• Published 16th May 2024
  • 118 Views, 3 Comments

The little star that wanted to accompany the Moon - Flower03

On a night of deep calm, where silence reigned without conversations or barks to disturb the peace, an unexpected encounter between two nocturnal beings would weave a destiny that would plunge Equestria into its darkest night in the future.

  • ...

The brightness of a star

Peace had taken deep root, but like the moon that adorned the heavens, the burden of responsibility had grown to the point of overwhelming. After grueling months of constant duty, the Night Princess's heart and spirit began to falter under the crushing weight of the responsibility she shared with her sister.

From the heights of her meticulously sculpted kingdom, she watched as the sunrises danced with solemnity and grace. In the luminosity of the night she watched as the waters of harmony finally found its serene course, after the challenges since they ascended the throne.

Her soft eyes scanned the land below her gaze, bathed in the soft glow of the stars. She reflected on the weariness that had swept over her for the past few months, a silent sadness that enveloped her like a night mist. The duty and care of the kingdom had left its mark, the long hours of work had formed an imperceptible but deep gap between her and her beloved sister.

Invisible tears flashed fleetingly in the darkness, reflecting the pain she had kept secret. Loneliness enveloped her in its icy embrace as she remembered how all creatures preferred the warm glow of the sun, relegating the beautiful night she had provided for them. She understood the reason for that choice, but her alicorn heart couldn't help but feel a deep emptiness about it.

Her ramblings were abruptly interrupted by the perception of an anomaly in the shadows of a dark alley with her keen senses. Now she realized, the stillness of the night bewildered her, evoking the moments of study where cold solitude was her only company, even if that didn't matter at the time. A small, frail figure caught her attention, and strangely, she felt her heart skip a beat.

Although the distance made it difficult for her to have a clear vision, her sensitive soul sensed that something was not right with the figure. The enigmatic threads of fate intertwined as their eyes met, and in that instant, the creature's strange presence was transformed into a mystery that transcended her emotions. An unknown feeling gripped her heart, as if an out of this world entity had just entered her, as if the universe itself whispered to her that such an encounter should not have happened.

Unbeknownst to Luna, she was inevitably drawn to the unknown creature. As she approached, she was surprised to realize that it was a thestral foal. He was in a pitiful state, incredibly dirty and thin. However, it wasn't his physical appearance that captured her attention so deeply. It was the intensity of his eyes. Those eyes that seemed empty and dull at first, but with every step Luna took toward him, she realized it was the opposite. The colt's eyes were imbued with hope, brimming with life and innocence.

Luna's own thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the colt greeted her enthusiastically. His voice shone with surprising energy. Determined not to frighten him or the neighbors with Canterlot's regal tone, Luna took control of her own voice and adopted a soft, reassuring tone.

"Greetings, little night traveler," Luna replied with a tenderness that emanated from her being. "I really didn't expect to meet someone like you in a place like this, but I see that you enjoy the view too, don't you?"

The colt nodded enthusiastically. "The night is amazing! I always feel happy when the sun goes down because it means I get to gaze at the most wonderful thing in this world: The stars! Look how resplendent they are!"

Luna watched as the foal pointed to the starry sky in admiration, and in that instant she felt a deep connection with him. The way he appreciated the night reminded her of her own love of darkness and the wonders that came with it. "You're right, the view is really amazing right now."

The thestral looked at her with curious eyes. "I've heard that the dark alicorn rules the night. Are you a friend of the night, Princess Luna?"

Luna smiled, letting herself drift off the conversation and momentarily putting aside her own worries. "Yes, in a way you could say that I am. I've always felt a special bond with it. Why do you ask?"

The colt seemed to get even more excited about her answer. "That's awesome! Then we should be night friends! Like in those comic strips that I always see the other foals have."

The colt seemed to darken for a moment, but quickly regained his smile. "I was looking for a place to rest. I've been feeling more tired than usual lately, but I'm sure a little nap will fix everything."

Concern gripped the princess when she heard the colt's reply. His words about tiredness and the need to rest echoed in her mind and something inside her whispered that there was something more serious behind that statement. A sudden, violent fit of coughing interrupted her thoughts, leaving the princess visibly uncomfortable. Wasting no time, she walked up to him with an expression of deep concern on her face.

Are you okay?" Luna asked in a soft but uncomfortable voice.

The colt nodded with a mixture of frustration and resignation, evidently affected by the coughing fit. "Y-yes, don't worry. It's happened before... And it always happens."

Although the little colt tried to calm her down, his state of health was evident and the sudden deterioration led the princess to make an immediate decision. "I'm going to take you to the Royal Castle, you need our healers to check you out. Don't worry, I promise you'll be fine."

The thestral seemed to hesitate for a moment, but finally nodded. Luna spread her wings and immediately helped the colt onto her back, holding him cautiously as they flew back to the castle.

Luna finally broke the silence during her flight. "By the way, I realize I don't know your name yet. What should I call you?"

The colt seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if weighing his words before answering in a way that surprised the princess. "I've been called many ways... Most of these weren't exactly pleasant, and I'm sure those are terms no foal should say."

