• Member Since 27th Jun, 2023
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I'm not the DJ or the guy from EastEnders. I am the brony, skater and the fanfic character one.

Comments ( 45 )

They told me the balefire bombs burned green and bright, but all I see is a giant purple thesaurus looming over the landscape

The only people who have the right to make these types of comments are my friends, we insult each other, we say ugly things to each other, but all for fun. But the thing here is that I have no idea who the hell you are, so how should I interpret your comment? Put yourself in my shoes for a few seconds. Of course, you were bored, you only read the description and that joke came to your head to try to be a clown. So, do that with other people, because with me, I won't tolerate it from someone I don't know.

I read the intro and prologue, and my first impression of it as a writer is that you need to drop the exceedingly flowery language and try to tell your story more concisely. It’s okay to occasionally throw in words that your readers may need to look up in a dictionary, but you’ve gone far beyond that level.

If you accept criticism only from friends, and those friends aren’t willing to offer sincere critique, or themselves do not know enough about writing to do so, then you will never learn anything valuable from them. What you really need is to consult a style guide or two and learn by example of professionally edited works.

Well, I've been writing this way since last year, I think since November, and no one told me anything about my style of narration being too flowery, it's the first time I've received a comment like this. I'll see what I do, since it is difficult to satisfy everyone, since there may be people who like it, people who don't like it.

That's not what I mean, your comment cannot be taken as criticism, you were just trying to be funny, if you really want to give criticism, be serious and point out point by point what is wrong with the story.

Comment posted by Salted Pingas deleted February 17th

Sorry dude, but I'll have to delete your comment.

Original comment: Seriously, though. Bro(ny)'s writing like the Star Wars screen crawl.

Not to mention the cover art looks like it's got ads on it. Aspect ratio making it look like a cheap clickbait ad for malware-infused mobile games.

Reason: Being disrespectful towards my art.

And making the covers takes hours of effort and sweat, so you come here and say those bullshit about mobile games and malware. Because, of course, everyone can pay a commission or draw digitally overnight, according in the alternative world you live in.

11827418 Deletes comment, then reposts comment in the reply :unsuresweetie:

Looks good to me.
So what you're saying is the words are too much for you to understand? Maybe, idk, get a broader vocabulary?

If you put one-tenth the effort into reading comprehension and understanding narrative construction as you put into attempted wit, you might grasp what I meant in about ten years.

Comment posted by sxcbeast deleted February 22nd

I don't think someone with a story that barely cleared double digits should be giving anyone advice about anything to do with writing.
You do know the ads are part of the site, right? You're probably too new to the internet to know that everyone already knows most ads shouldn't be clicked. Even legitimate sites will have bad malware ads, simply bc they pay to have the ad. That's capitalism.

I’d invite you to read To Bellenast, because you might be able to learn something from it... but I wouldn’t want to be a massive waste of your time.

"Mona Lisa," a malevolent nuclear armament poised to unleash untold devastation upon the already ravaged wasteland.

Does this story have any other superweapons named after famous paintings?

The curious dude. :rainbowderp:

I'm not sure, but most likely not. The Mona Lisa literally exists on MLP, and I think it's a cool name, so I said, why not?

This is pretty tame feedback compared to some other shit I've seen. Ya got to grow thicker skin if you're gonna post your work on the internet. Don't let it stop you from writing your story. But you should also try to take comments like this in stride. People might be dicks sometimes but there's usually a bit of truth in their criticisms.

I know bro, I took his feedback into account and tried to strike a balance between being direct and poetic. The story is on hiatus, not because of the criticism, it is the lack of interest in this story, Mona Lisa is very difficult to write because some of my characters have accents (British, Patois, German and several others) and I have to do too much research regarding slangs and common words in those countries, I spend hours on Google Maps, since most cities are pony versions of real cities. It is very difficult to write and not receiving feedback is not very motivating, I want to know what people think of my creative ideas, that's all, but I still plan to continue Mona Lisa, but this story is very physically and emotionally exhausting to write and I want that it is worth the time I spend writing it.

At the start I need to point out that I've read only some parts of the story and skipped over others, just to see if it's a story to my liking. I probably missed some details and you should take this comment with a grain of salt.

First of all this feels like someone took two completely different stories and smashed them together.

The first story is about a Stable Dweller named Stardust Glitter leaving her Stable for the first time to go on a quest in the dangerous Wasteland. A pretty common theme in Fallout:Equestria stories but not necessarily a bad one. We get some glimpses of her life from her birth to the time she leaves the Stable which is a good way to introduce the character to the audience.

One thing I like about the character is how unprepared she's for the dangers of the Wasteland. As soon as she comes across her first monster she panics and has to be saved by another pony. Then her savior turns out be seriously injured and in dire need of medical help and Stardust doesn't know what to do. She's (rightfully) scared about going into an abandoned hospital - which always seem to be deathtraps in Fallout: Equestria stories – full of monsters and only decides to do so after Lollipop passes due to her injuries. There probably should've been a bit less back and forth between Stardust and Lollipop, because it's gets really repetitive, but overall her portrayal as a pony way in over her head works pretty well. Then she enters the hospital and we're suddenly in Silent Hill, rape scene included. We also have pony versions of the Iron Maiden from Resident Evil, which is a pretty cool idea.

However, there are some serious flaws, too. The main character's motivation seems pretty weak. Why does she wants to leave the safety of her Stable and travel through the dangerous Wasteland to Sparkle World? Because she has always been obsessed with the place since her childhood? That's pretty naive but I can buy it as motive. However, her parents and the rest of the Stable should know that this is a really bad idea. This is not a funny little field trip. It's a dangerous journey throughout the Wasteland. So it would make more sense for Stardust to either pull a Littlepip and leave the Stable against the orders of the Overmare or to give her a stronger motivation to go on her journey. Personally I would prefer the later over the former, because it would make her more likable.

Then we have the monster descriptions. Don't tell the readers that a Centaur is a Centaur and an Iron Maiden is an Iron Maiden. Stardust doesn't know that. Just give use a description of the creature and if you have to reveal it's name, have a character like Lollipop tell her how the creatures is called (in case of the Centaur) or have Stardust stumble upon some notes about the creature (in case of the Iron Maiden).
Also please put some trigger warnings before chapters with explicit scenes. Especially if it contains rape or fetishes (like water sport) than aren't everyone's cup of tea. "If you have read other FE fanfics, you will know what I mean." is really, really vague. Especially since there's a wide variate of stories with different levels of violence and sex.

Then there's the second story which feels like it takes place in a different setting. An AU where Blackjack, Glory and Co are actors and PH is just an action-comedy. Now calling PH an action-comedy is as accurate as calling Games of Thrones a romantic comedy. But since in this universe PH is a made-up story, I guess there's less rape, murder, dead foals and gassed Stables.

Of course this also begs the question why any studio would make a radio show about the made-up adventures of a bunch of randos from the Wasteland. That seems as likely as me going to a movie studio and tell them to make a movie about me and my friends being super spies and them actually agreeing.

Overall this part of the story also feel like we suddenly walked into a different setting. Blackjack and Glory live in a city with bars, cars and movie(?) studios. They even have tourist from other countries. There's nothing in the story that makes it feel like it takes place even remotely in the same universe as Stardust's adventure. Glory's chapter amplifies that feeling even more because her helping Little Jacob Rastafarian Zebra taking out a rival gang feels like a GTA mission.

And speaking of Glory: That's not Glory. Her hating Blackjack with a deep burning passion because of Blackjack screwing up is believable and an interesting development. But the rest? She hates her family, except her mom, because her family wants her death which is a stark contrast to how they are portrayed in PH. She doesn't has any medical skills or wants to help others. She's actually into stallions. She gaslights Blackjack – who in this story has none of the combat skills of the original Blackjack, which makes this a bad idea – into murdering ponies she don't like. To put it bluntly: The only thing this character has in common with Glory is her name, color pattern and that she was once friends with Blackjack.
Now Blackjack, on the other hand, still feels like Blackjack. There's the familiar misery, self-loathing and alcohol abuse. Not much to complain about her. And she' comes across as far more sympathetic than Glory.

The rest of the crew is notably absent. Rampage only makes a short cameo appearance and has no lines, despite being a childhood friend of Blackjack and Glory. The others are only mentioned as having moved on to other things with the implication that they are actors. Which is a a shame. Would've been interesting to see this story's take on P-21 (Why would he even have that name in this story?), Scotch, Boo and Lacunae.

So overall this story has potential but there are some serious flaws to hamper my enjoyment. If I could make a few suggestions here's what would recommend:

  • First of all, make it two stories instead of one. A Fallout: Equestria story about Stardust's journey and an AU in a different setting about the PH cast.
  • Give Stardust a better motivation for her journey.
  • Put some trigger warnings before the Chapters that include explicit scenes or gore and warn the people about stuff like rape or fetishes.
  • Make Morning Glory feel like Morning Glory. A jaded, bitter version of her, but one that's still Glory.

