• Published 10th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce Deleted Scene: A Zoo Trip - ariellewilson730

Fluttershy and Noah take her class to the zoo in Chicoltgo.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A School Field Trip

The Celestia sun rose, the golden rays going through Fluttershy's home, creating the shadow of her window on the floor. Somewhere, a rooster was heard, awakening the pegusas pony who let out a yawn, flinging the covers off of her body. She stretched her limbs, rubbing her eyes to remove the sleep from out of them, helping them wake up from the slumber she had.

She ruffled her feathers from both wings, giving them a good stretch. She's thankful for Twilight for healing up one of them when it got more injured after what Argus did to her when her one wing was wrapped in a bandage that she received from Dr. Stable at the Ponyville Hospital.

It seem to tick off Noah, the unicorn who isn't up yet. He didn't like what the other pegasus did to her, having his Ranger instincts kick in.

Anyways, she got out of her bed, running a brush through her messy hair before heading to the guest room where the Blue Ranger is at.

She was excited for today, all giddied up. Trotting over, she poked the stallion on his muzzle. "Noah, wake up," she said smiling. A tired groan was heard from him, his arm swiping away her hoof. "We have to get going." Using her teeth, Fluttershy took the blanket off of him. As soon as he felt the coldness, the Ranger jerked awake. "Yay, you're up," the cute pony cheered, clapping her front hooves.

"I'm up..." Noah repeated, chuckling at her delightfulness, retrieving his glasses, placing them on his face to see the room go from blurry to clear. "You look happy - more happy, I should put in."

"I know. It's going to be the best day ever!" she exclaimed, hoofing over his sneakers. "I can't wait to take my entire class on this field trip," she expressed, watching Noah slip on his sneakers.

"Field trip?" Titling his head, the blue hero thought about what she mentioned, then remembered. "Oh, yeah. The zoo in Chicoltgo. You want Hazel Blossom to join us?"

"Sure thing."

The two headed downstairs to the kitchen to find Hazel Blossom, the Element of Kindness's counterpart already up, seeing the two go down the kitchen. The geek informed the girl he likes that he'll have cereal.

Going to the kitchen, the unicorn went through the boxes of cereal, settling on the choice of Luna Pops, taking it out of the cupboard. He got the milk, bowl, and spoon out, too. He poured the cereal in the bowl and added the milk with it. Putting the cereal and milk away, he sat at the table, spooning up his breakfast in his mouth.

He wished he could know how to use his horn, glad for Twilight Sparkle going to teach him and Troy since the two don't know any spells of all kinds.

She even promised Ice Crystal and Mythic Diamond, too.

From being in this pony world, he had seen unicorns carrying things with their magic, not using their hooves for anything.

Hm, maybe he should try a levitation spell... It's worth a shot.

Placing his spoon on the table top, he pushed the cereal bowl out of his way. He looked at the spoon and... nothing happened.

He cocked his head, trying again, except he couldn't figure out how to turn on his horn. It shouldn't be hard, right? It's like turning on a flashlight.

He tried again, trying to figure out how to turn on his magical horn, focusing on the spoon.

Again, nothing happened. From what he can tell, he probably isn't doing it right. It may look easy, except for him being one of the new unicorns, it's tough.

The image of Jet Set picking up his leader is stuck in his head, unable to get it out. He couldn't believe a snobby unicorn like him to be able to lift up his friend, throwing him like some trash away from him and his rude wife after the tea got spilled after the red hero slammed his hooves on the table they were at, not liking their attitude one bit. Especially when his friend got criticized from where he lives and wears.

Noah's friend also got the same manner from those two, saying he's worse than the last one before he was flung away from the high class horse from a high class city.

He even remembered the lavender princess picking up Gia, who went after monster Noah was fighting at, being brought back within the group.

It amazed him how this world have him and his friends be different ponies - two each to be exact. Gia and Jake have strength, having them be earth ponies. Emma, along with Orion, both quickly realized how they're a little light on the ground, learning they've been transformed into pegasus ponies also known as weather control ponies where they can fly and walk on clouds like it was nothing. For this dude and his leader, they're informed that they're unicorns due to their intelligence and discipline.

Twilight, from what he can tell, is a natural when it comes to magic - unicorn and alicorn magic.

He saw how an expert she is with her magical abilities, seeing her and her protégé using their horns like weapons, especially tapping the tips of each one together to flare out a magical force to knock down the gray henchmen onto the floor when he and his friends fought off the bad soldiers and the new changelings sent by the people they're dealing with, knowing that they're also side by side with the ones the princess and the ponies of this world are up against, wanting to protect their home to keep it the same as always - piece and harmony.

