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I write stuff occasionally

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  • 1 week
    Man in a Pony's World Sequel?

    So I've written the first paragraph of the sequel a few hours ago, no garuntee on how long it'll take to release, but basically...

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  • 2 weeks
    Back to basics

    So this story got a little unhinged. SO, i'm trying to recapture the first few chapters... by having Stinky educate Cozy Glow on changeling living conditions... in Chrysalis's Hive, not anywhere else. ANYWHO, first draft for the first scene and a bit of the second!

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  • 2 weeks
    how y'all feel about the limelight, or that one parasite?

    I'm running a little late on my lore when it comes to 'the limelight', so I dunno where it originates beyond Nightmare Rarity or whatever. I think it may have became a thing because of a line from the song 'Lullaby for Princess' where the second verse mentions a limelight. I saw that as 'Celestia was too washed up in the public attention to pay attention to what Luna was going through'.

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  • 5 weeks
    new horizons is coming soon... in a new coat of paint.

    so i decided to just entirely uplift this little sequel in order to just rewrite it from the ground up. the main thing with the bald ostrich, was that it had a goal in mind. with the original version of New Horizons, it did not. don't worry though, the rewrite is being worked on and should be up sometime tomorrow/the day after. there will still be Chryssy, Blaze, two assholes that need to get

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  • 5 weeks
    Beware: The Bald Ostri Saga is coming back.

    so, I've been rereading the Bald Ostrich title, New Horizons, and have been thinking that I should write for it again. Right now, I am currently just rewriting the existing chapters, while removing a couple, namely the ones where Ostri becomes an alicorn. I am still going to keep a few things the same. Once every chapter is rewritten/edited, I will start writing for it again and it will go

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    6 comments · 158 views

does this suck · 1:14am January 30th

this is a rough draft:

“Oh jesus fucking christ,” Bob said, hopping off the train. His legs were somewhat wobbly, having been basically sitting down all week, due to the duration of the train ride. He hobbled forward, his backpack hung limply with his left arm. This was the first time he was ever seeing the Crystal Empire. There was one word to describe the incredible sight before him. It was shiny. Every single thing was shiny, the ponies were shiny, the roads, the trees, the grass was shiny. There were six, huge roads that led in from the outskirts of the Empire that led towards a giant castle that almost resembled the Eiffel Tower. Judging from the map, this whole city was the Crystal Empire.

And due to its size, it was still easily bigger than Manehattan, which was Equestria’s ‘largest’ city. While the pony equivalent of Bob’s home still held the title by technicality, with the Empire being considered… an empire and not just a city, it was considered a protectorate of Equestria. It obviously had an alicorn looking over it, and was very close to Equestria due to how both were ruled by ponies.

To say that Bob was at a loss for words was an understatement.

Zippy, who was riding on Bob’s back, got a better view of the city than if she were on her hooves. Despite both of them wanting to dart ahead and explore, the unicorn could only really move with the human because of her choice in vehicles. The human knew that after the Princess Summit, or during it, that there would be plenty of time for the two of them to go see the sights. The Element Bearers, despite having already seen the Empire, were still enamored by how beautiful it was.

The group began walking towards the castle with Twilight at the forefront. Bob, Rainbow and Zippy were just behind her, all walking side by side, save for Zippy since Bob was still carrying her. He was given the okay to take the cast off his arm, so long as he doesn’t overwork his arm and do regular physical therapy for it.

“Bob, can you put me down before we get into the castle? I don’t want to get embarrassed in front of a bunch of guards,” the filly whispered.

“You got it. Though, you don’t mind being carried throughout the whole city.”

“That’s different. Who cares what other ponies think? I just want to make a good first impression with Princess Cadance, since apparently you also know her.”

“She’ll probably prefer it if she saw you riding on my back. Princess of Love, she’ll sense something between us and probably inwardly gush at the sight of all of this,” Bob used his head to gestured to the two of them. “And Rainbow, who is a walking pile of muscle, so I can’t carry her very easily.”

“You carry Luna, and she’s way heavier!” Rainbow took to the air and threw her hooves up. She hovered, only moving slightly backwards while facing the human. “And she’s more than just ‘muscle’.”