The alicorn looked at him with her characteristic softness. "I understand the situation, but. What's your real name?"

The colt pondered for a moment, shrugging his shoulders with a resigned expression. "I don't have one in particular... I guess I haven't thought much about it."

The princess frowned slightly, but soon her expression softened. "You can't just be without a name. Tell me, is there anything you can relate to? Something you like or feel good about?"

The colt seemed surprised by the question, as if he had never considered such a possibility. Nonetheless, a spark of excitement crossed his eyes as he responded enthusiastically. "I love stars! I've always found them fascinating."

Luna smiled warmly. "In that case, what do you think of the name 'Star'? It's a nice name, but simple, and it also reflects something that brings you joy."

The colt's eyes lit up even more. "Star! I like it a lot. Sounds great."

In the soft glow of the night, the wings of the alicorn flapped gracefully as they soared across the starry sky, returning to the majestic castle that loomed on the horizon. Worry gripped her as they flew, her mind focused on the well-being of the foal she had found in the shadows.

Arriving at the castle, the princess gently descended and led Star to one of the waiting rooms near the royal apartments. Despite the tranquility of the place, anxiety was still palpable in the air. Time seemed to pass while they waited. The minutes dragged on as the hours passed until finally footsteps were heard coming down the hallway. A doctor, with his tools in a bag slung at his side, showed a tired face but professional and friendly at the same time.

The princess advanced towards the stallion, bowing her head in respect. "I'm so sorry to bother you at this hour, doctor."

The doctor smiled wearily and shook his head. "Don't worry, princess. Caring for those who need help is part of my duty, no matter what time it is."

After exchanging a few kind words, the doctor approached the foal and began to examine it thoroughly. His eyes fell on Star for a few moments, performing diagnostic spells and exploring the young foal's health. For a brief moment, his face showed an unknown surprise, but he quickly hid it under a neutral expression, though only the princess seemed to notice this detail.

Curious, Luna decided to break the silence in the room. "Doctor, have you found anything that worries you?"

The doctor blinked, letting out a small sigh as he shook his head. "Oh, calm down, Your Majesty. There's none of that concern. It must have been my fatigue that affected the accuracy of the spells. Sometimes, tiredness can interfere with its functioning, and most likely, some false abnormalities have appeared. For now, there's no reason to be worried."

After the doctor's reassuring explanation, the princess felt palpable relief. She was inwardly grateful that the worries didn't seem to be well-founded, though she still had a slight uneasiness in her gaze. She turned to Star, ready to share the good news, but before she could speak, the young colt interrupted her in a tone that was meant to be casual, but had a trace of stubbornness.

See? I told you. I'm fine, I don't need you to worry so much," Star said with a hint of stubbornness in his words.

Luna offered him an indulgent smile, acknowledging his desire to demonstrate independence. "I'm sorry if I exaggerated a bit. Sometimes, my protective instinct can take me a bit too far."

The stallion cleared his throat gently, attracting the attention of both of them. "Sorry to interrupt, but I must correct you on this, young Star. Your state of health isn't exactly the best. There are some concerns that we need to address."

Star opened his mouth to protest, but the doctor continued before he could say anything. "Don't worry, it's not alarming. However, you will need treatment and some remedies to improve your health. The remedies are not the tastiest, but are effective."

A look of disgust crossed the room. The face of the thestral, as if it were a comic script, made an exaggerated grimace as he looked suspiciously at the remedies that the doctor had prepared for him. Luna suppressed a laugh, holding her gentle gaze. "I know it's not pleasant, but it's important to follow your doctor's instructions. Please be a good colt and take it as directed."

Star snorted, but finally gave in to the princess's plea. "Okay, just because you tell me so nicely."

The princess smiled gratefully at him as she watched Star struggle to swallow the remedies with a disgusted expression on his face. Their eyes met and Luna gave him a knowing look. "Don't worry, it will pass soon."

After a few moments, the colt finally managed to take all the remedies, letting out a dramatic sigh of relief. "If I had known that being a good colt meant this, I would have thought twice before deciding to be one."

The doctor smiled at the small scene and nodded in satisfaction. "You've been brave, little one. I'll have the results soon and be able to give you more information about your health. In the meantime, make sure you take care of yourself and follow the instructions."

After making some final recommendations, the doctor said goodbye and left the room. Luna walked over to Star and put a paw on his shoulder to comfort him. "Thank you for being so cooperative. I know it's not nice, but your health is important."

The thestral let out a sigh, his stubborn demeanor giving way to an expression of serenity. "I understand that your intentions come from a concern. I sincerely thank you for everything," he said gratefully.

Luna gave him a soft smile. "That's what friends do. I'm here to support you unconditionally."

Before Star could articulate a response, his stomach emitted a thunderous roar, startling him and staining his face with obvious embarrassment. The princess laughed melodiously and tenderly put a paw on the colt's shoulder. "It seems like your stomach is also eager to get some attention."

The younger laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Yes, it sounds great. The truth is, I haven't eaten a good meal in a long time!"

The alicorn winked at him in a friendly way. "Don't worry, we've all been through moments like this. Come on, let me take you to the hall for a dignified feast."