Thanks for your comment Perky Ears, I'm glad you took the time to read my story, I suppose you know how difficult it is to write them, I don't have editors or proofreaders, so this whole process becomes even more complicated.

I understand that Stardust's motivation is not the best, but I wanted to start "Family Friendly" by having a simple dream of going to Sparkle World and for the story to become darker as the chapters progressed, then ideas and more began to occur to me. ideas, such as creating realistic and complex versions of other FOE characters such as Blackjack and Morning Glory,

The radio shows try to imitate the dark humor of GTA where I satirize social and political issues (based on those of my country and not USA specifically). It was a creative idea so that my story wouldn't be too dark.

My story handles many protagonists, it does not focus solely on 1, there are 10 protagonists and I have to create arcs with each of them, that is why I cannot focus on just one.

It is also to add variety and so that the story does not feel very similar to others, one day the moment will come where all the protagonists know each other, the story is in a very early phase.

PH is considered an action comedy, because PH can be repetitive and resort to shock value so much, subtracting the impact of the scenes and sometimes coherence to history (such as chapter 33 - 34, which motivated me to stop reading PH, by that I could no longer take it seriously and I could only enjoy it if I read it with the perspective that it is a satire to post-apocalyptic movies and not a serious story)

I wanted to avoid making the same PH mistakes, here I simply make little criticisms towards the original story, but I understand that there are people that like PH despite its flaws.

I know sometimes it feels like a GTA but remember I'm just trying to be original, plus it was fun learning Patois and creating Linus, all the zebras in this story have a Patois and an African accent, it's also to add realism to my story.

I didn't add warnings, because at first I added those scenes for "shock value" (But now they have a impact in the story) to see if people would react and comment, I know it was a dirty move, but when I can I will add warnings, now that I know there are people reading this, I could be more considerate.

I'm glad you took the time to read my story, I suppose you know how difficult it is to write them,

I did write a few (not so great) shorter fanfics but that has been a loooooooooong time ago. At least 20 years. So I would be lying if I claim that I fully understand how much effort it is to write a lengthy fanfic. Still you don't need to be a writer yourself to know that it's a lot of work and that a lack of readers/comments can be disheartening.

I understand that Stardust's motivation is not the best, but I wanted to start "Family Friendly" by having a simple dream of going to Sparkle World and for the story to become darker as the chapters progressed

Stardust already had a mental breakdown and was raped by a Centaur in Chapter 6. So that got real, dark real quick. Why not have a gradual introduction to the horrors of Wasteland? Start with the character being forced to kill a Raider and having to deal with the fact that she just killed another pony. Or have her come across some gruesomely disfigured corpses. Introduce the horror slowly instead of having her raped as soon as she entered the first place outside of her Stable.

then ideas and more began to occur to me. ideas, such as creating realistic and complex versions of other FOE characters such as Blackjack and Morning Glory,

Spontaneously adding new ideas to your story can work and improve a story, but it's has to fit in. And sadly right now it feels like Stardust is over there in the Fallout: Equestria universe, while Glory and BJ are two dimensions to the left in the GTA universe. Not saying it can't work but right now it truly feels like two different stories in two different settings.

The radio shows try to imitate the dark humor of GTA where I satirize social and political issues

Yeah I got strong GTA vibes from them. The Power Ponies show immediately reminded me of Kung Fu Rainbow Lazer Force.

I'm just trying to be original, plus it was fun learning Patois and creating Linus, all the zebras in this story have a Patois and an African accent

I was never really a fan of the fandom portraying Zebras as black people. So Fallout: Equestria making them Romans with shamanism and Homelands fleshing them out even more by splitting them into 13 different tribes felt like a breath of fresh air to me. But that's just my personal preference.


Stardust already had a mental breakdown and was raped by a Centaur in Chapter 6. So that got real, dark real quick. Why not have a gradual introduction to the horrors of Wasteland? Start with the character being forced to kill a Raider and having to deal with the fact that she just killed another pony. Or have her come across some gruesomely disfigured corpses. Introduce the horror slowly instead of having her raped as soon as she entered the first place outside of her Stable.

At that time, I was frustrated that no one commented before I planned to write that chapter. I thought that people wanted more gore, violence, and dark moments like that, but I also tried to show the emotional consequences for the characters, in this case, like the mental breakdown of Stardust.

My story has dark moments, but they were very few, and I tried not to go overboard with them by using it all the time, so I decided to raise the level a little.

And I think I exaggerated a little with her, I mean, it was just Stardust's first day outside the Stable, and she was already trapped in space, she was raped, she is traumatized, she was swimming in a sea of menstruation, all that in the first day. :rainbowderp:

Therefore, I am going to lower the level a little, because I don't want people to say that my story is a "Project Horizons wannabe"

Spontaneously adding new ideas to your story can work and improve a story, but it's has to fit in. And sadly right now it feels like Stardust is over there in the Fallout: Equestria universe, while Glory and BJ are two dimensions to the left in the GTA universe. Not saying it can't work but right now it truly feels like two different stories in two different settings.

I understand why you think that; I think it hadn't been mentioned yet, but not all cities in Equestria were bombed; some are more habitable than others, and in those cities entertainment things are produced, such as radio shows, TV shows, and other goods.
The Stardust and Lollipop sides retain the typical essence of "exploring the wasteland," while the Morning Glory and BJ sides are more action-oriented and show life in livable cities.

At least I'm glad that for now, there are no contradictions or inconsistencies in the plot, that has me a little worried, mainly because of my condition, I tend to forget many things, I even forget the names of my characters and I have to read the chapters again to remember. :twilightsheepish:

You know I found this story interesting but then the first comment I saw included rape and I knew this story wasn't for me

Sorry bro, I knew what I was getting into by including rape in this story, it's a serious and disturbing topic, I'm sorry it makes you deeply uncomfortable, but I hope you're interested in another of my stories.

No additional story content in this chapter, just a bit of world building. The Moonshadow Resonance is probably going to play an important role in future.

And there are rumors that these cosmic rays can give you new fetishes. Random fetishes to be specific because there doesn't seem to be any relation between the ones listed. Since there already has been a sex scene involing water sports and urophilia being among the fetishes listed, I worry that the rumors are true. Because comsic rays that give you random fetishes sound really stupid.

It's a complex topic. The Moonshadow Resonance is basically a pony version of the "Schumann Resonance." Not only was it a matter of taking this concept and translating it into my story, I had to find a way to fit it with MLP. Now, the Schumann resonances are electromagnetic vibrations that occur in the cavity formed between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere at a frequency of 7.83 Hz (basically the same as the Moonshadow Resonance). Some scientists say that this frequency can influence human behavior and that there is a connection between the human brain rhythm and this frequency.

This frequency cannot be altered because it is said that it could have negative effects on us. Of course, in real life, these frequencies cannot affect us in any way, and they are just pure theories. But, in my story, it is basically what would happen if these frequencies could affect us both physically and mentally. The resonances do not give you random fetishes; the individual must have an interest in or taste for that fetish, and the resonance intensifies the desire to carry out these fetishes in real life. Not only fetishes but also dark fantasies or behaviors that you would like to carry out but cannot because it would be unacceptable in society, resonance intensifies those desires.

Also, to clarify, the resonance does not control minds or anything; all ponies still have free will; it is up to each one if they decide to surrender to their desires or fight against them. I had to find a way to explain this in the simplest way possible. I had to oversimplify the concept of resonance because I wanted it to be accessible to everyone and not make my story more complex than it already is. I hope this has resolved any doubts. I think my fanfic is the first to implement this concept, and I hope it is interesting for everyone. :twilightblush:

For example, Blackjack's nymphomania is due to an experience that she had a long time ago; this will be explained in detail in an future episode, so with the altered frequency and the electromagnetic alterations, Blackjack is sensitive to them (some ponies are more sensitive to them than others; it depends on several factors such as their mental state, genetics, etc.). Sometimes she gives in to her nymphomania; that's why she was fighting not to get horny when she was talking to Candy in chapter 7.

If Stardust don't come, I'll have to do somethin' on my own. There's gotta be somethin' in this house I can use to dig them bullets outta my body.

For some supposedly dangerous bullet wounds they really take a long time killing her. I guess they don't hit any arteries or other vital organs.

If it gets dark, if night comes, I know I’ll die from blood loss.

Not a doctor so I don't know how long it takes to die from blood loss but I asumme that if there's an dangerous open wound it happens a lot faster than in this story.
Also if Baltimare still has a large area where the pre-war infrastructure is intact, why did Lollipop sent Stardust to anabandoned hospital that could be full of dangerous creatures? Wouldn't it make more sense to send her to Baltimare and get a doctor or at least some medicine from a pharmacy?

