• Member Since 4th Jun, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Erstwhile Tail

Just a new writer trying to express the joy that I get from writing to the readers. (follow me on Twitter: @History_Pone)

More Blog Posts18

  • 32 weeks
    Gravity f@#king sucks...

    ... so, I uh... have some explaining to do.
    (short version)

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    4 comments · 167 views
  • 35 weeks

    Ok so I know I said I wouldn't be able to write as much during my college semester. But HOLY crap I have had more free time lately than I thought I would I have been editing the latest chapter of The Ace, and honestly I've already planned out the end of the first part of this trilogy.

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    5 comments · 94 views
  • 46 weeks
    Been a while

    OK so long story short: School.

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  • 56 weeks

    This June:

    International Rescue goes where they’ve never gone before.

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  • 72 weeks
    Is this thing on?

    So I’m back, had a whole swarm of tech issues over the past couple weeks, which prevented me from the final edits of The Ace, hopefully I’ll be able to finish editing it today or tomorrow

    0 comments · 72 views

Gravity f@#king sucks... · 3:22am Oct 21st, 2023

... so, I uh... have some explaining to do.
(short version)
I broke my arm, in 2 places, on opposite sides of my elbow... leaving it floating. OH and I damaged my nerve leading to my fingers so I no longer have full movement/control over them. I needed surgery, went from 3 to 6 hours, doctors said it was the largest surgery they've done this year... it was on the 3rd. I broke my arm on the 2ed, (October). I broke it after underestimating the slope of a hill while longboarding, I also slammed my head into the ground, thankfully I was wearing my helmet. I almost had it, but the bumps at the ends of sidewalks sent my skateboard one way, and me the other.

Other than that I'm ok. Bored as hell now that I'm stuck home, but alive. There may have been a chance I'd of simply died from brain damage. Now I've got like 2 pounds of metal in me holding my bones together.

(long version)

On October 2nd 2023, at approximately 7:15 PM local time, I was returning to my dorm from a study session on my campus via Longboard. After looking at a map earlier that morning, I had decided on a new route back to my dorm however I failed to scout the area ahead of time I was unaware of the steepness of the hill that I chosen on this new route and was undeterred when I did get a "proper look". Looking back I didn't even stop my board I just went screw it and went for it.

To my horror I accelerated much much faster than I intended once I started to get speed wobbles fearful that I would crash if I tried to stop by putting my foot down or stepping off my board, I attempted to hold on and make it through this hill. As I looked ahead I saw those bumps in between intersections where sidewalks end, Being somewhat and I do mean somewhat, experienced I did thought that I could make it and to be fair I made it over 50% of them, the first one was a jolt but the second one was a nightmare I felt my skateboard go to the right, far too quickly for me to compensate or react next thing I knew I was hitting the ground I had a fully loaded backpack that did take some of the impact my head slammed into the into the dirt and I'm thankful that I had my helmet on to absorb it.

However when I hit the ground I don't know if this was gravel my skateboard skidding on its wheels or something else but I could swear I heard the bone break, I am not 100% sure though and I like to think that it was not the bone because as I slid to a stop I saw out of the corner of my eye my arm was not right. It was not at a odd angle or anything like that but I could just tell I'm not 100% sure how I knew I don't know if there were some kind of weird feeling, or some kind of instinct but I just knew that I shouldn't move my arm, I quickly yelled for help this all took space in maybe 30 to 45 seconds. Thankfully some of my fellow students witnessed the crash and quickly called emergency services who arrived on the scene very very quickly and I am very very grateful for them ,.I didn't feel any pain at first But as we waited for the ambulance my adrenaline began to wear off and I could slowly feel a pressure building thankfully by the time the ambulance arrived it wasn't too bad and they quickly gave me pain medicine and I do not believe I felt the full might of the pain as I never really went too long without pain meds on the way to the hospital and up until my surgery.

Whilst waiting at the hospital x-rays were obviously taken some very uncomfortable positions trying to get a picture, my roommate, quickly came to check up on me I had contacted my parents who were on their way but being a few hours away from home I would not see them until the morning. I drifted in out of a shallow sleep I basically sat in the same room for a couple hours, Until the Dr, I'm not 100% sure if he was the ER doctor or the trauma surgeon, came in and gave me the rundown not only had I broken arm, honestly thought I would just be set patched up and sent home, I screwed up my elbow badly it was the floating and the local hospital did not have the expertise to help repair it though a hospital two hours away was able to. So I was loaded up into an ambulance And sent on a two hour run, I laugh now because the paramedic in the back with me we watched a World War two movie on the way there called Into The White it was very good I recommend it it's on Tubi.

Once at the new hospital, I met my dad and we waited for me to be admitted into surgery a couple more X rays were taken and a CT scan as well, Eventually the time did come and I was admitted into surgery after talking to the doctor and his team. I went in nervous as I'm sure anybody would be, I don't remember much of the operating theater but I do remember waking up obviously, at first I thought it was only a few hours after I'd gone under but then I looked out a window and then it was dark noting that I had gone in around noon I was a little bit shocked to say the least. I ended up staying in the hospital for just under 24 more hours before I was allowed to go home.

Fast forward a couple weeks I'm back at the hospital for my follow up everything is progressing normally and at the time of writing this or should I say reading this as I am using a text to speech, I have found out that my nerve has been damaged due to the bone breaking and striking it. It was not severed but it was bruised and I Don't have much control over my fingers, however it is recovering slowly and should nothing else happen I should get most if not all of my movement and control back. I also learned that one of my ligaments, I'm not 100% sure which one because I'm not a medical major, was somehow tangled in my bone which is why I was surprised to wake up so late in the day. You see, the surgery was supposed to last roughly 3 to 4 hours however the surgery lasted about 6 because of this complication. Again I am recovering nicely I do however have metal in me and apparently a good chunk of my bone missing about a centimeter that was just to destroy to piece back together for the metal to hold together. I also have 52 Staples because of how long the incision was for my surgery it was about a foot long. I am currently in physical therapy as the scar tissue and the metal has severely limited my range of motion on my arm mainly in the elbow region I've also been severely weakened and I can no longer use a computer the same way.

I don't really like to talk about it I'll be happy to ask any questions so long as they don't get too personal, I hope that this has given you some insight to why I've suddenly kind of dropped off the grid in a way, those who follow me on Twitter know that I'm still active but that's a phone compared to a laptop. I am recovering nicely but have taken a step away from college under medical withdrawal again I am very happy to answer some questions as long as they are not too personal I will not be putting up my X Rays or any pictures of me in a cast simply because I know some people are squeamish and I'm sure that it's probably not a good idea to put that kind of stuff up. I promise you I still am working on the ace and reaching out, however don't expect chapter after chapter to be released as I am severely Limited in my ability to use a laptop.

Thank you all for understanding I hope you all have a lovely day.

I'd also like to apologize for any grammatical errors, mainly in capitalization, I am using a text to speech.

Report Erstwhile Tail · 167 views · Story: The Ace ·
Comments ( 4 )

Get well man

Gravity’s a bitch

not good, but your alive, that's hat matters, rest well, I wish you a speedy recovery.
Will help with editing at a later date, sorry for the long delays.

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