As they made their way to their destination, the two nocturnal creatures continued to share anecdotes and laughter, weaving an atmosphere of relaxed camaraderie. The conversation flowed naturally, as if Star had been Luna's friend forever. At last they reached the imposing dining-room, and the colt could not help but be overwhelmed by the majesty before him, a splendid room with long tables and elegantly decorated chairs.

They sat opposite sides of the table, and Star watched his surroundings with admiration. "I've never been to a place like this. Everything radiates... elegance."

Luna smiled affectionately at him. "I'm glad you feel at home here. Let me select something delicious to satiate your appetite."

Soon the delights arrived. The table was topped with a variety of exquisite dishes, from fresh salads to dishes made each with the dexterity that only culinary masters can offer. Before Luna could delve into the details, Star threw himself into the meal with an almost impressive voracity. He devoured each bite with an intensity that overshadowed any formality, savoring each dish as if he were going to fill a void that had been present for a long time.

As he enjoyed the food, his enthusiasm was contagious. "Wow, this is awesome! Chef, you're a genius, this is cooking!" The colt exclaimed with his mouth full, directing his praise towards the kitchen.

Luna smiled as she watched Star delight in the food with such passion. Before she could comment, a nearby servant muttered in a low voice, "Didn't anypony teach him manners?"

The comment did not escape the princess's attention, but before she could intervene, the thestral responded innocently, even with his mouth full. "No, they never taught them to me. I've lived much of my life in solitude, so manners weren't my concern. Don't worry though, I'm a good colt!"

An awkward silence filled the room as Star's words echoed, but before the tension grew, the colt broke the silence, pointing to Luna's plate with a mischievous grin. "Hey, do you plan to finish all that?"

The princess smiled in surprise at the thestral's attitude. "Oh, don't worry. I'm already satisfied. If you want, you can eat it all."

Star nodded with a jovial smile and continued to devour the food fervently, showing his emotions without restraint. Meanwhile, the servant with guilt reflected on his face, chose to retreat, acknowledging his hasty judgment of the colt.

Luna watched Star with a mixture of fascination and amusement as he continued his feast. She had found somepony as passionate and authentic as her sister, and she couldn't help but imagine a cake competition between the young colt and the ruler of the sun.

Time passed, and finally Star concluded his meal by expressing satisfaction. He leaned back in his chair with a satisfied sigh. "That was delicious. Thanks for bringing me here, Luna."

Under the soft glow of the night, the alicorn looked at the thestral with a comforting smile. "You don't need to thank me. I'm glad you enjoyed the food, but I think it's time for you to rest. Your well-being is paramount and a good night's sleep will speed up your recovery."

The colt nodded, though he looked very restless when Luna got up from the table.

"Then you're going to take me back to the street? I don't want to abuse your kindness."

Luna shook her head, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry about it. I actually have a room here in the castle that I rarely use because of my responsibilities. It's okay for you to stay here overnight."

The colt blinked, clearly surprised. "Wait, here? In your room?"

The princess nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, it's not fancy or anything like that. Most of the time I'm in other places because of my tasks. I'm sure you'll feel comfortable."

The young colt still looked a bit worried. "But are you sure it's fine? I don't want to cause trouble or anything like that."

Luna walked up to him gently and put a paw on his shoulder to reassure him. "Star, don't worry too much. I'm happy to be able to help you. Also, my room has been pretty empty lately, so it's not a downside at all."

The colt still looked hesitant, but Luna offered him a reassuring smile. "I'll leave you to relax and unwind. I have some kingdom business to attend to, but I'll be back soon, okay?"

Star nodded, though his expression still showed some hesitation. "Okay, Luna. Thank you, seriously. I don't know what I would have done without you."

The princess gave him a warm hug and a comforting pat on his back. "No problem, Star. Rest and recover. I promise you, tomorrow we will spend time together again."

The colt smiled and his spirits clearly improved. "I'm so glad to hear that. Thank you, Luna. See you tomorrow!"

As soon as she felt out of the foal's field of vision, the alicorn entered the dream realm with a sense of weight in her heart. It was a repetitive, exhausting, and often shocking process. The dreams of the habitants of Equestria unfolded before her like a vast ocean of intertwined emotions and desires. By immersing herself in dreams, she experienced happiness and love, but also the deepest, darkest pains and fears of those who slept.

It was a job that required meticulous attention and empathetic understanding, but it was also exhausting. Dreams often shook her emotionally, and the constant build-up of emotions sometimes left her exhausted. Like wave after wave, dreams came to her mind, and as she sailed it, she could feel the weight of the dreamers' desires and concerns.

The hours went by and although the princess knew that time did not behave in the same way in the realm of dreams, the feeling that work was a never-ending cycle surrounded her. Each dream, each emotion seemed like an echo of the last, as if caught in an infinite repetition. As the night wore on, tiredness began to take its toll on her mind and body.

Finally, before she knew it, the night came to an end. Luna emerged from the realm of dreams, feeling like a shadow of herself. Her wings were heavy, her mind was dull, and her spirit was exhausted. Without stopping to greet the sun that was on the horizon, she advanced straight into her room, ignoring everything around her.

