• Member Since 11th Aug, 2023
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Pleasant dreams, but please don't sleep too long...

More Blog Posts9

  • 5 weeks
    day with Regidar

    I1 elucidated myself to consciousness at about 6 AM on Sunday, 2024-04-28, coming from a strange dream.2 After some further brief relapses to slumber, I dressed and made my way to the kitchen. My breakfast consisted of two plain bread rolls. I spent some time sitting, staring, listening to music.3 I then made my exit.

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  • 6 weeks
    Feelin' fine but it must be the wine*... (A.K.A. let's talk about Destroyer)

    'Cause it's April 27th and my baby's still dyin' on me that date just so happens to be mentioned in the Destroyer song The Music Lovers! So let's celebrate - get out your Your Blues record and give it a spin! Or of course, you could listen to the version on Notorious Lightning and Other Works. Or maybe the

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    2 comments · 44 views
  • 7 weeks
    Let's read poetry!

    Poetry doesn't get nearly enough attention on fimfic, so I thought I'd put together a list of some of my favourite poetry on the site and why I like it. I'm gonna try and keep myself to one fic per user, but please know most of the users included here do have other poetry fics that are just as worth reading! I'll try and keep this updated as I find more poetry I like.

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    3 comments · 77 views
  • 10 weeks
    UPD8S! (will all come in three) (or some other both literally and thematically relevant subtitle)

    Hey! Hope you're all doing well! Things are good in alaoeland. There's been about 2.5 new fics uploaded here since the last upd8s, so we've got a bit to get through!

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    0 comments · 40 views
  • 12 weeks
    Questions and Answers

    Hey! If you've been poking around fimfic lately, or (like me) you've been a fan of It Is All Hell from DAY ONE, you might have seen a few interviews they've done pop up. If you're like me, you'll also have noticed that these interviews, so far, consist

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AJARY:SFAR CHAPTER 2! (and other upd8s) · 8:07pm January 13th

The day has come! After... some time, I finally uploaded the second chapter for AJARY:SFAR. I've been writing it on and off for four months or so, and with some proofreading and editing from my friend swoesight, I've finally got a (hopefully) decent chapter! I think this chapter builds on the story / themes and really helps in telling what I wanted to tell.

I realise most of you are here from my M/M story and not necessarily interested in another mane 6 shipfic, but I'd greatly appreciate seeing people give it a try! It's not as extreme or heavy as "colts don't cry", but I'm hoping to work up to similar themes and feelings in the story. Just less... pessimistically. Of course if you're just here for the yaoi, I don't blame you. I'll see what I can do for you lot. For the one guy who came here from sugar cube maud-ner... uh, well... Hi. Your attendance is appreciated.

From here, my plans are mostly to write chapter 3. I've got some rough plans for it (and the story as a whole), but no actual words on page yet. Like with chapter 2, I think I'll probably put up a one shot or two while I'm chiselling away at my masterpiece. :raritywink: I've been wanting to do a follow up to "colts don't cry" with a happier ending, but ideas are pretty vague and unworkable at the moment. I guess I'll see if those ideas take me anywhere. I'm happy with "colts don't cry", it was the first time I ever finished a story I started and it came out pretty decent. It expressed a lot of feelings that were rolling around inside me for a while, and I think it helped in that sense. But at the same time it is quite pessimistic - I'm a lot happier with myself and the world now than I was when I was younger. I've learnt to love myself and love others. The world is a good place filled with even better people - I feel a little weird shilling such a pessimistic, downer story. It's a truth, I suppose, just not a whole truth. I'd definitely like to present some more positive messages in my writing.

Finally: You don't owe anyone anything. Write what you want, if you want. The second you start worrying about word counts or quality or publish dates, you're just getting yourself stressed over nothing. You don't owe anyone anything! If you don't publish something (or don't hit that word count, or whatever), no one loses out. If you've gotten anything published at all, you've probably made someone else's day a little better.

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