• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019
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German , Trying to write something worth while. Everyone start small after all. Enjoy the Story fellow Bronys (^///-///^)/)

More Blog Posts87

  • 3 weeks
    Cynder story gain more pony words

    15.000 words for my Cynder story. Massiv inspiration I got over the last two days, writing in between working and studying.
    Unfortunately proofreading will be hell.
    Can't even usually relay on Google docs at the first 2-3 read though because it has a tendency to change words and ruine sentences.

    Anyway I will indeed step back from Fimfiction for at least a week.

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  • 4 weeks
    General update,Little free time

    When I don’t study for my new job that seem to not move along, I de-stress with writing stuff on my Fimfiction stories.
    Currently I write a little here or there, but I feel like I get nowhere.

    I tried the last 5 weeks to work on my Selene story, but I don’t like what I come up with and have to contemplate its next chapter.

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  • 8 weeks
    Really bad news, request for help!

    There was a error in the editing of the chapter 7 of my Marksaline story.
    The result was losing the chapter content.
    Has anyone a copy of my Marksaline story stored somewhere?!
    Otherwise the chapter 7 is lost...

    8 comments · 143 views
  • 8 weeks
    I am in a naughty mood~♡

    The titel already giving you hopes?
    Time to continue the Changeling Empress adventure.
    Some clop, tons of proofreading, continuation of the storyline.
    Also I see i just made 1 update 2023 for that story.
    Really wasted that year working to hard...


    I proofreading recently alot of my stories, fixed a lot of typos even after years... :facehoof:

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    4 comments · 84 views
  • 9 weeks
    Update and accidentally publishing

    Chapter special:
    Pantyhose Warrior - 'The Bad Dragon' is a Breezee?

    The over 7000 word chapter isn't done, I miss clicking. The editing button is still without space beside the publishing one :facehoof:

    Mostly proofreading and some line I have to change up near the end. Probably editing some humor in as well.

    Perhaps done in a hour. We shall see.

    Stay snuggly :pinkiesmile:👍

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Gray the Necromancer teaser · 2:07pm February 4th

Here is a teaser to the next chapter to Gray the Necromancer, that said it will not be released this weekend. Though after it's finalized, polished and released the story will have a break until I worked on my other storys.
Enjoy :twilightsmile:
'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning'

Written by: Black--Soul

Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 5/7

There was a not to silent protest about Arnold Schwarzenegger Stone Walls suggesting that the new predatory stallion should join the defensive measures, only to be quickly rebuffed by the mares that jump at the chance to get a foal despite the limited they have set for reasonable things like keeping the hole community financial stable and raising foals communal, only for the bipedal Predator to voice his support for the defense of all foals and restarting the foal wish off all mares.
This was going to be a tiresome heat season... more than usually.

Very surprising was the on to walking meat eater, because even pony stallions mostly cared for their own foal, only caring for others for their agreement of mutual benefits raising them together from a certain age and obviously allowing for stable sleeping once the stallion and mares take shifts to watch over the foals.
Either the gray giant was more clever than expected to make himself more desirable by using the protective instincts of mares to his benefit or he actually simply had a interesting culture to start with.

From what the muscle mountain of a Pegasus know, every race no matter if prey, predator and perhaps in the future a hybrid of them has their own culture quirks.
The closest he know of are the Thestrals, sharing pony ancestors made them safe to be around without danger of becoming a simpel meal.

Though they are very skilled in milking mares and stallions for a treat... repeatedly... Definitely worth to consider chosing a Thestral mare next as his future headmare if the Pegasus mares would not win him over again.
His hearts place needed to be earned with hard physical training, muscle training was good for health and a nice bonding experience.
Though his departed from life former headmare might have a point that he personally overdo it a bit at times with his dimensions... though he still would have his colts keep their wing sit-ups and pony lifting excercise kept up, until they at least show prominent muscle mass.

His earthpony farmers and Pegasus warrior ancestors would be dissatisfied with any less!
Though he really should focus more on wing training, he really neglected his flight abilities in the last years...
Though he wasn't as nimbel as in his youth, he sure was better in dive bombing and tanking mid air collisions.

The last Harpy attack on the community internal defenses had him flatten two attackers to prove his point.

They would see over time what the deal with this unknown Predator stallion would be. A male in general is always welcomed to a community in pony kind society,due to their unbalanced birth ratio. Though usually they are ponies... this was a interesting development, he could not recall that a non pony joined a pony community in his lifetime.
Even if Stone Wall was very uncertain about the progression of things in the last two days, he might yet found a way to provide better results for the Mega Herds community with a predator fighting for it.

