• Member Since 18th May, 2017
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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)

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Thanksgiving and November Writing Challenge update · 9:43am Nov 24th, 2022

Hello everypony!

First off, happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all enjoy it, get to spend time with your family, and are able to relax a bit. Me? I'm moving into a new apartment tomorrow, so I don't think I will have a lot of time to relax to be honest. Everything should be good to go after a month of delays, so that should be interesting. Honestly, I'm still a bit nervous, but I think that's just normal anticipation for something new rather than any direct thing that is stressing me out. Time will tell, I'm sure.

Anyway, the November Writing Challenge. I am now at 41,180 words, all in just this past month! I don't know if I will be able to hit 50,000 given my move in, but I have completed 1 whole story and am almost done with the second. Again, if people might be interested in me posting the unedited drafts, please let me know.

And now, to celebrate the holidays, here are some sneak peaks!

Flash thinks everyone needs to apologize:

Twilight nodded, burying her face further into Flash’s chest. “Yes. I-I want to apologize. I don’t know what to say, or if she will even accept it, but…I want to apologize. I need to. It’s…the right thing to do.”
“And I know you’ll find the right words when the time comes,” Flash said, lifting his head so he could stare Queen Novo in the eyes. She had stopped right behind Twilight, and she looked understanding. Perhaps even ready to offer forgiveness. But Flash had one more thing to say before that could happen. “And then when you’re done, Twilight, Queen Novo can apologize to you.”
The sheer look of ‘I beg your pardon!?’ on Queen Novo’s face was priceless, and not just a little bit intimidating.
But he wouldn’t back down from this. As far as he was concerned, both parties had made mistakes, so it was time for both of them to suck it up, apologize, and move on. He didn’t care if he needed to call his mom over for some suplex-diplomacy (sup-lomacy, as she called).

Tempest earns her mark:

And yet, despite everything, some stupid, vengeful part of his brain still tried to find some reason to maintain his hatred of Tempest. Maybe she was just trying to earn their trust, or could have escaped her restraint at any time and never told anypony, or or maybe—
All it took was one look at her flank, and that final negative voice shut up, unable to find anything that could possibly explain away what was right before his eyes. Even in the low light of the hospital room, the moon provided all the illumination he needed to see what hadn’t been there when the day had begun. Something that no pony could fake. Something that gave unquestionable validation to the pure intentions of Tempest’s actions.
A cutie mark.

Pinkie gotta Pinkie:

“Beep. Beep. Beep. This is what health insurance sounds like. Beep.”
“Yes, Flashie?”
“Why are you in our room having a beeping contest with the heart monitor?” Flash groaned, slowly opening his eyes. The sun had risen outside the window, and a nearby clock read nine a.m. Despite his internal tornado of conflict the night before, he had somehow managed to get some sleep.
In truth, he wished he had gotten more, but Pinkie gotta Pinkie.
At least her beeping hadn’t woken the still sleeping Tempest. The magic transfer machine had been removed at some point, but Tempest did look at least a bit better, her horn letting off a small spark as she slumbered.
If she needed more magic to recover, he would gladly pitch in again.

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