“Fair, but also Luna throws my back out whenever I pick her up for just a few moments. I can carry anyone here just fine, just not for very long, or without me feeling it in the morning… Well, I don’t think I can even carry Apple Jack; she’s somehow heavier than Luna is.”

“Well,” Twilight started before Apple Jack could even open her mouth. “Earth Ponies, on average, are a lot heavier than even alicorns. AJ’s still heavier than I am, and I’m a little taller than she is now.”

“And she’s more muscle than she is a pony. Like more muscly than Rainbow is,” Bob pointed out.

“Hey! You’re my coltfriend! You should be saying I have more muscle!”

“Well, you’re a lot faster and more agile than AJ is. I’d say y’all are both the same in different ways. Raw strength? AJ’s gotcha beat, earth ponies are stronger and harder than pegasi. You’re pretty damn strong for a pegasus, but your whole thing is speed. Y’all are great athletes in your own ways,” Bob reasoned.

“...And I can’t even argue with you on that. God dammit, Bob, stop being an egghead! You’re supposed to be her cool, younger brother.”

“Ey, you’re using ‘god dammit’ now,” Bob smirked. 

“It’s a fun saying. Just like when you told that rude train attendant to ‘eat a giant pile of shut the fuck up’. Even if it is kinda rude”

“In all fairness,” Carte said, being there specifically to keep watch over her daughter. Her two wives had to stay behind in order to establish themselves in Ponyville. “That train attendant almost threw Bob off the train. I think she deserved it.”

“She woulda gotten away with it too, if my sibling wasn’t a fucking alicorn,” Bob grumbled. “Seriously, to this day, I’m really only accepted in Ponyville and tolerated in Canterlot. I’m kinda sick of that, but I can’t really do much, can I?”

“I still can’t believe I had to pull the Princess card on that, sorry for my language, bitch just to keep her from tossing you off the train while it was still moving.” Bob smirked. “What?”

“Great, I’m corrupting you and Rainbow Dash. Y’all are using human swears now… and I’m all for it. Granted, hearing you swear feels so damn wrong, yet oddly adorable.”

“Say, Twilight, where is your crown?” Rarity asked. “I would, personally, be wearing it all the time if I were you.”

“I put it in Bob’s bag, on top of all his clothes.”

“Why? You’re a Princess-”

“She’s done riding that high, Rarity. I think she figured out what being a Princess means. No normal life, it’s probably pretty stressful if Celestia and Luna are any indicator of that. I am willing to bet that she’s not super excited about being a princess.” Bob knelt down and Zippy hopped off his back. A smirk grew on his face. “Want to pull a fun prank, Twi? It is kinda late, and it’ll be believable.” 

“What’s the prank?”

“I carry you into your welcoming party, while you’re ‘sleeping’ and we pretend like nothing is wrong.”


“C’mon, it’s a harmless prank. The Princesses, not one of them, will care. Celestia’s gonna think it’s adorable, Luna will just love taking the piss out of any nobles that are in the Empire at the moment, and Cadance will probably just be happy to see us.” Twilight hummed. “C’mon, it’ll be funny at least.”

“...Okay,” Bob knelt down and spread his arms. Bob nearly almost dropped the alicorn, before steadying himself, repositioning how he was holding Twilight, and then stood up. They walked into the little beam of light in the center that proved to be a teleporter of sorts. You just walk right on into the light and find yourself in the castle in the blink of an eye. Bob didn’t do much sightseeing, he was just making sure he wouldn’t accidentally drop his sister, until the two had an idea, which saved them both a lot of effort… “Why didn’t we do this early?” Bob asked, now holding Twilight on his back, like he was with Zippy not too long ago.

“I don’t know. Isn’t this bad for your back?”

“Eh, I’ll develop back problems when I’m sixty anyways. It’ll be fine. I would rather not have back problems when I’m seventeen, but I can’t not deny a piggyback ride to you, Luna, or Celestia if she shrunk herself down… I might give one to Cadance while we’re here. Out of all of you, she and Luna are tied for the fluffiest pony.” Nopony could really argue there; the human was an expert in petting, and knew which ponies were the best to pet, apparently. Of course, in their opinion, only one pony should ever be petted.

