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"The problem with pulling quotes from the internet is you can never be sure of their authenticity" - Benjamin Franklin

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  • 3 weeks
    Heat Season Ch. 5 Progress

    Chapter Name: There's Something About Rarity

    Status: Complete! Undergoing final edits and revisions

    Current Word Count: 10,208 words

    Percent Completed (est.): 100%

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  • 6 weeks
    Heat Season Sneak Peek

    It's been a while, so I figured that while I'm working on the next chapter, I'll give you guys a little preview. Just to make sure you know the story's not dead or the like. The preview itself is part of a flashback sequence that will take place in the following chapter, so there won't be much in the way of spoilers, if that's something you worry about.

    Got it?

    Get it?


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Heat Season Sneak Peek · 2:10am May 1st

It's been a while, so I figured that while I'm working on the next chapter, I'll give you guys a little preview. Just to make sure you know the story's not dead or the like. The preview itself is part of a flashback sequence that will take place in the following chapter, so there won't be much in the way of spoilers, if that's something you worry about.

Got it?

Get it?


Read on.

“Done!” Anonymous huffed and stood to his full height, nearly touching the ceiling of Flitter and Cloud Chaser’s bedroom. He’d been hired by Chaser to make repairs on the unusually large bed she shared with her sister. The thing didn’t even look that old or in bad condition, yet the sisters had somehow caused an incredible amount of wear and tear on it. All four legs needed complete replacement, the headboard had been nearly torn off its hinges and several support beams shattered under whatever unholy punishment the sisters subjected the poor bedframe to.  

Cloud Chaser, who’d been more or less hovering over him, watching his hands in fascination as they worked, fluttered onto the mattress and gave two small, experimental hops.  

“Wow, it feels great. Really solid, too. Awesome work, Anon!” she said with a toothy smile. “I was worried we’d have to replace the whole thing before tomorrow, but you really came through.” 

“Happy to help,” he said, stretching. He meant it, too, watching as the adorable little pegasus gave a few more experimental hops before casually splaying out onto the bed. It almost made him want to pick her up and squeeze her like a stuffed toy. 

“By the way,” Cloud Chaser said. “I don’t want to be one of ‘those’ ponies, but what guarantees do you give?” 


“Yeah, you know,” she waved a vague hoof. “Do you give guarantees I’ll be satisfied with my service?” 

“...No. I mean, I’d like to think I did solid work. You saw it yourself.” 

“Yeah. Uh-huh. But I mean...” her face scrunched up, making her look even more adorable. “You see, Flitter and I... we kinda go through beds. Like, a lot. Used to be we didn’t have a handypony to come fix things up, so we usually just chucked the old one in the trash and replaced it with a new one.” 

“Yeah, about that...” he said. “You really should go easy on your beds. Try not to jump on them so much.” 

Cloud Chase cocked her head. “Jump on them?” 

“Jump on them. Roughhouse. Whatever it is you do that gets them all trashed.” 

“We rut stallions.” 

“Yeah, that’s what I... wait, what? 

“Well, mostly a stallion. Thunderlane.” She giggled. “He can get a bit rough. Or... well, very rough. It’s a kink with him, I guess? Not that you’ll see Flitter and me complain.” She giggled again.  

Anonymous nearly choked. “Fli...” he coughed. “You and Flitter?” 


“Like... all three? At the same time?” 


He gulped and adjusted the collar of his shirt. “That’s, uh, kinky.” 

She giggled again. “Stallions like that, don’t’cha know. Comes especially handy when Heat Season rolls around.” With a flap of her wings she took to the air and closed the distance between them. “That’s why I’d like a guarantee. Thunder’s coming over tomorrow. He’s staying for the weekend, so that’s why I wanna make sure the bed can take it.” 

Wishing to be anywhere else but in that room, but not wanting to lose a prospective customer, Anonymous said, “What did you have in mind?” He’d humor the little pegasus and get the hell out of there. Boy, did he have some juicy gossip for Bon Bon later today. 

Cloud Chaser pondered on this for a moment, looking from Anon to the bed and back. Her face brightened up and she then said, “Let’s put her through a test drive.” 