All the Rangers were glad to have new allies. Then, two and an a half months ago during Nightmare Night, the Power Ponies, which are the Elements of Harmonies' counterparts, join them after being free from Chrysalis's mind control spell by the Sun Princess.

It's hard to believe those ponies came from a comic book, with Spike recognizing them at an instant.

Noah is glad those ponies are out of that horrible spell, to join forces with him and everypony else who are working together to keep Equestria safe from harm.

Taking the bowl back, the light brown unicorn in clothes went back to eating his breakfast. He decided to not try his horn until he and Troy get those lessons done on how to use them.

Magic may look simple, though it isn't, at all.

At least he and Troy aren't jealous about it. Though it was funny when his best friend got envious at Orion and Emma for being ponies who can walk on clouds, then quickly got over it.

Fluttershy and Hazel entered the kitchen. The Power Pony got out a box of Rainbow Pebbles for her breakfast choice. Fluttershy chose Sweetie Berries, pouring it in her bowl, joining the two other ponies at her table. "We're going to see lots of animals today," she gleamed cheerfully, picking up her spoon. "Plus, it'll be great having you with me," she blushed at the Blue Ranger. "Hazel informed me she won't come."

"I can't wait," he replied, showing the same happiness, like the feeling is contagious from the cute girl he saved in Canterlot. "My friends and I been to a zoo before. I was informing them different facts about each animal we saw."

"Wonderful!" Finishing up her cereal, she put the dishes in the sink. "Better get a move on; my class is waiting for us."

The two ponies down their breakfast, putting their dishes in the sink. All three ponies walked out of the cottage. While Hazel is ahead, Noah walked with Fluttershy, giving her facts on every animal.

It amazed this nature lover, finding how smart he is. And animals is part of science since he's into it.

He added that his teacher back home is interested in science, too, wanting to study lots of stuff like the lochness monster and UFOs.

The two chatting with one another, until they reached the Friendship School, greeting their friends. Afterwards, they went to Fluttershy's kindness class, seeing the students there, including the six different creatures.

"Alright everyone," Fluttershy began getting their attention, tapping her hoof on the floor. "Let's get to the train station so we can get on the train for Chicoltgo." Everyone in the class cheered, having their professor jump out of the way as they all stampede out of the classroom, leaving the sunny colored pony to let out a giggle at their excitement. She looked over at Noah. "We better catch up before they get on the train."

"Can't blame you there." The two ponies walked out of the classroom. Thankfully, her class didn't get too far, having their teacher take them to the Ponyville Train Station, so they can-

I'm not in this story.

It's because you're not going to be in this one.

How come?

Because you're not one of the focused characters. Plus, not all the stories of this crossover will be funny.

Not all of them are going to be funny!?

Hey, I like humor, except it needs to be in the right places. Besides, I've also want to write something besides comedy, like slice of life for example.

I see. Slice of life stories sounds like a good idea. By the way, will you write one about the mysterious pony from the final chapter? Boy, I hope the readers don't read this story before finishing the first one. So, will you write it? The mysterious alicorn?

I will, but it has to be at the right spot.


Right spot. People who write stories don't jump into the next thing right away. They do it at the right moment.

I get it, like that cliffhanger you had at the end of the first story because that's not the end end.

You got it.

And I know who the pony is from the cliffhanger. It's-

Back to the story!

Anyways, Fluttershy and Noah took Fluttershy's class to the Ponyville Train Station, collecting tickets from the ticket booth by the Ticket Master who passed out each slip of paper to each pony and each creature from the other side of the glass to where they'll be going to. Once all of them got their tickets, they all waited patiently for the train to Chicoltgo to get here.

Adjusting his glasses, the science intellectual saw the timid mare going to the wall of the small building of the train station platform they're on. He watched as she gaze around, her hair covering half of her face, having her brush it away, watching her students chatter about the place they're going to, all hyped up for it.

Whenever his eyes are on her, his heart flutters like a butterfly, getting the blooming facture forming on his face. It's like she was the one he desired for. In the time of his studies on his favorite subject, being in the computer lab, saving people from monster attacks from the Armada, and have a group of five friends, he wasn't focused on dating. Heck, he never had crushes - until he saw her.

It was like she caught his attention without knowing it, her prettiness on top of the world, her brilliance. With him spotting her on day one, he was over the Luna moon. Goodness, it wasn't the only thing it got his awareness, it was how shy she was, something that made her endearing.

He could never get his eyes off of her, his heart running non-stop. Especially the part where he saved her on the streets of luxurious region where his and his friends' mentor told them that's where the Princess of the Day resides, having the six of them locate her castle with a map they got from a unicorn that was kind enough to give it to the head of the Ranger group.

