• Published 24th Feb 2024
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Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Twilight and her friends got a message from somebody they went on a mission to stop an unknown god but just when they did they got trapped in some blocks and most of them lost their memories except for Twilight and splitted off

  • ...

Episode 11: The Mystery of the Darknight Hero and the war note

After a while Twilight and Rainbow had returned to their hotel room as they met with Lumine and Paimon who turned to them

"Hey girls, how'd it go?!" Paimon asked

"She got accepted!" Twilight said

"Yes! That's right! I'm now your newest adventurer!" Rainbow said

"Sweet! Shall we celebrate that?!" Lumine asked

"Celebrate that where?" Paimon asked

"I think I know, follow me!" Lumine said

The group then went to the tavern which they entered as they approached the guy who stood at the bar while thinking before he noticed the group

"So, you girls got a taste for adventure too huh?" The guy reminded

"We sure do!" Twilight answered

"I must say, the patrons have been in a bit of a buzz lately" The guy explained

"Really?! Spill the deets!" Lumine suggested excitedly

"Well, the topic on everyone's lips is more of an urban legend than actual news" The guy explained

"Ooh! I love urban legends! They sound exciting! What is it?! A mysterious meteor?! Our friends or brothers are found?! Dvalin is back to our side?!" Twilight explained

"No, that's not but even if I mind my own business I still end up hearing all about it" Diluc explained

"Uh-oh... It's not one of those scary urban legends is it? If so Paimon needs to take a deep breath first!" Paimon said worriedly

The guy then chuckled a bit

"Hahaha, it's not a particularly scary story no... At least not for most people..." The guy said

"Wow! Those guys must be scaredy cats!" Rainbow said

"Rainbow!" Twilight called out

"Sorry, my bad" Rainbow apologized

"Anyways, spill the tea!" Twilight suggested

"It's the tale of... The Darknight hero!" The guy announced

"Argh!!!" Paimon called out

"That doesn't sound too bad after all, I've heard worse" Rainbow explained

"Yeah and besides Paimon, he literally just said it's NOT a scary story" Lumine said in disbelief

"Huh? Did the bartender just say something?" Paimon asked in confusion

"You weren't even listening?" The guy asked in disbelief before shaking his head "Anyway the Darknight Hero" The guy explained

"Who's that mister?" Twilight asked

"I don't know, it is said that he appears in the middle of the night to fight evil and uphold justice but to be honest I don't have much interest in such rumors unless of course he can help take care of the more belligerent patrons after they've had a few too many..." The guy explained before chuckling "I would happily take that as proof of his existence " The guy explained

"Hmm..." Twilight thought

"Has anyone ever seen him?" Lumine asked

"I mean, some people must have if they share rumors about it" The guy answered

"Then why would he hide his identity?" Lumine asked

"I doubt anyone knows other than him, maybe he enjoys being a man of mystery after all it's a good way to get the ladies' attention" The guy explained

"Really?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, any guy in the tavern could tell you that" The guy answered before chuckling a bit "Hehe, anyway... That's more or less everything I know, if you want to know more ask around in the plaza" The guy suggested before he noticed somebody raise their hand "Ah, I need to serve some customers" The guy said

The guy then left as the four heroes turned to each other

"'Darknight Hero'... Seems like your standard cookie-cutter urban legend" Paimon said

"I doubt so, I think it's more of a true myth just like the Pillars of Equestria" Twilight explained

"Pillars of Equestria, they sound thrilling" Rainbow said

"They're more like heroes of old Equestria" Twilight explained

"Ooh! Sounds cool!" Paimon said before shaking her head "But this is different, it's just a little darker" Paimon said

"Actually, the myth in our world is darker than this one, he saves heroes while the heroes of old Equestria got trapped in some sort of limbo with the Pony of Shadows until we saved them" Twilight explained

"Doesn't matter, I'm wondering who it could be, once you're ready let's head out to the plaza and ask around!" Paimon suggested

The group then went to the plaza where they saw people going on about their day before they approached a girl

