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March Music Monday 6 (bonus 2!) · 12:30am April 9th

As one of my friends in high school once said, "Blow ye winds like the trumpets blow, but without all that :yay: noise."


Back when I was in High School, and also in college, I played trumpet. Not very well, I'll be the first to admit, but I could certainly make noise with it, and sometimes I could hit dog discomfort notes. While I didn't keep up with it, I do still have a trumpet and can probably still make noise with it if I wanted to.

Due to reasons, I went to two different high schools. The first was a nice, ritzy school in a nice ritzy affluent community in the metro-Detroit area, and we had a short band director with a big ego and our band wasn't super talented but we had fun. Got lots of good memories of marching at football games (in which our team lost; our record was 4-5 . . . that is, four wins in five years. The only game they won while I was attending school was one that the band didn't march in because it was raining too hard). We did some parades and even hosted one contest (held inside 'cause it was raining). I think we came in last; we got dinged a bunch of points for doing a cadence in the hallway as we marched out. Whatever, it sounded great.


The other high school I attended was a small-town school with no money, and we had a short band director with a big ego and our band was super talented. We were a competition marching band, and we swept every competition we went to . . . except States, we always seemed to come in second there. (They did win first the year after I graduated, which I'm sure is a coincidence). We played fun music, like Blood, Sweat and Tears, and I have many good memories of marching band.

We also had a pep band who played for basketball games, and we were so good that the refs called a penalty on the band once for interfering with the game. Not because we blocked the field, but because we were musically messing with the other team.

This isn't about marching band or pep band, and in fact I wasn't even playing trumpet. I wanted to be in the jazz band, but they had lots of trumpets already, and they were all better than me. So I volunteered to play valve trombone, which is like a normal trombone but it has valves instead of a slide. Also it's in a different key than normal trombone, so I re-learned bass clef slightly transposed and in a different key signature and now I can't remember which is right.


Anyway, one spring as we were preparing for our Spring Concert, the band director (who also plays trumpet) decided he was going to give a buddy a call and see if he wanted to come out and play with us.

His buddy was Jon Faddis, noted professional jazz trumpeter. He said yes, and he decided that this sounded like fun so he was going to bring a friend who was also a professional trumpet player (I think his name was Max Collie III, but I can't find anything about him on Google, so maybe I'm misremembering the name). This would be like the local high school basketball team playing a game with Shaq and Kobe as guest players.

At one point, our director started a solo, and Faddis and Max started riffing on it, each playing a little bit higher and a little bit faster until Faddis decided it was time to show off and went up an octave.

He was a real cool dude; he picked on one of the trumpet players throughout the concert (not for his ability, just when he was chatting with the audience, he'd always put him on the spot), and afterwards we all hung out at a local restaurant and had a late meal.

Now, normally I'd post the full video of the song of the day here, but in this case I'm gonna post a George Collier link where he just covers the trumpet solos--they've got three lead trumpets, and they keep trading solos . . .

This was very much the mood of that high school jazz band concert.

(and here's the link to the full video of Gonna Fly Now)


Comments ( 15 )

Also since everyone is posting eclipse stuff today, here's my contribution:

I remember hearing that on the radio.



No apocalypse today, but I've been blasting Fanfare for the Common Man and the Ben-Hur Chariot March and shofars just for the heck of it.

It's supposed to be seven trumpets, one after another. Not all together, which is kind of boring. Unless a solo trumpet has organ accompaniment or something.

"I have to go. I'm a big girl now."


I can't stand what they did to the Deep Space 9 theme after the first couple seasons. It has to be adagio con brio!

Also, Shining Armor had good taste playing Flugelhorn in highschool. It can always use more love.

It's just as regal as the cornet, thankyouverymuch.

"Air tickle?"That part in the sheet music overlay got me in stitches.:rainbowlaugh:
That was some great trumpet playing.
Makes me wonder why I don't listen to jazz more often.

That sounds awesome!!!

Ooh very cool stuff indeed n_n

Prolly the original, not the Exit Eden cover.


No apocalypse today, but I've been blasting Fanfare for the Common Man and the Ben-Hur Chariot March and shofars just for the heck of it.

Can't go wrong with either of the first two choices.

It's supposed to be seven trumpets, one after another. Not all together, which is kind of boring. Unless a solo trumpet has organ accompaniment or something.

First link's already broke (dumb YouTube, dumb me for taking so long to reply). As for the second . . . looks like he's got flames coming out of his trumpet, and with good reason. You're right, trumpet + organ is a great combo (actually organ + lots of things is a great combo). I wonder how much non-church music has a trumpet and an organ? There isn't none; heck, Interstellar famously used a pipe organ in their soundtrack 'cause it breathes.

Also, Shining Armor had good taste playing Flugelhorn in highschool. It can always use more love.

It's just as regal as the cornet, thankyouverymuch.

I can't remember if I ever played the Flugelhorn. I don't think I did, but I did cover more than just trumpet back in my high school days (all with an equal lack of talent, but whatever). It is a good instrument, and thanks to marching band I'm familiar with it--you don't usually march French Horns, after all.


"Air tickle?"That part in the sheet music overlay got me in stitches.:rainbowlaugh:

It wasn't wrong, either. That was very much an air tickle (or maybe an air pummel, hard to say).

That was some great trumpet playing.
Makes me wonder why I don't listen to jazz more often.

Right? I feel the same way. Jazz isn't really my thing, but at the same time there are plenty of jazz songs that are fantastic. I don't tend to seek them out but sometimes I find them quite by accident, and I'm always happy when I do.

It was amazing, one of my best memories of high school.

I have a Miles Davis CD somewhere. Better break it out again.

You might also like diving down the Ibrahim Maalouf rabbit hole. He's got a special trumpet that plays notes normal trumpets don't.

I'll keep him in mind.
Oh, and of course "air tickle" would be actual terminology.:facehoof: Silly me.

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