As she walked, she noticed her sister in lively conversation with other ponies. She seemed so busy that she didn't even notice her. A sense of sadness came over the princess as she realized that, once again, her sister was so engrossed in her affairs that she didn't even have time to greet her.

Finally, Luna reached her room, where she felt a heavy weight fall. She sank into a chair, staring into space as she sighed. But just when it seemed like tiredness was taking hold of her completely overwhelmingly, an unexpected presence snapped her out of her thoughts.

Star was there, looking at her with eyes full of expectation and a look full of emotion. Before she could react, the colt pounced on her in a surprise embrace. The momentary surprise turned into amazement and gratitude as she felt the warm embrace full of enthusiasm.

The weariness seemed to melt away when she saw the colt's bright, hopeful eyes. In that embrace, the princess felt as if all the worries and fatigues of the night had been worth it.

"Luna!" Star exclaimed joyfully, breaking the embrace but still holding her shoulders with his hooves. "I was waiting for you to come back! I want to thank you for everything you've done for me."

The princess smiled, feeling her energy and joy renewed. "You don't have to thank me, Star. I'm glad you're here."

The colt looked at her with a funny twinkle in his eye. "Also, I thought we could spend more time together today. What do you think?"

Luna nodded with a knowing smile. "It sounds like a wonderful plan. But first, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

The thestral nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I feel much better after the break! And I'm sure it's largely thanks to you."

The princess laughed softly and stroked Star's coat with an affectionate paw. "I'm glad to hear you're fine. Now, how about sharing breakfast together? Then we can enjoy the day as we had planned."

Star nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds great! So what are we waiting for? Come on, come on, we've got a whole day ahead of us."

After a light but comforting breakfast, they both went to the table where the remedies the doctor had prescribed were kept. Star winced at the sight of it, but Luna winked and said in a playful tone, "Remember, it's the price to pay to make you feel better."

With an exaggerated expression of resignation, the colt took the remedies and swallowed it with a dramatic gesture, followed by a comical grimace of disgust that made Luna laugh. "You've got a talent for theater," she said with a smile.

After taking the remedies, the thestral did not fail to encourage the princess to go out and enjoy the day, even though the alicorn could feel the accumulated tiredness of the previous night. Finally yielding to the colt's insistence and enthusiasm, the princess consented and they made their way to the city park.

When they arrived at their destination, they caught the attention of everypony present. Luna's unique appearance, coupled with the presence of the young thestral, generated curious glances and cautious whispers among the ponies. However, the colt didn't seem to mind at all. With his open, uninhibited demeanor, he walked alongside Luna with his head held high, as if the world around him was simply an extension of his own amusement.

"Look at Luna! That cotton candy stand has always caught my eye! I've heard they make the best cotton candy in the whole city. Can we take it, please?" Star exclaimed with pleading eyes and a pleading smile.

Luna couldn't help but laugh at his excitement. "Okay, let's take it, but only one, fine?"

Star nodded excitedly and gave Luna a quick hug. "You're the best! Thank you!"

They made their way to the cotton candy stall and bought a huge cloud of sweetness. As they made their way to a bank to enjoy their shopping, Luna couldn't help but notice how the ponies in the park looked at them with a mixture of awe and wariness. However, Star seemed completely oblivious to the stares and dipped into his cotton candy with delight.

"Hmm, this is amazing," he muttered with his mouth full of cotton candy, letting out a chuckle. "It was definitely worth everything we spent on it."

Luna smiled as she picked up some cotton candy and raised it to her lips.

As they savored their cotton, Star looked at Luna with curiosity in his eyes. "Hey, Luna, is magic too complicated? I've always heard of it, but obviously I've never had the chance to try it."

Luna let out a soft laugh. "Magic can be tricky, but it's also amazing. Having magic can greatly expand the possibilities in many ways, but let me tell you, it also involves a lot of work behind it that I wouldn't wish on anypony. It requires dedication, study, and constant practice."

Star nodded as he absorbed the
Luna's words. "I understand, it sounds
as something very serious."

The princess smiled tenderly. "It is, but it's also rewarding. Manipulating power and channeling magic to achieve amazing things is something that never ceases to amaze me."

The colt looked thoughtfully at the sky for a moment before looking at her again. "Hey Luna, a question... If you and your sister had to fight between you, who would win?"

Luna thought about it for a second, but before she could answer, Star interrupted her with a playful laugh. "It's a silly question, I know! Obviously you'd win, Luna! After all, you're the coolest."

The alicorn laughed heartily at the colt's safety. "Well, that's very kind of you, Star. But you know? Actually, we've never seriously fought with each other. We both have our own strengths and weaknesses, and we've always worked together to maintain harmony in Equestria."

While they were talking, the thestral noticed that in the distance a colt had dropped his cotton candy and was about to start crying. Without a second thought, the younger hurriedly got up and ran to the colt, holding his own cotton candy in front of him. "Hey, don't cry! Here's mine. I don't want to see you sad."