"Hello! Are you looking for anything in particular?" The girl asked

"Hi, we're trying to find out more about the 'Darknight Hero'" Lumine explained

"Is that from a fairytale or a novel or something like that?" The girl asked

"No, it's more of a myth" Twilight explained

"Oh okay, then I can't help, sorry" The girl said

The girl then walked off as Twilight turned to her friends

"Guess that didn't work, maybe we should ask someone else" Paimon suggested

Twilight then noticed someone near the fountain

"I have a feeling she knows, come on girls" Twilight said

The group then went towards the girl who then turned to them

"Hey there miss, we'd like to ask you about the Darknight hero" Lumine explained

The girl then smiled

"You want to find out something about the Darknight Hero?" The girl asked in shock and excitement

"Do you know?! Tell me!" Twilight pleaded excitedly

"Look no further, it's me! I am the Darknight Hero" The girl said

"What?! You're kidding, right?!" Lumine asked in shock and disbelief

The girl then began chuckling a bit

"You're right, I'm not, I was joking" The girl said

"Huh..." Lumine called out in shock and confusion

"Heh..." Paimon asked in shock and confusion

"Oh come on!" Twilight called out in disbelief

"Heh, jokes aside I do think the Darknight Hero and I have one thing in common" The girl explained

"Really? What is that?!" Rainbow asked in excitement

"Yeah, what's that?" Paimon asked in excitement

"It's... The way he sticks to his principles... Coming out here night after night, fighting for justice, keeping Mondstadt safe..." The girl explained

"Wow, so you're a noctural vigilante too?" Paimon asked

"Yeah, we didn't see you save the day and besides it's more like they have one thing in common with us" Twilight explained

"N-No, I just mean he must be seriously rich" The girl explained

"Somebody's being greedy here" Rainbow whispered to Lumine

Lumine then chuckled while Paimon looked at the girl in confusion

"Why is that?" Paimon asked in confusion

"People only start worrying about spiritual fulfillment once they have enough material wealth, it's the same in every hero story isn't it?" The girl asked

"Yeah it does" Twilight explained

"So... You just wanted to flaunt your wealth?" Lumine asked

"Heh, no, it's nothing like that, I just have too much time on my hands these days" The girl answered

"Same difference, you are the boss of the Cat's Tail after all" Paimon reminded

"True but why don't you ask the guards at the city gate? They do night shifts all the time, they must know something" The girl suggested

"Good idea, thanks miss" Rainbow thanked

The girl then walked off as the group rushed over to the guards outside the city who stood by the gates as they turned to the first they came across

"Hey sir we'd like to ask something" Twilight said

"Sure what is it?" The guard asked

"We'd like to know what kind of hero the Darknight Hero is" Rainbow explained

"You want to know about... Him?" The guard asked in shock and disbelief

"Of course!" Lumine answered

"Have you ever seen him?" Paimon asked

"Yeah, in fact, I'm one of the few who has seen him with my own two eyes" The guard explained

"Great! This is the guy we need to talk to" Paimon said in relief

"Tell us everything you know!" Twilight suggested excitedly

"Yeah...! Just who is the Darknight Hero?" Paimon asked excitedly

"Whoa--- S-Slow down, let me start from the beginning" The guard suggested

"Alright, go ahead" Rainbow said

"Well, I was patrolling one night when suddenly I heard something, I rushed over to check it out, I saw a gang of suspicious-looking fellows who looked like they were up to no good so I quickly hid" The guard explained

"Hid? You're supposed to be a guard!" Paimon reminded

"I know but that's when... He appeard, he was dressed in black from head to toe, perfectly hidden in the night, the way he crept up on those bad guys, it must have felt like a living nightmare" The guard explained, still in shock and disbelief

"Wow..." Paimon called out in awe

"That's like, the most awesome thing I've ever heard!" Rainbow explained

"Same here!" Twilight said

"I have to agree with you girls" Lumine agreed

"Guess what I did next?" The guard asked

"Ran away?" Lumine asked

"I wasn't the bad guy! Why would I need to run away?" The guard asked in anger and disbelief

"You asked us to guess" Twilight reminded

"...Still, I did leave the scene, I didn't want to be a nuisance to the Darknight Hero so instead, I headed to the Knights of Favonius' Residence" The guard explained

"You think the Darknight Hero might be one of the knights?" Lumine asked

"Correct, I thought 'Surely someone with such a strong sense of justice and who voluntarily protects Mondstadt is exactly the kind of person you'd find in the Knights of Favonius'" The guard explained before sighing in disbelief "But it seems I was wrong" The guard said in defeat

