• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen June 6th

Trixie by Night

Fetish account that accidentally became the main one when I came out as trans. Still horny posting; shamelessly nerdy too. She/her.

More Blog Posts9

  • 7 weeks
    The Experiments on hiatus: AMA

    Terribly sorry. Real life stuff happened that kept me this long from writing, and other more personal stuff that honestly keeps me away from the proper mental place to write this story in particular. Overall, I don't think I'll pick it up anytime soon.

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    9 comments · 104 views
  • 25 weeks
    Bored, horny and need inspiration: Ask me anything about kinks

    Well, that. I'm in need of attention (the horny kind), so ask me anything and I'll have to reply honestly.

    Don't abuse it (or do).

    0 comments · 60 views
  • 25 weeks
    Thank you all for 1,000 views!

    The heat-wave where I live finally ended, so I managed to log-in. It was a pleasuring surprise to see the view-count past a thousand. I'm admittedly an attention slut, so to know there were so many people reading my story makes me really horny. Plus, without a mind-melting heat, I can think straight (not necessarily heterosexually) enough to retake writing.

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  • 26 weeks
    Trixie throws you an update

    2 comments · 62 views
  • 26 weeks
    What's the best hour to release a new chapter?

    I wonder...

    3 comments · 77 views

The Experiments on hiatus: AMA · 2:43pm April 22nd

Terribly sorry. Real life stuff happened that kept me this long from writing, and other more personal stuff that honestly keeps me away from the proper mental place to write this story in particular. Overall, I don't think I'll pick it up anytime soon.

Thanks the world for reading when I did write it. Honestly, writing in general helps me a lot in bad moments, and knowing someone actually read it only makes it better. You're great readers.

With that said, I know there were a lot of mysteries going on in the story. So, if you wanted to know where was I going, something from the backstory, or just what kinks were gonna be involved, just ask away. I'll tell anything you want to know.

And take care.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Report Trixie by Night · 104 views · Story: The Experiments ·
Comments ( 9 )

I really liked the transhumanist (transpony-ist?) changes you had, magic allowing the Mane 6 to become what seemed like a purer version of themselves, removed from biology. I hope things get better for you, even if you don't start writing this again.
I'm a big Rarity fan, particularly for her desire to improve and uplift others. If you don't mind sharing, what did you plan to do with her in your universe?

Thanks for the support. Regarding Rarity, oh girl, this is gonna get messy and quick.

So, Rarity was the first of Twilight's experiments where she was conscious she was making gods and monsters, and blurring the line between both (and realized she was okay with that). The idea is that, with Applejack and Rainbow supplying endless food and energy, Twilight needed to keep her ponies docile and peaceful. So, she made it so they would spend all their extreme emotions in the dream space, where ponies visit in their dreams to fulfill any and all desires they may have, leaving satisfied and without any larger ambitions once awake.

That's where Rarity enters, helping fulfil those desires and fulfilling her own too, unleashing her creativity for the ponies, and taking their own for herself. With her chamber is the literal dreamscape.

She remained a woman (basically the first cis one in the story) choosing to present herself as mix of draconic and changeling, seeing herself as powerful and greedy by having all of Equestria's ambitions for herself, as well as feeding from their worse vices (all capital sins are explored and exploited in her realm). Although not entirely a satanic figure, she was the first one who did accept to become more than equine, and also the first one whom Twilight didn't have to convince or guide into the process. So she's not as subservient as Applejack of Rainbow.

With Twilight, Rarity would have been the first dominant one too. She would be tying Twilight down and tempting her with different scenarios until Twilight begged for release. Only for Rarity to make Twilight service her instead (lots of bondage and dressing-up and gender play involved). In a more mythical sense, in the same way that Eros was the only god with power over Zeus, Rarity would be the only being with power over Twilight, Not by strength, since Twilight is the final word in power in the universe, but by offering and denying Twilight something she wants but can't take by force; love.