That pony was themself. Imagine you’re Apple Jack, only you would want to be petted by Bob, therefore, you’re the best pony to be petted.

“Now presenting Princess Twilight Sparkle!” The human walked in, Sparkle still on his back, while the two of them and their friends walked on through. Twilight was actually, genuinely sleepy, so she rested her head on top of Bob’s, making some of the usually stoic guards even blink, widen their eyes, and almost ‘aw’ at the sight. The alicorns present were all happily smiling, though Celestia and Cadance had more genuine smiles. Of course, as soon as Twilight remembered who she was going to be meeting, she tapped Bob’s shoulders, and was promptly let down.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Cadance and Twilight almost sang-songed as they greeted each other.

Bob immediately tackled Celestia, which almost made every guard jump into action, only to stop when Celestia pulled the human into a genuine wing hug; the first time she’s done it herself without being prompted by the human, or with slight, very slight flinching in the beginning. “Hello, Bob! I am glad to see that your arm is healing rather brilliantly. Perhaps… you shall be joining us in our little meeting?”

“But Princesses only.”

“It’s more or less myself and Luna teaching Cadance and Twilight how to be Princesses, us hanging out, and a sleepover. Of course, Chrysalis will be there, as she technically is a Princess of Equestria even if the public doesn’t know. Do you think you would like to join us? I know Luna would be remiss if she didn’t have her favorite snuggle buddy.”

“I’ll join you on some nights, but me, Rainbow, and Zippy all agreed to share a room. Zip’s dam is cool with it as long as we don’t get too touchy, if you know what I mean…” The human and the Princess chuckled. “I just really wanna spend a lot of time with the two of them; they are my marefriends, after all.” Luna could accept that. Not too long afterwards, everypony was dismissed so that they could rest up after such a long train ride.

In the middle of the night, Bob was snuggling with his marefriends. Rainbow was laying longeways on the bed, with the human using the side of her stomach as a pillow. A wing was draped over the human’s face, while Zippy was laying on top of him. Her head rested just on his chest, while a hand was sitting in her mane; out of the two, Rainbow is the biggest cuddle bug, but knew that it was Zippy’s turn to receive the pats. The three of them were snoring away, well, Bob was wide awake, smiling idly as he stroked Zippy’s mane with one hand, and rubbed Rainbow’s foreleg with his other.

“Stop! Thief!” In a heartbeat, Bob and Rainbow were on their feet and hooves, while Zippy got launched into the air. She did an involuntary summersault as she came crashing down, face first, back onto the bed. Incredibly, her horn didn’t puncture the bed or break on impact, and the unicorn was still asleep. The sound of two sets of hooves, along with the pony crying being Twilight, Bob sprung into action and slammed through his door, while the other slumbering ponies gingerly opened their door just to see Twilight’s tail slip around the corner. While Bob was no speed demon, he soon followed to try and at least help his sister.

Bob trailed the alicorn and what looked to be a bright yellow unicorn with a fiery red and yellow mane and tail, ran through a closet. Bob skidded to a stop just in time to see the unicorn make a get away… into a mirror of some sort. Bob fell to his knees and skidded to a stop next to Twilight, who was still laying on the floor in shock. The human nudged and prodded her just as Rainbow Dash caught up. The rest of the Bearers soon followed. Soon, the Princesses followed. 

Soon, they were all caught up on what was going on. Celestia pointed out that this unicorn, Sunset Shimmer, was once her pupil. A pupil who wasn’t satisfied with her progress as a student, and took a dark path. A path that led to her stealing Twilight’s crown before disappearing into what is dubbed as the ‘mirror’ world. They got to the mirror in the closet again and Luna explained what it was, which she and Celestia did step into once upon a time to see what was behind it. All they found was a very, very archaic town that was run by a bunch of ape-like bipeds.

That led to the current conversation they were having. “Bob likely knows more about this world than anypony in this room ever will,” Celestia said, glaring into the mirror. “Hence why I want to send him in that world with you, Twilight.”

