• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2014
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AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

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Hey everyone. I'm back! · 12:34am February 22nd

Hey everyone. I'm here to announce some news about Equestria Mystery Dungeon but not of its cancellation.

I just completed a full editing pass of it to bring it in line with my ever-harsher quality control standards. Let me tell you folks something, Equestria Mystery Dungeon is not a perfect story by a long shot. Chapter three was particularly sloppy. It took me hours of fussing with it to iron out all the backstory and how typing worked. Because of the extent of the edits, I will recommend to any current readers of this fic to go back and reread the old chapters before proceeding. There are some retcons in this thing.

Yeah, I hate retcons but it had to be done. I've said in previous blogs, I assume, that when I started this fic I only barely knew anything about Pokémon and was relying on "zeal of the newly converted Pokéficionado" to motivate me to write, which means that even after writing for nearly ten years, I'm as prone to newbie writing mistakes as I was in 2014.

With my editing pass complete, and having reoriented myself with the material, I'll get back to work on my incomplete chapter 6 document.

With that out of the way, some more news. I had major surgery! Yaaaaaay. After years of dealing with severe acid reflux and being in a generally awful headspace, I seem to have found some relief. I hope. I'm 3 weeks out of Nissin Fundiplication robot-assisted laparoscopy and I'm slowly regaining the ability to eat solid foods. It will be weeks before I can eat whatever I want but I hardly care. I don't have to take heavy doses of medication every single day which doesn't bring me any relief. Or so I hope. I'm still very much post-op so I still feel like a total mess. I'm improving by the day though and the Doc says I won't be fully healed for another 5 weeks. I guess by then I'll find out if I'm really "cured."

In the meantime, I have referred pain as a result of my procedure meaning I feel like I need a back rub after I eat and I have to take 6-7 meals a day of bland soft food. Not fun but such is life. At least I'm out of work for a good while. May as well get some writing done, eh? It's a blessing that I can take time off of work without worrying about going broke.

A brief note on Fecundity. I will finish the chapter that's already been paid for. I talked to the guy who paid me. He told me to wait as long as I need to finish it. My libido is still not what it used to be and that story is... well, if you know ya know. Once that chapter is done, I might cancel the story or put it on ice for a good long time. I just don't feel like writing full-on clop that anymore, you know? Like I got the horny out and now I just want to share my goofy silly side instead of my horny side. I'm struck reading through my 2022/23 Fimfiction material and noting how much less horny it is generally. Sure some of it is health-related but I don't think all of it is. I just think for the time being, I'm ready to focus on other things. To that end, I want the newly reactivated Equestria Mystery Dungeon to focus more on story than sex. And Equestria Mystery Dungeon in the best possible story of mine to flex my story muscles. It's got it all from action to feels.

But that doesn't mean the horny is dying completely. Ebon is still the horn dog you remember and his partners are too. The retcons are minimal and mostly deal with the question of how typing will work in Equestria.

So that's all I got for now. I'm ready to write, ya'll! As far as new stories? Yeah, nah as far as this year is concerned. Let's face it; I don't have to worry about putting stories on the front page anymore. It doesn't matter at this point. The only person I need to impress is myself and I'm a brutal critic; the most brutal critic you will meet on Fimfiction when it comes to my work.

That said, you can expect one new story from me in 2024 if Shakespearacles sees fit to organize another Summer Sin Celebration. I've said it before and I'll say it again; it's good to write outside your comfort zone. For what other reason do men exist than to struggle? Struggle is the essence of existence and to that end, I intend to struggle until I die, just like Glassie.

On a final note, a thank you to Firesight who has again, for the tenth year in a row, volunteered his services as editor to help me deliver the best story I can. Looking forward to continuing our collaborative efforts, Sensei.

Bless you all, readers and have a good evening.

Comments ( 9 )

On a final note, a thank you to Firesight who has again, for the tenth year in a row, volunteered his services as editor to help me deliver the best story I can. Looking forward to continuing our collaborative efforts, Sensei.

It is my honor and pleasure, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with on this and any other stories! EMD is a personal favorite of mine, but that's only because I love Umbreons. Hope you keep getting better and get to start eating those classic American staples of Mexican and Chinese buffet again!

Chinese and Mexican. I can hardly wait!

That said, you can expect one new story from me in 2024 if Shakespearacles sees fit to organize another Summer Sin Celebration.

Get better soon :twilightsmile: Let's hope your problems will be solved, if not at least significantly reduced.

You know I got to keep paying my dues!

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

So many stories just get abandoned. My watch list is full of them. But it is always a joy to see one come back!

I do enjoy the sexual parts of Equestria Mystery Dungeon, but the characters are much more of my interest. So a reduction in the horny isn't an issue for me. I do know how fickle feelings like that are.

Have the updates already been applied, or are you waiting till you have a new chapter ready?

I have edited all 5 existing chapters and I put down 1000 fresh words on chapter 6 just today! Read what I added whenever you'd like and I should have a new chapter ready in a week or two. I'm still on medical leave so I have a lot of time on my hands.

I'm really stoked you like my story and I'm honored that even after all this time and so many abandoned stories on this site, you care enough about this one to come back to it. I am fortunate to have readers such as yourself and I'll do my best not to let you down, horny material or otherwise. :twilightsmile:

I hope your passion for the eevee family remains at a all-time high after what you went through

Perhaps I'll show you, old friend. I'll contact you on Discord. If you'd still like to preread for EMD, that is.

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