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Admiral Producer

Friendship isn’t always easy. But there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. | YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbEH3wUKo6S3rEqTudjDWQ

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  • Today
    Story Status Updated

    The story status for Haven has officially been changed from ON HIATUS back to INCOMPLETE. I wonder what that could mean…:raritywink:

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  • Wednesday
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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  • 14 weeks
    I Got Writer’s Block + Taking A Tiny Break To Get Ideas

    You know that feeling when you know exactly what scene you want to play out, but aren’t sure how to execute it? Well, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation and you’d be right to ask that. It’s about Haven, which is doing decent so far in terms of reader engagement so far. Not a breakout hit by any means, but just the fact that I’m getting fans of the original

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  • 14 weeks
    ‘Haven’ Has Been Updated!

    While I’m impatiently waiting for the English dub of the newest Tell Your Tale episode to come out, have the third chapter of Haven! It’s been published and is ready for y’all to comment on. We’re back to the daily update schedule in full force. Thank you and see you all soon!

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I Have Officially Returned + Welcome To The Admiral Producer Universe! Official Announcement · 10:31pm February 19th

Hello, everypony! My name is Hawk Nightwing, the most unapologetic defender of G5 you’ll ever meet, and welcome to Admiral Producer Studios. You guys probably know me from my own channel dedicated to defending and analyzing Generation 5 of My Little Pony. If you weren’t already aware of that, well…there’s a shameless self promotion for you. Go ahead and check it out. But to those of you already joining me, welcome. I am excited to introduce you all to my secret initiative that I have been working on for a long time. I call it the Admiral Producer Universe. Yes, I’m starting my own MLP shared universe, the biggest project that I’ve ever committed myself to. If you thought that the defense videos are a massive undertaking, then you haven’t seen anything yet. Now this franchise will encompass everything from stories on the website Fimfiction, to short films, all the way to full on movies. And they are all connected! My dream is to one day become a filmmaker and this will be my way to practice for that goal. Now this universe won’t be the first time I’ve made fan films before. Over on another channel entirely, I’ve been making these movies as part of a separate universe itself called the Admiral Producer Cinematic Extended Universe, essentially a combination of the MCU and DCEU titles. But like the latter, that universe is set to end with the release of a multiversal duology titled

1. Crisis On Infinite Internets [Parts One and Two] (APCEU Films)

It will be a two-part film, both parts releasing this year, that will be coming out on that channel as part of the last slate of uploads before I close up shop on that for the foreseeable future to focus on my new endeavors.

But now that we have that out of the way, let’s get into the new universe starting us off where my journey all began on Fimfiction. Similarly to the APCEU, I’ve been running a mini shared universe of fanfics unofficially called the G5 Universe, that consisting of the Mane Five Saga and the acclaimed Misty Saga. Now that universe will be ending to make way for a G4-centric replacement that’s more geared towards long-form stories rather than one-shots. And the story to end that universe and kickstart the first chapter of the new one will be

2. Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness (Fimfiction Story)

Long title, I know, but this story will effectively be used to reset the continuity of the MLP universe and reboot it into the story branch of the APU titled the Lunar Literary Universe. Beyond will be set right after the events of Redeemed. If you remember from that story, Misty dies while defeating Opaline and Izzy Moonbow still hasn’t received closure from that. So when she gets ahold of the time traveling spell that Starlight Glimmer used, she attempts to go back in time and save Misty’s life. But doing so will have unforeseen consequences on the timeline. Essentially, it is a pony version of DC Comics’ “Flashpoint” and an amalgamation of all different tellings of that story. I will be using that fic as a jumping off point for the new timeline and it will be an important entry into understanding the cosmic forces at play. But coming up next is the first proper story in the LLU titled:

3. Twilight Sparkle: Protégé (Fimfiction Story)

which is essentially a new origin story for Twilight Sparkle. One of the biggest gripes I had with FIM’s pilot two-parter compared to how well A New Generation executed it for G5 was the lack of a personal motivation or emotional core for Twilight herself, in which she was never given a good reason WHY she didn’t like to make friends at first. She simply didn’t due to being an introvert. And this story will provide her with that reason. It will focus heavily on Twilight and her old friends from Canterlot years before she will ever go to Ponyville. The story will basically be a look into Twi’s life as Celestia’s personal student and what she will do when embittered old foes attempt to take that away from her. It’s a mother-daughter story between the two of them and a sort of mystery story involving Twilight, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer as they go on a quest to uncover the truth and clear Twilight’s name. The second story will be