“But this unicorn can teleport! I could sense just how strong she was! I’m not bringing Bob if he’ll end up getting hurt. Which he will do against Sunset Shimmer, who I know is powerful!”

Bob, on the other hand, was kneeling in front of the mirror after Luna had explained what it was. “Ape-like bipeds?” Bob asked. 

“Indeed, they looked quite a bit like you did, Bob. Just much more colorful.” Luna pointed out. “Why do you ask?”

“This is that mirror that you and Celestia were suggesting I go through. Should I want to see more of my own kind, ain’t it?” Luna nodded. “Oh. Twi, Sunset’s probably going to be a thirty year old woman; she won’t be too dangerous. Just mostly dangerous.”


“Twi, I can show you the basics of the world we’re going into. We can then split up and find your crown in half the time it would take if it were just you going through the portal.” The human crossed his arms and took a step away from the mirror. “And… I may want to try and see if we can’t steal a computer from somewhere and…” Bob reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch full of bits. “I just want to get a hold of a few human luxuries if what Luna’s saying is accurate.”

“...Fine. But you are not leaving my sight, got it?” Twilight nodded. “And three days, three. Meet me wherever we end up on the third morning if we get separated.”

“Got it.” Bob nodded before taking a step back. “After you,” Twilight walked through. And before Bob could react, Spike ran in after her. The human shrugged before stepping in… Reality began to bend, break, and bend some more before fading to black.

Bob fell on his knees as soon as colors met his vision again. He checked himself over… still human. Twilight, he assumed, was sitting before her. He had to admit, she looked pretty cute even if her skin was purple. She wore a simple, purple button up blouse with a bow tie(it was the same as Twilight when she had fur). Her hair was in the same style as her mane, and the same colors. It ended around her waist. To top it off, she had knee high socks. She wore a purple skirt, that was a darker shade of purple, and had her cutie mark printed into it on the left side of it.

Spike was a purple and green bulldog. He was actually really cute as a dog, surprisingly. He was scanning around the area.

She wasn’t screaming, she was just looking at herself. “So, how is being a human? A weirdly colored human.”

“It’s… so weird,” Twilight admitted as she got to her feet after taking her brother’s hand. She stood to full height, though a bit wobbly. As it turned out, she was a tad bit taller than he was. 

“It’s odd… I can almost feel the ground through these,” she pointed at her feet. “And my hands are so… sensitive.”

“Yeah, don’t touch anything sharp with those. A cut hand is a pain. Take a few steps with me,” Twilight nodded, before doing just that. In a few minutes, Twilight got accustomed to walking, something that the human couldn’t help but praise in his semi-equine sibling. “Okay… we are in front of a high school, by the looks of things, and the sign.” Bob pointed ahead. “Let’s split up; you go figure out where your crown is, and I try and get a lay out of the school.”

Twilight nodded, heading immediately towards the principal’s office, which had a window… “Is that fucking human Celestia?” Bob asked as Twilight began talking to said human Celestia. “Huh… My brain hurts now.” He shrugged before heading on ahead. A peek into the vice principal office revealed a human Luna, who actually looked really pretty to Bob. The human then spent most of the day wandering around the school building. There were three floors, though the third seemed to be off limits for some odd reason. 

Despite being asked about if Bob was late to class, he wasn’t bothered. For some reason, despite him not attending the school, nobody really cared if he was there or not. “If this was America, I’d be questioned on if I was gonna kill everyone or not,” he chuckled before he rounded a corner… and bumped into somebody. That somebody had the same hair colors as Sunset Shimmer.

She wore a jean jacket that was unbuttoned, revealing a gray shirt with what was presumably her cutie mark printed into it. Her hair, much like Twilight’s, ended around her waist. She had a skirt that was only slightly darker than her yellow skin, with a stripe that matched her mane colors running down the right side of her skirt. While Twilight was pretty, despite her odd colors, Bob almost found Sunset to be very attractive.

Probably because evil girls just had an allure to them. “Watch where you’re going!” She snapped. She glared at Bob in a way that he figured was meant to be intimidating, but Bob had been stared down by bears, a pack of wolves, and even a manticore during his time in the wild… Sunset did not scare him in the slightest.