"Why?" Rainbow asked

"Well, I checked everywhere and there were no signs of anyone having left the building" The guard explained

"So you're saying whoever it is can't be from the Knights of Favonius after all?" Paimon asked

"Yes, but I just can't understand... Why would someone like that not want to join the knights? I'm sure they would warmly welcome someone of his abilities" The guard explained

"So the point you're trying to make is... You don't know who the Darknight Hero is either?" Paimon asked

"Hey, don't be like that! At least by talking to me you've ruled out a few more people..." The guard explained nervously

"I mean, he's right after all but there's still a lot of people left over" Twilight explained

"Anyway, try asking at the flower shop, I heard a girl there's been talking about the time he rescued her" The guard explained

"Will do!" Lumine said

The group then went towards the flower shop where they saw Donna still looking at the ground in awe

"What's wrong with me...? Why can't I get him out of my mind...?" Donna asked in awe

The group then stopped in front of her as Paimon begins waving

"Ah hello? We'd like to ask you about the Darknight Hero---" Paimon started

After Paimon said that Donna turned to the group in excitement

"MY HERO!" Donna called out before realizing what she did "...Oh sorry! Just hearing his name gets me lost in thought... Hang on, how did you know who I was talking about?" Donna asked

"Because we are interested in hearing about him" Lumine explained

"Is it that obvious?" Donna asked

"Yep, it was, you had a small blush!" Twilight answered

"Oh no, what am I going to do...? If Master Diluc ever finds out---" Donna started

"Master Diluc? Where did that come from?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Yeah? What's Diluc got to do with this?" Paimon asked in confusion

"Ugh... Well I guess I might as well spill the beans then" Donna said in defeat before turning to the group "I used to think Diluc was the one for me" Donna explained

"Really?! Him and you?! I'm sorry but I don't see that?! He looks more bossy and such!" Rainbow said in disbelief

"NO HE'S NOT!" Donna called out before coughing a bit "I mean, ever since the time I was rescued by the Darknight Hero... I-I just don't know anymore..." Donna said sadly

"Wowee, you saw the Darknight Hero? For real? What's he like?" Paimon asked

"It all happened so fast... I was so scared... All I remember is seeing a flash of fire... But I felt safe, I only saw his silhouette but it felt so... Familiar" Donna explained in awe, fright and worry

"A flash of fire..." Lumine thought out loud before turning to Donna "A Vision perhaps?" Lumine asked

"Who knows? But now that you mention it, a Pyro Vision does seem like a good explanation, it lit up the whole area in an instant, I remember that very well" Donna realized

"Oookay then! Well, thanks for the intel Donna, see you around!" Paimon waved before she and her friends began walking (or flew in Paimon's case) off towards the next place they wanted to investigate "So, based on what we know so far all we need to do is find a wealthy Vision-wielding vigilante who is not one of the knights" Paimon suggested before thinking only to sigh in defeat "Hmm... Nope, still no idea" Paimon said in defeat

"Hmm, I think I know who it could be" Twilight thought out loud

"But we already asked so many people, guess we got to see for ourselves" Paimon suggested

"Good idea" Lumine agreed

"Let's take a look around the city at nighttime, if we're lucky we just might bump into him" Paimon suggested

Twilight then looked at the sky and saw the moon going up into the sky

"Look! It's nighttime!" Twilight said

"Alright, let's split up then and come back here once we found more clues!" Rainbow said

The group then split off as Lumine and Paimon walked down some stairs they were nearby only to feel the ground shaking

"Stop Paimon!" Lumine called out

Just then a gust of wind appeared causing the group to cover their eyes and when the gust of wind was gone they looked at the source only to see Diluc running around an abyss mage with speed as some white ice followed him before the abyss mage jumped up and shot icicles at Diluc who began dodging all of them while even running on walls before the abyss mage spun around before shooting a large icicle at Diluc which caused him to get trapped

"Diluc!" Lumine and Paimon called out in shock

Just then a burst of fire appeared as Diluc charged towards the abyss mage with a large slash of his sword which caused the abyss mage to burst into pieces which caused Lumine and Paimon to gasp in shock and disbelief