4. Guardians of Harmony: Friendship is Magic (Fimfiction Story)

which is as the title suggests, a retelling of the pilot two-parter, but more like a Snyder Cut of it. It will have a much darker tone and greater character development for the Mane Six. It’s set about two years after the events of Protégé with all that context. I’m very excited for this story as it’s my way of really seeing what would happen if I wrote FIM. Obviously being a huge Zack Snyder fan, we got the gritty and mature tone, plus a much longer version of that original pilot, but it’s got everything you’d ever want from a better version of it in there, a better executed story and expanded character development for the Mane Six. This is like my Justice League, a crossover fic of epic proportions introducing our titular team of six heroes. So I’m very excited for you guys to read it. But set 10 years after that is

5. Luna v Celestia: Fall of Harmony (Fimfiction Story)

Now judging by the title, you would probably guess that this is the DCEU’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but with ponies this time and you would be absolutely correct! Now it’s not a one-to-one adaptation as there’s completely different character motivations and background context. But the end goal premise is the same. We see the battle between two titans and it ends in some sort of tragedy. In this case, it’s Princess Luna and Princess Celestia turning against one another and fighting each other as Equestria grapples with the kind of government they want. This will be the birth of the New Lunar Republic and Solar Empire factions as the land becomes divided. Celestia turns evil as Luna breaks away from her tyrannical regime to form her own democratic republic. It’s a different, more nuanced look at this ages-old fandom concept that I feel will reinvent it for new audiences. Completely new history, completely new motivations behind both while still sticking to the core of what made Bronies latch onto them in the first place.But coming up next after that is an Equestria Girls fic titled

6. Student Quest (Fimfiction Story)

which is what would happen if you mixed the Hunger Games franchise with the object show Battle For Dream Island. The main character is Sweet Leaf, a background human and Eco-Kid that the fandom’s become attached to and it is essentially her journey to redemption. She’s down on her luck, flunking her classes, had a falling out with her friends, and this is a sort of way for her to prove herself. It’s a story about fighting for your friendships, a common theme across these stories, and reconciling in dark times. Beautiful story, if not a bit gory considering the reality show death match subject matter.But after that we jump back to the pony world for

7. Son of Luna (Fimfiction Story)

which is like my Man of Steel. And this one is all about the origins of my character Hawk Nightwing. Now before you all shout at me for making a “self-insert” fic, I’d like to hopefully alleviate those fears and clarify that the character came first, not the author. When writing early drafts of later fics in my younger years, Hawk emerged as a character I became very attached to due to his morals and strong loyalty to his country, so I named my YouTube channel after him. But with that out of the way, this is all about Hawk growing up under the care of Princess Luna and being trained as a warrior. It’s a war story and an epic, following Hawk as he grows up, rises up the ranks of the Lunar Republican Army, and wins battles for the New Lunar Republic during the Equestrian Civil War. Speaking of that…

8. The Equestrian Civil War: Clash of the Sisters (Fimfiction Story)

is up next. Now this story has had its title changed around a lot, which is why you see a different subtitle here, it still needs to be updated. But it’s finally moving forward and this one particularly resonates with me. It’s a father-daughter story following Hawk as he rescues the hippogriff Silverstream from slavery in the Solar Empire. The story follows him slowly losing the cold, hardened exterior he built up as a result of the ongoing war, and learning to care for a girl who had no quality of life before she was rescued. It’s a powerful story about surviving abuse and fatherhood, which is the perfect combination of themes in my opinion.But following that story, we actually have our first film in the Admiral Producer Universe, which is

9. Luke Catwalker: Battle For Titus (APU Film)

Now one of the most exciting things about this new universe is that I get to mix MLP characters with my own original non-MLP characters, so that we have this fleshed out universe where the two flow together seamlessly. And the premise is like Student Quest, but with a more fun twist. It’s a musical akin to a Disney film with a ton and I mean a ton of songs, both sung by characters and background pop songs akin to a James Gunn film. It’s sort of like a 16th anniversary love letter to all the object shows I watched and it follows Luke as he’s recruited by Twilight Sparkle, who’s been in self-imposed exile following the events of LvC, to fight in a rigorous reality show run by the Announcer. This is where we introduce the core Admiral Producer cast and even bring over some characters from the page to the screen, such as Hawk Nightwing himself. We also start introducing characters from G5 here such as Misty Brightdawn. Yes, this is a universe where both G4 and G5 coexist, which is a very interesting element. So far she’s the only G5 character introduced, but it lays the groundwork for more to be introduced in the follow-up film. After that, we have