“Sorry, madam. Didn’t mean to bump into ya.” He bowed slightly while letting his accent thicken as he spoke.

“...Your accent is a bit weird,” she pointed out, almost immediately dropping how snappy she was.

“I’m from New York City, that’s why.” Bob crossed his arms. He subtly looked her up and down, before doing a quick shake of his head. Zippy and Rainbow were the only women he was going to have in his life. He wasn’t going to look for a third one any time soon. Actually a pony or not, Sunset looked human, and polygamy with another human and two ponies just seemed weird to him. “So, where are you headed?”

“Lunch. I just got done with my least favorite class, and I have this Fall Formal I have to worry about and a boatload of homework for my least favorite classes!”

“What’s your least favorite subject?” Bob asked, pretending to be friendly. “I bet I can probably help you with it.”

“It’s something called ‘science’. It’s the one subject I can’t get an A+ on!” Sunset grumbled. “How are you going to help me?”

“...I know a thing or two about science. Which branch is it? Biology or Physics?”

“It’s physics… It just makes no sense!”

“Oh, yeah, I gotchu. C’mon! I bet I can teach you a thing or two!”

The two ended up getting in the lunch line, Sunset seemed to ignore the protein options, as all of them were meat. She stuck to a simple salad without any dressing and a carton of milk. Bob… didn’t actually get anything since he wasn’t sure how accepted his bits were… and it would probably give away where he’s from if he used them. “Aren’t you getting anything?’ Sunset asked. 

“Didn’t bring any lunch money. It kinda sucks, but meh. I can go without lunch.”

“...I can buy you lunch; you are helping me with my physics homework,” she pointed out as she sat down. Bob raised an eyebrow for a moment. For a person that was… apparently an asshole, she actually looked kinda concerned. “Nobody should go hungry, at least.” Bob raised another eyebrow; he would’ve expected Sunset to beat other kids up for their lunch money. She did fit the brow for such behavior.

“Nah, so what are you struggling with?” The human asked, taking a seat across from Sunset. 

“This,” she showed him Sir Issac’s Laws of Physics along a list of questions to find the force, acceleration, or mass depending on the question. “I just don’t get it. It’s all math, but I don’t get what I should be adding, or multiplying or dividing!” Sunset grumbled, jamming her fork into some lettuce. “Now tell me how to do it,” She demanded in a rather… entitled tone. 

“Okay so,” Bob read over a question, where he was finding the force of an object. “So the mass, or the weight of an object…” The human proceeded to walk Sunset through. “And so the Force is this,” the human pointed at the answer. “Make sure you’re using the right measurements to label your answers; I got points deducted all the time for forgetting to do that.”

“...Huh. You might be the best teacher I’ve ever had.” Sunset gave Bob a genuinely excited smile. “Thank you for helping me figure this out!” The human had to admit, Sunset was actually kinda cute when she wasn’t being a bitch and a half.

“No, you probably didn’t ask for help from the teacher, didya?”

“No, why should I? The last teacher I had dismissed me whenever I was struggling,” she said with an ounce of bitterness.

“A teacher’s there to explain the basics of a subject, and help the few students who don’t fully grasp said subject. You gotta ask for help sometimes, even if you don’t want to.” Sunset crossed her arms and grumbled something. “What?”

“It’s just good advice… Can I meet up with you after school? There’s some other subjects, like health class, that I’m struggling with-”

“I’ll meet up with ya after school, yeah. I just need to meet up with somebody before then.” Bob stood up. “See ya around, Shimmers.” For some reason, the villain blushed a little at that… That was what her ex called her.

After a few hours of loitering, doing basically nothing, having explored most of the school, Bob found Twilight sitting inside the library after school. “Howdy. Any luck in locating the crown, Twiggles?

“I know that it’s in Principal Luna’s office, and that I can easily get it back by becoming Princess of the Fall Formal-”

“We could just steal it.”


