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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    Sentencing Characters (Dragnet Style)

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Sentencing Characters (Dragnet Style) · 10:07pm March 30th

As you know (Or some of you at least) The Writer is the one in charge. The Writer is the master. The Writer... is... God (Of the world the write anyway)

You control everything that happens-- the nature, the physics, the laws, and the characters too-- how they live, how they act, what they say and do. It doesn't matter how much effort you put into it to make it look like they have free will of their own, because they don't. They are still just puppets on strings that can only do what the Writer/Artist tells them to do. Their futures/fates are quite literally written in black and white.

You (the writer) decide what happens to them. (Your own characters, in your own story)

One thing I like to do is Punish and Bash characters for letting me down in fics. I know... Characters are not obligated to please me, but that doesn't change I am still outraged and I don't like what I saw. And that, there, is exactly what fanfiction is for-- to create alternate plots, or further happenings (Mainly so we writers can see WHAT WE wanted to see)

And I like to punish characters as if they had broken the law (Not actual laws, but my own laws) and by that, I mean if they let me down, or do something or act in a way I find outrageous. Depending upon how angry I am and of the situation, they could get punished.

At the end of Dragnet, they show this.

I like to use the TV show DRAGNET to help her determine punishments, by comparing the actions of the characters to actual crimes (Los Angels in the 1960s-1970s) or so.)

At the end of every Dragnet show, the narration would tell us "Trial was Held..." and then reveal the results of said trials which shows the guilt of the suspect and their fate.

I don't actually show these in the stories I make, I just use them privately to determine how angry I am the characters and how harshly I punish them.

The penalties are...

DEATH: Which speaks for itself.

IMPRISONMENT: The characters aren't sent to jail, but they do live miserable and unfulfilling lives, deprived of privlege, mercy, or hope of any sorts.

-People and animals don't like you
-Flowers wilt and babies cry when you are near
-You get bullied often and relentlessly
-You don't get rewarded or thanked for doing good deeds
-The most you can gain is a low-paying job
-Your grades are bad (Even if they are good, you'll get nothing)

Just to name a few things, it goes on... Bottom-Line: You're in a bad run.

PROBATION: You can have SOME success and a little bit power, but you will live so under MY conditions

-No more acting like you did in Canon
-No more positivity and friendship
-Get revenge on people
-Don't give people other chances

...Just a few.

If, however, you do not enrage me much, or I can approve of or tolerate said actions... you don't get punished at all.

Let's go over some of my ways I like to have "Fun" with these characters.

-When You, Have been dumped or rejected by someone very harshly and horribly...
-If you try to move on and forward with your life (When I don't want you to)
-If you are constantly teased, mistreated, or bullied by people (Friends, enemies, civilians, ect) and you never stand up for yourself or seek/get revenge on them

The suspect was found guilty of Murder in the first degree.
Murder in the First Degree is punishable by Death, or imprisonment for life.

"Garfield Logan/ Beast Boy:
Now awaiting Execution in the state prison

The suspect was found guilty of Murder in the First Degree, and was sentenced to Death.
Execution was carried out December 24, 2020.

"Moondancer: Deceased"

The suspect was found guilty of Murder in the First Degree.
Murder in the First Degree is Punishable by Death or Imprisonment for Life.

"Cranky Doodle:
Now serving his sentence in the state prison."

-If you harshly, coldly, or carelessly dump someone or reject them.
-If you tell someone "I have moved on, and so should you."
-If you do not reciprocate their feelings (Depending on things)
-If you do not wish to rekindle the relationship when you can

The suspect was found guilty of Murder in the Second Degree.
Second Degree Murder is punishable by imprisonment from 5 years to Life.

"Terra Markov, now serving a life sentence in the state penitentiary for women"

The suspects were both found guilty of Murder in the Second Degree.
Second Degree Murder is punishable by imprisonment from 5 years to Life.

Because he initiated the breakup, Garfield Logan received the Maximum Punishment of Life.
Queen Perdita Vladek's sentence was suspended pending another trial.

-When you try to help or encourage someone move on
-When you give someone the "Plenty of Fish in the Sea" speech
-When you try to give someone positivity and help them feel better so they can move on.

You are comitting ONE to Several possible crimes...

The suspect was found guilty of offering a bribe to a police officer a felony which is punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 14 years

Kori Anders/Starfire:
Now serving her sentence in the state penitentiary for women"

The suspect was found guilty of Conspiracy, and Conspiracy to Commit Murder, which is punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 10 years

Megan Morse (Miss Martain)
Now serving her sentence in the state penitentiary for women"

The suspect was found guilty of violating section 11502-- Healthy and Safety Code of this Fanfiction World-- in that she knowingly furnished a narcotic to a minor. The penalty for unlawfully selling, furnishing, administering, or giving a narcotic to a minor is imprisonment from 10 years to Life.

Twilight Sparkle:
Now serving her sentence in the state penitentiary for women"

-If you constantly are very nasty to someone
-If you refuse to take them seriously
-If you constantly and physically abuse them for no good reason
-If you constantly show disregard for a person's feelings or well-being
-If you willfully and uncaringly deny someone their happiness for your own sake

You are Committing One to Several crimes depending upon your actions and the severity...

The suspect was found guilty of Assault with Intent to Commit Murder, which is punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 14 years.

She was also found guilty on several counts of Felony Manslaughter. Each count of Felony Manslaughter is punishable by Imprisonment from 1 to 5 years.

Because of constant convictions for the same offense, Raven Roth received the maximum sentence.

Raven Roth:
Now serving her sentence in the state penitentiary for women"

The suspect was found guilty on several counts of Grand Theft, and one count of Forgery.
Grand Theft is punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 10 years.
Forgery is punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 14 years

Dick Grayson/ Robin:
Now serving his sentence in the state prison"

The suspect was found guilty of Robbery in the First Degree, and Second Degree Burglary.
Robbery in First Degree is punishable by imprisonment for no less than 5 years.
Burglary in the Second Degree is punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 15 years.

Victor Stone/ Cyborg:
Now serving his sentence in the state prison"

Whew! Having some fun now... hehehehe!

That's how it goes. Enrage me too much, or push me over the edge, and the character just may face this sort of punishment. (I as Writer, wills it)

If I'm not enraged, or I approve of it, then they are not punished at all, in which case they are found not guilty of said crimes, or they committed murder in an act of Self-Defense, thus exonerating themselves.

I just love doing this Dragnet stuff to these characters, it really gets my writing ideas going.

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