• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
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I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.

More Blog Posts693

  • Monday
    Feathered Hearts C&C chapter 40 will launch tonight

    I apologize for the long delay. The chapter draft was submitted to prereaders a month ago and well-received, but the graphics have taken me a while and several false starts. The main reason is I tried multiple methods to include unit icons in the maps of Aresia, but the end result always seems more cluttered than anything else. Here's an example:

    Without unit icons:

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  • 2 weeks
    New Midnight Rising chapter off to prereaders...

    At long last. This is the redo of the chapter I was forced to scrap in April and then about 80% rewrite. I saved a few select bits and pieces from the original version, but the rest went by the wayside.

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    2 comments · 75 views
  • 2 weeks
    Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts...

    The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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    4 comments · 161 views
  • 3 weeks
    Still working on Midnight Rising...

    At the rate of about 800-1000 words a day. That’s my key to getting stuff done that’s causing you issues; just be sure you put at least a little time in on it this day to have some forward momentum. The two chapters are now up to 24,100 words. I’ll work on it more this weekend, at least around continuing work around the maps and battle graphics I’m making for Feathered Hearts.

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  • 4 weeks
    Did two things this past weekend...

    First, I ran 10k for the first time in two months after laying off that long to let my ankle bursitis subside, trying to allow the area to generally heal up. It appears that it worked. To my delight, there was no ankle pain after and I hadn’t even lost much stamina thanks to hitting an elliptical machine twice a week for an hour instead of jogging. My upper legs are another matter, though.

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Midnight Rising update; Feathered Hearts C&C teaser... · 5:04pm April 25th

Hey, folks. Here’s my weekly writing update. I’m tagging this as C&C since that’s what the teaser below is about, but the blog is about both it and Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising.

Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising

To begin with, I’ve been working in fits and starts on a new chapter of Midnight Rising, as it’s been a little hard to find motivation again after having to scrap the last chapter following poor prereader reviews. Nevertheless, what I expect to be the two Lemon Zest chapters are now not far shy of 15k words in length, with plenty more to add.

I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m going to draw heavily on the previous version of the story for this one, only because I liked what I had there. But this time, it’s going to be a lot more detailed and fleshed out, and Midnight’s punishment of Zesty will be (hopefully) even more fitting. I still intend to have a finished chapter draft this weekend and pass it off to prereaders for what I pray will be a better reception this time. If they like it, expect the first of two chapters to go live the first weekend in May.

Feathered Hearts: Continuation and Chronicles

As for Continuation and Chronicles, its latest chapter is approaching 8k in length as of this writing. Just like with Midnight Rising, it will borrow heavily from the original version of the story (namely, chapter 11), at least after the initial section, just heavily fleshed out and modified where needed to accommodate the new narrative and characters. It is once again not an adult chapter before anyone asks.

I don’t have a release date on it yet, but here’s a teaser to tide you over for a bit. I usually take something from out of the middle of the chapter for these previews, but this time, I’m going to show you how the latest chapter begins:

A dazed Gilda barely remembered donning her armor pieces or returning the Tribune’s salute.

She was also barely cognizant at receiving a parting hug from Marco or going back to have a private chat with Cipio in his office, where they discussed her new duties and responsibilities in the presence of nocreature but his guards and wife, who Gilda gathered was acting as his personal Magus and bodyguard.

That, or is trying to keep an eye on him after learning about him and the Queen, she thought somewhat disdainfully, deciding it was most likely a combination of all three. But that it also wasn’t any of her concern.

“I know this is probably a shock, and that you’ve barely had to time to adjust to being a Centurion before gaining another promotion,” the Tribune began after offering her a small amount of good-quality rum to celebrate her latest rise in rank; she accepted it gladly even if it amounted to little more than a sip out of a small bowl. “But if you’ve proven nothing else these past few days, it’s that you learn and grow into a new post quickly,” he added with something approaching sympathy. “Understand, if this was peacetime, you would probably have been recalled to Arnau to face a review of your actions, and would likely be stripped of your chain.”

“If this was peacetime, I would have had no cause for those actions. I would be having my last full day with Marco in Catlais before he left the Kingdom, maybe for good,” she said dully, going downcast for a moment before she caught herself. “Sorry, sir.”