"The Darknight Hero is master Diluc?!" Paimon called out in shock and disbelief

Diluc then went to stand back up from the fall as he turned to Lumine and Paimon while Twilight and Rainbow rushed towards them

"Where have you guys be---" Rainbow started

Just then Rainbow and Twilight noticed Diluc causing Twilight to drop her jaws to the floor while Rainbow shook her head to try and get that 'dream' out of her head only to look back and see it was definitely Diluc

"After managing to steer clear of the guards' patrol route... I never anticipated I'd run into you four instead" Diluc said

Twilight and Rainbow then trotted over to Lumine and Paimon

"Could somebody explain what the fuss is all about?" Rainbow asked, still in shock

"The Darknight Hero! I knew it was you all along!" Twilight said in shock and disbelief

"Diluc?! YOU are the Darknight hero?" Lumine asked in shock and disbelief

"'Darknight Hero...' Sounds awfully derivative to me, please tell me you didn't come up with that" Diluc pleaded

"We didn't, the city folk did" Twilight explained

"How is this the first time you've heard of the name? Every man, pony and his dog in Mondstadt is yapping about the Darknight Hero!" Paimon explained

"How did you manage to stay so secretive like that?! That was amazing!" Rainbow asked in shock and awe

"I do not concern myself with idle chatter... Though I suppose I may take the idleness of others as a sign that peace prevails" Diluc said in relief

Paimon then turned to her friends

"Huzzah! The great mystery of the Darknight Hero of Mondstadt... We solved it!" Paimon announced before turning to Diluc "Now then mr. Darknight Hero---" Paimon started

"Please, stop calling me that, seriously, it makes me uncomfortable" Diluc pleaded

"Hah, not surprised, it's the stupidest superhero name Paimon's ever heard, you should come up with something more original like..." Paimon started before turning to the ground "Emm... 'Captain Pie...'" Paimon suggested

"Pie?" Diluc asked in confusion

"Pie?" Lumine asked in confusion

"Pie?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Pie?" Rainbow asked in confusion

"Captain Pyro!" Paimon finished before turning to Diluc "Tell us Captain Pyro, what happened here today?" Paimon asked

"..." Diluc thought before turning to the group "It was the Abyss Order" Diluc explained

"Them again?" Paimon asked in disbelief

"Haven't we just defeated them?!" Twilight asked in disbelief

"I don't know what the devil they're plotting this time, it seems they're performing some initial reconnaissance, considering that I've proven myself to be one step ahead of them on countless occasions, their persistence is... Unusual" Diluc explained

"Have you been dealing with them alone the whole time?" Lumine asked

"I assume so unless you're aware of any other 'Darknight Heroes' around these parts" Diluc reminded

"Why are you handling them alone though?" Twilight asked

"Well, the knights are for the most part an utterly incompetent bunch, I cannot trust them to take this matter over" Diluc explained

"So this is a job for the mighty Diluc then" Lumine said

Diluc then sighed in disbelief

"That's not my point, I am not doing this to impress anyone" Diluc said in disbelief before smiling at them "Well, I hope this conversation has been of service to you because I would like to ask for a favor in return" Diluc explained

"Ooh, what is it master Diluc? Your wish is our command---" Paimon said

"Yeah, what is it?" Rainbow asked

"You must keep my identity a secret, above all, it is crucial that you do not let the Knights of Favonius know I am connected to any of this" Diluc ordered

Just then footsteps were heard from one of the group's side as Paimon turned to it in shock and worry

"What's that sound?" Paimon asked only to see hilichurls appearing "Yikes, have the Abyss Order sent backk up already?" Paimon asked in shock and worry

They appear to just be small-timers so thanks to your lesson by Jean you should have no trouble dealing with them" Diluc said before turning to the group "I cannot afford delays on account of a few lackeys, I shall have to let you take care of them" Diluc said

"Alright, we won't let you down!" Lumine said

"Remember, don't tell a soul!" Diluc said

"Does it count if we tell a tree?" Rainbow asked

The group then turned to Rainbow in shock, confusion and realization as Diluc sighed in disbelief