They're glad she gave them the map during that day, at the minimum that not every pony in Canterlot are aloof and crass.

Moving, Noah went up to her, then stood at her side. "So..." he began a small talk, getting her to peer at him, wanting to emerge a heart-to-heart colloquy. "We're going to Chicoltgo."

"Absolutely," Fluttershy responded merrily, flapping her wings, though kept herself on the floor. "We're gonna see a bunch of animals of all kinds - big and small," she gushed, squealing with delight.

"Seems like you cannot wait," the pony chatted, catching her zing of the trip. "I cannot wait to go to a zoo again. Indeed, my friends and I got see a tiger with someone in there. Turned out it was the Legendary Jungle Fury Red Ranger according to Jake and Emma who were told that they don't need weapons, to release their animal spirits."

The girl tilted her head in inquiry. "Animal spirits?" She wanted to know more on the topic.

Liking her curiosity, this smart for brains simplified what an animal spirit is. "From the Order of the Claw, there was a group of Rangers who believe that everyone inside has an animal spirit. It states that in the Order of the Claw, with proper training, you can unleash your animal spirit and become a fearsome warrior."

The winged pony's eyes widen. "A fearsome warrior? Wow, I wouldn't dream of becoming one." Noah brushed his right, front hoof on the platform, listening. "I mean, I'm decent at fighting off those new evil changelings, the x-borgs, and bruisers. As for a fearsome warrior, I feel like I need to have strength, and well..." The Ranger waited, for the pony he is passionate for gazed at her wings closed at her sides. "...I'm not a strong flyer," she finally finished. "When I was in the Summer Flight Camp back in Cloudsdale, I wasn't good at flying. Every kid there can fly - really fly. Unlike me. I was the weak flyer when I was there. In fact, I got held back. I was older than the others. I was a teenager! I was taller while everyone else was younger than I was. I was older than Dash, because she was a filly when I first met her. Actually, she came to my defense when these three bullies made fun of my flying, calling me Klutzershy after I trip over a cloud hoop that the flyers go through, being one of the obstacle courses for us to use. However, during that time, one of the bullies suggested a race to see who can prove to be the better flyer than anypony else. I was on one cloud with a black and white checkered flag. When I waved it, the boys and her zoomed off from the starting and finishing line. They were high-speed enough, I ended up falling off the cloud."

Hearing the story, this stallion was blown away. "Were you hurt?"

Fluttershy smiled, shaking her head. "I was completely fine, Noah." This got him to sigh with relief. "I was caught by the butterflies since they don't fly very high." She fluttered a few inches off the floor boards of the station. "I sang a song when I was being carried by the butterflies, until a loud boom exploded, with a ring of rainbow coming from the sky above. Oh, the poor critters got scared. I had to let them know it was okay, telling them there's nothing to be afraid of." Placing herself down, she kept her wings open, gesturing her head at her left flank since Noah is on the left side of her. "It's how I got my cutie mark; I can understand each animal at a different level."

The Ranger couldn't help but smile at the talent she has, communicating animals at different stages from birds to furious beasts. "My friends and I have the Red Lion Wildzord. We had to go to a place known as Animarium to locate it. When we gain the Lion's trust, our Wild Force Ranger keys glowed. Troy used his Wild Force Ranger key to bring in the Lion from the floating Island of Animarium-"

"Hang on a second." Noah was cut off when the Holder of Kindness stopped him. "Animarium is a floating island?"

He dipped his head down, then raised up back to its original spot. "Yes, a floating island. It's where the Legendary Wild Force Rangers were at. We use the Wild Force keys to create the Legendary Wild Force Megazord after summoning the Red Lion. We also use the Legendary Samurai keys. There, the Red Lion recombines, transforming the Legendary Megazord into the Legendary Samurai Megazord," he clarified clearly in order for her to understand where he's going at. "Whilst we got the Red Lion, my friends and I did had a hard time searching for the hovering island where, like I said before, the Lion resides at. Our mentor had us locate it, except the area where the Lion lives was difficult to find until Emma made a realization of a cloud that's shaped like a turtle, stating we past it the last time when we went past it, and right there and then, we knew at that moment, it was the Animarium Island. Though, one of the x-borg ships purposely ran into my leader's Skyship."

"Goodness," Fluttershy expressed out, a hoof over her mouth. "Those people are such big bullies to you and your friends."

"You can say that again."

After some time of standing around, the train arrived. All Aboard got off. The everyone got on, giving the tickets to the train stallion. Noah gave his, with Fluttershy doing the same, the two of them getting on the colorful train, going to where Fluttershy's class are at.

"Next stop - Chicoltgo," All Aboard proclaimed, before getting back on and the train chugged away from the previous station.