“And if the Cloven had waited those two days to strike, you both would now be dead with your bodies turned into Cloven puppets,” he reminded her with a dry note, “with human weapons now turned on the Kingdom.”

“As you say,” she granted with a grimace. “So forgive me for asking, sir, but I need advice: just where do I begin?”

Though his Uxor seemed unimpressed by the question, to judge by the quickly suppressed roll of her eyes, he gave a satisfied nod at her statement. “You admit your inexperience instead of puffing up your chest and pretending that you’re ready for your post. Good,” he noted idly.

“To run a proper cohort, especially a mixed one, the first thing you will need to do is assemble your staff—and I don’t just mean a second-in-command, though a good one is essential. You will need an adjutant, operations and training officers, and representatives of the races you’re working with. They should all be trusted and experienced soldiers as familiar as possible with their duties,” he told her.

“Who they are is completely up to you. Just remember that to be a diplomatic liaison means that you are to act in the interests of all, not just your mate or the humans. The interests of human, griffon and Changeling must be considered in your actions. Diplomacy is a delicate balancing act, and you cannot challenge them as you did me. To do so is to spark a potentially disastrous schism among important allies, instead of a simple crisis of command,” he said in mild rebuke, then gave her a separate scroll.

Unrolling it, she found that it contained her formal reprimand written by Tribune Narada, signed by not just her and Queen Molyneux but even Ambassador Strenus. She read through it once—to little surprise, her former commander did not hold back in her assessment of Gilda’s actions after arrival at Aricia, calling them ‘ill-thought and unhelpful’ among other choice terms, asking at one point if she was an officer of the Kingdom or a petulant teen throwing a tantrum over a parental order she didn’t like—and then signed it with her command seal, passing it back to Cipio’s wife.

Without being asked, she magically produced a copy of the document on a separate scroll, searing its talon-written text into a fresh sheet of parchment. Despite that, she refused to look at Gilda, which suited the latter just fine.

“Do you wish to respond to the Legate’s assessment of your actions, sub-Tribune?” Cipio then prompted, which Gilda took to be a nudge to do so.

“Yes.” Writing out a quick two-paragraph note on the front of his stone desk, she accepted responsibility for her actions and the rebuke, but refused to apologize for it. “It got his attention and forced him to face how foolish his actions truly were. If it took throwing a tantrum to make him see the truth, then so be it.” she wrote.

Narada may not like it, but she knows me well enough by now that I’m not one to apologize for anything if I can help it. Just ask Rainbow Dash… Signing her name, she rolled up the sheet into a scroll and imparted her diplomatic seal. “For the Legate’s eyes only,” she told him as she passed him the message, which she knew would probably be in Narada’s claws as soon as it could be passed by Dragonfire gems to the capital.

“I would expect no less,” he replied, summoning Rubens Virgo to the office with a bell.

She appeared a few seconds later from a side office with a salute and bared throat, asking how she could be of service. “See to it that these get sent to Arnau with the next round of military messages,” he told her, to which the young Optio bared her throat again, ignoring the baleful look the Tribune’s Uxor gave her. “And then ready the Council of War.”

“All is in readiness, sir,” she responded instantly and crisply. “The room is fully swept and secured by both our Paladin Magus Knights and the Changeling Silencer drones. The attendees are arriving as we speak. I’ve having them scanned and escorted in by Changeling sentries.”

“Excellent,” he replied. “Efficient as ever, Optio. You have settled into your role as Adjutant quite nicely. But unfortunately, in a change of plans, I will not be attending,” he told her to a surprised look. “The primary purpose of the meeting is to share the general war situation we’ve received from Arnau with senior staff, but since I already know it, there’s no point in me going,” he told Gilda as he turned to her.

“It is instead now time for me to play the part of a diplomat by escorting the Maior and the city nobility to meet Queen Lepidoptes and receive a tour of the Changeling airship. I will also be receiving the same demonstration of Changeling combat capabilities I’m told that you observed this morning, sub-Tribune,” he noted idly as he began to buckle on his fully restored formal uniform, including a cape and an array of weapons. “I expect it will be as enlightening as the earlier demonstration of human weapons.”

“And I will be going with you, this time,” his wife spoke up unbidden before Gilda could answer. “I speak as your Uxor, Cauda Cipio, not as an underling you can order to stay behind,” she further preempted any objections.