The colt looked at him in surprise before accepting the sweet gift with a trembling smile. "Thank you, you are very kind"

Luna joined them, watching the scene with a proud smile. However, she noticed that the foal seemed intimidated by her presence and kept his distance. Star noticed and, without hesitation, approached the colt and smiled at him in a friendly way. "You don't have to be afraid. Luna is the coolest and most peaceful creature in the universe. Isn't it, Luna?"

The princess laughed softly at the younger's statement and approached the colt with a soft expression. "That way you have nothing to fear. We're here to enjoy the park and have a good time."

The colt seemed to relax and finally allowed himself to smile. "Thank you for everything, both of you."

As they talked, other foals approached, cautious at first, but soon infected by Star's open and friendly demeanor. Luna found herself surrounded by a small crowd of foals, all admiring the alicorn of the night with eyes full of wonder.

Luna, seeing how they looked at her with admiration and respect, remembered the reason why she was striving in her role as a princess. Despite the tiredness and difficulties she faced in her work, knowing that she could inspire and bring joy to the hearts of the younger ones made it all worth it. After a while, Luna said goodbye to the foals with a smile and, together with Star, they continued their tour of the park. As they walked together, the princess felt refreshed and filled with gratitude for the opportunity to create genuine connections and leave a positive impression on the world she loved.

For the first time in her life, everything seemed to indicate that things were going well.


The doctor who had treated Star was anxiously watching the final results of the tests he had done on the foal. His hooves trembled as he passed through the data sheets, his expression shifting from concentration to a growing astonishment mixed with horror. He checked the numbers again and again, looking for errors in his analysis, but each time he did, the result remained unchanged.

The doctor's face paled as he clutched the paper between his hooves, his mind struggling to accept what he was seeing. His lips moved silently as he muttered to himself, as if searching for an explanation that seemed unlikely. However, there was no denying the data in front of him.

Desperate and feeling an overwhelming urgency, the stallion rose from his saddle and hurriedly left his office, heading towards the entrance of the Royal Castle. He called a guard on duty and begged him to find Princess Luna immediately. The urgency in his voice was palpable and the guard nodded nervously before rushing off in search of the princess.

The hours passed slowly as the doctor waited anxiously in his office. The sun was setting on the horizon, plunging the city into the gloom of the night. Finally, in the twilight, the alicorn arrived at the hospital, her ethereal figure illuminated by the moonlight that was beginning to emerge.

The doctor let out a heavy sigh, his gaze fixed on Luna with a grave expression. "Princess, out of respect for you and because there's no soft way to say it, I'll be direct, but I beg you to be prepared for what you're going to hear."

The princess nodded solemnly, her heart racing as she tried to prepare for what was going to happen. She knew the unicorn in front of her well enough to know that if he spoke like that, the situation was critical.

The doctor took a deep breath before speaking. "Princess, I'm so sorry to say this, but Star's time is extremely limited. Very limited actually."

A shiver ran through Luna's body, and her mind refused to comprehend the words she had just finished hearing. She was in shock for a few long seconds and finally managed to articulate a whisper. "What?"

The doctor continued, his voice full of sorrow. "Time, damage, neglect and illness that Star suffered on the streets pushed his body to the limit. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything about it. When I examined him, at first I thought there was some mistake, because by all indications, he must have died shortly after you found him."

The alicorn felt a lump in her throat and her eyes began to fill with tears. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had spent a whole day with Star, she had seen his joy, his vitality. The doctor's words were difficult to comprehend and assimilate.

"I don't understand," the princess murmured in a trembling voice. "We spent the whole day together, I saw him happy. Yes, he coughed a bit and got tired faster than the others, but it wasn't... mortal."

The unicorn shook his head regretfully. "Princess, I'm puzzled too. I don't have a clear explanation for this. His body is in a state that I can't quite understand. It's as if he's fighting with all his might to keep going, but his organs will eventually fail. I can't explain why he's still here, but I can assure you that his time is limited."

Disbelief gripped Luna. Her mind struggled to find a way to accept the reality he was presenting. "What can I do? Is there any treatment, any possibility?"

The doctor shook his head sadly. "No treatment can reverse what's happening. His body just can't go on. The only explanation I can conceive of is that he wants to be here with you as long as possible and is doing everything he can to achieve it."

The princess couldn't contain her grief and frustration. Her eyes filled with anger, and her voice trembled as she spoke. "I can't accept it! I can't lose him after everything he's been through!"

The doctor sighed again, sharing Luna's helplessness. "Princess, I understand your pain, but we must face reality. Star doesn't have a lot of time, maybe a week at most."

Luna felt her world fall apart. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she tried to process the magnitude of what she had just been told. "I need to be alone for a moment," she murmured, her voice breaking.

The doctor nodded sympathetically. "Of course, your majesty. Take the time you need. I'm here if you need to talk."

The alicorn stared at him intensely, full of pain and anger. "Don't say anything to Celestia. I couldn't stand this now with her around. I need to process it before I face anything else."

The stallion nodded again. "I understand. Do it at your own pace, princess."

After the doctor's departure, Luna was left alone in the room, her heart broken and her mind flooded by the devastating news she had just received. Tears continued to flow as she struggled to accept the thought of losing Star, the colt who had come to mean so much to her in such a short time.