Everyone talked, wondering what animals they're gonna see. Yona, Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Smolder, and Ocellus were at one the seats, not too far from their educator who is still with the secret Ranger, about a few train seats ahead.

With these ponies and creatures talking about the trip continuously, the technical genius removed his glasses, cleaning them with his shirt. "How long were you in Ponyville?" he began to strike up a conversation.

"Ever since I grew up," the pony he liked answered in reply. "After living in Cloudsdale, I decided it would be best for me to live in Ponyville. More like outside of it since I'm too shy to be around others with the expectation of my friends."

"Seems like you don't talk to anyone else, besides your friends," he assumed correctly, placing his eye wear back on, making sure they're on right.

"It's not because I'm don't like to socialize, it's that I'm afraid of public humiliation. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of others," she refused with a hint of fear like it happened before. "Last year, these three fillies published a lot of gossip about everypony in the small town, things that aren't true about us."

"Sounds terrible," he commented, picturing what it'll be like if he were in the newspaper that isn't true about him. "The fillies spread lies, then," he basically guessed with a small frown.

"They sure are lies. One of the so-called stories says I have tail extensions."

"Tail extensions? Isn't your tail always long?"

She looked away, like she was ashamed of it. "...yes, but I was only trying those things for a day. After the Foal Free Press newspaper got published by the Gabby Gums, I was degraded. I was in my cottage on the couch, squalling, unable to stop. The fillies who were the Gabby Gums came over, but I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even them."

"You were pretty upset with those fillies," the unicorn bet, almost mad as well for what they've done to her.

"I wasn't the only one..." She faced him. "Everyone was upset, even mad at them. Twilight had to put a barrier over her Golden Oaks Library she used to have to keep them out, because those little girls lied about how she's a 'Canterlot snob' when it isn't true."

Getting this from her, he was flabbergasted. Twilight acted nothing like those ponies who are stuck-up, thinking they're one step ahead of anypony. She may have lived in Canterlot, except she isn't those kinds of ponies who are posh and everything, even though not everypony who lives in a classy, rich city are snobs. Not Princess Celestia is like that, for she lives there. Including her royal guards. They have much respect like she does.

He wished everypony who lives in there be as nice as the Sun Princess, as well as the Princess of Friendship - the Holder of Magic - along with the royal guards.

"Your other friends got humiliated, too, huh?" he said, after receiving what he was told about. He got a head bob from her. "Gee wiz..." he let out, feeling awful for them. "I can't believe those little girls would do that!"

"Me neither. One said where Applejack was asleep on the job..." Fluttershy started to list out. "...her brother not wanting anypony to know he has Twilight's Smarty Pants doll..." The farm gal's brother has a doll that once belonged to the princess? "Rainbow either a speed demon or a super softie when she was at the Ponyville Day Spa... the Cakes breaking up, even though they aren't... those Drama Queen Diaries that got published of Rarity's private diary... Mayor Mare doesn't have gray hair, rather pink instead..." The more she went on, the more shocked this dude is. "Celestia being like us..."

"Like us?" Deeply puzzled, he had to stop her for a second. "Fluttershy, what do you mean 'Celestia being like us'?" he put a question to, unable to understand what she had stated.

"There was a picture of Princess Celestia eating a piece of cake. She loves cake, much like how Pinkie does."

"You're saying she isn't like us?" The confusion hadn't washed away. "She isn't like any of those snooty Canterlot ponies my friends and I encountered before we finally found one who is nice enough to lend us her map in order for us to locate where Celestia lives," he told her.

"You're right," she had to agree. "She isn't like those upper class people, except it doesn't mean she can't enjoy the things everyone else likes, and it doesn't mean she cannot do things that we like to do."

"Ahh, I got it..." He finally know where she's getting at. "Was anyone else in the newspaper?"

"There was a column where it says Pinkie is an out-of-control party animal."

Isn't she already a party animal? She did threw a welcome party for my friends and I."

"She did admit she has a problem..."

"Maybe she's been throwing too many parties," Noah wisecracked tittering, along with Fluttershy who also joined in. Her laugh is such a delightful thing to hear for how dulcet her vocal cords are. "She sure is a party animal."

"Sure is one," Fluttershy continued to chuckle.

"She must've thrown lots of parties." Noah leaned back on the seat of the train car, one of his arms on top of it, his hoof barely touching the top of her mane. It urged him to caress it, however he kept his hooves to himself.

"She does. She had thrown Rainbow's birth-iversary." The cute smile stayed when the yellow equine. "She moved to Ponyville on her birthday," she explained, leaning back as well, with Noah moving his hoof off the top part of his seat. "She will also thrown cute-ceanera parties for the kids who got their cutie marks."

"Really?" He is intrigued.