“You think winning the Fall Formal would be fun?” Twilight nodded. “Okay, I won’t judge. If you feel like that’s how you wanna get the crown, go for it. However, we should probably get some food,” Bob lifted up his pouch of bits. “Unlike in Equestria, gold was worth a ton on earth, so maybe we can find a pawn shop and sell all these bits. Then we can getcha something to eat.”

“Okay… Did you get a map of the school?”

“Nope. However, I did bump into Sunset Shimmer and helped her out with some science homework.” 

“You didn’t question her about the crown?”

“She doesn’t know who the hell I am, Twilight. I plan on capitalizing on it.”


“Take advantage. Hell, I scored a date with her. No Twi, I’m not actually going to date her, that would be a disservice to Rainbow and Zippy.”

“You know they probably wouldn’t mind you adding a third mare to your herd if it wasn’t Sunset Shimmer, right?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, and I’d feel like a dick for not asking them before doing anything like that anyways. I’m going to go find Sunset and go on that ‘date’. Hide in the corner of the library with Spike for the night, aight?” Twilight nodded before going to do just that. Bob walked out the front of the school to find Sunset Shimmer, as all the other kids had left already, leaning up against a wall. The two stared at each other for a moment before waving.

“So, where are we heading?”

“Back to my place.” 

“Aighty then, lead the way.” A few stragglers watched as the two started walking off the school canvas together. Photos were taken, promptly uploaded, and then the rumor mill started running. Bob did act like a good little, innocent kid that was new to the highschool, saying he transferred from a school far, far away. He helped her with some homework, she offered to make him dinner, and got annoyed when Bob declined the offer. The two just watched TV for an hour before Bob decided it would be best to find a pawn shop to sell off his bits.

After Bob had found a pawn shop and managed to successfully sell the whole pouch of bits for a few thousand dollars, he promptly bought a laptop that the pawnshop had. It was a rather new model, and surprisingly, had the same newer parts as some of the computers that Bob’s home had before he left. It would be more than plenty to do what he wanted with it. Bob then went to a grocery store and got some fruit and a premade salad for Twilight when she woke up…

And like any american grown child, found a mcdonalds and got a cheese burger for the fun of it. The next day, he beelined towards the library, handed Twilight the salad and apple he got her. “Since you aren’t a horse right now, don’t eat the middle of the apple; you literally can’t as a human and it can possibly kill you if you eat too many of the core.”

“...But the core is the best part!”

“And humans are very susceptible to death if they eat the core.”

“Oh…” She started eating the salad. When offered, Twi took the salad dressing and straight up drank it. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

“I dunno. I was gonna follow you around today; I got a few ideas. If anyone asks, you’re my weird little sister, because you are bound to confuse a few people with your antitics.” 

“Hey!” Twilight yelled through a mouthful of lettuce. Bob snickered and let Twilight finish up her food before the two of them started heading around. 

“So,” Bob started. “Since there’s a Celestia and a Luna in this world, are there any human versions of your friends that you know of?”

“...All five of them. Why?”

“Jesus, this world feels like a shitty cash grab version of Equestria,” the human sighed. “Well, let’s go find them-”

“None of them get along-” 

“Oi,” Bob spun around to see the cutie mark crusaders vibing to a song that they very clearly wrote themselves… It was awful. Beyond awful. They were blasting it through the whole library. “...Let’s get the heck outta here before my musician brain goes on a music theory tirade about how A and A minor in the same chord doesn’t work. Let’s go find the human versions of your friends.”

What Bob was greeted with… was not what he was expecting. Bob had let Twilight go ahead of him, since they were meeting up in a classroom that wouldn’t be in use during lunch, which happened to be right next to the cafeteria. Bob met up with Sunset Shimmer, talked with her a bit, even if she was a bit snappy and rude, before heading off to go meet up with Twilight and her human friends. 

What he had walked into was four out of the five, being Fluttershy, Rarity, Apple Jack and Pinkie yelling at each other like a bunch of… teenage girls. It wasn’t really anything different from the pony world, but here it felt a little more appropriate. He met his sister's eyes for a moment, before slowly backing out. Twilight glared at him a moment before the door closed.