10. Misty Brightdawn: Family (APU Short Film)

which is a short film all about Misty as she adjusts to her new family with Luke and his friends. It’s a very emotional short film and it’s the first G5-exclusive story in this new universe. There’s no G4 characters, it’s just Misty as she adjusts to her newfound freedom after living in an abusive relationship with the Announcer. It’s an emotional short about family and overcoming trauma. But going back to G4 and Fimfiction, we have

11. The Equestrian Civil War 2: The Battle For Silverstream (Fimfiction Story)

This is a story about friendship and how it isn’t always easy, but there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. This is already my favorite story in the LLU, even in idea form. Essentially, after running to be President of the New Lunar Republic, Hawk is framed and thrown into prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Cozy Glow and her mother then assume control of the nation and enslave Silverstream once again. So it’s up to Ocellus to train under the most famous lawyer in Equestria to become one herself, so that she can help Silver file a lawsuit against her abusers and exonerate Hawk’s name. It’s a Young Six story through and through, and it’s all about the power of friendship and perseverance. It’s emotional, it’s dark, it’s empowering, it’s got legal drama elements, it’s grounded like a Christopher Nolan movie…just…what’s not to love here? This sort of acts to the culmination of the whole universe thus far, even though it definitely isn’t. That honor goes to the next story, which is

12. The Equestrian Civil War 3: The Return of Princess Twilight Sparkle (Fimfiction Story)

the last fic in the original trilogy. Now as I established earlier, Twilight’s been in exile for a long time. But following the events of Battle For Titus, she gets inspired to return to Equestria and reassemble the Guardians of Harmony. But she finds that the world has moved on without her and doesn’t need she and her friends anymore. However, she’s determined to prove them wrong and that Equestria still needs its heroes. But she’ll have to do it soon as a new threat is looming over the horizon that threatens everything the Republic holds dear. It’s the culmination of everything we’ve been building so far, but it’s not the end of Chapter 1. Nope. That honor goes to the final film of Chapter 1:

13. Admiral Producer: The Movie (APU Film)

This is it. This is The Avengers of our first phase. It’s a crossover film that brings together thematic elements from all the previous stories, but is largely a self-contained G5-centric film. It follows Sunny Starscout as the main character when she’s sent away by her mother Twilight to Luke’s house, where he is looking to gather as many children and teens as possible all throughout the kingdom to protect them from the overarching big bad of this universe. But he doesn’t know how nor want to care for them all as he’s still mourning over Misty getting kidnapped at the beginning of the film. The movie’s inspired by the film Shindler’s List in a lot of areas, it’s a Titanic-esque love story between Sunny and Hitch, it’s a grounded coming-of-age drama with Misty’s plotline of rising up the ranks of the Animalian Army, it’s like the Avatar movies in a lot of places with its gorgeous visuals and emotional family storyline…it’s about reconciling grief and learning to love again…all the characters have arcs that tie into the larger story of this universe and this really sets the stage for everything to come going forward. This is where everything is fully established. And it ends in a way that sets up the next phase, and everything to come. Everything comes together. The epic payoffs are all here.

Now of course, those entries are only part of this sprawling universe. It’s only Chapter 1, which is titled Family and Friendship. I have an overarching plan for lots more that I’m keeping under wraps for obvious reasons. This is like the introductory phase, in which we can then expand outwards, introduce more characters and cool concepts, and tell the greatest MLP story ever told. These films also won’t be the only projects I will be making on this channel. I also have the live-action remakes of my G5 stories on Fimfiction and basically…whatever else I want to make. And I want to establish that everything not connected to the APU from either page or screen is clearly labeled as Lunar Elseworlds. I hope you guys are excited for these projects as much as I am. I’ve been cooking up this announcement for so many months, even years, and it’s finally coming to fruition. This is part of my plan to revitalize the fandom, as there will be a fresh load of fan content coming your way. Together we can seize this moment and truly create something special. I know I’m excited for this universe to finally truly come to life, and here’s to the next phase of my creative journey. If you want to keep up with everything, be sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel. It really makes a huge difference in helping me grow and who knows? You might want to stick around.

And to those of you watching on Fimfiction, let me know what project you’re most excited to see from either the screen or the page in the comments below. I look forward to reading and responding to all of you. You can all rest easy knowing that I am officially back and have a lot of catching up to do. I’ll be seeing you all soon with the Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness tie-in one-shot. Hoof to heart.

Comments ( 3 )

Wow, this all sounds amazing!

I wish you good luck on your project dude.

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