"You can't imagine everything that happened to me in that bleedin' hospital..." Her voice was breaking as she spoke, and she looked down at her front hooves with glassy eyes.

At this point I'm going to question why she still wants to go to Sparkle World. If I was leaving my apocalypse shelter because I want to go to Disney World (which is almost certainly now longer open) and then notice that the road is full of monsters and bandits I probably would reconsider my priorities. And in the unlikely case I would still press on and get raped by one of said monsters, going to Disney World would certainly no longer be my top priority. But okay maybe Stardust is really stubborn and decided that if she quiets now, everything she had been through would be for nothing.

Believe me, you got a whole lot to learn. That there's just a smidge of how tough it is out here in the wasteland. But hey, the trip to Sparkle-World oughta give ya a taste.

I feel she should rather try to convince Stardust to go back to her Stable where it's save. Again this is not a quest to find a water chip/ father/son/the mare you have a crush on.

"Alright, Stardust, you can start pullin' out them bullets. Begin with the one in my upper arm,"

Arm? The characters aren't Anthros, so it should be hooves instead. That's a mistake you made a few times in this part.

"Think that's enough water, bandage the wound and press it with your hoof,"

Don't these wounds need to be stitched? Because otherwise they would continue bleeding?
I'm also assuming that Healing Potions don't exist in this story. I like this choice because it means the characters can just gulp down healing potions after getting shoot and being as good as new.

He's a pegasus from the Ataly enclave, and him and his crew, the 'Divine Sons', they control a slew of outfits. Some of 'em are slavers, which ain't no surprise, 'cause the wasteland's crawling with 'em.

Isn't the Enclave a faction of isolationists? Why would one of them getting involved in the Slave Trade? They don't want any None-Enclave ponies in their could cities. Any they don't have much use for surface money, either.

I caught sight of Sniper Husky with a young filly. She treated the filly like she was her lover, kissin' her and touchin' her in ways that just ain't right. And get this, they live together. Sniper Husky's got a white coat, a yellow mane, light blue eyes, and her Cutie Mark's a pony skull with bat wings.

Sniper Husky is a really weird name for a pony. Sounds more a code name for a character form Metal Gear Solid. Why not give her a name that's more fitting? Especially since she doesn't have anything in common with Sniper Wolf (who probably inspired the name) from the games.
Oh and they part where you described what the character did and how she looks felt unnecessary and redundant. The readers are going see the part where she's molesting the foal in a few sentences. There's no need to tell us about it beforehand. Just have Lollipop mention that her group is working with Rifle Bulldog and maybe that there's something creepy about her. That makes the scene with the foal more effective because it catches the readers off guard.

I'm a lesbian, Mom, deal with it. No grandfoals for you.

Since overpopulation is a problem for the Enclave, they shouldn't have problem with homosexual couples. Probably even encouraging it. Besides being in a same-sex relationship doesn't means no grandchildren. Adoption is still an option.

"Si tu fais ce que je te dis, I promise I will be gentler. Sometimes I lose le contrôle, but I don't do it because I want to see you suffer. It's because I really love you," Sniper Husky said, positionin' herself on top of the filly.

That's a surprisingly realistic and scary portrayal of a groomer. And more scary than Pistole Poddle just being your run-of-the-mill rapist who keeps his victims chained up in some basement. Her using emotional manipulations into tricking her victims into doing it willingly is a whole nother level of creepy.
Also giving the pedophile a french accent is a really bad choice full of unfortunate implications and stereotypes.

"Have you heard about the Stable Dweller who was found dead in Frence? Elle came to my house to try to kill me, elle discovered that I like sleeping with foals. Do you know what happened to elle after I defeated that connasse? I raped her, une demi-heure. When I got bored of her pussy, I shot her in the head. Then I used her body to feed my huskies,"

Okay that's just over the top. She felt way more grounded and realistic when she had been just abusing and manipulating foals. That lines turns her into a cartoonishly evil bad guy.
As I said before: The story has potential but there's still lots of room for improvement.
I do like Lollipop's backstory and the whole scene with Shotgun Doberman was a great. Her realizing what kind of horrible pony she is and that her “superior” doesn't care, forcing Lollipop to take matters into her one hooves is a great plotline. And with Crimson Flash we have a potential future villain wanting to avenge Machine Gun Mastiff. Maybe this is even connected to the Moonshadow Resonance mentioned before and the reason why she gave into her dark urges and decided to molest a foal.
However, one big flaw in the story is that a lot of things are mentioned multiple times in the same part. I've already mentioned one such part when I talked about the scene with Bazooka Terrier. But there's another one at the beginning of the story when she monologues about her exile from the Enclave only to tell Stardust the same story again. Telling the readers once is more than enough.

It's good to read your comments, dude. The funny thing is that when I release a chapter, I say, Bro, this is going to be perfect. I had even already put on my tuxedo and brought a Coca-Cola (I don't drink alcohol) to celebrate that the story at least has one reader, and when I read your comments, my stories have more flaws than I thought. LMAO

Not a doctor so I don't know how long it takes to die from blood loss but I asumme that if there's an dangerous open wound it happens a lot faster than in this story.
Also if Baltimare still has a large area where the pre-war infrastructure is intact, why did Lollipop sent Stardust to anabandoned hospital that could be full of dangerous creatures? Wouldn't it make more sense to send her to Baltimare and get a doctor or at least some medicine from a pharmacy?

Die until night depends on several factors, and I didn't want to overwhelm if I went into a lot of medical details. I tried to keep it simple and realistic; if those wounds are not treated in time, Lollipop could die at night, plus it has not been specified since Lollipop escaped from Meteora.

The area where they are is completely desolate, and there are no "livable towns nearby." As usually happens in the Fallout games, the closest thing there was to medical supplies was that hospital, and I took the real city of Baltimore as a guide. In the neighborhood where Lollipop and Stardust are staying, there is no clinic in that area. (I use Google Maps and try to be consistent with the places; I don't know if I'm complicating myself with that.)

I feel she should rather try to convince Stardust to go back to her Stable where it's save. Again this is not a quest to find a water chip/ father/son/the mare you have a crush on.

Stardust has been training for years to be able to go to Sparkle-World, so let's just say she's not going to give up that easily, especially after surviving a hospital in space.

I was going to try to go deeper into this in this chapter, but then the chapter was going to be very long with the backstory of Lollipop—more than 30k words for a chapter. I don't think it would be a good idea. This story is very detailed, but I also want my story to be accessible and not scare anyone when they see that there are chapters with more than 30k + 40k words.

Arm? The characters aren't Anthros, so it should be hooves instead. That's a mistake you made a few times in this part.

That is completely true, I was wrong (I am not an expert in equine anatomy) I was guiding myself with an image that was published in Equestria Daily that showed every part of the ponies, and there was one called Upper Arm, I don't know if was I that got confused, but I meant the "hock"

Don't these wounds need to be stitched? Because otherwise they would continue bleeding?
I'm also assuming that Healing Potions don't exist in this story. I like this choice because it means the characters can just gulp down healing potions after getting shoot and being as good as new.

It would have been more beneficial, I won't deny it, but in the story it is mentioned that they are limited in resources and Stardust is not a doctor. It would have been dangerous for Lollipop if Stardust tried to suture her without having basic knowledge and necessary training; it would only worsen the wound by infecting it, damaging blood vessels and tissues.

Healing potions exist; there is a combination between traditional and magical processes. It would have been very convenient for Stardust to find a healing position in the hospital. I try to avoid convenience as much as possible and create credible situations. The potions could serve to not affect the pace of the story because searching for medical supplies every time a protagonist is injured could lengthen the story unnecessarily and make it repetitive.

Isn't the Enclave a faction of isolationists? Why would one of them getting involved in the Slave Trade? They don't want any None-Enclave ponies in their could cities. Any they don't have much use for surface money, either.

Not all enclaves work in the same way; each one operates differently. The enclave of "Ataly" is more of "freedom." I mean, the pegasi of that city have more freedoms of being on the surface and less isolation in comparison to Meteora. Not much is explained about Ataly because Lollipop does not know how they operate.

This was the problem of including too many cities and places, since, to be honest, most of the places are based on real-life cities that I would like to visit (Manchester, Germany, Baltimore, etc.).
It would be logical for each city or country to have its own enclave, but that would be going into too much detail. I will only focus on the most important enclaves.

Sniper Husky is a really weird name for a pony. Sounds more a code name for a character form Metal Gear Solid. Why not give her a name that's more fitting? Especially since she doesn't have anything in common with Sniper Wolf (who probably inspired the name) from the games.
Oh and they part where you described what the character did and how she looks felt unnecessary and redundant. The readers are going see the part where she's molesting the foal in a few sentences. There's no need to tell us about it beforehand. Just have Lollipop mention that her group is working with Rifle Bulldog and maybe that there's something creepy about her. That makes the scene with the foal more effective because it catches the readers off guard.