“And I know better than to tell you no,” he grumbled lightly. “Very well, my wife. But I strongly suggest you mind your tongue and thoughts in the presence of Queen Lepidoptes. She can sense emotions, and take it from me that she has her ways of punishing offensive conduct. And turning your own power against you.”

“We will see,” she said under her breath.

Nope. No tension there… Gilda stifled a grimace, once again very happy she didn’t have to deal with such a difficult family dynamic, idly wondering if the other eagless would end up getting the same treatment that the Tribune himself had the previous night. Even if she does, I don’t think I care to see this time. “If you are not going to attend the Council of War, then who will be running it?” she asked him, to which he looked up and gave her a level look.

“You will,” he told her, to which her beak fell open and eyes went wide before she caught herself, struggling to restore her bearing. “It’s for two reasons, sub-Tribune. First, they need to get used to your presence and authority. To that end, this will be their introduction to you. They will be looking for any sign of uncertainty or unworthiness of your new rank, so present yourself well. If it helps, just recall confronting me. You were certainly unafraid of expressing yourself then,” he said with a thin smile., to which Gilda responded with a slightly more wan one.

“And second, I need somegriffon who is already familiar with both human and Changeling tactics to help integrate them with our own forces. It was clear from the Queen’s memory replays that you have a sharp military mind and a good grasp of tactics. Thus, your responsibilities are as follows: run the meeting in my stead, coming up with both tactical and strategic recommendations for how we defend the city and incorporate the efforts of our new allies,” he told her.

“I will review those recommendations later and decide which to pursue. Just remember that this time, I will expect your unquestioned obedience to my orders, even if you dislike them.” He pinned her with a stare. “There will be no more teenage temper tantrums, Behertz. It is not only unbecoming of a commander, but dangerous to the defense of the city for its corrosive effect on morale. The stakes are now too grave.”

“By your command,” she said, still inwardly reeling. “I will do as you direct, Tribune. But I do request the ability to summon several others to this meeting that I think will need to hear it.”

“The composition of your command staff and escort force is completely up to you, as are those you bring to the war council,” he reminded her again. “To that end, you have full authority to make any changes of command or organization you wish, up to and including promotions. Though if you will accept a suggestion, I strongly recommend you elevate Optio Giraldi to Centurion, as I originally intended to do. And preferably Senior Centurion to give him additional status and authority. He’s not only well past due for such a rank, but he’s the most able and experienced soldier we have. As it seems he respects you, those who respect him will respect you in turn.”

“Yes, sir,” she nodded thoughtfully, her mind awhirl as she tried to piece together in her head who would be doing what. “I’ll see to it.”

“Good. I will return this evening—or sooner if the Cloven threaten, though it still seems unlikely for now given the dearth of activity outside the city. But as we cannot count on that, summon me immediately if they appear.” He passed her a command crystal, awaiting her nod and bared throat.

She offered them promptly. “By your command. And if, by chance, you are… unavailable?” she asked cautiously, causing him to give her the same withering glare his wife gave him.

“I know my duty, Behertz. Be assured that I am not going to shirk it to indulge with the Queen,” he said sharply, but then deflated, hard. “Though on that subject, Crows know that there is one other possibility that should be considered and planned for.” He dipped a quill in ink and began to write out a fresh order on his desk.

He wrote for a minute before speaking again. “The Cloven tried to assassinate me once already, and there is always a chance I could die in combat as I nearly did two days ago. If I fall to the Cloven, that will leave the city bereft of an experienced Tribune to command her defense. If that happens, this is what you will do…”

I will be alternating work on C&C and Midnight Rising for now, but starting in May, I will also resume work on the second book of my anthro novel series Dominion Academy. Stay tuned for more updates and information about release dates as the chapters take shape.

Comments ( 4 )

This looking up and interesting :coolphoto:

Hell yeah, man! Can't wait for more C&C and I'm sure whatever you come up with for Midnight Rising will be great. It sounds like you know what went wrong and how to fix it.

Good on you for keeping at it!

I wonder how much the plan to mount the 50 on a cart will change here, because they could mount IT on a ballon or small airship and have a Griffon powered attack Helicopter with a gun, a Dragon flamethrower, mage shield and anti air and anti vehicle missiles. Also a bunch of marines blasting wagner and fortunate son or the griffin/Pony equivalent.

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