• Member Since 7th Sep, 2011
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I've always said one thing about who I am as a person. "Eternally in pursuit of the goodness in the heart." It's what called me to the show. It's why I'm here now. And it's what I love to write about.

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"The Small Hero Within Us" by DamayantiArts · 5:03pm Aug 16th, 2023

Here we are once again folks. I bring to you all the marvelous work from a wonderful person. Damayanti. This commission ended up being a lot bigger and more ambitious than all of our works so far. And I hope it shows! Dama put in lot of effort and practice to get this one right, and I truly believe she did wonders with it.

Heck, where to start! Should we start at the awesome monster that demands the most attention in this? Maybe the beautiful, unique and illustrious fluffy clouds that Dama poured her heart into? Maybe with little Pip or his heroic ancestor, Pint?

I think I'll start at the beginning. With these two:

It's still too soon to talk about them since we're not at that point in the story yet, but I wanted to give you all this concept design we made for them so you could all get a better look. These come from the person whose redesigns are second to none. Initially I wanted Dama to just reuse some of her old redesigns so that she wouldn't need to put so much work and brain power into creating something new for the purposes of this story. But if it wasn't for her, I would've likely made too many concessions and sacrifices to my story to make something else work. And she was directly influential not only to the two character's designs, but also their personalities and motives for the purposes of the story.

It's not a joke to say that a big, big part of this story is directly thanks to Dama! Working on the commission allowed me to cement my plans, world, and characters for it, since I was still in the middle of making a storyboard when we started work on it. Even whole story beats will be thanks to her influence.

I apologize if I can't go in detail with a lot of it for now, since we're threading spoiler territory if I say anything more! I'm sure it doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on in this picture, but I'd like to keep my eggs in my basket until the time is right anyways.

Keeping it short for now unfortunately. Just know I can run your ears off with everything I have to gush about with it. For now though, I hope everyone is looking forward to more Pipsqueak, Pint-size, and Chrys!

And for those that weren't able to catch it the first time and want a better look at the pony known as Pint-size the Brave, here is his concept design:

Ciao for now!

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