That's not her real name; she changed it, although you're right in saying that I based it on Sniper Wolf to create her. (I see that you are a man of culture.)

Sniper is because she is considered the deadliest sniper in the entire wasteland, and Husky is because she has a strong emotional connection with them (and they are my favorite breed of dog).

I described her appearance because I have a small hope that one day people will make fan art of my characters, and I want people to draw them exactly as I'm describing them, or I don't know if you mean something else, like describing her appearance as Lollipop talks to Sniper. Do you mean that?

I had forgotten that I had already mentioned it before, I have mad skills to forget things, I fixed it in a moment.

Okay that's just over the top. She felt way more grounded and realistic when she had been just abusing and manipulating foals. That lines turns her into a cartoonishly evil bad guy.

That was not my intention with that dialogue. It was more a criticism of the trope that a stable dweller is always the one who has to save the day (Stardust is not a hero); I didn't write it so that everyone could see how creepy Sniper is, it was also because the dialogue was a way of intimidation to make Lollipop not interfere, and what she does with her victims, plus she doesn't act that way just because Andy says so, there's a reason.

Also, did you know that Seren is a character from another Fallout Equestria that was canceled? That's why Sniper killed her LMAO. I like adding characters from other FOE; it's like creating my own canon.

I'm glad you're liking this story. I'm doing my best with the few resources I have. Although managing an ambitious story written by a single person (I don't justify the flaws it has), I'm still striving to make this story as perfect as possible. :coolphoto:

Healing potions exist; there is a combination between traditional and magical processes. It would have been very convenient for Stardust to find a healing position in the hospital. I try to avoid convenience as much as possible and create credible situations.

If there's a place I would expect to have Healing Potions it would be a hospital. They probably have a whole supply closet of them for emergency. Doesn't mean they would be still there after 200 years. Could've been stolen or destroyed but if they exist were a available to the general public a hospital should've Healing Potions.

I described her appearance because I have a small hope that one day people will make fan art of my characters, and I want people to draw them exactly as I'm describing them, or I don't know if you mean something else, like describing her appearance as Lollipop talks to Sniper.

Useless she going to turn out to be the main antagonist I doubt you're going to see much fan art of Carbine Labrador. I mean look at the fanart for Fallout: Equestria. It's mostly of Little Pip, followed by her friends and the main baddy Red Eye. Same with Project Horizons except there's no real main baddy to make fanart off. In general side characters don't really get much fan art. If people draw one of your main characters that's already a reason to celebrate.

I'm mostly talking about that part here:

Sniper Husky's got a white coat, a yellow mane, light blue eyes, and her Cutie Mark's a pony skull with bat wings.

Since she showed up shortly afterward I basically would remove that part and describe how she looks when Lollipop (and the readers) meet her in the story.

That was not my intention with that dialogue. It was more a criticism of the trope that a stable dweller is always the one who has to save the day (Stardust is not a hero); I didn't write it so that everyone could see how creepy Sniper is, it was also because the dialogue was a way of intimidation to make Lollipop not interfere

Still was a bit overkill. A simple "Last guy who put his nose into my business got feed to my dogs!" Would've been more than enough for her to make her point. And they creepy part is already pretty obvious with her grooming a foal.

And yeah the bad ass Stable Dweller hero is a common theme in this stories. Which is why I like that Scotch in Homelands isn't another bad ass fight but someone who's really good a city planning and that the stories allows her to use these skills. Likewise I enjoy that Stardust isn't just an action mare but mare way in over her head. That said I think what she did was pretty heroic. Despite being scared shitless and having Blackjack levels of bad stuff happen to her on her first day outside, she managed to pull through and brought back the medical supplies to save Lollipop. Being a hero is not just killing tons of Raiders.

Also, did you know that Seren is a character from another Fallout Equestria that was canceled? That's why Sniper killed her LMAO. I like adding characters from other FOE; it's like creating my own canon.

So you had the main protagonist of another story getting raped and murderer by a side character. Not sure what to think about that.
Note to myself: If I'm ever going to write my own Fallout: Equestria story, never tell AndyHunter about it. :trollestia:

Huh, so there was another FoE fic taking place in Baltimare, interesting 🤔

I am trying my best to read through this fic, and as I read, I couldn't help but notice a small translation mistake in this chapter: When the characters speak in Spanish, you used the word "pelotudo" which is male, when the correct gender for that context would've been "pelotuda".

There are many other minor mistakes in the writing, but the translation error stuck out like a sore thumb and feels a little too tokenistic.

After finishing this chapter, I simply cannot continue reading.

I could look past the flimsy motivations, the excessively flowery language, the many disregarded writing conventions, and even the grammar mistakes, but this dialogue is simply too much. If you are trying to have it sound natural in any capacity, it fails. If you're trying to go for a more poetic style, then it clashes too heavily with the rest of the fic being written like a normal story.

Furthermore, taking characters from other people's work and twisting them the way you have done in this chapter is already iffy, but acting like your rewrite is better because they "Act like real people" and are more "complex" is disrespectful to say the least.

Wait, let me read the scene again, I don't remember anything I wrote in this chapter.

Ah done, they were talking about a guy who Stardust doesn't like, he just doesn't appear physically yet, I still have the episode completely dedicated to Stable 50, but I haven't started writing it yet but as the chapters progressed I came up with more ideas to make my FOE more unique. At first it was just not to create another Stable Mary Sue and add satire of society like GTA in the radio in some chapters. I think that as the chapters progress, these innovative ideas become more noticeable.

So Pelotudo is correct, Starry is a male character.

Comment posted by Rusty_Kettle deleted June 3rd

I see, my apologies. I believed they were referring to a different character, and didn't realize that the one they were actually referring to was a male.

(Apologies for deleting and reposting my comment, I had posted it in the incorrect chapter)

That's why the first chapters don't convince me too much, from chapter 5 I think, I realized that my FOE was becoming just another one of the bunch and that those two ideas wouldn't be enough and I said "Fuck that, originality is key" and from chapter 6 or 7 I think I changed my focus to an emo, philosophical, deep, realistic story, inspired by The Matrix + Requiem For a Dream + Silent Hill, Session 9.

That's why the first chapters and the last ones that I have released can feel like the story takes a 180 degree turn so to speak, I was just looking to make my story more original. FOE can be much more than an adventure in a post-apocalyptic world action, gore and sex, with chapter 10 that is more than demonstrated and I feel proud of what I have built.

Now, I don't know when I said that my rewrites were better than the originals, that's completely subjective, the fact that my rewrites defy expectations of what someone would expect from seeing other FOE characters in other stories, doesn't make it a lack of respect. I knew what I was doing, there are many people who have a lot of appreciation towards these characters that they would even put them on an altar and anything that does not align with what those characters should be, they are going to attack you and discredit you (Cof Cof My Littlepip One-shot Cof Cof)

I guess that's how you found my story. If people see it as an attack that doesn't depend on me, this is what fanfiction is about, anyone can take a work and reinterpret it according to your visions as an author, I don't have to satisfy anyone by making these characters glorified because this doesn't fit into my story and I have fun reinterpreting them because most of them are reflections of who the author would like to be (Sometimes thank to this it ruined my experience reading their stories) Something I don't do in this story, not even with Stardust.

People can take my characters and make fun of them and make them suffer if they want, I couldn't care less, and I even would appreciate it because I would basically be giving more attention to my story.

The ideas weren't really what took me out of it, it was the writing style as a whole. The dialogue is extremely stiff, and the prose is unconventional, but not in a good way. Some things, like changing styles mid-chapter from literary writing to radio play, are jarring for the reader.

As for the rewrites, the descriptions of your spin-off fics are always punctuated by a paragraph where you clarify that it is your interpretation of the character, where they act more like a "real person". This reads as you claiming you can do better than the original creator.

I found your story by randomly browsing the "recently uploaded" section of the fallout tag, and took a special interest in it because it took place in Baltimare, much like my own. I don't have a problem with rewriting other people's characters, what irks me is the insistence on your version being "more realistic". Keeping a character in-character is not glorifying them, it is simply following along with what the previous author set down. Regardless, the warping of Somber's characters is an issue, but it pales in comparison to the other issues this fic has.

With all due respect, I recommend a rewrite, at least of the first couple chapters. And either getting a proofreader or giving chapters an extra couple rounds of polish before posting them.

What you are saying is completely subjective, that can vary from the reader, I was thinking about having an editor or proofreaders, because I really want my story to be perfect, but my condition (ADHD) would make it very difficult to work with me, because I get distracted too easily when I write and I can't concentrate without doing other things, that's why I don't remember anything that happens in the first chapters. I even forget my characters' names LMAO

What I mean by acting like real people is that sometimes the characters say dialogue so absurd and ridiculous that it took me out of the story, even by MLP standards, mostly emphasizing the sexual ones. For example this dialogue from Blackjack

Blackjack: So, am I going to grow tentacles? A third eye? A penis? Eye tentacle penises?"