"Really," she nodded.

"Is it possible for an...adult pony to not have a cutie mark?" he wondered, bringing up a good question. "It seems only children get their cutie marks."

"It's always the kids. There is no age limit. There isn't any adult pony like us who never had one," she said undoubtedly.

"I see... I do have another question in mind about cutie marks."

"Can they be...removed?"

Like something smacked her in the face, her eyes went wide. "Y-Yes they can..." she barely answered, shifting uncomfortably. "It was when Starlight wasn't redeemed. She used a plain old staff to take off ponies' cutie marks with her magic, giving them equal signs instead. Twilight was one of them, when she went to stop her but couldn't. And let's just say, getting a cutie mark removed...doesn't feel nice."

Noah seemed to cringe, drawing his head back in a little. "Must've been an aching thing to experience, then," he had to imagine.

Fluttershy shivered. "It was. I'm happy that she got defeated and reformed."

"Good, but why would Starlight remove ponies' cutie marks?" Noah had to wonder, though it was more of asking instead.

"According to Twilight, Starlight took her to her home when she was little. She used to live in Sire's Hollow. She had a friend named Sunburst. Before she knew it, her friend got his cutie mark and got sent off to Canterlot to enroll him in the School for Gifted Unicorns, also called the School of Magic. Since then, she was too afraid to make another friend, in fear it'll happen again. Years later, she removed the ponies' cutie marks when she lived in Our Town, a village founded by her so they can give up on them, lying that those symbols are considered evil, along with faking her own by putting make-up that matched her coat and using the stencil shaped like equal sign with black powder. I know this because I witnessed it."

"Wait, so she thinks that when a filly or colt gets his or her cutie mark, they go off somewhere?"

"No, she thought that cutie marks will take her friends away. She wanted those people in the town where my friends and I first encountered her to be the same. In fact, when getting cutie mark pulled off, they're destinies vanish. There was a mare named Sugar Belle who offered muffins, but they weren't great looking. They didn't taste good either, for Pinkie had to eat them since she has a stomach as strong as steel. I felt bad except she had to eat them to make it look like all of us enjoyed them."

"And after that?"

"Starlight Glimmer got revealed of her true nature after I poured water to show those ponies she still has her own symbol. She tried to flee with my symbol and my friends' symbols in the jars she stored them in, with the ponies who lived in the small village of Our Town helping us out. We then got our cutie marks back like how they got theirs back, then she ran off, came back, and got reformed."

"Wow." Noah looked amazed, which he is. "It's great thing, too, because if she were still evil, I don't want my friends and I to run into her," he smiled at the thought of them going against the lavender alicorn's student. "We could easily gotten rid of her with our Ranger powers."

"Heh, heh, yep."

Some time past until the train reached Chicoltgo, stopping at the next station. The train cars slid open, and the ones who were stopping here got off.

Fluttershy and Noah got off at the same time as students, who were looking around, wanting to know where the zoo is at when their teacher came over. "This way, class," she led with a wave of her hoof, walking with the Ranger by her side, her students following her.

Moving his eyes off the the yellow girl's face going to a tulip color when he saw her looking at him. She turned away, with Noah smirking, the two reaching the open gates of the zoo. "Welcome To Chicoltgo Zoo," he read aloud, the excitement within him growing, unable to believe he's going to see different animals again.

The kindness pony clapped her front hooves together. "We're here, everyone and every creature." They'd cheered enthusiastically, practically unable to stand still.

"Can we see the bears first?" Sky Skimmer flapped her wings from the excitement she's having.

"I want to see the tigers!" Buttercup proclaimed next.

Hang on a second, writer. Applejack's mom's nickname is Buttercup.

Yeah, her nickname. Her actual name is Pear Butter. Though Bright Mac calls her Buttercup ever since they were little. This Buttercup is from the generation two, being a reboot for generation four. There a lot of characters in generation four that came from other generations. Minty is a good example.

You mean the pony who has the same resemblance as my cousin?

You got it. By the way, it begs the question... are you and A.J. really related?

Boy, this question again. To be honest, I believe we are.

It doesn't say on either of your My Little Pony Wiki Fandom pages-

We're related! No doubt it, ma'am. Even though the last part on that long scroll is smudged, I know for a clear fact that she and I are cousins.

But are you sure you two girls are cousins?

Yes, I'm sure of it. I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

Alright then...

Yep, and I know a lot of fans are wondering about, probably to this day. I mean, who doesn't like a good mystery even those this deleted scene from your first crossover isn't centered our mystery of all mysteries. I would love for you to write one, yet these are your stories. No way I can tell you what you should and shouldn't write. All due respect, madam. Have you read any fics about your favorite shows, Miss. Wilson?