Bob snuck out of the school without incident, before finding his way onto the soccer field where… a human version of Rainbow Dash was practicing soccer. Because of course she was. Bob had to admit, Rainbow Dash as a human, even a weirdly colored one, looked great. He just sat on the bleachers for a while, while Twilight and her newly acquired human friends walked out. Twilight got her butt handed to her in soccer, AJ and Rainbow made up, and they all went to the Mirror World’s Equivalent of Sugar Cube Corner.

“Why is he here?” Rainbow asked, pointing at Bob, after he sat down with a mint shake, and having brought over Twilight’s shake as well. Sadly, there were no extra oats in hers. “That’s Sunset’s new boyfriend… won’t he run his mouth off to her about what we’re doing?” She pointed at Bob, who was setting up his new laptop.

“I’m Twilight’s brother,” Bob said with a dismissive wave. “I’m not even actually dating anyone here.” Bob put his focus back into setting it up, while showing Twilight how it works, since he figured that she would be pretty interested in it. “So y’all are gonna dig into school pride to help Twilight win her the crown?” Bob asked. 

“Of course! It would be a good idea!” Human Rarity added.

“Sure, that can’t go poorly.” The next day came around. Bob was sitting in the cafeteria, with his laptop out, letting a bunch of stuff download onto it while he heard a beat start playing. Bob had to admit, the song was cheesy as all hell, but it was apparently working incredibly well. Everyone was… actually getting along for once. In fact, when school was let out, everyone was happily chatting along with each other. The jocks got along with the nerds, the geeks with the emos. Everything was going great until Twilight was pulled into the vice principal’s office for some reason.

Bob followed along, of course. 

The two were sitting before vice principal Luna, looking over the photos, until Bob took a closer look. “Somebody literally glued Twilight’s image into the photo,” Bob pointed out. He grabbed the photo of Twilight kicking over a table and peeled it off… to reveal Snails kicking it over instead. Soon, some yellow dude, Flash Sentry, Bob thought that was his name, came with where the photos were derived from.

“Oh…” Bob chuckled when Twilight and Flash started hugging each other. “Ohohoho… Twi, you don’t even know what the heck you are getting into. Jesus…” He already knew what those two were, and he couldn’t help but smirk. 

One party down, Spike being held hostage, and Sunset Shimmer being blown the fuck up, then another party, and everything being great again. Twilight got her crown back. Bob looked around Canterlot high just as Twilight was saying her goodbye to her friends. He hummed while leaning up against the corner of the statue. “What about you, Bob?” Apple Jack walked up to the human. “Twilight just told us where you actually come from. You wanna stay here? Be back with your own kind?”

“Y’know,” Bob hummed. “I never got to finish up high school, and I kinda wanna get the feeling of walking down the aisle and receiving a diploma, no matter how much I find school to be a waste of time… Shit,” he hummed. “I got a few folks on the other side that I wanna get back to… Perhaps I’ll come back eventually, when I hit eighteen and finish up that senior year. I may not, but who knows?” Bob nodded to his adoptive sibling. “Where she’s going, I’m going. And we’re both gonna go home. I’m not going to say goodbye to another sibling just yet.” Apple Jack nodded, before he and Twilight walked back into the portal just a minute before midnight struck.

Bob was promptly greeted by Rainbow and Zippy tackling and nuzzling him, while Twilight handled sharing what had happened to everyone else. 

Report Nugget27 · 219 views · Story: Man in a Pony’s World ·
Comments ( 8 )

Interesting interpretation there Nugget. Had bits of Blank Page there, but with a different twist. It's not bad for a chapter there if you want to post as is.

I think it's perfect!

In all honesty, I never did find EqG that interesting. Sure, I know that it is canon, but I'm not into colorful human girls. Ponies a great; it is just too weird to see a blue Rainbow Dash as a human girl!
That having been said, I am just as okay with this, owing to it being canon, even with your OC Bob. I'd be good with your fic if you went with this, or at least as an aside chapter. :pinkiehappy:

I thought it was pretty good... Nice job. 👍

I enjoyed reading it. I'm surprised to not see Sunset figuring out Bob is her opponent.

i mainly just wanted to use this chapter to explain why Bob suddenly has a computer

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