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The Abyss

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It's Been Fun · 4:23pm May 17th, 2023

Now that I'll Do Anything for you and My Filly, Nightshine are complete, I'm done with writing pony.

Long story short, I felt guilty leaving those two stories unfinished when I stopped writing a few years back. I didn't want to leave them unfinished for eternity nor did I want to give them a one chapter ending just so I could say that I finished them. In hindsight, it took me far longer than I thought it would to finish both but I am proud to say that I have accomplished my goal.

I truly appreciate all the support over the years. All the fan art, views, follows, comments; everything. Every single one of you reading this right now made it all worth it. While I am done writing pony, I am not done writing. I have plans to write and publish my own fantasy book in the coming years, though I'm not sure when that'll be. I'm working on improving my writing skills by reading a ton again, reading books on how to be a better writer, and a lot more. I've rekindled the love I once had as a child for reading; I thought I'd lost that feeling of sheer excitement forever. I'm working on improving myself as well. I've been losing weight, getting back in shape, and becoming a better man than the day before.

Now that the stress of these unfinished stories is no longer hanging over my head, I feel like I now have the freedom to move on and do more with my life. Every single one of you has made this journey amazing. For those wondering, I am not currently planning on doing any book publications for any of my stories at the moment. While it isn't entirely out of the question, I need to focus on other things first. My patreon page is closed again, most likely for good since I do not plan on returning to writing pony. Current patrons will not be charged any further.

Once again, thank you so much for sticking with me all these years. I hope you've enjoyed my stories.

Report The Abyss · 2,088 views · Story: My Filly, Nightshine ·
Comments ( 56 )

Have a great journey! I know it ain't easy. Thanks for sticking to the very end!

Great to see a story reaching complet tag.
Maybe we see you on some comment sections :twilightsmile:

Thank you for all you have done and it's sad to see you go, but as with everything, good things come and end no matter how much we wish things woundnt change lol
I wish you good luck a great success in your future writing venture. Even though you may quit pony I doudt it will forget you or your amazing stories anytime soon

It sucks to see ya go, bro.

I wish you the best in all things.

It was a great story. Thank you for finishing it! Wish you the best!


It’s been a blast, thanks for all the memories over the years. Good luck on your fantasy book, I’m actually thinking of doing that as well. Let us know when that comes out.

Got to admit you got some talent, hope to see a few of your books on shelves at some point. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for coming back and leaving on a high note, even if it feels like it was just for a brief period.

You will be missed.
Good luck with your writing career!

Thank you for all the work you put into your writing. You will be missed. Good luck with your future endeavors. Remember...you have touched our lives and we will always be with you! Pony on!

Thanks for writing such wonderful tales. I hope your future creative endeavors bare lovely fruit. :scootangel:

It's been great having you here Abyss, your stories are absolutely amazing, and you can bet I'll be re-reading them several times more down the line. Good luck with your future in writing, I'll be keeping an eye out for your books on bookshelves. And above all, have fun!

Sad to see you go, but thank you for taking the time to give your last stories a proper finish!

Glad to see both finished.
Best of luck with all future works, whatever they may be. :).

See you around.

So long and thanks for all the fish. :moustache:

Good luck with your come Trials. We will miss your imagination as an author here.

Thanks for giving us the closure these stories deserved. WIshing you the best wherever life takes you!

Cheers, mate.

I can not thank you enough for finishing your stories, and not just leaving them incomplete. But damn does it hurt to see you go. :pinkiesad2: Farewell friend, good luck. :heart:

Thanks for completing the story good luck and you always welcome

Will this also mean that you will not be on this site as much?
Either way, it has been a fun ride.

Any thoughts on doing some original work over on RoyalRoad?

I have enjoyed your story for the whole trip

Feels good, doesn't it?

Thanks for concluding them and for authoring everything you have here.
It was such a gift for you to have shared so freely with everyone.

So long and thank you for the fish! It would be great if you could also finish From Lost to Loved, but, hey, you've already given us a lot! Best wishes for your future endeavors. 🙂

Good luck, and thanks for writing your stories. I hope you enjoy your next journey.

I'll still be around a little bit.

I've thought about posting stuff on sites like that for practice/small stories, but I need to focus on creating a certain story I've had in my head for more than a year. I felt like I couldn't work on it until I finished my stories here.

I had wanted to finish that one too but it just has way too much work for me to take on finishing another story here. I just don't have the time to finish it.

Thank you for all your pony words, you definitely brought plenty of smiles to my face over the years.

While it is a shame to see you go, I certainly prefer to see you follow your own path, set on your own journey.

Life is all about the journey after all. You are a skilled writer and I look forward to seeing any book by you. So as ArcaneDust said, "Have a great journey!" I wish you the very best.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Fare thee well abyss thanks for all the amazing stories hope to see you some time in the future.

Sad to see you leave the world of pony fiction, but we, your loyal fans, will always have your great collection here on FiMfiction, and I'm sure most of us will be interested in following your fantasy writings as well.

Farewell, I hope you find what you are looking for.

Oh, such sweet sorrow does your departure bring. I wish you fair seas, and favorable winds.
So... goodbye, dear Author. Thanks for all the fics.

cheers, mate!

Have a good life, mate

It's okay, dude, no problem. We'll wait a decade if necessary, no rush. And even if you cancel it, your completed stories are more than enough. 😌

Sad to see you go, but I understand. Honestly your story is one of few that initially inspired me to want to write stories of my own, but due to poor vision in one eye and slight double vision in the other, among other medical issues, I'm unable to, but I'm thankful just knowing there were such stories capable of inspiring me in the first place.

Thank you for finishing these stories in a satisfactory way. I have enjoyed them and will be rereading them in the future.:moustache:

No problem mate, after all... It was fun.

We'll be here if you ever want to come back. And remember, the ride never ends. /)

Thank you for the entertaining stories and good luck with your future projects, are you on any other sites where we could follow your future work?

Was told by BikerDash that the day had come and had to stop by and holler at you myself.
Just as I'm about to jump feet first back into it on my end. Another legend closes their door.

I hope you stick around for the good times and friends you've made along the way /)

I love your histories and good luck.

You will be missed; I've enjoyed your stories very much. We'll be here if you decide to pop on by. When one door closes in life, another opens. I need to get my butt in gear and write, though I find it hard to commit; I've got a lot of ideas on the back burner.


been som great story you ahve made.

and good luck with whatever you plan to do next :pinkiehappy:

anf thank you so much for finishing the stories

Godspeed, man.

Thank you for the lovely stories Abyss. Your work is what properly got me into the fandom all those years ago. If you ever decide to write anything non pony leave a blog post! I eagerly await to see what you do and wish you the best

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