The princess struggled to recover, but the task was daunting. Her mind was mired in a haze of confusion and sadness, and each step she took seemed more difficult than the last. She spent some time in the room, breathing deeply and seeking strength to face what was to come.

Finally, when she felt that she was in an acceptable state, the alicorn went to the place where Star should be, but when she arrived she found the room empty. Panic immediately set in and she began frantically searching all over the castle. Every corner, every room, every empty space increased her worry.

As she climbed a ladder to the roof of the castle, the princess caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the distance. Star was standing on the ceiling, looking up, as if the stars had mesmerized him. Luna rushed to him, her heart pounding. As she approached, she noticed the subtle signs of weakness in the foal, details that would have gone unnoticed before.

They both remained silent, sharing the same space as they gazed up at the night sky. Luna sat down beside him, looking up at the stars as if trying to find answers in them. Finally, after a long moment, she spoke softly. "Star..."

The colt didn't take his eyes off the stars, but his voice flowed softly. "Luna, have you ever wondered why the stars appear every night?"

The question took the princess by surprise, her eyes lost in the heavenly glow before she answered. "I never really stopped to think about it, to be honest." She replied calmly.

Star smiled gently. "Take a moment to think about it. It doesn't matter how many adversities happen, how much loneliness invades you, how much evil manifests around you, or how cold the nights are. They're always up there, right?

Luna nodded slowly, beginning to grasp the point the colt was trying to convey. "There's never a shortage of stars," Star continued. "No matter how dark everything is, you can always rely on the stars to rise to keep you company and embrace you with its splendor."

The colt was silent before speaking with palpable innocence. "That question has haunted me my entire short life, but I finally found the answer. All those stars are shining for you, Luna."

The alicorn was stunned by the statement, her heart pounding at Star's emotional confession. The colt continued, his voice echoing with a wisdom that was beyond his years. "I have heard that the moon in the sky is crucial to the balance of the world, that it fulfills a transcendental mission. However, it should be very lonely to carry out that task, don't you think? Staying up there, alone in the sky, night after night without rest, that's why the most logical thing is that, since the moon was being so wonderful with everyone else, all the stars around it decided to shine next to it with unparalleled beauty. It's not alone, but they're grateful for its sacrifice."

The silence of the night enveloped Luna and Star as their gazes were lost in the vast tapestry of stars. The calm of the moment was broken when the colt spoke to her again, in a soft but firm voice.

"Do you know what the wonder of the stars is, Luna?" Star asked, his voice calm and thoughtful. Luna turned her gaze to him, waiting patiently. "Although they shine brightly and despite their distance and number, many are long gone extinct."

A sigh escaped the colt's lips, heavy with the sadness that the subject evoked. "Yes, that's right. I was very sorry when I found out. Even stars don't last forever, but you know? That is precisely what makes them even more admirable. During the time they were alive, they radiated with such unimaginable force that even though they are now extinguished, their light still reaches us, comforting us in the darkness."

Star paused for a moment and finally met Luna's gaze. There was no sadness or fear in his eyes, just a quiet determination and absolute acceptance. "Luna, I am aware that my time is limited. I had resigned myself ready to extinguish myself in that alley where you found me, but now I long for something different. I want to take advantage of every moment to shine, I want to radiate a stellar brilliance that I admire so much, I want that, when the time comes, I join those stars in the sky, my light will continue to accompany you, I long to be like those stars that leave their mark in time even after I leave, I want to continue to bring happiness to others even after I'm gone."

Star's words echoed in the stillness of the night, imbued with hope and determination. Luna watched the colt with a mixture of admiration and sadness, feeling the weight of the situation, but also the strength and courage that Star radiated.

With a gentle gesture, the alicorn spread one of her wings around the young colt, hugging him tenderly. "Your radiance, Star, is already shining brightly, and I am sure that you will continue to illuminate my life even after the stars guide you. I am grateful for every moment we share and I will be here with you, shining by your side, all the time life can give us."

Tears filled Star's eyes, but it wasn't tears of sadness, but tears of gratitude and joy.

Star's light went out at the age of eight.

The nights seemed to go on forever since that fateful day Star left. His departure left a void in my heart, one that not even darkness could fill. Time seemed to have lost its senses, rushing me forward and creeping in a murky torrent of memories and pain. Every night I left his food and prepared his room, as if time had frozen on the day of his departure, but the days passed mercilessly, like a bad dream that refuses to let go.

Loneliness enveloped me like a thick, cold layer. The feeling of suffocation intensified every time I remembered that Star was no longer here. Sometimes I thought I felt his presence, like a gentle breeze brushing my fur, but even that wasn't enough to comfort me. It seemed as if I was trapped in a downward spiral that plunged me deeper into sadness and despair.

Finally, I plucked up the courage to seek comfort in my sister, but I found a new abyss. Celestia had left to deal with the dragons, a distance that felt like an unbridgeable gap between us. How could I cope with this pain when my own sister, my support in the darkest of times, also seemed out of reach?

The day of Star's funeral arrived, and I was the only one present at his final resting place. Sadness weighed heavily on me like a stone, and tears soon clouded my eyes at the sight of the fresh earth over his grave. I sat next to him, sharing my thoughts, my regrets, and my love for all that we had shared. The sun shone overhead, as if it wanted to drown me in its warmth.

