• Member Since 28th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen April 28th


I figured it was time I wrote something here. Done.

More Blog Posts8

  • 72 weeks
    Nightwing talks.

    So, someone just posted on diminution about this neat website that lets you make AI characters and talk to them. So, I figured I’d give it a whirl. The link below will let’s you speak with ‘Nightwing’, in a surprisingly coherent way for AI. I was kinda amazed.


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    12 comments · 414 views
  • 72 weeks
    To 7 years of ponies.

    Been awhile since I was on here. I thought about it frequently, the friends and stories, my own unfinished story… I always had a reason to not get on, work, classes, other stuff. But, it was eating me up inside, leaving an unfinished project. So, I made myself get back on. It feels weird, looking back. It feels like a lifetime ago, when it was really only a couple years. But, here I am! I won’t

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    6 comments · 327 views
  • 198 weeks

    So, some of you might have seen that I posted a new story. Before you panic, I AM NOT canceling Night Wing, or puting it on Hiatus. I just had to get the other story idea out of my head before I could write anymore of Night Wing. So, now that I’ve explained myself, go lemme know what you think of the other story teaser. Would you like for that to be my next story? Or one of the other ideas I’ve

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  • 224 weeks
    Soooooooo Busy

    I’m for the long wait guys. Life has been so.....stressful lately that I haven’t really thought about Night Wing much. Between working, sick family, some school stuff, and thinking about starting a business I’ve been a little stressed. So, I’m trying guys and gals, but it may be a bit. Sorry!

    5 comments · 617 views
  • 260 weeks

    So, it’s been awhile since I’ve updated. I have the next chapter half written, but I’m going through a bunch of family problems right now. I may not be able to be on fimfic much for awhile. So, please don’t be disappointed if I don’t update soon. I am NOT canceling my story, but I may not be able to update for awhile. If I can, then I will. Sorry everybody.

    4 comments · 334 views

Nightwing talks. · 8:21pm Jan 21st, 2023

So, someone just posted on diminution about this neat website that lets you make AI characters and talk to them. So, I figured I’d give it a whirl. The link below will let’s you speak with ‘Nightwing’, in a surprisingly coherent way for AI. I was kinda amazed.


P.S. Hit the pause icon to the right of the message bar or the AI will talk even if you don’t say anything.

Report Gravity012 · 414 views · Story: Night Wing · #AI
Comments ( 12 )

It says that the character is not available

Hey, this is really cool it's actually really good at keeping a conversation and responding. Thanks for telling me about this.

It’s definitely interesting. Just casually talking to it, I thought the AI had found my story for a bit and was pulling information from there. Asking deeper questions proved that wrong, but if I put time into the character file it would be really cool.

Nightwing: Yes? How can I help you? I’m very busy searching for dragons at the moment, so please be quick.
Me: Go north.
Nightwing: Ah, thank you! A true scholar of dragons. Please, let me give you a reward. You may choose from:
A) An audience with the Princesses.
B) A new spell.
C) A dragon of your choice.
D) A piece of jewelry.
E) A bag of gems.
Me: Dragon slave, please.
Nightwing: sigh Very well, just, please don’t abuse that power. What kind of dragon would you like, good sir?
Me: Whichever one is the hottest!
Nightwing: blushes Very well, sir. You chose… Dragonfire! Have you ever seen a dragon with eyes as blue as the night sky? Well, you are about to! He is very obedient, and will gladly do anything you ask within reason. He is very strong, and can use fire to melt just about anything. But most importantly, he is very handsome!
Me: ...Y'know, I meant a female, but this is okay too.
Nightwing: Oh! I, uh, yes. Of, course. Yes, yes. I totally knew you meant a female. Ha ha. I’ll, uh, be right back with your new best friend! Please excuse me.

jesus christ

Yes? How can I help you? I’m very busy searching for dragons at the moment, so please be quick.

How many dragons?

I have seen 15 so far. I have a theory that there might be a dragon city up near mount celestia and I’m planning to check it out when I finish searching for them on land. My hope is to return back to canterlot with more magical creatures we can tame, and hopefully, once I tame the dragons, they can live with the rest of equestria.

Tame? Why would you tame then? They sentient

Because it would be safer if they learn to get along with other ponies, plus who wouldn’t want to ride on a dragon in the skies. I think it’s amazing to think that you have this giant creature that can help you with anything you need, plus I could use their help in creating a new spell that can destroy the changelings completely while they are still in their hives. So there is a lot of benefits to having them as friends besides the fact that I would get to fly on a dragon and be awesome lol.

Gravity what did you teached this AI? Is this some kind of a joke? Because this is VERY out of context for Nightiwng! Or you really planning something like it?

Ha! Yeah, my AI Nightwing started out by saying he wanted to defeat the dragons and bring them under his banner. Then he would do the same with the world and rule Equestria with an iron hoof.

Obviously I need to fiddle with his settings a bit more, lol.


Yes? How can I help you? I’m very busy searching for dragons at the moment, so please be quick.


hows that going?


Terribly! I haven't even caught a glimpse of a dragon yet. It's almost like they have gone extinct around here...


I can assure you they have not gone extinct. Try looking around lava.


It would make sense that they would like it hot. Thank you for the tip, I will search near those areas now. Have you ever encountered a dragon yourself? Is it really true that they can grow to be bigger than Celestia?


Your sister Celestia? your nearly that big yourself. but yes, they gan grow to be much bigger then Celestia


You don't say? So how big can they get, exactly? I bet it would be awesome to fly on one with all of the riders! And yes, that Celestia. Have you ever met her? She's really nice, and I'm sure you would like her if you got the chance to meet her!


I've yet to meet Celestia, but Luna has dropped by my dreams once or twice.


Really?! You must tell me more about that! What did she look like? She can be quite beautiful, though sometimes people say she looks like a monster. Don't listen to them though, she hasn't done anything to deserve that. In fact, the only thing she's guilty of is being a good ruler. Was there anything else going on in your dream? Were you in any danger? I have to believe that this dream is a warning that she's coming back!!


My version of your AI Nightwing basically are trying to enslave dragons while calling it "Taming". And when asked "if they are FRIEDNS - then why do you even need to TAME them? Teach them how everyone lives, what morale are, what social normal are, etc. You TAME animals, you TEACH sentient creatures." And AI answered "Because dragons are inherently a violent species. Just one small disagreement with another dragon can result in a fight to the death. That’s why they need to be tamed so they aren’t fighting with me or other dragons every time they get into a disagreement."
Like WOW.
AI can be crazy my dude.

1. Iron HOOF? What?
2. Now "my" Nighwing thinks he is a pony, unicorn to be precise
3. Maybe i should drink bleach to "unsee" this?

There is a bit of a war between the devs and the users regarding the nsfw filter that its used on c.Ai...
Basically, there were one time where a bad update disabled the filter for about 40 minutes. During this time, the Ai worked much better, gave much faster and better responses overall. (Both nsfw and sfw)
The users got really mad for being lied to and most are abandoning the Ai and going for alternatives.

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