• Member Since 20th Jul, 2012
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Just a friendly cyborg dragon-bug thingy

More Blog Posts27

  • 11 weeks
    Some Whisper and Starlight arts.

    I entirely forgot to post these up, but Alienz_Tea over on Reddit made some beautiful pictures of Whisper and Starlight that I wanted to share!

    First up is Starlight, looking all perky and ready to go! And of course she has to have her Lancer, which Alienz_Tea gave a unique and very detailed take of!

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  • 14 weeks
    Non-pony writing and titles

    So I haven't done any new pony-words in a while, but I've still been writing. In fact, I've got a story that I'm hoping to get professionally published. Probably still a while away, even if things were to go miraculously smoothly, but it's a possibility that I'm really psyched about. There's just one problem:

    I'm not sure what to title it.

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  • 37 weeks
    The Chrysalis translation (Spanish)

    So there's another translation of The Chrysalis in the works! Bloo-D00 has started the impressive task of translating the story to Spanish on their DeviantArt account ( https://www.deviantart.com/bloo-d00/gallery/all ). They've already got the first 18 chapters out, which is some impressive work!

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  • 79 weeks
    The Chrysalis translation (Russian)

    The Fallout: Equestria fandom seems to have a sizable Russian-speaking population, so MrBrightsideTF2 has started the impressive task of translating my story into the Russian language! I've got to admit, I'm rather flattered that someone would go through that sort of effort for my story!

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  • 131 weeks
    No more books.

    Well, it was a good run. Lulu just sent out a message stating that they will not allow fanfiction, in any form, to be sold through their site, even privately, and that they're shutting down my account there. As of now, every book is offline.

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Non-pony writing and titles · 6:59am March 4th

So I haven't done any new pony-words in a while, but I've still been writing. In fact, I've got a story that I'm hoping to get professionally published. Probably still a while away, even if things were to go miraculously smoothly, but it's a possibility that I'm really psyched about. There's just one problem:

I'm not sure what to title it.

The story is about someone "discovering" themselves through cybernetic modification. There's also a bit of an insect theme, which is probably unsurprising to anyone who has read my stories here and seen how much I love changelings. For pretty much the entire time I've been writing this story, I've been struggling to decide on a good name for it. I eventually narrowed it down to two, but I can't decide between them. Just today, while I was struggling with this, it was pointed out that I'm followed by more than a thousand people here (eep! :twilightoops: ) who might be able to give some feedback to help me out!

The two titles I've come up with are "Chrome Soul" and "Cybermorphosis."

I'm wondering how these sound to other people. What sort of ideas they stir up. Whether they catch interest. Anything. If any of you reading this have any opinions on those titles that you'd like to share, I'd absolutely love that (and if not, no worries!).

Either way, thank you all :twilightsmile:

Report Phoenix_Dragon · 271 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Cybermorphosis sounds cool.

Cybermorphosis would definitely fit your synopsis to a T.

Frith #3 · March 4th · · ·

Chrome Soul with good cover art giving a feel of futurism and insectoid modification sounds like something I'd pick off the shelf to read. Cybermorphosis sounds too intellectual, like a treatise on the evolution of society into something more sterile and automated than it is today.


Cybermorphosis rolls of the tongue better and is an intriguing play on the word metamorphosis that tells you the story is going to be about some sort of cybernetic change or transformation. As it's also an interesting looking word it may even catch the attention (temporarily) of those that don't immediately know what it means.

Chrome Soul feels mechanical, sterile, and unremarkable by comparison. The title is somewhat generic and tells you little about what the story will be about besides giving it a soft sci-fi feel, if anything I'd assume the book would be about something involving robots or AI and their feelings.

Crysm #6 · March 4th · · ·

Another vote for Cybermorphosis. Do update us once it's published, whatever title you choose. :)

Cybermorphosis is more unique and eye-catching, and is more likely to attract the attention of people looking for something specific. It could also be taken as a reference to Kafka's Metamorphosis, if that's what you're going for.

Chrome Soul is snappier, and is likely to play better with a general audience. Two word titles also make themed titles for sequels easier, if any sequels are planned.

It's really about what you want out of it.

Nytus #8 · March 4th · · ·

Happy to see you sharing info about that other project, Phoenix. Looking forward to getting my hands on it.

My vote goes to Cybermorphosis, like most others here. :twilightsmile:

This isn't exactly an answer to your question, but Cybermorphosis has fewer results on Google and Amazon--which could help with discoverability. However, it's also harder to spell (and harder to remember how to spell). Chrome Soul is easier to remember and spell, but less unique.

I'd recommend picking one of the two options you have right now as a working title for your own private use. Then, have some people you trust (both for their character and their taste) read part of the story and ask them what they think the title of the story is. Don't tell them ahead of time what the story's title is.

May give you some fresh ideas.


Resu #11 · March 6th · · ·

Cybermorphosis. Chrome Soul doesn't pique my interest.

Mass spam reply go!

I normally wouldn't mass-respond to literally everyone, but I wanted to thank you all for giving me feedback. It means a lot to me. :twilightsmile:

Looks like Cybermorphosis is more popular by a landslide. I was kinda leaning towards it myself, but I was worried other people might think it sounded too weird or silly or something. It's good to know that isn't true!

I'll probably still worry about the title just like every other aspect of the story, and it's possible that I might come up with some different title later on, but this does make me feel a lot better about this one aspect than I did before. So again, thank you!

Good luck!

Considering you've been worrying over the title since at least January 4th, I'd say you should be able to sleep a bit easier knowing we all agree with you and look forward to reading anything you write, even if it doesn't involve colorful talking equines or the far more superior buggy boys.

Hah, I wish I'd only been worrying about it for two months. I've been debating over what to name it since I first got the idea for the story... back around when I was finishing The Chrysalis. :twilightsheepish:

Thanks! And hopefully I'll have more to announce before too long, but I know getting a book published can take a long time...

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