"Yes, you may, just not with somebody next to you" Diluc saisd

"Okay!" Rainbow said

Diluc then walked off as Paimon turned to him in shock

"Hey! You're just gonna leave us like this?!" Paimon asked in shock

Just then Hilichurls ran into the room

"No time for idle chit-chat! We gotta beat these Hilichurls" Twilight said

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Rainbow asked

"With our strength!" Lumine said

Lumine then rushed towards a Hilichurl as she raised her sword in front of her ready to take a slash as the Hilichurl blocked it with his club

"Come on you bitch! Let me win!" Lumine ordered

Twilight who was fighting and dodging a Hilichurl then turned to Lumine

"Don't worry Lumine! As long as you focus you'll be fine!" Twilight said

Rainbow was then seen having a club to sword fight as they kept hitting both as they didn't manage to knock each other out before Rainbow bucks the Hilichurl in the kiwi's causing the Hilichurl to hit the wall with a grunt

"Hah you bitch! You won't be able to beat me!" Rainbow said

Just then a Hilichurl planned on hitting Rainbow but not before Paimon gave a small but hard whack on the Hilichurl's chin causing it to fly into a wall as Paimon rubbed her hand

"Okay, that was not the best plan!" Paimon said

Twilight then managed to use a laser beam spell at the Hilichurl which it tried to dodge with it's bat only to be send flying while turning into dust as Lumine meanwhile continued to try and manage to hit the Hilichurl who kept blocking until eventually Lumine whacked the sword hard anough causing a piece of the club to fall off making the Hilichurl look at it in worry before turning back to see Lumine give it a hard whack in the face causing it to fly away into the distance and when the Hilichurls were down for the count the group panted

"Okay! Now that was too easy!" Paimon said

"Yeah, finally, we finished one enemy off with just our attacks!" Lumine said

Just then a Knight of Favonius guard ran by before arriving by the group and panted before turning to the group

"Greetings, I thought I heard something so I came to check it out" The guard explained

"Oh nothing happened, just some Hilichurls we defeated thanks to the help of our tourist, right Rainbow?" Twilight asked

"Y-Yes, of course" Rainbow answered

"Alright then, still, did you see anything out of the ordinary?" The guard asked

"Nope, nuh-uh, not here, nothing, zilch unless you're looking for the Darknight Hero, in which case---" Paimon started

"Shut it Paimon!" Lumine orderd

Just then the guard got confused

"The Darknight Hero? You saw him?" The guard asked in shock

"Oh, ahh... The Darknight Hero is ahh..." Paimon started as Twilight, Rainbow and Lumine glared at her before Paimon pointed at Lumine "Her!" Paimon explained

"..." Lumine thought in disbelief

"That was close" Twilight thought

"You! The hero who safeguards Mondstadt from the shadows! On behalf of the Knights of Favonius I thank you for your service to this city" The guard said

"Heh... It's nothing really... You're too kind..." Paimon said

"Yeah, definitely" Lumine said

The guard then realized something

"Wait a second... Aren't you two the travelers that just arrived in the city?" The guard asked

"Yes we are, why?" Twilight asked

"Rumors were circulating about the Darknight Hero long before you ever arrived here" The guard reminded

"Oh... Ah..." Paimon started nervously

"Well, I teleported Lumine here every time once most people were asleep" Twilight explained

"Oh, I see" The guard said before turning to Lumine "I do hope you will visit the Knights of Favonius soon where we can duscuss the Darknight Hero situation in more detail" The guard suggested

"Why?" Twilight asked

"Well, some things are best not discussed in public" The guard explained

"Oh okay" Twilight said

"Anyways, duty calls, I must be going, stay safe travellers!" The guard said

The guard then walked off as the group got nervous

"So uh, shall we get to the headquarters then?" Rainbow asked

"Of course, Paimon can't wait to help others again!" Paimon said

"Though thanks to you, we're stuck in a puddle!" Twilight reminded

"Yeah, Paimon knows and Paimon's still sorry about that" Paimon said

"Very well, then let's go meet up with the guard" Lumine said

The group then began walking off towards the Knights of Favonius Headquarters and when they arrived they noticed the guard checking the place

"Huffman!" Paimon called out

The guard called Huffman then turned around to look at the trio

"Oh, it's you four, thank you for coming" Huffman thanked

"No worries, now tell us, what's the situation?" Twilight asked

"So, Darknight Hero and friends, do you have anything else you're able to share with me?" Huffman asked