I stood by his grave, sunk in deep reverie. The wind blew softly, whispering secrets that only I could hear. However, my thoughts were interrupted by cheers and laughter that echoed in the distance. Fury flared in my breast, and with a determined step I made my way to the source of the noise.

My heart pounded as I walked the streets, driven by anger and confusion, but my fury turned to icy shock when I found myself in the middle of a summer celebration. The air was filled with laughter and music, and the ponies enjoyed themselves nonchalantly as if the world were full of joy.

I felt overwhelmed and suffocated as I watched. As everypony seemed to be celebrating without any consideration for the fact that Star had recently left. How could they ignore the void he had left? Fireworks lit up the sky like flashes of indifference, and every laugh echoed like a hurtful echo in my soul.

The applause began to sound deafening in my ears, like a cruel reminder that life went on no matter what loss I had suffered. My emotions crowded, and before I knew it, my legs started moving, running, as if I was trying to escape from that scene that was unbearable. My vision blurred, my chest tightened, and my mind spiraled into a panic.

The alley where I found Star materialized in front of me, as if fate had guided me back. I stumbled into the alley, feeling the cold against my skin and the echo of the applause still echoing in my head. I slumped against the wall, my tears mingling with the rain that was beginning to fall. My breath was ragged and I felt like I was losing control of my own mind.

Star's images, his laughter and his light, intertwined with my anguished thoughts. I clung to the walls of the alley, trying to find something solid to sustain me in the midst of the emotional storm engulfing me. My mind was in chaos, struggling to stay afloat as waves of pain and anxiety threatened to sweep me away.

The world around me distorted, as if I was looking through fogged glass. Reality itself seemed to wobble under the weight of the thoughts that ran through my mind. I was at a crossroads, where what I considered just and cruel was beginning to mix and blur.

I watched the citizens of Equestria as they passed me, engrossed in their selfish celebration. Each radiated indifference, as if grief and loss were concepts alien to their lives. I couldn't help but see the stark truth: a lack of gratitude, a lack of empathy, and a blindness to the suffering of others were traits that were deeply ingrained.

The harsh reality hit me like an icy wind. I realized that I had been avoiding the truth about Star's suffering, but now I couldn't deny the obvious. The truth presented itself to me with sad clarity. My eyes widened, exposing the most rotten side of those I had pledged to protect.

The revelation was like a punch in the gut, but I had to face the truth from the beginning. Star had been no exception, but a painful reflection of the widespread indifference in society. I was forced to face the truth without embellishment. Fear, comfort, and indifference prevailed, leaving Star alone in his struggle.

A bitter truth nestled in my heart. I understood that in order for Star to reach his state of suffering, nopony had ever raised their voice, nopony had put on a compassionate hoof, nopony had shown genuine empathy. On the other hoof, the ponies concentrated on themselves, on their own pleasures and worries while an innocent foal quietly faded away. The image of Star, his vulnerability and his loneliness, haunted me.

The question I had avoided for so long finally popped into my mind:

Was it really worth sacrificing so much for my subjects?

Every corner of my being shuddered as I recognized the grim path my thoughts had followed. An abyss of bitterness and distrust seemed to have devoured my mind. I was horrified at the darkness that had risen from the depths of my being. How could I allow such negativity to take root in me?

I tried with all my might to hold on to the belief that tiredness, pain, and confusion were to blame. Convinced in my mind that this darkness was only a passing cloud, a temporary aberration. It had to be. I could not accept that the Luna that had sworn to protect Equestria and watch over her citizens was giving in to such corrosive thoughts.

Before I walked away from the place, my eyes rose to the sky, the same sky that Star loved to gaze at. But something was wrong. The stars that adorned the night had disappeared, replaced by a radiant, cloudless sun on the horizon. There was no compassion in that clear sky, no hint that the pain and suffering of those under its glow mattered. It was as if the universe itself was not interested in our struggles and sorrows.

A poisonous train of thought began to insinuate itself into my mind without me realizing it. The thought that the sun, powerful and bright, lacked consideration for us, the beings who habit this world, clung to my thoughts. The seed of bitterness and resentment began to germinate, fueled by the frustration and helplessness felt throughout my life.

I tried to get rid of those thoughts by remembering my purpose and my commitment to the well-being of Equestria. But the seed of doubt and distrust had taken deep root, and its shadow would not fade easily. With one last glance at the bright sun in the sky, I sighed sadly and walked away from the place.

Tiredness, both spiritual and physical, had reached a point where my bones seemed to bear the weight of countless nights and days lived. Every fiber of my being was subject to exhaustion. The feeling of exhaustion became my constant companion, even on nights when it confronted me with the immensity of other ponies's dreams and hopes.

As the months went by, the foundations of my purpose began to crack with each new dawn. I was sinking into internal questions, questioning the why behind my actions and what I was meant for. Doubt settled in my mind like an icy wind, tearing apart my certainties and leaving a shadow of uncertainty in every step I took. The nights when I was trapped in the dreams and nightmares of other ponies became a repetitive and exhausting process, a task that I performed without fail or respite, receiving no more gratitude than the silence of the darkness.

