• Member Since 12th Sep, 2021
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"If you are afraid to look ahead, and it hurts to look back, look beside you and there will be your friends."

More Blog Posts20

  • 11 weeks
    Made an oopsie

    Real sorry, but I had to fix a lot of stuff in my book. I finally have it all planned out, and that meant I needed to make some changes. The story will be a lot more serious now, and I have the full intention of making it a good one. The prologue is an actual prologue now, and the first chapter is longer. The second will be out soon, do not fret.

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  • 27 weeks
    Minor News.... RETCON!

    The April Fools Interlude is being Retconned. I will post the same thing in chapter 54 in the author's notes, but I thought I'd let you all know in advance. Minor spoiler, I intended for the April Fools Interlude to be canon at the end of the story. Due to a continuity error of my own doing, I need to make some adjustments. I will not spoil what I am changing, but it will come

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  • 35 weeks
    Just a little something to say.

    Sometimes, life can throw a curveball your way. Sometimes it hits you in the face, knocks you to the ground, and mocks you. There are things going on in this world, evil things, and sometimes it seems people turn a blind eye to it. It's better to stay in disbelief, because these things are so horrible, that it is unfathomable that our society is falling so low. We see it in our education systems,

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    2 comments · 189 views
  • 57 weeks
    Big News! It is happening....

    Hello once again everyone! I am writing this blog post in order to announce something incredible! A story called Lost and Fallen was places on a hiatus back in 2015, with no hope of being continued. The story was to be left in the depths of this wonderful website, collecting dust and giving people a good read on the chance that they were to find it.

    But now this will change.

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  • 76 weeks

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, an Atheist, or anything else, this is still a time for celebration, family, and friends. There are dark things in the world today that would seek to destroy the Christmas spirit, and there are many different means of which evil can try and influence people and steer them away from the light.

    I say this:

    Love yourself,

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    1 comments · 137 views

Just a little something to say. · 2:06am Oct 6th, 2023

Sometimes, life can throw a curveball your way. Sometimes it hits you in the face, knocks you to the ground, and mocks you. There are things going on in this world, evil things, and sometimes it seems people turn a blind eye to it. It's better to stay in disbelief, because these things are so horrible, that it is unfathomable that our society is falling so low. We see it in our education systems, teaching children lewd and disgusting topics on intercourse and queerness. We see it in our streets, as criminals run rampant, destroying, looting, and killing. We see it in out government, as they actively work against the interest of the people they are supposed to work for as they usher in a New World Order. We are seeing the fall of the West, and no one is doing anything about it.

Or are they?

The Canadian Trucker Convoy, the Dutch Tractor Protests, the Hong Kong Riots, The Million March for kids...

People are standing up and making a difference. There is still hope, and there is still a society worth fighting for. This evil cannot, and will not prevail. My grandfather told me that no matter what happened, or happens, God is in control. Whether you are religious or not, it doesn't matter. There is still good in this world, and there is still hope. It may seem that you are surrounded by darkness, but I am telling you, you are not. People are here for you, and will listen to you, but you need to make the first step. You need to realize what the real problems are, and to stop ignoring what is going on around you. Life will knock you down, but you have the strength to get back up. You have the strength to push forward, and say 'No, I will live my life.'

Some of you will wonder why I have posted this, and there is only one actual reason.

I was in a bad place, surrounded by darkness, and shoved to the ground. I have seen nothing but hate, propaganda, degeneracy, and mental illness. I was surrounded by it. I contemplated just ending it, and for a long time, I was prepared to do just that. But then I pushed back. It takes one day, only one. Ignore your problems for one day, and instead, go play a game with someone random. Go talk to someone over the phone, and have a nice long chat. Go and grab yourself an ice-cream. Say something nice to someone. It just takes one day. And when that day is over, put new sheets on your bed, make it nice and tidy, and go to sleep early, or read a paperback book right before hand. Your problems won't magically disappear, but you will start to heal. Just tell yourself, 'one more day.' Every time you wake up, just tell yourself that. Then, you will see the truth. You will realize that the anger you feel for yourself slowly turns towards the real culprits, and you will realize that your life is worth fighting for.

Cause it is. Your life, and everyone's lives are worth fighting for. You aren't useless, and you aren't alone in the world.

Godspeed, and I wish you all a good night.

Comments ( 2 )

Ah, definitely, bro! Thank you for the encouraging words, I am blessed by them. Here are some Bible verses to strengthen you and everyone else who reads this message.

  • 2 Corinthians 12:9—“My [God's] grace is all you need, for my power is the greatest when you are weak.”
  • John 16:33—“I [Jesus] have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
  • Jeremiah 29:11—"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
  • Matthew 28:20—"And remember that I [Jesus] am always with you until the end of time."

Have blessed day or night, everyone!

I feel you; I've had many lows in life. But that was when life was starting for me, I've had melt downs, I've even lashed out, but I always find a way forward. No matter the times I find myself in.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

- Desmond Tutu

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