For some people this may be the pinnacle of comedy, but for me... This was my face of reaction when I read that: :ajbemused:

I don't see the fun in it, this is what I mean, dialogues like these do not exist in my story, of course this can vary, depending on who you ask but not to me.
Obviously I want to emphasize what my story could highlight, that the characters act in a less exaggerated way.

These dialogues would not fit into a story like mine, that's why there are radios, because you are commenting on the chapter where Blackjack and Glory are barely mentioned and in later chapters they become important characters in this story, the entire radio show It was a satire on the Mary Sue trope, I would tell you to read the ones where BJ and Glory are the main characters and their chapters are more serious, but since you stopped reading, now you are left wondering how they REALLY are potrayed.

I was planning to rewrite the first chapters, but I will do that later, at this moment I have no motivation to modify them, if they are going to have changes, because honestly, I don't know how many changes there would be.

Proofreaders don't need to "work with you" directly. My proofreaders simply have commentator access to my WIPs and leave suggestions or point out errors for me to correct or consider at my own pace.

I don't hold up Somber's writing as the best thing ever created, because it is not. I am not fond of egregious sexual content where it doesn't belong. I simply cannot make peace with the characters being drastically rewritten in this manner. And while I would be interested in reading further, the way in which you write dialogue makes this a pretty tough read.

I understand, I don't really know how working with other people would be, since I started writing I've done everything myself, and let's say that in the fandom I don't have friends, connections, or anyone to give me a hand. I have to do everything myself, plus I had asked for help in the editors group, but it seems to be inactive because no one responded, so I am completely alone in this project, a shame for an FOE as unique as this, even my current chapters still have flaws, although not as serious as the first chapters, as I already mentioned, nor do they convince me now that I have become more ambitious for this story, because really, my FOE would not stand out at all if I continued writing like the first chapters.

I don't know if I will even have editors and the potential of this story will never be reached, if no one wants to collaborate that is completely out of my hands and leaves me without options.

Author's Note:
Warning ⚠️: This episode could change your perception of how you read Project Horizons & Homelands

Wow, that sounds pretty arrogant.
Now did it change my perception of Project Horizons and Homelands? No, not really. Just like Cupcakes didn't change my perception of Pinkie Pie.
Also a proper warning about some mild water sports would've been far more useful than this self-praising.

So the first part of the story has Blackjack being madly in love with Candy. A mare she has met just yesterday. Would it make sense for canon Blackjack? Probably not. Somber said she falls in love easily but it still need more than a one-night stand for that to happen. But it's clear that this version of Blackjack is not in a good head space and desperately craving for love and attention. So it makes sense that this Blackjack believes herself to be in love and wants to spend the rest of her live with her, even if it's not a good idea.

Candy, however, is also fully on-board with that. Sure she says that she wants to go on a proper date with Blackjack but she also talks about eventually moving in with Blackjack. Again, after they know each other for about one day. Now maybe Candy is also bad at forming last relationships or maybe this is a side effect of the Moonshadow Resonance. But part of me worries that the story really is going to set up Candy and Blackjack as a couple and thinks that little dialogue is enough to justify them being in love. It's not as bad as Stygius and Whisper from PH, who immediatly fell in love after bumping into each other, but it's not much better either.

Thankfully it gets better in the next part where Blackjack is suddenly sucked into the first version of PH she came up with when she was a child. No explanation is provided for why it did happen but it's at least interesting to read. A world that looks like crayon-drawing, a boss fight with a tree monster, a narrator that hypes up the story: That's all stuff a small child would come up with. And Lacunae being an Alicorn because child Blackjack though Alicorns are cool and wanted to be friend with one makes sense. That said, wasn't it mentioned in an earlier chapter that her friends are real. Can't find the sentence but I could've sworn the story mentioned her as one of Blackjack's friends who moved away. So is there a real Lacunae or not?

And there are the parts involving urine. Probably because both Blackjack and Candy are kinda embarrassed about it. Yet it didn't really add anything new to the story. We already know that Blackjack is grossed out about it, you don't need to tell us again. You know what would've been interesting? Focusing on the fetish Blackjack has in canon: Bondage. Part of the reason why canon Blackjack likes it, is because she thinks she deserves to be punished for all her failures. That's already a pretty unhealthy mindset. Now add in a cosmic ray that increases your secret urges and dark impulses and you could've a Blackjack who could seriously injured herself during bondage. Overcoming that, maybe with the help of Candy, could make a good story.

Then there's Deus who's a cat in this story, because that was the first version of him child Blackjack came up with. Bit of a shame, because a talking tank in a tree could've been cool. Also not sure why Blackjack has such a negative opinion of him considering what happens later in Project Horizons. She knows Deus, she created him and gave him a (sort of) sympathetic backstory and forgave him.

And this Deus gives her the option to make Project Horizons real. A classic temptation albeit anyone would be pretty stupid to accept this temptation. As Blackjack rightfully pointed out, PH being real would mean her mother and her friends dying and Blackjack getting mutilated, raped and a lot of other nasty stuff. No sane person would accept this offer.

So overall this chapter had some good ideas, but sadly there's a lot of stuff that could've been better. Especially the romance between Blackjack and Candy.

By that warning I meant that if a person reads this and then reads Project Horizons, the way it is read could change, then I have people sending me death threats privately, like "What? Now I can't read PH without thinking that everything Blackjack experiences isn't real, thanks to a idiot called Andy."
All I want is to avoid more controversies, because I'm already fucking sick of that.

Funny that you see it as arrogant and self praising, because with this story I have very low expectations ( I lost two potential readers and other that just disappeared, I don't have friends who can help me with this story, the covert is a recolor of another fanart that I modified using Photoshop because the one I had done before was 'hard to take seriously', Stardust is a recolor of Lyra, Mona Lisa wiki is empty, I'll probably have to fill it out myself, I talked to a guy to make a summary of the Mona Lisa episodes on YouTube, guy never responded, but he's still active on his channel, so he basically ignored me, my story was isolated from the Spanish MLP fandom because it is not part of the Big 5, the wallpaper on my Laptop is another fan art that I modified by changing colors, putting logos and my name, so that every time I turn on my laptop, I can have some motivation) not only with my story but with all my talents and my worth as a person.

The place where I can be "Arrogant" is in my head where I imagine people praising my stories and telling me how good I am, a mechanism that I have used to keep myself motivated to continue writing, not only with writing, but also with Skateboarding when I do a trick and I do it well, I imagine conversations in my head of people telling me "That was sick man!" because no one shares that taste for the sport the same as me, making me feel isolated.

For lonely people that can happen, at the slightest sign of affection that someone gives you, you will fall in love, that has happened to me and it happens to many people with low self-esteem, basically Candy and Blackjack's relationship is similar to when I was in a relationship with my second girlfriend, I fell in love with her extremely quickly, because she only told me that I was cute, no one has ever told me that before and that made me feel a little more valuable. I'm not used to receiving compliments or people telling me I'm good at something, I'm not used to that at all.
When my friends tell me I'm good at Mario Kart DS, it's enough to make me happy.

Blackjack's friends are real, but they separated and each one take their own path when the last episode of PH was released. The world where Blackjack is, a force that is still unknown, took her to that place, it is the same phenomenon that Stardust experienced when she was in the hospital, sometimes the characters are transported to a world where they face their fears, traumas and the limit of their sanity are tested (Depends on who is send), when I discovered about Lovecraftian horror, I wanted to explore it in my story and create surreal scenarios, the Lacunae that appears is just a manifestation of Blackjack's memories when she was a filly, Lacunae explains it, she is a creation of Blackjack, she is not the real one, the real one is still living her life.

Choosing Project Horizons has its pros, and it is simple, you will not be alone and it feels like the world revolves around you, yes you will suffer a lot, but you will always be supported by your friends and in the wasteland you are considered a admirable figure, that is explained in the same chapter, we even have dudes like the harbinguers who chase Blackjack for arbitrary reasons, they make a caricature of you along with Littlepip and Puppy Smiles, you are a descendant of one of the Mane 6, you know how to play a instrument, I think Blackjack is given a house, I think it was called Star House, you can easily seduce your enemies since you are very attractive, you have adventures with alicorns with your hero Littlepip, you have a entire family behind you, and a town looking your attention and the ponies will like you in no time. You think this happens in Mona Lisa? Not at all.
There would be people who would prefer PH to be real, why do you think people really like Blackjack and identify with her? Because they see her as someone they want to be, these people also want to be highly loved, to be someone badass, to be a hero, to be an influential figure, desires of lonely people.

