell. "Shin-chan?"

He just sighed. "First Angels and now Devas..." Shinji turned to look at her as his mane fluttered in the evening breeze. "This war has just gotten much more complicated..."

Report Harry Leferts · 982 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

well now, I was wondering if this was dead or not...

Glad to see its still alive! :twilightsmile:

I do like the spin on the song though, (reading it while playing the MP3 does help) and, well, I can't wait for the next installment!

Interesting. Looking forward to see how you develop this now that you are more drastically diverging the story.

A couple of things:

Inside her own plug, Rei just blinked as she opened a com window to Asuka, two more showing Shinji in Unit-01 and a female pilot in Unit-06. "Pilot Soryu, in do believe that what you are doing is called 'Taunting Murphy'." She then noticed something on a monitor and raised an eyebrow. "And I do believe that you are about to-" She was cut off as many miles out the naval group opened fire on something in the water, N2 depth charges being deployed as well as shells and N2 torpedoes causing massive water domes to rise and fall as they hit something. "Get you wish..." Rei narrowed her eyes as she prepared herself. "It seemed to have survived."

Not sure if going for some kind of accent here. Otherwise "in" should be "I", and "you" should be "your".

A part of me wants to see NM convincing Shinji to throw the monsters into an inhabited forest on another dimension (yes, that one).

Lol. Taunting Murphy.

to bad it never came to be, as you haven't been on in two years I do hope at least your ok

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