The suffocating monotony of my duties began to undermine the foundations of my purpose. Each new night faded with the last, trapping me in an endless cycle of responsibilities. The voices of those who didn't even extend a word of thanks echoed in my mind, like a hurtful echo of the lack of recognition of my efforts.

Little by little, I began to feel like a tool, a machine that worked by inertia. The feeling that my efforts and dedication were not appreciated coiled around me like a cold blanket. I wondered if my existence would have any impact when the inevitable day of my departure came, or if it would simply be replaced by somepony willing to carry the same weight.

The doubt was not limited to my actions, but also questioned my motivations. I wondered if I had chosen this one of my own free will or if I had followed the path Celestia expected me to follow, seeking a bit of her attention. The notion that I had lost my identity in the midst of my efforts and the expectations of other ponies haunted me.

At this crossroads, I struggled to find answers in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. My thoughts were a whirlwind of anguish, and the only certainty was that I must approach these subjects alone... At what point had I sunk so low?

Celestia gave me an uneasy look, as if her eyes were windows into my deteriorating state: deeper dark circles under my eyes, obvious pallor, and weight loss. I had been deep in thought, oblivious to the outside world. However, her voice snatched me out of that reverie, as if I had come out of a deep, tumultuous sleep.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" She asked with genuine concern reflected in her voice.

I was silent for a moment. The words were stuck in my throat as I struggled to shape what I had been stirring inside of me. I finally broke the silence with a question it had been asking around in my mind: "Sister, is it really worth sacrificing so much for our subjects?"

An uncomfortable air filled the space between us. It looked bored and vulnerable, as she exuded strength and confidence. She spoke with conviction, championing the idea of a society that protected the weak and limited the strong. She highlighted the importance of caring for the most and how it was our responsibility as leaders.

But her answer did not satisfy me. I questioned her perspective by arguing that she spoke from a privileged position, disconnected from the struggles and hardships of ordinary pony. I shared a more pessimistic view, where society does not always reward effort and kindness, but on many occasions shows indifference and cruelty.

Silence filled the space between us, like an invisible wall separating our opposing perspectives. I finally broke the silence again, this time with a question hanging in the air: "How far would you be willing to go to protect your subjects?"

Celestia stared at me, exhaled, and replied truthfully, "I would do absolutely everything in my power to protect our little ponies, Luna."

Her answer echoed through the air and I found myself pondering her words. Finally, I apologized in a softer voice. "Forgive me. I've been going through tough times and that has clouded my perspective."

We said goodbye with a hug, a hug that felt strange and distant, as if there was a gap between us that we couldn't cross. Although Celestia seemed oblivious to the fakeness of the gesture, I couldn't help but feel that something had changed in our relationship. To be honest, though, that didn't matter to me as much as it used to.

The road I am traveling stretches out before me like an unsolved riddle. Two divergent destinies, each with its own ramifications and meanings. The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance, delicate as I consider which path I will take. Celestia's words echo in my mind:

"I would do absolutely everything in my power to protect our little ponies, Luna."

Cautiously, I slow my steps, allowing my thoughts to take shape. Every choice at this time will shape my future and determine the course of the kingdom. A dark thought creeps into my consciousness, a temptation that seeks to corrupt my ideals. In my mind it whispers:

"Really, everything? Even if it meant abandoning your own sister?"

My being begins to transform, a metamorphosis that alters my being both internally and externally. As I progress in my choice, I feel a dark power growing within me, a facet that I have always struggled to control. I don't admit it openly, but I can see how that shadow is taking root in me, little by little.

In this process of metamorphosis, my thoughts take a new direction. I envision a world where the stars shine perpetually, a realm where I finally own my decisions. For the first time, I will be the architect of a better tomorrow for those who have been forgotten, for those who suffer in silence.

I imagine how I can reverse the roles, making the ungrateful the servants of the leader. I'll force everypony to savor the night, even if I don't want to. I will forge a world where darkness and light coexist in harmony. Maybe then I can regain the luminosity that was extinguished with Star.

Once I complete my change, a revitalizing energy flows through me. My body is renewed, the tiredness and pallor disappear. A sincere smile is drawn on my face, pure and authentic. As the creature I have become, I experience a deep sense of purpose and resolve.

I have finally found my reason, my role in this world. Even though the shadow surrounds me, I feel free of doubt and guilt. I am now somepony who can take the reins to forge a future that will honor Star's memory and restore the balance our kingdom craves. As I immerse myself in this new identity, a new name arises in my mind, a name that symbolizes my reinvention and neglect of my weaknesses...

Under the warm sun, Princess Luna plunged into the darkness, and in her place, the dark glow of Nightmare Moon emerged.

Author's Note:

This fic is a translation, the original is on Wattpad and belongs to his author Alpharius_fanfics, all credit to him.

I'm sharing it here because I really loved it.

I hope you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 3 )

Definitely gonna keep an eye on this story, though I like girl ponies more than boy ponies this is still cute

I'm glad you liked it, but it's a unique chapter.

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