"Could I first ask what's going on?" Lumine asked

"Ah yes, of course, I should fill you in first... Apologies for my appalling lapse of etiquette" Huffman apologized before grabbing a piece of paper out of his pocket "The situation is..." Huffman started before pulling the paper towards the four "Here, take a look at this" Huffman suggested

Twilight then grabbed the piece of paper and read it with her friends looking besides her

"Geez... What horrible handwriting!" Paimon said

"I agree, even I can barely understand it" Twilight explained

"Hmm, let me take a closer look..." Paimon suggested as twilight gave the letter to Paimon "Huh, some parts of this seem to be complete gibberish" Paimon explained in confusion

"Indeed, although this is written i the common tongue it appears that a cipher has been used in many places; nevertheless oe can grasp the general message from the non-ciphered portions alone... This is a war declaration from the Abyss Order to the Darknight Hero" Huffman explained

"Does that mean... The bad guys want the Darknight Hero to go away forever and ever?" Paimon asked

"I was wondering that too" Rainbow agreed in confusion

"It's something like that thus we are hoping to contact him as soon as possible so that we can attempt to coordinate a response, after all, this matter no longer cocerns merely the Darknight Hero himself, it impacts the entire city of Mondstadt" Huffman explained

"Thank you for the information" Lumine thanked

"If you find out anything at all come and find me" Huffman suggested

Huffman then left as Rainbow turned to her friends

"Okay, while we may be the Darknight Hero for now thanks to a certain somebody we have to go tell Diluc about this, he might have an idea on what to do" Rainbow said

"Good idea, to the Dawn Winery we go!" Twilight called out

The group the began walking to the Dawn Winery as Paimon began speaking

"A war declaratio, sent by the Abyss Order... This is not good news at all for master Diluc!" Paimon said in worry

"I know but now we need to tell him right away" Lumine said

The group then began walking with Rainbow and Lumine walking either at the front or back to see if anyone was about to attack them and after a while of walking the group arrived inside Dawn Winery where they approached Diluc

"Master Diluc! Just now we were at the Knights of Favonius and, and-" Paimon started nervously

"I take it you're about to inform me of the war declaration from the Abyss Order?" Diluc asked

"How'd you know?!" Twilight explained

"I was aware of it before you knew though I appreciate you for taking the trouble to come all this way" Diluc said

"How do you know though?" Paimon asked in confusion

"The Dawn Winery's intelligence network extends beyond commercial matters" Diluc explained

"Great! So, what's the plan master Diluc?" Paimon asked

"Yeah, your life is at risk, remember?!" Rainbow reminded

"I know but I'm open to suggestions..." Diluc explained

"Sorry I'm saying this but you should really join forces with the Knights..." Lumine suggested

"No, that would be playing right into the hands of the Abyss order, they know full well that we don't exactly see eye to eye, they're using this as a means to force me inton making an appearance, if my identity were exposed all my future activities would be subject to some degree of interference from the Knights, after all, no powerful organization wishes to be outdone by someone from the outside" Diluc explained

"Whew... The Abyss Order has really dealt you a tough hand this time, what a sneaky little bunch those guys are!" Paimon said

"I agree, these guys are gonna get their asses kicked sooner or later!" Rainbow said angrily

"Well, there is a way but for it to work I need some more information" Diluc explained

"Well, whatever it is, we can get that info for you!" Twilight said

"Alright, well, I need to decipher the obscured portions of the Abyss Order's war declaration" Diluc explained

"Obscured portions? You mean the bits Paimon or Twilight can't read?" Paimon asked

"It must be a cipher only understood by members of the Abyss Order used to spread messages within the organization" Diluc explained

"Why would they send you a written message that only they can read?" Lumine asked

"It's not simply a war declaration but also a notification to their own" Diluc explained causing the group to begin looking at him in confusion "When you take a stand that makes you a hero to one party you also become a villain to the other" Diluc explained

"Really? I did not expect that" Twilight said worriedly

"Chillax Twilight, surely it can't be that bad!" Rainbow said

"But I've been the Abyss Order's enemy for so long they've made me the target around where they can rally their troops and unite their strength" Diluc explained