“And by test drive, you mean—” 

“Let’s rut.” 


Cloud Chaser smiled. “Come on, it’ll be fun! And... uh, I didn’t want to say anything, but it looks like you could really use it.” She gestured to his body, waving her hoof up and down. “I mean, I don’t know if it’s normal for you humies, but you’ve been looking really wound up.” 

Anonymous gawped.   

“Hey, it happens to me too, especially when it’s been a long week at work. Or when I’ve gone a good while without some action. Or when I tell Flitter to take out the trash and she just hides it somewhere else.” 

Anonymous pinched the bridge of his nose. “Cloud Chaser,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “You barely even know me.” 

She shrugged. “I mean, I know you’re a pretty all right guy. What else is there?” 

Resisting the overwhelming urge to facepalm, Anonymous tried a different tactic. “What about Thunderlane?” 

“What about him?” 

Oh, for the love of...  

“Aren’t you involved with him?” 

“Yes?” she said, cocking her head, frowning slightly. 

“Won’t he be upset if the two of us...” 

“Why would he?” 

Alright, she has to be trolling him! 

Cloud Chaser’s eyes widened and a look of realization dawned on her. “Ohh, you think we’re in a herd!” 

“Aren’t you?” 

Cloud Chaser threw her head back and laughed. “No, no! Goodness, no. He’s a friend. Well, a very good friend, but you get my meaning.” Her peals of laughter subsided to chortles. “I mean, can you imagine, being in a herd with my own sister?” she said with a good-natured roll of her eyes. “Oy, wouldn’t that be weird.” 

“...Yeah. That’s the weird part.” 

She reached out and bopped him in the nose with the frog of her hoof. “You’re cute when you’re confused.” Cloud Chaser then reached down and tugged at his arm, prompting him to follow her to the bed. “Trust me, Anon. A good roll in the sheets is just what you need. And, well, I’m kinda curious to see what you’re packing down there. All those clothes. Ugh. Doesn’t it ever get stuffy?” 

Sometimes it did, especially when summer rolled around and he couldn’t simply turn on the A/C to cool off.  

Against his better judgment, and overcome by a sort of morbid curiosity, Anonymous allowed the little pegasus to lead him to the bed. A part of him recoiled at the thought of doing the nasty with a little pastel horse, and yet... 

He’d been in this world for almost a year now with no outlet for his urges. Hands didn’t count. He was a man with needs, dammit! Women were out of the question, barring any more billion to one shots of a girl somehow winding up in Equestria.  

He more or less resigned himself to the fact he’d never be with someone else again, but then... then the ponies started giving him ideas. To his eyes they were adorable, innocent little critters. At least at first. Critters who were just as complex and with fully realized lives like people, but his thoughts toward them never strayed beyond the strictly innocent.  

The more he got used to and learned about them, the more he saw them as peers and less like overgrown plush toys. Equals, as it were. Equals who could understand him beyond a surface level. With whom he could form solid, meaningful—and yes, possibly intimate—relationships. Not that it made the thought of fucking one of them any easier. They were, to a stubborn, deeply rooted part of his brain, not humans. Hell, the closest he’d ever gone with a mare was Twilight during that disastrous event at the spa. It pretty much killed any interest he might have on any pony for a good long time. Not that he had any interest to begin with.  

But now? He wasn’t completely sold on the idea, but he couldn’t deny he maybe, possibly, might just be a tad... open to the opportunity. 

“Mmm,” Cloud Chaser hummed, eyes closed and a small smile on her lips as she nuzzled Anon’s neck. “You smell good.” He was sitting on the bed while the little pegasus stood next to him, her tail swishing left and right, her wings twitching. 

Comments ( 5 )

How's the Sequel coming, can't wait to read it.

In progress. Got a little over 1,200 words written so far

Y1R #3 · May 1st · · ·

Interesting so far...... I will wait patiently for this chapter.

Hell yea, been a bit since the last chapter. Looking forward to it

Just saw this blog post tonight. I really like Heat Season, so I'm there the next time it updates.

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