Pinkie, I should get back to writing this.

At least answer my question first.

Ugh, fine. I can't say I read a lot, and I can't say I read none either, but I have read a fanfic here and there. I do enjoy the grimdark and creepypasta stories...

Did you read Cupcakes?

I listened to an audio reading of it.

Yay! Are there gonna be ponies from previous generations? What about OCs? Villains? When will-

Quiet! Please, be quiet. Gee wiz. Why did I even let you break the fourth wall? I hope everyone who has a sense of humor is laughing now.

Because of me!

Yes, but not all of these fics will have humor in it, just to let you know.

I know, I know. I have no problem with it. Continue writing.

Let's see, where was I...? Oh, yeah. Buttercup wanted to see the tigers, while Bitta Luck raised her hoof. "We should check out the lions," she suggested. "Maybe ladybugs!"

"This is an animal zoo," Lucky Swirl told her. "This isn't a bug zoo."

Bitta scoffed. "I know that. I was talking about running into ladybugs here."

"We're gonna see all kinds of wildlife," Fluttershy came in.

"Are we gonna run into puckwudgies?" Ocellus quivered, recalling the time where she and her five new friends first saw them, being saved by their Headmare, their counselor, and their professors who fought them off, getting rid of every single one of them.

However, on the other hoof, the smart one had no clue what they are. "What are puckwudgies?" Noah asked, looking at the animal expert, knowing she has the answers about them.

"They're creatures that live in the out skirts of Celestia and Luna's previous castle in the Everfree Forest," she told him. "They're cute looking, but vicious. They can shoot thorns from their backs."

"And we encountered them," Gallus spoke up.

"When we ran away from the school," Smolder added.

Noah raised an eyebrow. "You ran away from the school? You weren't dropping out, were you?"

"No, it's because Chancellor Neighsay thinks friend making is something ponies only do," Sandbar explained. "He thought my friends-" He pointed at Yona, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, and Silverstream "-and I won't take what we learned and use it against everypony else."

"Chancellor Neighsay is part of E.E.A." The Ranger had no idea what that is, his eyebrow in the air, so his crush told him what it stood for. "Equestria Education Association," she translated. "He wanted my friends and I to teach ponies about the Magic of Friendship then to others."

"In other words, he doesn't allow different creatures to be friends."

"He used to, but not anymore. Like what Sandbar said, he thought friend making is what ponies do."

"Great thing he turned around on that. I wouldn't like it if someone told me I can't be friends with people who are different than me." He elbowed Fluttershy playfully. "You know how different Jake and I are." Especially you and I, he added silently.

"I saw," the girl had to laugh softly. "Let's get going. We aren't going to see the animals by standing here. Follow along, everyone." Going through the entrance, she escorted her class with Noah by her side, hearing animal noises, being taken care of the by the zoo ponies wearing work zoo attire.

"I'll get us a map," he volunteered as everyone stopped. Fluttershy smiled from ear to ear when she heard this from him, knowing how a wonderful guy he is. He returned the smile before turning around to the visiting booth, the smile maintaining on him. He approached closer to it, when a young mare saw him. "Hi," Noah greeted kindly by the time he reached to her. "May we have the map of the zoo?" he requested with the same attitude.

"Why, sure thing, cupcake," the mare replied with the same manner. She pulled out the rolled up map, sliding to him. "Have a nice time."

Noah retrieved the map. "Thank you. You have a nice time, too." The pony at the visiting booth continued to grin, the two waving at each other as Noah left to go back to Fluttershy and her class. He held the map as he spoke. "I'll read it," he told everyone, more likely to the mare he first laid eyes on when they first met each other.

"Sounds good to me," she heartily agreed. "We should start of the closet animal and work our way back here," she suggested, making a good point.

"Nice idea, Fluttershy. Let's see..." After unrolling the map, he studied it, seeing all sorts of areas with animals on them, the map letting everypony know where they're each section they're at in this place, along with pictures of buildings like the restaurant where ponies can eat at. "The elks is near by, only a seven hooves away from where we're standing," he read, pointing to his left since the elk is on the left hoof side of said map.

"Why don't you take us to them. It'll be much appreciated since you're the map reader," she advised, going a bit...close to the brainiac. Couple of her students noticed the way she's looking at him, for she instantly realized this, stepping back with a burned up face. "If you don't mind, that is..." she said, clearing her throat, composing herself.

Smirking, he patted her head, ruffing her mane playfully. "I have no problem with it." The Ranger took his hoof back from her as she smoothed down her mane, leading her and everypony to where the first animal is located. While he was checking the map, he was more focused on pony who he desired. However, he kept his focus on the map, making sure to not pass by the first animal.