"Yep, it's bad" Rainbow whispered worriedly

"Wow... Seems like it takes a lot of brains to be a superhero huh?" Paimon asked

"I understand my enemy well is all, as the saying goes, heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin" Diluc explained

"Now I'm starting to wonder who the worst enemy is that's closest to me, I do know for a fact Rainbow's opposite is Lightning but thanks to her memories I can't say that out loud" Twilight thought

"So what're we gonna do about the intel that's written in gibberish then? How do we... Ungibberishify it?" Paimon asked

"Simple, when you don't understand something you ask" Diluc explained

"So you're saying we should ask the Abyss Order themselves? Isn't that, like, super impossible?" Rainbow asked

"Yes and I've already tracked down one of their strongholds... If you're interested feel free to come along" Diluc suggested

Diluc then walked off as the group turned to each other

"Okay, I know we had a tough fight with the abyss mages most of the time but as long as we work together we'll be fine" Twilight said

"So you're saying we should off them?" Rainbow asked

"When have I said that?" Twilight asked

"It doesn't matter, sure they might be tough but as long we work together no enemy will be able to knock us down" Lumine said

"Very well, let's go follow Diluc then" Twilight said

The group then walked after Diluc who then led them the way to one of the ruins the group previously went to and when they arrived Diluc turned to them

"This is the place" Diluc explained

"Wasn't this the place one of us went to before?" Twilight asked

"Yes it was" Rainbow answered

"Yep and it was Lisa and you Rainbow" Lumine explained

"And remember, abandoned ruins like these are precisely the kind of place the Abyss Order likes to camp out" Diluc reminded

"Oh I get it now" Twilight realized

"Come on, there's no time to lose" Diluc suggested

The group then entered the abandoned ruin where they then went to the pathways as Rainbow walked in the front with her spear straight up and soon enough the group arrived by some button which caused some slimes to appear

"Hah! Too easy!" Rainbow said

Rainbow then rushed towards a slime and gave it a buck causing her to freeze for a moment while Twilight shook her head in disbelief as she shot some flames at the slimes causing some to melt while Lumine slashed others who didn't have a chance to react causing them all to melt at the end and when that was done they noticed Diluc slowly turning Rainbow back to normal

"I'm not gonna do that again!" Rainbow said

"Be careful next time Rainbow" Diluc said

"Yeah, being cocky wouldn't help you in this world" Twilight said

"Seriously?! I'm never cocky!" Rainbow reminded angrily

"Nevermind that, let's just focus on getting more proof of the 'War Declaration'" Lumine suggested

The group then began walking until they entered the room where an abyss mage was

"Hey you! Why don't you come and face us!" Rainbow ordered

The abyss mage then turned around

"Are you sure that, do I need to remind you guys you couldn't win against us?" The abyss mage asked

"Of course we can! Attack!" Lumine called out

The group then rushed towards the abyss mage who then shielded themselves as Rainbow gave the sphere a few slashes until a laser was shot at her which she quickly dodged causing Diluc to run against the walls before jumping down, ready to give a slash at the abyss mage before it teleported out of the way as a hole appeared which Diluc began to fall towards until he was teleported to safety thanks to Twilight

"Thanks Twilight!" Diluc thanked

Lumine then rushed towards the abyss mage and gave it a hard whack causing the abyss mage to fall through the hole they made before teleporting back up

"Puhuhuhuhu! You can't even beat hem!" The abyss mage reminded

Just then Twilight's Cutie Mark began shining as she looked around only to see Rainbow's butt where the pants were also shining as the two Cutie Marks began spiraling towards the Abyss Mage and shooting lasers

"What's that?!" Lumine asked

"I don't know, maybe Twilight knows!" Rainbow said

"This must be the elements in us to react to our situation, I think it's meaning to say that we are getting closer!" Twilight explained

"I thought we were getting closer already!" Rainbow said

"I think it's not just about getting closer, I think it's about how we're focusing on saving Diluc like it's a Friendship Problem!" Twilight explained