Of course your mother and your friend are still alive in the real world but to the rest of the world, you are nobody, nobody knows who you are, you are invisible to others.
In bars no one sits next to you and sometimes you feel like people are avoiding you on purpose, but in reality it's just that they don't know you and aren't interested in knowing about you.
If Blackjack suffers a mental breakdown in Mona Lisa while she is completely alone, without any kind of support, what do you think would happen?
Besides that in Mona Lisa, if you die, you have already died and there is no way to revive, now PH looks more tempting, doesn't it?

I thought clearly when I was writing this chapter and what a difficult decision it would be to live in a lonely world or a world where you are the center of attention but in return you are going to suffer a lot.

About bondage I wouldn't know what to tell you, watersports were to explore when you accidentally get involved in something as taboo as that, add that you feel completely isolated from the world and there is only 1 person who feels a minimum of affection towards you, Blackjack was forcing herself to want to be a part of something like that, because she is alone and wants to have a deeper connection with Candy, this is also common in lonely people, they force themselves to do things they don't like simply to please someone.
I also have to explore this in depth and not leave it adrift because later, that whole scene, it will be seen that I added it just because I wanted to be "disgusting" without any purpose beyond that.

Now Bondage could be for that same reason to punish herself for her mistakes, especially for wanting Project Horizons to be totally about her and causing her friends to separate from her, she was very self-centered (This try to explain why she has excessive prominence in the original PH)

Trying to portray Blackjack 100% canon is difficult, especially in this context where she is a nobody, I always found it interesting what would happen if Blackjack didn't have nearly the attention she has in PH, that's why I've had to take some liberties and theorize how would she act in a scenario like this.
(Before, in fact, I was going to take the ending of PH to put it together in the context of my story, but that ending, when I read what the ending was like where Blackjack is on the Moon with Littlepip, I couldn't help but laugh, because it's basically 'I want my OC to be with the other OC that I like' and no one says anything about this, if I had done something like this with Stardust in my story, I would receive more daily insults and who knows, messages from people wanting to kill me, but ok, I'm not going to discuss that LMAO, so I had to improvise and find a way to introduce Blackjack without the PH events and not make her OP but at the same time that It makes sense) If I had taken PH's ending, Blackjack would act in the same way as she does in PH, but it would take away coherence from my story, and with the large amount of skills she has, she would beat anyone in one fell swoop, and I don't want that, there are ten protagonists in this story and I want all of them to have their moments.

Blackjack and Candy's romance will be explored more in depth in another chapter, they are not a couple yet, Blackjack sometimes considers her a "marefriend", to feel better about herself and feel that she already has a meaningful connection with her, that is very typical on lonely people, I write it based on my own experiences as someone very lonely.


By that warning I meant that if a person reads this and then reads Project Horizons, the way it is read could change, then I have people sending me death threats privately, like "What? Now I can't read PH without thinking that everything Blackjack experiences isn't real, thanks to a idiot called Andy."

It's hard to imagine that people get that upset abouta fanfic of a fanfic of a fanfic. If I would write a story where Blackjack is actually a patient in an asylum just making things up, that does meant it's canon for the original PH. But I guess some people are just assholes who have nothing better to do than sending death threats.

yes you will suffer a lot, but you will always be supported by your friends

You get maimed, raped killed and suffer several mental breakdowns that result in you hurting others. Still sounds like a bad deal even with friends to support you.

in the wasteland you are considered a admirable figure

There are still several people who hated people. And I'm not talking about villains. Not to mention the people who believe she isn't even real. On Zebra library in Homelands even called her a cheap copy of the story of the Lightbringer.

the covert is a recolor of another fanart that I modified using Photoshop because the one I had done before was 'hard to take seriously', Stardust is a recolor of Lyra,

Don't think the cover is a big issue. Having a cover is always better than none and most people don't look that closely. Didn't even realize it was recolor of Lyra until you mentioned it. But if you want a good cover art, you probably need to commission an artist. Plenty of talented people out there who offer doing omissions, albeit that costs money. And it's no grantee that you'll get more viewers.

Mona Lisa wiki is empty

Instead of making your own wiki I would just create a page on the Fallout: Equestria wiki. Less work and it may attract more readers.

The place where I can be "Arrogant" is in my head where I imagine people praising my stories and telling me how good I am, a mechanism that I have used to keep myself motivated to continue writing

It' always good to find a way to motivate yourself.
But it's also important to keep writing and taking critic to heart. Not every critic is valid and I doubt all my critic is actually that useful, but no story is perfect and there's always room for improvement. Just take Homelands, the sequel to PH. Lot of people said PH is to dark, so Homelands is a lot more lighthearted. Still has some really dark moments but it's basically like Lord of the Rings was a sequel to Game of Thrones.

Lacunae explains it, she is a creation of Blackjack, she is not the real one, the real one is still living her life.

So who's the real Lacunae? Is she even an Alicorn?

we even have dudes like the harbinguers who chase Blackjack for arbitrary reasons

They want to same MacGuffin the previous bad guys want. So not really arbitrary reasons.

you are a descendant of one of the Mane 6

Okay yeah that's a slightly Mary Sueish trait.

you know how to play a instrument

Nah that was the soul inside the instrument, not Blackjack. And playing an instrument is not something that makes a character a over-powered Mary Sue.

I think Blackjack is given a house, I think it was called Star House

Just like playing an instrument a house isn't something I considering something that makes you a Mary Sue. And in this story that would actually be a downgrad, because Blackjack lives in a mansion.

you can easily seduce your enemies since you are very attractive

Huh, when did that happen? I can't actually remember a scene where Blackjack did seduce her enemies. She manged to talk some of them down, but there wasn't any sex involved. And talking did always work.

There would be people who would prefer PH to be real, why do you think people really like Blackjack and identify with her? Because they see her as someone they want to be, these people also want to be highly loved, to be someone badass, to be a hero, to be an influential figure, desires of lonely people.

I've read comments from a few people who identify with Blackjack not because she a bad ass, hero but because they can relate to her traumas. Or because they like her character.

In bars no one sits next to you and sometimes you feel like people are avoiding you on purpose, but in reality it's just that they don't know you and aren't interested in knowing about you.

Isn't Blackjack the star of a very successful TV show? Successful enough that people on the radio talk about her. I imagine there would be at least some fans or people to would love to hang out with her.

watersports were to explore when you accidentally get involved in something as taboo as that

Not my cup of tea but overall it's a pretty harmless kink. As long as everyone enjoys it, who cares?

Blackjack and Candy's romance will be explored more in depth in another chapter, they are not a couple yet, Blackjack sometimes considers her a "marefriend", to feel better about herself and feel that she already has a meaningful connection with her, that is very typical on lonely people

Well, let's see where this goes. Could be interesting. But as of now I feel like it happend way to fast.


It's hard to imagine that people get that upset abouta fanfic of a fanfic of a fanfic. If I would write a story where Blackjack is actually a patient in an asylum just making things up, that does meant it's canon for the original PH. But I guess some people are just assholes who have nothing better to do than sending death threats.

My rewrites can cause intense emotions in the fanboys of some characters, with these characters I am not trying to prove that my rewrites are better, Mona Lisa is like the movies, games and animes of the 1999 and 2000s that used to have a darker and serious tone (Like Arlington Road, Silent Hill, Jacob's Ladder) Therefore, I have to eliminate exaggerated traits of their personalities because they don't fit the atmosphere of my story, that was all.

I would understand that they would attack me if I added a scene, for example, Stardust effortlessly beating up Blackjack or putting Stardust as superior to any other FOE character, but has that ever happened? No, being realistic, Blackjack would easily beat Stardust in a fight.

You get maimed, raped killed and suffer several mental breakdowns that result in you hurting others. Still sounds like a bad deal even with friends to support you.

It's true, PH is hell, I don't deny that, but living in a lonely world also has very serious disadvantages, just like ponies, obviously we need affection from others of our species, we are emotional beings, and being alone for a long time, not having contact with anyone else, can really affect someone deeply, even making you obsessive, the signs of obsession that Blackjack shows occur and with the resonances this only makes it even worse, even Blackjack is afraid of becoming someone creepy, the search for constant validation and being told nice things constantly to feel that you are worth something is a very painful reality, perhaps is not as physical as being raped and mutilated, but both options have strong points and low points.
In addition, the sexual issue would not help either because Blackjack has had sex so many times that it no longer serves as a mechanism to feel good, in addition to the fact that she fights against nymphomania (I don't know if this is mentioned in PH)

Don't think the cover is a big issue. Having a cover is always better than none and most people don't look that closely. Didn't even realize it was recolor of Lyra until you mentioned it. But if you want a good cover art, you probably need to commission an artist. Plenty of talented people out there who offer doing omissions, albeit that costs money. And it's no grantee that you'll get more viewers.