Once everyone reached where the elks are at, who are munching on the green blades of grass, Fluttershy stood in front of her students as she began telling them about what these antler animals do and live, how they get away from danger, etc.

Noah stood in the background, catching her cheeks when they turn a pink color when the pegasus looked at him with the corner of her eye, like she can't keep her eyes off of him.

He stood there, listening to her lecture, however, hearts popped all around him, admiring the pony he fell for...

He walked up to her and gave her kiss!

This is before they kissed. They're friends in this deleted scene, nothing more.

Ohhhhh! And you're gonna write a scene where-

It's my deleted scene.

No, it isn't. It's their deleted scene. By their, I mean Noah and Fluttershy.

I'm the one writing this and all the other stories. Plus, if you keep coming in, I'm going to send you to another dimension.

You're the one putting me in this conversation.

You're the one writing yourself in, not me. God, I regret putting humor on this story.

God? I think you mean Celestia. Like, you should've said 'Celestia. Us ponies never heard the word 'God' in our lives.

I live on earth, so I say God. I don't say Celestia because I don't live in Equestria.

When you put it that way... I guess it makes sense when I think about it. Although, you're still writing me in this conversation.

I'm not- Out!

I can't; I'm stuck in this deleted scene.

You put yourself in here.

No, I haven't, you did.

Are you seriously arguing with me?

Nope. Oh wait, we are.

Gee, I wonder how you figured that out...

I know, right? It's like I knew all along!

...I was being sarcastic.

How? It's hard to tell when this is being written.

Ugh... I need to get back to this story...

Can I be in it?

You're putting yourself in here.

Haha, funny! Or were you being sarcastic?

Anyways, since the pony-who-is-not-part-of-this-story-


-is gone, Noah kept-

I'm not gone.

Noah kept-

Being the Master Fourth Wall Breaker, it's difficult to get rid of me.

Noah kept-

It's the best thing ever about me. I can pop up anywhere since that's how the creators of the fourth generation of MLP made me - random.

Noah kept-

I can do all sorts of things, such as-

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I'm trying to write, but you keep coming in.

It's not- Hey!

There, I got rid of her. Hopefully. Noah kept staring at the pony in a good way, rather than a creepy way. It's like he couldn't concentrate on anything else but her. While he did listen on what she is teaching her class, he couldn't focus on the facts of the first animal their seeing, for he isn't a student like that back at home where he's is top student in Mr. Burley's biology class, getting straight As - until he got a B the one day. Yes, he was disappointed of it, not keen about the grade he received. Not only that, he practically lives in the computer lab even though it isn't big, thought not very small either. He ended being in that room all night when searching up for a weapon to use against Pacha Chamak, except Troy wouldn't allow it.

During that time where he and his friends got their weapons taken by that martial arts monster, Troy wasn't too happy about it, stating that a Ranger should never let go of their weapons - ever.

And, even though the geek doesn't like to mention this, the team's leader was acting a bit of a...jerk. Even being hard on himself, too. Afterwards, he stopped being like that towards his friends, and made sure none of them let go of their weapons until Jake and Emma use the Legendary Jungle Fury Ranger keys, along with everyone to counter up the monster, using their Animal Spirits to fight him - with no weapons in use, from the ground and in their Legendary Megazord with a twist of Jungle Fury to finish the villain off.

It was way before Orion came into the team.

He wished he met the Legendary Jungle Fury Red Ranger, who worked with the tiger at the zoo, according to the pegasus Pink Ranger and earth pony Green Ranger.

On the bright side, him and his friends did meet the Legendary Samurai Red Ranger at Ernie's Brainfreeze. Again, it was before Orion came into the team.

Eyes on Fluttershy, the pink, bubbly hearts kept coming on, gently bursting around him. He actually saw a heart form around the girl, the environment of the zoo they're at vanishing away. He saw-

"Noah... Noah... Noah!"

"What? Huh? What?" Snapping out of it, he moved his head from side to side, coming back into reality, the hearts disappearing, the image he'd saw, the zoo coming back, Fluttershy standing in front of him with the class behind her. He let out a breath, pushing his glasses up on his face. "Heh, heh," he laughed almost nervously. "I may have missed something you said..." he sheepishly replied, face turning red from both embarrassment and looking at her.

"It seems I have to give you detention for not paying attention to when I was calling out to you," she kidded, making the Ranger blush a bit deeper than he already is now.

"Heh, heh," he repeatedly tittered at her josh, rubbing the back of her head. "Um, let me look at the map to see where the next animal is at..." Unrolling the map, he took a quick look at it. "Chimpanzees are right over there. I'll take you all over to them."

