• Published 10th May 2024
  • 216 Views, 7 Comments

Monster Hunter in Equestria - The Byzantine Knight

Princess Luna recruits Gabriel Van Helsing to help save their world from the dark powers.

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A Battle in Vatican City

Vatican City, 1891

Another night was beginning as the sun set on the edges of Vatican City, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church and one of the many headquarters for the Knights of the Holy Order; a secret multi-religious order that fights the great evils of the world, unknown to the knowledge of the rest of mankind.

Their best knight in their righteous cause is Gabriel Van Helsing. Dressed in his long black duster and wide brimmed black fedora, his gatling crossbow strapped to his back, he walked atop the rooftops of Vatican City patrolling the city and taking in the quiet and peaceful scenery. He occasionally took time to caress the sliver cross that hanged around his neck; a cross that used to belong to the late Princess Anna Valerious.

Three years ago when Van Helsing, and his loyal friend and assistant Friar Carl, were sent to help Princess Anna Valerious vanquish the evil Count Vladislaus Dracula; lifting a millennia old bar from the Valerious bloodline where none of the souls of their ancestors or descendants would enter into the Kingdom of Heaven until Dracula, an estranged ancestor who became a vampire, an unholy creature of evil and darkness, was wiped off the face of the earth once and for all. Van Helsing and Friar Carl, aided Princess Anna in her war against her evil ancestor and was defeated; but with not without great cost. Princess Anna Valerious had been murdered by a werewolf after Van Helsing killed Dracula by driving a silver stake though his heart.

At least that was the version that was told in the Order's official archive reports and to any who asked about the story in person. In truth, Van Helsing had been bitten by a werewolf, and killed Dracula after he became a werewolf himself. When Princess Anna cured him from the curse of the werewolf, with an antidote created by Dracula himself, Van Helsing accidentally killed her in the process as the antidote was jabbed into his side. Gabriel and Carl agreed the truth of Dracula's defeat and the monster hunter's brief time as a werewolf as a secret between themselves.

Their mission had been completed, Dracula was destroyed, and the entire Valerious bloodline finally had achieved eternal salvation in Heaven, including Anna.

Despite the good that had been accomplished, he still mourned for her and what could have been between them. Never mind, she is at peace now. he often reminded himself. Though he mourned for her, and his unfortunate role in her death, that mission had given him a new sense of meaning and purpose for his mission; to save God's people and destroy evil wherever it hides.

Van Helsing strolled slowly along the rooftops enjoying the peace and quiet...until a scream pierced the night.

"Time to get back to work." he said to himself as made his way down from the rooftops, and on to the cobblestones below. The hunt was on again.

Walking through the cobblestone street, Van Helsing located the source of the scream and saw a young nun praying and sobbing over four dead civilians. All four men had their necks chewed out and their blood poured out all over the cobblestone street.

Van Helsing knelt down and examined the bite marks on the three victims. Vampires. No question about it. Van Helsing thought to himself.

Van Helsing made the Sign of the Cross over himself and over the four men taking a moment to pray for their souls.

He then turned to the crowd gathering by him. "Did any of you see who, or what killed these men?" he asked. The crowd gave out multiple denials. He then turned to the frightened nun. "Sister, did you see who or what killed these men?" The nun finally broke her silence; "As I was turning the corner on the last street I saw this dark figure chewing out one of their necks and then it disappeared when it saw me." She whimpered in fear continually crossing herself to calm herself of her trauma.

Van Helsing took what little information he had into consideration. "Thank you Sister. Now go somewhere safe while I investigate this." The Sister did what she was told and left. He then turned to the crowd "The rest of you, call the proper authorities and go home". The crowd did as there were told.

After the authorities had marked the crime scene and collected the bodies, Van Helsing was on the hunt again. Readying his gatling crossbow he proceeded to investigate the darkened streets of Vatican City, since he could detect his prey's presence nearby.

Turning through several dark alleyways and streets, he found nothing. He was one of the few humans who could actually see in the dark as plainly as the light, and sense the presence of evil, but his search was proving fruitless. Finally, he sensed something as he approached another dark alley and saw something shuffling among the garbage. He could see the figure hiding itself in the shadows. Such deception would easily fool any other man, but not Van Helsing.

Van Helsing could sense great evil and darkness coming from the shadows. He readied his loaded crossbow, preparing to attack.

"It is no use hiding. I can sense you and I know that you are responsible for those murders. Surrender now!" he called out to his prey. The shadow did nothing, but shuffle further into the darkness.

Van Helsing stepped closer, and the creature's eyes snapped wide open and attacked with a great lunge. Van Helsing fired a few arrows before being thrown back by the creature. The opposing attacks managed to throw both opponents off balance. Within that moment Van Helsing was able to get a good look at the creature he was fighting.

