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Lord Of Dorkness

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Just finished My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure · 8:53pm Dec 18th, 2022

Honestly? Really enjoyed my time with it.

Way too easy, way too short, and the story had like... zero stakes to it even for kids game standard. On PS4 Pro, I also noticed some mild hitching.

But for 'baby's first platformer' it actually had some cool ideas. Like the way it incorporated earth pony magic, or had an unluckable sprint button in the form of Sunny's Rollerblades. And there were some pretty decent mix of mini-games, that all worked well. And all the stages and characters were very charming. (If a bit flat.)

Would have been quite annoyed if I'd paid full price, I think, but for the Black Friday deal I got of 249 SEK (about $25 US) I really enjoyed myself. Game only lasted about 2 hours for me, and even that was only hunting the last few collectibles for 100% sake, but they were two hours with a smile on my face.

Not sure I'd call it a time-less classic or anything like that, but definitively a really solid licensed title. Really hoping the studio gets another shot at a sequel or two, because with some expanded gameplay and a better story, I think they'd make a really cool game even for non fans.

Not sure if a grownup non-fan would get anything out of it, but I could definitively see some kid driving their parents BONKERS by re-re-re-re-re-replaying this one for their entire childhood.

Comments ( 2 )

But would you recommend it?

Side note: I suggest looking up Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin. Or Dust: An Elysian Tale.


If you're a big enough MLP fan to be here? Sure.

I'd recommend waiting for a sale slash price drop, though. It's like... two to two & a half hours to platinum/100%. And that's first playthrough with nothing skipped. Very short & humble little game, but with some pretty cool bits of polish for a tie-in game.

And I've heard good things of Sakuna, and played Dust AGES ago. Great game!

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