"Sound like a great idea." Going along with his suggestion, Fluttershy eyed over at her students. "Make sure you stick close; it seems the zoo is getting packed." She pointed at a bunch of ponies coming in for example. "Afterwards, we'll take a lunch break in a few hours." Afterwards, she and everyone else went to see the next zoo attraction with Noah taking them over there.

Him being in the front, Fluttershy caught up to him, almost inches away from his body. "You're a great map reader," she complimented, looking at him with the corner of her eye. "I'm happy you came to the trip." She turned her face to make direct eye contact when he gazed back at her. "I thank you for it," she cherished with a soft smile, causing the brilliant horned pony's heart to surge up a beat.

"It's no problem," he returned, brushing it off like it was no big deal. "It's fun going to a zoo again..." He took a quick peak around, then added, "And not in my life I've ever been to zoo with ponies like you." He spiritually nudged her, with her going in a bright color on her face.

The Blue Ranger shook his head with amusement, knowing how easy she reacts when she's around him, but then went back to leading to those who are on the trip.

A few hours as passed by, Fluttershy teaching her class about each critter they came across, Noah reading the map to make sure they're going in the right direction. Now, it's lunch time, everyone getting hungry. Going through the map, the secret Ranger took them to the restaurant with Fluttershy by his side.

Reaching it, everyone saw it was a buffet kind of food place, each taking turns to gather the food they would eat. After they each got they want, plates full, the students went over to the tables, either at a booth or a normal one.

Retrieving his own plate of goodness, the blue hero looked around, spotting the pegasus going to a booth. Smirking, he followed her, reaching to the booth she picked, next to the window. She saw Noah sitting across from her, placing his plate down on the table top.

"I'm having a great time," Noah spoke, picking up his fork.

"I'm happy to hear to hear that," Fluttershy answered gladly, swallowing some chewed up cooked up carrots. "Aside from the zoo, Pinkie and I have a buckball game in a couple of months."

"In Califoalnia," he remembered, putting some celery in his own mouth, crunching it down with his teeth. "It must be great playing a sport that my friends and I never heard of," he bet gratefully.

"It sure is great. However, there was a time where A.J. and Dash were too hard on Pinkie and I. They keep yelling at us, pushing our limits during our first practice. Dash hollering at me to go faster during the obstacle course where she could 'teach' me about ball control, Applejack yelling at Pinkie Pie that every shot of each ball goes to Sweet Apple Acres, her, Dash, and all of Ponyville, as well as adding that one miss will ruin the Apple family buckball reputation forever." Shuddering at the horrid memory, this pony remembered it like it was yesterday. "Those two kept pressuring us, screaming in our faces, no encouragement whatsoever. Then, it got worse. Ponies in Ponyville were at the train station, cheering us on. It didn't help for we feared that we'll lose the buckball game at Appleloosa where Applejack's cousin, Braeburn and his team live at. Rainbow said that Pinkie and I need to be on 'the zone', except we couldn't because 'the zone' sounds like a horrible place to be in. At first it was fun, until we got pressured by our athletic friends, making it not fun anymore. And, to finish off, those two learned a lesson."

"A lesson? By not yelling at you and Pinkie?" the Blue Ranger guessed, surprised how the party animal and the gentle one got treated like they were some other ponies.

"They learned that some ponies thrive on pressure like they do while some don't." Finishing her plate, Fluttershy pushed it aside. "A lot of ponies will think all ponies thrive on pressure, thinking they're those kinds of ponies. I do know at the Wonderbolt Academy, Spitfire does a lot of yelling since she's the caption of the aerial acrobatic flying team. She's even the drill sergeant for newbies who come to the Academy."

"It's like boot camp for ponies," Noah imagined, picturing what it looks like.

"Sure is like one. I'm happy I'm not a Wonderbolt." The flying pony placed her hooves on the table top. "I would cry if I was training to be a Wonderbolt."

"I don't see Orion or Emma going there. Not even Hazel. Lightning Twister maybe for she's has the similarities of R.D. I mean, Orion is pretty quick with his wings, with Emma being graceful, though I doubt they'll be interest in being an aerial acrobatic flyers," he said honestly, cleaning off his plate, shoving it away for the buspony to pick up. "At least the rest of us won't have to go since it's for pegasus ponies only."

"Consider yourselves lucky." The two laughed and went on with their conversation.

Some time later in the restaurant, Fluttershy gathered up her students, all of them going back to the field trip. Like always, Noah is the map reader, helping out by taking them to each creature they hadn't seen or been taught yet.

Soon it was time to go home. Everyone within the trip got back on the train, heading back to Ponyville.

Noah and Fluttershy looked at one another, happy that everyone had a good time. Maybe them and their friends will have a trip of their own sometime... As well as a trip for these two only.

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