True, in 2012, I think I was about 8 years old and I didn't even know English decently, that time ended, let's say I was late to the party when MLP and FOE were a boom on the internet. I don't want fame, I just want to receive feedback but currently that is impossible, considering that many people have already left the fandom and it is very difficult to find interested readers.
I would pay a commission but the thing is that I'm too young, I don't have a job yet, it's true that it doesn't guarantee anything.

But the cover that I have in mind, I would really like to make it happen, but I guess the only thing I can do is dream about it.

It' always good to find a way to motivate yourself.
But it's also important to keep writing and taking critic to heart. Not every critic is valid and I doubt all my critic is actually that useful, but no story is perfect and there's always room for improvement. Just take Homelands, the sequel to PH. Lot of people said PH is to dark, so Homelands is a lot more lighthearted. Still has some really dark moments but it's basically like Lord of the Rings was a sequel to Game of Thrones.

You are the only one who comments so your criticism is the only thing I have, it is true that sometimes there can be redundancy in my writing, I usually forget what I wrote 5 minutes ago, and since no one checks my texts, from my perspective everything is fine and I continue writing, currently I try to be very careful with that, so as not to make this mistake so often.
And now that I'm writing a non-MLP related story, I've made a lot of mistakes like Blackjack saying "Hands" "Everybody" "Nobody" (I try to keep the pony vocabulary consistent in all my fanfics) and I've had to edit it when I reread the chapters, I think this will become common now, because sometimes I can be very idiotic.

So who's the real Lacunae? Is she even an Alicorn?

Yes, the alicorns in this story try to live the same way as regular ponies, so Lacunae is an alicorn too. I can't tell you if she, Boo, P-21, and Scotch are going to appear because I don't want the story to be full of PH characters; we already have Blackjack and Glory as protagonists, and Rampage... I have plans with her, but there could be episodes dedicated to them since there are even secondary characters with leading episodes.

Just like playing an instrument a house isn't something I considering something that makes you a Mary Sue. And in this story that would actually be a downgrad, because Blackjack lives in a mansion.

Blackjack got that mansion by paying for it, no one gave it to her, and being alone she feels that living there is like living in an "empty shell" as she mentions in a chapter, because she has no one to share it with.

Also, the house that she receives in PH, Priest gave it to her for being good friends I think, what I wanted to highlight here, is that things like these in Mona Lisa there aren't any, no pony is going to give you something of such magnitude as a house, the world of Mona Lisa and Project Horizons work in different ways, but Mona Lisa is crueler in this aspect, if Priest were in Mona Lisa, what he would do is charge her a sum of bottle caps to give Blackjack the house.

Huh, when did that happen? I can't actually remember a scene where Blackjack did seduce her enemies. She manged to talk some of them down, but there wasn't any sex involved. And talking did always work.

I'm referring to her interaction with Lancer, even though Lancer despises her, she was able to easily seduce him while she was in heat (Or at least pretending to be) I know he becomes an ally later on, but still, it's a very strange scene that I didn't understand, because as far I know, this dude is emotionless so Blackjack's tactic of seducing him shouldn't have worked so easy.

Isn't Blackjack the star of a very successful TV show? Successful enough that people on the radio talk about her. I imagine there would be at least some fans or people to would love to hang out with her.

Yes, in fact sometimes she meets fans, but not many recognize her, let's say that of the entire Wasteland, only 10% still remember her. PH had its moment of glory, but the entertainment industry is evolving and more products are being released, and clearly PH is little by little being forgotten, it is just like our world, at this moment the most famous thing is Power Ponies.

War. War never changes. It devoured our home, a conflict driven by foreign invaders until horrific and powerful magics reduced the world to ash and cinders.

This feels awfully familiar...:rainbowdetermined2:

"Midnight, wait up! I just want to give you some good cunnilingus!" I called out, my words echoing down the corridor. Some might call it sexual harassment, but as a security mare, I knew I could sometimes bend the rules and get away with it... if luck was on my side.
Upon hearing me, Midnight whipped her head back, her dark blue eyes wide with surprise. "Stay away from me, Blackjack! I've told you before, I don't want anything to do with you!"
"Aw, come on, just a quick session! Who wouldn't want cunnilingus from a security mare like me?"

Good job making Blackjack look like a sex offender...
Okay technically with everything that happened in 99 she already was a sex offender. Like almost every mare in the stable.
Still as horny as Blackjack could be in PH, she at least showed a bit more restraint.

From here, I could see her pussy, wet with her fluids. Was she touching herself, thinking about me? The sight made me horny as hell, and the fact that her tail was coated in her juices didn't help.

PH had weird sex stuff I'm not really found of. This could be one of them. Could've lived without such a detailed description.

Despite the teasing and occasional insults, the three of us were still laughing together. It was just how we got along.

So she's friends with Daisy and Marmalade in this story? Interesting, but I'm still having so many questions...
Like how could Blackjack, Glory and Rampage knew each other since they were fillies when Blackjack is already an adult (or at least a teenager) working as Security Mare?
Or what is this even? The last chapter ending with Blackjack refusing to live the live of PH Blackjack. Why is now waking up inside Stable 99 and reliving the the events of PH?

"There has to be an explanation for this... maybe she committed suicide in a place where nopony would look for her," Glory said, placing both front hooves on the couch, where she was sitting.

That's exactly what you should say to a relative who's worried about a loved one having committed suicide. Even if you believe that's what happen you just keep your mouth shut and hope for the best. Then again this Glory is an asshole, so it's probably in character.
I'm surprised she even cared enough to show up, considering that this Glory loathes Blackjack.

"I just wouldn't want to fill you with false hopes. It's been months, and we don't know anything. The 'missing' posters aren't giving us any results,"

Okay if it had been months, it at least make sense for Glory to bring up the possibilites that she could be death. Albeit she still did it in a not very tactful way.
Also does that mean Blackjack has been trapped in PH for months? By that time the story should be over and she's living her sorta immortal live off-screen.

You know, since she and I had our conflicts. I still loved her as a friend." Glory put a hoof to her chest, her voice beginning to break.

Yeah, nothing says friend like manipulating someones feelings to have them do your bidding.:ajbemused:

"I'm Candy. I'm Blackjack's friend. She didn't respond to my messages. I thought she was busy with something and decided not to bother her, but she never responded, and I got very worried... where is she?" said Candy.

It took you a whole month of no responsed from Blackjack to start worrying about her? For someone who really cares about Blackjack and totally wanted to get romantically involved you really don't show much concern.

"The last time I saw her, I told her that I was going on a trip, and she... didn't want to be alone. She sent me messages all the time until, suddenly, she didn't contact me anymore. When I returned, I came as quickly as I could because I thought something had happened to her."

So there's probably a larger time jump between this chapter and the last one. Presumably BJ and Candy were already sort of an item and Candy temporarily leaving made Blackjack feel lonely again and desperate enough to accept the deal to live in PH land.
At least that's my speculation and the one that makes the most sense to me. The story really doesn't tell us much.

"And how the hell are we going to have a funeral?! We couldn't even do that because there isn't even a body!" I said, hitting the ground with my front hooves, with all my strength.

You don't need a body for a funeral. There are funerals for missing people. Part of it is to give the friends and relatives some closure.

"Nein, Blackjack, nein... you can't be dead. I was going to help you with your loneliness," Candy wailed, lying face down and crying into her hooves, covering her eyes.

This part would've a lot more impact if we actually had gotten more scenes between Candy and Blackjack before her sudden disappearance.

"BLACKJAAAAAAAACK!" I screamed to the heavens, raising both of my hooves as tears fell like a waterfall down my face.

You know when a scene in a story is so over dramatic that it's hard to take it serious? This is such an example. Having her breaking down crying would've been more realistic than a skyward scream straight out of an anime.

I'm going to respond to your comment because then I forget to respond (I'm writing the next chapter and your comments are really appreciated, and I feel the need to respond to all of them). It's possible that if you decide to respond to me, I probably won't because I'll be too busy.

This feels awfully familiar...

LMAO To be honest, I wasn't proud of ripping off that line. Although it is a common practice among Fallout Equestria writers to copy quotes from the Fallout games, in this case, I only did it because, well, I wanted to capture the essence of PH, so to speak, just for this occasion.

Good job making Blackjack look like a sex offender...
Okay technically with everything that happened in 99 she already was a sex offender. Like almost every mare in the stable.
Still as horny as Blackjack could be in PH, she at least showed a bit more restraint.

With the rewritten first chapter, I wanted to be cruder and more graphic than the original in those scenes. I had to add a differentiating touch and not make it exactly a copy of the original.

PH had weird sex stuff I'm not really found of. This could be one of them. Could've lived without such a detailed description.