The creature had a feminine figure with gray/black skin, bloodstained crimson colored hair, large insectoid eyes, long fangs and tusks with fresh blood on them, a large horn sticking out of it's forehead, and had large translucent insect-like wings. The creature looked liked one of Dracula's brides, only blacker and more insect-like. Most importantly, the creature gave off an unholy presence of unbridled evil.

This creature is clearly demonic and must destroyed immediately Van Helsing thought to himself.

The creature hissed and growled loudly and menacingly at Van Helsing, clearly recognizing that he was it's enemy.

Van Helsing fired upon his enemy, and his crossbow's bolts would have successfully hit the beast had it not been for another figure entering the battle.

Swooping in out of nowhere, was another figure who came to his aid. The new figure quickly took the evil creature away from Van Helsing, and put up a fight with the evil creature up in the air.

Van Helsing got a good look at the new figure that came to his aid. This one too had a feminine figure, but she seemed to be more pure. She to had wings coming out of her back, but these looked more avian. Her hair looked it had been made of stars, and wore a tiara. She looked like an angel, but dressed like an ancient Greek goddess. The rest of her was human, save for the large horn that protruded from her forehead.

The two opposing creatures fought each other in midair, exchanging magical laser blasts, punches and kicks. They took the fight across the skyline of Vatican City, and Van Helsing climbed to the rooftops in hot pursuit.

Van Helsing chased after them across the rooftops of the city. All the while he reloaded his crossbow with a new special type of ammunition developed by Friar Carl after the Transylvania assignment; Holy Water arrows. Ever since Friar Carl witnessed Van Helsing vanquish one of Dracula's brides by immersing the crossbow in Holy Water, it had inspired him to create a special kind of arrow that had a container of Holy Water in the center. Unlike the regular wooden arrows, the Holy Water arrows were much thicker and bulkier and thus were made in much less supply than the wooden arrows. Ammunition was limited so thus, Van Helsing had to be extra careful with how many shots he fired. His aim with the crossbow had significantly improved since Transylvania.

Taking the first opportunity he had, when saw a brief pause in the fight was coming to a standstill between the two opposing creatures, Van Helsing fired one Holy Water arrow at them, separating one from the other.

Both the "angel" and the "vampire" had different reactions to being hit by Holy Water. The vampire felt like the Holy Water was eating away at her; Her body was feeling weaker, burning and sizzling since she was filled only demonic emptiness. In contrast, the "angel" felt the Holy Water replenishing and rejuvenating her, feeling stronger than before.

However, when the "angel" tired to fire back at the "vampire", and the "vampire" the same, but neither was able to do it.

The "vampire" tried to fly away from the city but was instantly stopped by the many Crosses which adorned nearly every roof in the city. Upon gazing at the Cross, she felt a strange emotion she only thought herself immune to: paralyzing terror. She thought herself a creature that was incapable of feeling fear and could inflict fear very well upon her enemies.

Yet, here she was being cornered by the many Crosses on the rooftops of Vatican City; and terrified by the sight of all of them.

She was taken out of her stupor by a shot from Van Helsing who resorted to using his shot gun. One accurate shot to her shoulder and the "vampire" yelled in pain from the bullet, and flew away in the night sky, despite the searing pain coming from her attacker's weapons and the city.

The "angel" on the other hand looked upon all the Crosses in the city and felt they were protecting her, giving strength to her soul, and she felt at peace even in the heat of this battle.

She was about to pursue the "vampire", but Van Helsing shot several tranquilizer darts from his blow gun at her and she was out cold instantly. The "angel" fell from the sky and he ran to catch her before she hit the cobblestone road below.

Van Helsing caught her, and laid her down gently on the rooftop where he stood. He overlooked her body, simultaneously taking in her beauty and her unusual form. He did not know what she was, but he could sense that she was not an enemy.

He need more information, but he could only get it once she was awake.

Van Helsing lifted her on his back, and proceeded to make his way back to the Vatican.

The Order will be surprised to see that I brought back a prisoner alive. For once. He mused to himself along the way.

Author's Note:

All the weapons of Van Helsing (especially the tojo blades and the gatling crossbow) are high on my "most wanted movie props/weapons" list.

Comments ( 7 )

Is there going to be a badass little vampire girl in this story?

Vampire!Queen Chrysalis is already there. More might come later.

im intrigued...

Thanks! Stay tuned for more!

This isn't the Monster Hunter I'm thinking of, where are the French guys shouting "JE SUIS MONTE!" and pole vaulting onto monsters?

Those characters themselves are not going to appear. Not that that will stop Pinkie Pie from referencing them (and Wolverine, for obvious reasons).

Yeah figured. I just always associate Monster Hunter with the Capcom series.

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