Thestral already showed how a predator-prey hybrid can be efficiently utilized for everyponies benefit, perhaps if they can inter-breed with one another, do the new generations will make for even a better and stronger herd. Though Stone Wall would hold his colts away from it, better safe than sorry for the time being.
Once the predator named Gabriel Gray has proven himself safe to be around as a male, might Stone Wall consider it worth of their herds time to befriend it.

For now he had to raise his foals and silently morn the passing of his mare, while he tried not to show it to strongly, he missed her dearly.
To lose the mother of their foals to the Feather Flu, a illness only affecting feathered species, though at least his foals recovered seemingly without big trouble was a good thing.
They would have to stock in the future more cold medication, though they are hard to come by with the destruction most of the cities world wide with only a few exceptions like the City of Unicornia.

Stone Wall wondered what happened to the Alicorn leadership... in his youth he remembered seeing Queen Faust and King Exterminaty, one can only hope they manage to restore order and rebuild civilization in time, though he would not hold his breath for it.

They had left the safety of the City due to the rampant Unicorn first movements, with all Earthponys and Pegasus departing the city, would the infrastructure collapse.
The ruling class would either leave their ideology behind or no longer have a population to speak of once all supplies run out, even duplication magic had its limits.
Something what should happen in at the best case scenario even on tight rations within this years running out of stocked up food and luxury items.

He would do his part, sire strong colts for pony kinds future, once Unicorna would hire Pegasus and Earthponys with worth while wages and privileges equally to unicorns, otherwise Unicornia would collapse to ruine as well with the declining weather and the Wendigos constantly harassing the city limits.

Hopefully would Quick Shot improve himself and the community defenses, in case the next threat could not be defeated by the magic of cooperation and the strength of their muscles.
Though he had to give the stallion credit where credit is due, his brilliant mind mixing products and selling them on neutral trading places was seemingly holding this Community well over water, actually even allowing it from time to time to indulge in some soft narcotics that Quick Shot diluted further to negate any dependance for mind and body for, merely making it a nice thing to indulge once in a while.
At least once every second month, followed by a little orgy to keep the mares of the community happy.

Funny how Quick Shot family back in Unicornia shunned him for his earthpony sire, but seem to think giving him token praise for his brilliant mind and magic affinities would be enough that they can keep him content.
When Stone Wall hear they wanted to denied him access to any pure blood breeding mare of unicorns in Unicornia was clear why he left the city along others of his mixed lineages.

Apparently did Quick Shot still to this day remembered fondly how the only stallion alive of his Nobel lineages just walked out on them, even if they tried to bribe him to stay.
That stallion lacked back muscles, but his spine was metaphoricly speaking unbreakable.

Though he always wondered why the shunned stallion seem only interested in earth and Pegasus ponies since then, ignoring Thestral and Unicorns as breeding partners. Probably another tragic tale, one of many these days.

They all had their hang ups with Unicorns, even the Unicorns of this community was composed of the self exiled and more sane of Unicornias population, walking out of the corrupt to its foundation city.

This Mega Herd started over 20 years ago, having started with 150 members and now being reduced to 103 adult or breeding age reached members.
Illness, predator attacks and the opportunities given by other communities had taken a hard toll on them all, but their by Unicornia described radical group of 'equalizers' had still a huge success.

They are known to respect all its member species and have a well Integrated population.
Everypony is present in their working and ruling class and their contributions to pony kinds restoration after a eternity of conflict was undeniably known in many trading zones.

Quick Shot was in Stone Walls opinion still a lazy and arrogant individual, but he had mellowed out over the years and his first and only foal had made him a lot more tolerable, though he really should work out more.
That lazy ass was the lowest of the stallions not because he was weak, but because he was lazy and relying on his inherited earthpony default attributes in his unicorn body.

Perhaps the predator son-in-law might get his minimal muscled rump in shape.
Maybe in time they become true friends through the might of their muscles alone... he read in a story as a teen about bro-mance through muscle strength, though he never fully understood the concept, Stone Wall was certain he would make friends thought hard training eventually.

Free Wings a gifted close quarter flight fighter, was from a long line of Pegasus and Thestral warriors.
He was sure that with Faithful Wings guidance of the male gray colored Predator they make a relatable and reliable stallion out of him.
If they manage to enrich the warriors potencial with a predator bloodline mixed into that of the community, than success was almost guaranteed.

Though only time will tell, if he can impregnate ponies in general or he would stay a useful asset as a solitary warrior for them.