That description of Rarity is extremely tantalizing and it leads me to ask what of others? Both the rest of the Mane Six and some other prominent characters like Sunset, Celestia, Luna, CMC, Cadance, Shining, Flurry, Spike, Starlight, Tempest, Trixie ? Thank you in advance

I did think Rarity's femininity seemed a set part of her identity, so it fits she'd keep that. Hybrid of dragon and changeling sounds cool, she does have a gluttonous side offset by her generosity, and a desire to be loved and admired.
The idea that Rarity allows the population to use her dream realm as a pressure release so they are more docile and controllable sounds downright nefarious. It reminds me of stuff like Ready Player One or The Matrix, where the fake reality is a distraction for the public so they don't/can't challenge the rulers of society. This story's Twilight has a definite absolute power theme going on.

Yeah, that was the point at the story where the horror and more surreal themes would have started to set in. On your question, the second bit is easier to explain but it's also one of the big reveals at the end, so I'll put it in spoiler to keep some semblace of surprise; Only Twilight and the Mane Six are really alive. Everyone else lived a normal life that ended too long ago. So long not even Twilight is entirely sure. Last time she bothered to count, it was in the order of magnitude of the millions. Hence why and the story say 'a thousand years of her reign', despite the mentions of centuries and generations not adding up. It's just a fixed 'past tense' she uses for convenience.

Now, on the remaining Mane Six (Monster Six? Deus Six?), Fluttershy and Pinkie are a bit more visceral and full-in body horror, sexual horror, as well as regular horror. Content Warning from here on.

Fluttershy became Mother Equus. Visually a lot like a giant Draconequus, only instead of mismatching parts, her body is really a 'in between' of every sentient species over the planet (each time you look at her, she vaguely resembles a different one). That's because she is the one giving birth to all of them. Just like food, magic, and even the subconscious are all supplied by Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity, so is life by Fluttershy. She carries all life before birth, and brings them to life by her own act and will. After they all die, they come back to her, impregnating her again and keeping the cycle.

That also means she's constantly pregnant, and far past any normal proportion. Up to the point her abdomen and breasts are larger than the rest of her body. So, her chamber really is more of a 'throne' of shorts where she can sit or lie as her body keeps the cycle of life. Continuing the bondage theme from Rarity's, Fluttershy's kept in suspension with a set of machinery to keep her comfortable, receive her offspring, and milk her to feed them properly before being magically sent to the surface. All very H. R. Giger's biomechanoids (like the xenomorphs, only more in your face with the sexual imagery).

Gender identity or expression stopped meaning anything to Fluttershy. Twilight still keeps the feminine pronouns out of habit. Kind of like Rarity, she agreed on the procedure and its consequences, even the multiple times Twilight offered to cut it. In fact, Fluttershy is actually very content being the caretaker of the entire life on the planet, even proud. Her only demand is to be loved (in a sexual way) by Twilight every once in a while.

Now on Pinkie. Remember how Applejack is stated to be Twilight's "first success"? That's because Pinkie was her first failure.

It was at the start of the experiments, when Twilight's fixation on defeating death was mixed with the fear to the uncertainty of being able to. So, with Pinkie she tried all methods she could think about without even thinking; magical absorption, magical regeneration, consciousness independent of a physical body and even self reproduction (also know as the separate methods of immortality applied to Applejack, Rainbow, -Rarirty and Fluttershy). Twilight never enve thought of limiting herself or adding limitations to the test.

The result is that Pinkie's body was turned into amorphous matter. By all accounts, she could be anything she wanted, and even take from her surroundings if more mass or energy needed. The problem is that her mind also got scattered, so instead of reforming into one single body, she's a hive mind with two hundred and sixty bodies (the 26 episodes of the first season). Literally any gender and species they feel like at any given moment.

Her chamber is the only one that can't be opened from the inside and has no way of contact with the outside world, because it's the only one made specifically for containment. Inside, Pinks is a sentient town dedicated to excess. Sex, drugs, alcohol, any and all sins. It's a forever party, forever going. They can't even collapse because they just can reform their bodies indefinitely. They still have enough identity left to recognize themselves as a single entity, even if split. So, they still act all in unison, or at least in the same general direction.

Kink-wise, Twilight ends up at the center of a very disorganized orgy/black sabbath. Since Pinks are literally indestructible, Twilight can break loose and do anything that comes to mind without fear. If Rarity is the only being Twilight is submissive to, Pinks are the only many with whom she doesn't hide anything. On the reverse, she also lets them do anything they want with her. A form of penance/compensation for her failure.