"What kind of f--- You know what, I won't question it!" Rainbow said

The Cutie Marks then began dimming

"Focus! You're nearly breaking the shield!" Diluc called out

"Oh right, our apologies" Twilight said

Twilight and Rainbow then focused before they both nodded and charged before Rainbow threw a spear at the abyss mage while Twilight infused the spear with electricity causing a large explosion causing the shield to break and the room to get covered in dust causing the group to cough before the dust cleared as they saw the abyss mage grunting on the ground and trying to get up as the eyes turned from bright red to just black as the abyss mage turned to the group in worry

"How did you find me here Favonian scums!" The abyss mage asked

"I am no Knight of Favonius" Diluc explained

"But the rest of us are, or technically, they're the honorary Knights of Favonius!" Rainbow explained

"Still, start talking Abyss Mage! Your plan, what is it?" Diluc asked angrily

"I see you received our letter... But if you think I'm going to let you in on our secrets I'm afraid you're quite mistaken!" The Abyss Mage explained

"Hmph, you appear to have misunderstood the situation you are in" Diluc reminded

"Twilight, burn him with your laser!" Lumine ordered

"On it!" Twilight called out

Twilight then shot an large amount of electricity at the Abyss Mage causing it to give a horrifying shriek before Twilight stopped causing the Abyss Mage to drop to the ground and turn to the group in pain

"D-Did you just use an Electro Vision to shoot e-electricity from your horn?!" The Abyss Mage asked, still in pain

"Yes I did and I can continue to do more if you don't listen" Twilight suggested

"N-No, stop, it burns!" The Abyss Mage called out

"Then answer us!" Lumine ordered

"Gh---!" The Abyss Mage grunted, not willing to listen

"Let's see how long it takes for you to crack..." Diluc suggested

"Twilight, shoot another bunch of electricity!" Rainbow suggested

"I'm on it!" Twilight said

Twilight then shot another laser and another as the Abyss Mage continued to bounce up and down with mini shrieks every time

"Stop! Stop! P-Please, the pain--- I beg you... Make it stop!" The Abyss Mage called out in between shrieks

"Then tell us the your plan or I'll do it again!" Twilight ordered

"I'll talk, I'll talk!" The Abyss Mage called out as he struggled to stand up "Ow, ow, ow... P-Please stop! I'll tell you everything!" The Abyss Mage said

"Lumine, take a note please" Twilight suggested

"I'm on it!" Lumine said

Twilight then teleported in a Mondstadian note and pen as Lumine turned to the Abyss Mage, listening to what he's about to say

"Th-The Abyss Order, we've amassed a force bound by a shared hatred for the Darknight Hero, they... They will march on the Mondstadt city gates at 10 PM tomorrow night" The Abyss Mage explained

"Really? Do you know more?" Diluc asked

"That's everything I know... Please... Don't make me suffer those flames again..." The Abyss Mage pleaded

"So that was it? Well, I doubt you'd be foolish enough to keep anything else hidden" Diluc explained

"If you say so Diluc" Twilight explained

Lumine then gave Diluc the note as the group went outside the cave where Diluc turned to them

"Now that I have the information I need I must prepare" Diluc explained

"I will tell the Knights of Favonius about the situation too, I won't mention you though" Rainbow explained

"Good, I would be grateful if you could keep me updated on how the Knights of Favonius respond to this matter" Diluc explained

"Very well, I'll be on my way" Rainbow explained

Rainbow then zoomed away from the group

"We'd better follow after her, right?" Paimon asked

"Yeah, definitely" Lumine agreed

"We better make sure she doesn't tell the secret out loud, sure I may once have made a mistake but I learned from it" Twilight explained

"Then go ahead and come back to me once you're done" Diluc explained

"Yes Master Diluc sir! Anything you say Master Diluc sir!" Paimon called out

"...Why are you acting so strange all of a sudden?" Diluc asked

"In... In light of what just went down here a moment ago... Master Diluc has officially reached No. 1 on Paimon's 'people not to tick off under any circumstances' list..." Paimon explained

"..." Diluc scoffed while looking down in disbelief

Twilight then noticed that it was getting darker

"Anyways, we'd best be going, I still need to get Rainbow to not tell the secret and we need to go get some rest for tomorrow" Twilight explained

Author's Note:

Not a trigger warning or anything but I will say that 'Darknight' is not spelled incorrectly, it's just named that in the game so unless you have proof it's 'Dark Knight' it'll stay like that but for now, enjoy!