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A Bicyclette Blog Series IV: M/M III Results Out · 7:19am January 15th


this will be a quick one! it’s getting pretty late.

the biggest news for me this week is the results of the M/M Shipping Contest III finally coming out! in addition to everyone who’s written or read and commented for the contest, i would like to especially thank my judges daOtterGuy, Miller Minus, and Vivid Syntax for the amazing work they put into making this possible. as always, i am beyond grateful!


not as much progress to report here as i’d hoped, i’m afraid. i have been putting in time into writing, but it the result of that time was realizing that i was not happy with the ideas that i had for the fics that i am currently working on. so my progress here still stands at 2/4 first drafts for the four gift fics that i had hoped to write in December. but i do resolve to dedicate at least an hour of my time at the end of every day to focusing on writing. at the very least, that will be time dedicated to trying to figure out these stories, and will thus be progress either way. in any case, as long as i am putting in the work, i think i have to be more patient with myself!


with the work for the M/M Shipping Contest III finally done, i can move on to Tranche XI in my perhaps lifelong project to read and comment on all the stories i would ever care to! and well, i’ve only gotten through one of those this week, so i am very glad it’s a good one:

EBlessings In Disguise
Sunburst watches over his lovable dork of a coltfriend Flash Sentry in the aftermath of a spell gone awry.
WritingSpirit · 3.9k words  ·  29  6 · 441 views

i adore, adore, adore how Flash Sentry is written here as the too-himbo-to-live goofball that is somehow still alive despite his diet of a medically inadvisable amount of fried food. he is the perfect contrast and counterweight to the overly anxious hypernerd Sunburst of a narrator, and their banter and chemistry is so fun that i could just read it for hours. i really wish i could write like this!


wishing you all a good night and a good sleep, whenever it is night for you. the value of good sleep is not to be underrated!

Report Bicyclette · 175 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Sleep is indeed very valuable! Sorry to hear your writing isn't going so hot, but I'm certain you'll figure it out. n_n

Reading the reviews of the M/M Shipping contest was a delight and I've even added a few more to my RiL list, so many thanks for those.

I think Flash with Sunburst is becoming a more common ship (or has it always been a common one, and I just never noticed?). It's a pretty good combo!

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