Who knows? Maybe he could also help getting Quick Shot into moving his flanks from the cloud of lazyness and finally earn his place among his fellow stallions.

Red Spark would be a impressive Thestral Unicorn if his magical training would surpass the use of his five spells.
He was able to cast the instinctively known telekenasis and light spell, besides the by him learned cutting curse, the warming spell that overcharged summoned a Fireball and finally a chilling spell that if overcharged caused a ice spear to apper or causes mist to develop in his immediately effected area.

He planned to make the pretty and new, not to forget delicious smelling mare one of his breeding mares.

She was already rather exotic with her unusual colored tail and mane colors, he wondered if they are colored through magic or alchemy. She looked also rather smart with her determination filled looking in her eyes.
With the magical artefact on her chest fluff and her overall exotic appearance did she probably was exiled royalty or something.

With the over the top happy other pink pony they probably are from one of the over the years destroyed cities.
Though they have kept themself well in shape for that long.

He hoped the predator stallion was in a sharing mood, because he had at least one foal with the mare Starlight Glimmer.

Darth Vader Silver Glide looked forward to the near future, since his two last born sons had left the community with one leaving for a herd of twenty Thestral mares all to himself and the other that was presumably foalnapped for breeding purposes by a rival community was he having a eventful, but peaceful twilight of his life.

He had reached the end of the line, his wings could not longer be used as weapons against his fellow stallions to keep the top of the rank, with his heart to strained through old age to keep longer than a hour in the air without stopping on occasion on a cloud to recover.

He would breed to his hearts content this year for the last time perhaps, because if his quickly bleached out mane and tail seem to indicate he had reached the pinnacle of his lifes twilight.

He had sired 30 foals in his life and had teached them as well he could manage with the many mares that he enjoyed over the years.
He wondered if the Community without him as a leader would continue to exist, but he done well.
It had to be good enough in the end.
Once the final twilight came for him, would he greet his ancestors with pride and join them in watching over their descendants.

Though he hoped he might have at least one round with Starlight Glimmer, her scent was very invigorating.

Before Silver Glide went to sleep after having indulged his headmare for a round, he wondered what changes would bring this grey docile predator to the legacy that was this Mega Herd he created over two decades ago.

Solid Thunder youngest stallion and first time breeder was looking forward to the first official year of him breeding all the mares his stallionhood and seedsack could manage.

His mother and sistes had enjoyed him exclusively so far, teaching him how to pleasure a mare and how to be more than a quick shooting, bearly 2 minutes lasting stud.

Though with the grey predator around his beginners stamina would not be noticed to hard.
That mad lad had stamina of at least ten stallions.
Though with his probably small loads, with his in small sack suggesting stature, would the ponies probably win by benefit of quantity alone, if they share the same mares.

He hoped to have a round with the new arrival named Pinkie Pie, her earthpony statue was gifted with volume and prominent muscles.
She probably could give his mother and sisters tightness a run for their love tunnel squeezing.

Unlike before, he could finally indulge in anything else than Pegasus mare throat and vagina.
Perhaps he even get to try out 'the butt stuff' his family was denying him.
Though at least they had good reasons stating infectionous reasons and lack of hygienic products in their Megaherd stockpile.

He would still be one of the best stallions around, with his sisters and mother impressions on making foreplay important to get a mare going, especially outside heat season.

The next heat season could not come early enough for the eager young stallion.

Murphy was reading through the story so far, there was quite a list she had already on things to go over.
There seem to be quite the big event in the making, delayed by random developments and shenanigans. She was not aware writing a story could be that adventurous.
Especially since messing with the one called 'Pinkie Pie' wasn't a joking matter.
One of her friend just had been knocked out cold by a sex toy off all things.

It was hilarious and concerning at the same time.
It seem that there was yet a bit of character development and lustful fun in the way before all of a suddenly the story would get a lot more serious and grave before mellowing out again.

She would keep a eye out for the time she could contribute something to the story, but she would leave the actual typing to the Author.
The last thing Murphy Law wanted to experience was to be attacked by a weaponized sextoy...
not before they buy her a dinner familiar plate of pizza or something.

Hope you enjoyed the teaser, have a great weekend.

I focus in the future time I have to spare on my 'Selene The Crimson RED Changeling Empress' story.
Funny enough this teasers content was partially from the chapter I wrote for that Changeling story, but decided it fit in here better...
Writing is quite the spontaneous fun adventure.
stay snuggly ♡:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 2 )

Got up to Arnold and realized I was reading too many spoilers.

Hope you can get more free time but still keep a healthy income. In fact, get rich, bro.

Would be awesome :twilightsmile:

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