It was to make it more explicit, more raw, and more direct, like a Rammstein song. Sometimes their lyrics inspire me to create scenes like these; I even imagine Project Horizons translated into German and Blackjack saying, "Sicherheit rettet Ponys!" It would be cool, but I'm too lazy to translate such a long fanfic that probably no one is going to read. Let's say that the German fandom is very small; it's not as big as the Spanish one, besides the English one.

But with Candy, Blackjack will say some words in German; at least that's something, right? LMAO

So she's friends with Daisy and Marmalade in this story? Interesting, but I'm still having so many questions...
Like how could Blackjack, Glory and Rampage knew each other since they were fillies when Blackjack is already an adult (or at least a teenager) working as Security Mare?
Or what is this even? The last chapter ending with Blackjack refusing to live the live of PH Blackjack. Why is now waking up inside Stable 99 and reliving the the events of PH?

It's simple: in Mona Lisa Overdrive, Blackjack, Glory, and Rampage knew each other since they were fillies; this chapter is just an alternative ending. I mean, it's not canon; I wanted to offer an alternative scenario about what would happen if Blackjack decided to relive the events of PH.

If the alternative endings do not have a continuation number, it is because they are not canon for the story.

I don't know how good an idea this is, but I had planned to do this to clarify doubts mainly about what would happen if a character makes a decision that could radically change the story. If Blackjack dies in the real world, it would not only affect Gin, Glory, and Candy; many bad things would have happened, like Glory would never have met Stardust and Lollipop, and possibly Glory would have committed suicide because she feels guilty for Blackjack's disappearance; she couldn't live with that weight, no matter how many times Glory says she is strong and doesn't need Blackjack.

Obviously, no one will make separate fanfics trying to theorize about what would happen, so I make them myself. Mona Lisa doesn't have dedicated fans, and surely replicating the voices of my characters can be a pain in the ass for other writers because my characters have specific ways of speaking.

And also the reason why Mona Lisa will probably never have an audio book LMAO

That's exactly what you should say to a relative who's worried about a loved one having committed suicide. Even if you believe that's what happen you just keep your mouth shut and hope for the best. Then again this Glory is an asshole, so it's probably in character.
I'm surprised she even cared enough to show up, considering that this Glory loathes Blackjack.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH You really hate this Glory, don't you? That really wasn't my intention, she even mentions in her first chapter that she feels a little bad for having played with Blackjack's feelings.

It's incredible that everything I plan turns out the other way, manipulating someone is not right, but Glory had her reasons, feeling used as a sexual object I don't think is something easy to forgive.

Okay if it had been months, it at least make sense for Glory to bring up the possibilites that she could be death. Albeit she still did it in a not very tactful way.
Also does that mean Blackjack has been trapped in PH for months? By that time the story should be over and she's living her sorta immortal live off-screen.

I don't dare to specify exactly when the events occur. Something that worries me is that this story has too many protagonists, and I want all of them to stand out, not everything to be about Stardust, and as you may have already realized, with each chapter I have to change characters. I did this so that well, add variety to the story and people don't get bored with the same thing, of a stable dweller who leaves a stable, meets her future partner, little by little she meets her companions, I copy side quest from Fallout 3, New Vegas, she defeats all the bad guys, and that's it.

Being someone who is forgetful, if I specify the times when things happen, then I could be contradicting what happens in another chapter, because I forgot and I prefer not to be very specific with that. If you ask me how much time Stardust spent in the hospital while Blackjack was at the bar getting drunk, I have no fucking idea.

This could make my story a little confusing, with so many characters. I don't know what you think of this, but I will do my best so that the POV changes are not so confusing.

So there's probably a larger time jump between this chapter and the last one. Presumably BJ and Candy were already sort of an item and Candy temporarily leaving made Blackjack feel lonely again and desperate enough to accept the deal to live in PH land.
At least that's my speculation and the one that makes the most sense to me. The story really doesn't tell us much.

Between the previous chapter and this alternative ending, about a month could have passed, I'm not sure, I don't know how important it is, after all this chapter is not canon. I was so focused on creating a thoughtful and deep Matrix-like chapter with this chapter that I didn't take things like that into account.

You don't need a body for a funeral. There are funerals for missing people. Part of it is to give the friends and relatives some closure.

My bad there. The truth is that I thought it would not be possible to have a funeral without a body. I should have investigated more thoroughly. I thought it would not be so important, and I was too lazy to do it.

It's just that I have to research too many things, like chemistry, the mechanical operation of cars, and weapons. I'm also studying the Cyrillic alphabet, Japanese, and Scottish Gaelic for some characters.

You know when a scene in a story is so over dramatic that it's hard to take it serious? This is such an example. Having her breaking down crying would've been more realistic than a skyward scream straight out of an anime.

When I imagined the scene in my head, it made me cry; in fact, I was crying the more I explored Gin Rummy's thoughts. I thought it would be effective. When I write the characters' thoughts, I put myself in their shoes, as a way to connect with them while writing them.

You lose your daughter; you don't know where she is. If she is dead, did she commit suicide? Did she go to a faraway place? All this without saying anything; she wouldn't have reacted that way if only she had found Blackjack's body, but without even having a body, it would be extremely overwhelming, especially for a mother.

She is confused, angry, sad, and all those negative feelings have accumulated. She needs to expel them in some way to release the frustration she feels inside. Screaming brings benefits such as emotional release, reducing stress, and allowing her to process these feelings more easily.

I think it depends more on how you imagine the scene.

With the rewritten first chapter, I wanted to be cruder and more graphic than the original in those scenes. I had to add a differentiating touch and not make it exactly a copy of the original.

Being more graphic doesn't makes a story better. And while making it different from the prologue of PH is a good idea (because we've already read that one and know what happens) Blackjack harrasing another mare felt rather extrem. Some normal fliriting and/or teassing would've worked far better. And Midnight being visible aroused by this felt just weired.

It's simple: in Mona Lisa Overdrive, Blackjack, Glory, and Rampage knew each other since they were fillies; this chapter is just an alternative ending.

In hindsight that was pretty obvious. Should've paid more attention.

I wanted to offer an alternative scenario about what would happen if Blackjack decided to relive the events of PH.
If the alternative endings do not have a continuation number, it is because they are not canon for the story.

That should've been a bit more obvious. Maybe put Alternative Ending in the title of the chapter and have it start with Blackjack accepting the deal with Cat Deus.

Obviously, no one will make separate fanfics trying to theorize about what would happen, so I make them myself. Mona Lisa doesn't have dedicated fans, and surely replicating the voices of my characters can be a pain in the ass for other writers because my characters have specific ways of speaking.
And also the reason why Mona Lisa will probably never have an audio book LMAO

I don't think the voices are the problem. It's just that the story itself isn't that good. There are plenty of Fallout: Equestria stories out there and people rarley stick around for more than the first few chapters if they don't like a story.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH You really hate this Glory, don't you? That really wasn't my intention, she even mentions in her first chapter that she feels a little bad for having played with Blackjack's feelings.
It's incredible that everything I plan turns out the other way, manipulating someone is not right, but Glory had her reasons, feeling used as a sexual object I don't think is something easy to forgive.

I don't hate her, she just doesn't feels like Glory at all and not just because of how she treated Blackjack. And yes she did feel slightly bad about manipulating Blackjack but then was basically “Oh well...” So it's hard to imagine she would care that much about Blackjack when she learns that she disappears.
It would've been a good idea to show more of her inner thoughts when she was talking to Gin Rummy. That would be a good moment to have her realize that she still cares about Blackjack, much to her own surprise, and even feels guilty about how she behaved earlier.

Something that worries me is that this story has too many protagonists, and I want all of them to stand out, not everything to be about Stardust, and as you may have already realized, with each chapter I have to change characters.

I don't think the number of protagonists is a problem. The problem is how discounted the two main plots we're having feel from each other.

I did this so that well, add variety to the story and people don't get bored with the same thing, of a stable dweller who leaves a stable, meets her future partner, little by little she meets her companions, I copy side quest from Fallout 3, New Vegas, she defeats all the bad guys, and that's it.

If you want to avoid that, then why make Stardust a Stable dweller in the first place? There's no requirement that you need to have a Stable Dweller in your story. That said, if it's well written and has interesting characters even a story that could be described as standard Fallout: Equestria plot line can be good.

When I imagined the scene in my head, it made me cry; in fact, I was crying the more I explored Gin Rummy's thoughts. I thought it would be effective. When I write the characters' thoughts, I put myself in their shoes, as a way to connect with them while writing them.

The infamous “The Room” movie had a scene where the main character had a breakdown complaining about how everyone betrayed him and how he was sick of the world, having suicidal thoughts. It was supposed to be a very emotional scene but the way the character acted and talked made it come across as unintentional goofy. That's how I feel about that skyward scream. Feels not like genuine grieve but an actor trying to be over dramatic for a sad scene.

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