And wow this reply got long. Anyways, I hope that was a satisfactory answer. Maybe one day I could figure out a follow up and add equally surreal, sexually suggestive and horrifying concepts for the rest of the cast. If you have any other doubts, suggestions or requests, I'm all ears.

Yeah, I got the same reading. Like, sure I could writer her as a man or non binary, but at its core, she does have a very fixed feminine identity to her. Or at least to me. Gender identity is already pretty subjective, and we're talking fictional characters. So, that's like subjective squared.

On the species, at first I was going to keep her as entirely draconic with some demonic design marks (feathered dragon wings, double horns,, vampire-like fangs). But then I realized Twilight already had a fallen angel aesthetic going on for her, so I went in another direction. Since Rarity was meant to be creativeness given form, then a changeling felt fitting enough, able to alter her body in any way the ponies visiting needed her to be, or she wanted to present with them (plus some mind-screwy ones, like imagine a pony's whose fantasy is sleeping with themselves and such).

As you pointed out, it does fit with a general theme of greed and gluttony, as well as the remaining seven sins, which are like a wine to her.

Now, more than control, Twilight rationalizes it as giving her ponies literally anything they want. Instead of experiencing vague ideas and memories firing up in their subconscious when sleep, dreaming for ponies means literally a second life where nothing is real and everything is permitted. Outside of Twilight's justification, of course it's all control. Unlike Celestia and canon!Twilight, my version of her is not a benevolent person. She's greedy, prideful, very lustful, and so on and so fort. For her, ruling over Equestria means controlling every aspect of Equestria (look up the other reply for a very twisted take on nativity and motherhood), even its surroundings.

As you put it, absolute power, and even some more. Here's an extract from Rairty's half-written chapter before I had to go on hiatus:

Knowing she held such control over an entire realm was just perfect for her lust right now. Once again, she was groping herself, tongue hanging and leaving a trail of fluids with her steps.

It didn't matter how many visits she made, or how many hours or even day she spent in each chamber. Hell, even outside them, she had spend over a thousand years exploring herself too. The truth was that Twilight's lust simply had no end. She was never sure if that was an effect of becoming so powerful, or if it was her lust what drove her to take over everything. She caressed herself at the thought of little mortal Twilight Sparkle one night, before her destiny was set in motion, already possessing the lust that would take over everything.

So, yeah. My Twilight is pretty screwed up in the mind. If absolute power corrupts absolutely, how does absolute corruption actually look? Apparently very horny.

Also, I hope that was a satisfactory answer. Just like I said in my other reply, if you have any other doubts, suggestions or requests, I'm all ears.

Just had a cursed thought about Pinks, with her being what she is I can see this Twi turning her into a pseudo-afterlife with her adding engrams of exceptional beings to the infinite party that Pink is now( also a way for you to use characters that are long dead now without turning them into the same manner of being as the Six)
Also just remembered that there should exist three beings trapped in a statue that should be alive now, but with a lot less incentive for Twi to be nice to them, does she do some experiments to them?

That would probably look more like a hell than anything else. Pinks are dedicated to excess because it's the only thing they can think about to spend time. But add up indestructible bodies and all the time in the world, and what they consider fun may look pretty horrifying, if not entirely alien to someone else. Hence why Twilight made sure their chamber is the contained one.

Besides, a simpler solution is putting their souls into Fluttershy's rebirth cycle. Maybe a less kink-horror story could be made about one of the old supporting cast (like Starlight or Spike) 'awakening' with their memories in a new body and getting to witness how... different is Twilight's brave new world.

Or, like you say, the Legion of Doom breaking free. Although, I don't think Twilight would have too much animosity left in her, if she even remembers them. She's just too powerful for any of them to be a bother, and it's been too long for any conflict to remain relevant.

With that said, I could picture Chrysalis in particular wanting to amass power and Twilight humoring her. Like some sort of large scale play where Twilight pretends to not be aware as Chrysalis makes her own experiments to become as powerful and defy Twilight's rule. Only for the later to just reaffirm that absolute power means absolute power. Or maybe letting Chrysalis be as powerful, since she could use a real conflict (ageless boredom) or a partner on her same level.

There's a lot of story potential going on there.

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