• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 579 Views, 23 Comments

As The Sun Sets - Noobblue

Princess Cadence is called by Princess Luna to reform an dark magician from ages past

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-for the crazy we keep inside

Oh my gosh I can't believe I just did that.

"Woohoo!" Silver clapped her on the back with a hoof, "There it is! and I was worried you wouldn't be joining me tonight."

Cadance struggled to hear the tail end of Silver's statement over the music, and the burp caused by Silver that brought all the wonderful flavours of death into her sinuses.

Despite herself, she found Silver's excitement infectious.

I was skirting cutting loose. Not anymore.

"Whatever that was, it tasted good." Cadance said, struggling to keep the smell away

Silver matched Cadance's growing smile with a fake one.

Don't worry about it Cadance. Silver is Silver... or, Dusk is Dusk, whatever, stop focusing so much

Silver retreated her hoof from Cadance's back, and pulled a shiny silver metal container from nowhere and hoofed it over to Cadance. The thing was cool, and covered in condensation.

"Water?" She said over the noise, Silver merely nodded, and hopped back over the end of the couch, probably to go get Cadance another drink.

That's nice

She pulled the cap off with her teeth, and spat it onto the table

Imagine doing that in a meeting

The refreshing temperature and sensation of ice water filled her mouth, and she practically melted into the couch. There was a slight noise of contentedness as well, something decidedly not Princess like, which is when a thought struck Cadance in her tipsy haze.

I'm not a Princess right now.

I'm just Cadance, Cadance with a purple mane and green fur.

Just me.

Silver returned floating down from somewhere back onto the couch with another pair of drinks in tow. Another glass of rainbow for her, and another... What was it called? Silver dream, for Cadance.

Cadance inspected the drink, her half formed thoughts about newfound freedom swirling away anything she was going to say.

What does me want?

"So Cadance."

She grabbed at her fresh drink, deciding to savour this one. It was actually pretty good. Sugary sweet with a biting aftertaste. Not something she'd want in her pasta, but at the moment, it was interesting enough. Once she had it balanced, and was properly reclined, she turned towards Silver, who began to speak again once she had Cadance's attention.

"What are your thoughts on a family?"

"My thoughts?" The pressure from her sitting position made it a little hard to breath, causing her voice to come out deeper than she wanted it to.

"Yeah, ever wanted one?"

Cadance got what she was working at, "You mean having a foal."

"A child." Silver jabbed

Before Cadance could respond to the correction, Silver raised a wing and said, "Racist"

Cadance giggled, "Child then." And then frowned. "Celestia said that... Alicorns are too different from non-alicorns."

"Which is true. It's what I told her when she asked me all those moons ago."

Cadance raised an eyebrow, "Celestia asked you if she could have children?"

She snorted, that having not quite come out the way she meant.

"Heh, yeah she did. She had been trying for a couple hundred moons before giving up. Of course, this was back when medical science was as developed as 'knowing mares had a uterus'"

Cadance snorted again at the jab to older medical sciences.

"So she came to me, a bit of a user, but I let it slide for this. Told me that if anypony could figure it out, I could." Silver took a large gulp of her tall glass. "Turns out Alicorn biology just isn't compatible."

Cadance's frown deepened.

"Do you know anything about that?"

"About alicorn biology?"

"If anyone was to know about it, it'd be you."

Cadance didn't miss the double meaning behind the phrase, but didn't feel the need to comment on it. "I don't know, didn't know that, at least."

"But you've been trying no doubt."

Cadance blushed, but didn't respond.

Me wants a daughter

Her thoughts struck out at her

So she spoke, "What's it like? Having a child?"

"I-er." Silver stuttered, and gave a quick evasive glance around the room. "Well- it, it's the most resp-" Silver shook her head, "Lemme try that again... It's the most difficult thing I've done other than Live." She put her glass down, "It's more complex than I imagined, at least at first. Although, I always thought it was worth it. With my children, anyways."

"Tell me about them" Cadance leaned over the table, a little to close for Silver; who put a hoof on Cadance's side and pushed her back into her upright sitting position.

"That's a bit personal don't'cha think?"

Cadance sipped her drink in response.

"Fair enough." Silver rolled her eyes, "I prefer keeping my past where it lies though."

Cadance nodded.

I can respect that, for now.

A light from the dance floor caught her eye, and the music stopped momentarily before the DJ said something into the microphone. There was a smattering of applause and stomping before the music and light's continued unabated.

"Guess their set is done."

Aww. I-

I wanted to dance.

Cadance leaned forwards in her seat, and deposited her drink on the table at the same time she fell forwards to sit properly. "You're unreasonably old right?" She asked Silver while getting to her hooves.

"Not a super polite way to say it-" Cadance stuck her tounge out, "But yes."

Cadance stepped out of the booth with a sway she was expecting, "Then why don't you show me the dance moves you picked up along the way?"

"Only if you show me yours." Silver said with a smirk, making her way out of the booth herself

"It's a deal."

And the two drunken immortals stutter stepped their way up to the raised disco platform full of flailing ponies, giggling as they both continued to nearly fall, only to be caught by the other.

Once they were up, Silver took a position in front of Cadance and gave her a weary smile. Cadance was unsure if it was real or not, and this time, was simply able to not care about that little detail. Shunting it from her mind, and taking a deep breath of the thrumming music vibrating up her legs, she yelled out over the activity, "Well let's see what you got!"

Silver, wasting no time at all, closed her eyes and started to bounce to the music with her wings spread.

Wondering what she was going to do, Cadance simply fell into beat with the vibrating ground, and watched.

Silver, like Cadance expected, did something ridiculous. Rearing onto her hindlegs, using her wings to stabilize herself with each swing of the bass, started to bounce and jive from left to right using her back legs only. Once Silver found a rhythm, she began to spin, into a series of steps that looked specifically choreographed for her to be leaned down to the point where she should have fallen, if not for being a pegasus. She catapulted herself back into a standing position, where she continued the bouncing steps for the series of moves by sliding in a circle around Cadance while spinning.

Several ponies around her stopped in awe to witness the dexterity, Cadance found herself entranced by Silver's commitment to matching the beat of the wild electronic music with jumps and half steps along the deeper thrums of the music.

Once she had completed the full loop, Silver dipped under Cadance's muzzle upside down, and onto one leg, where she closed her wings and wrapped herself in a hug and spun.


Six, seven, eight, nine rotations and climbing, Silver spun five more times before drawing the last spin into a forward lean, flipping herself under her own muzzle, and snapping her wings out at the last second and calmly drifting back down onto her back with her legs crossed, the momentum of her spinning causing her to slide lightly on the polished floor.

The ponies close enough to see erupted in chaos and cheers, ponies going into either more intense versions of their dramatic dancing in support, or stomping and cheering over the noise for Silver's performance.

Silver reached a hoof out towards Cadance in a passing of the baton gesture. The ponies on the floor followed the look to the obvious pony the gesture was directed at, and Cadance was suddenly faced with the task of topping that.

The fun part was, she felt like she could. Cadance recognized foreign dance moves when she saw them, and Minitour was something she definitely had in her repertoire.

Nothing compared to yak

Cadance began to stomp in sequence with the beats. Nothing special, just hard and heavy. She gave a woop on the third of the stomps, and then threw her back legs into the mix. Fully jumping up and down to get as much volume and power from her stomps as possible. The ponies around her, feeling the coming competition joined in the stomping in support of the disguised Princess.

Once she had dominated her entire surroundings with the rapid sounds of ponies attempting to rupture the earth, did she commit to the full series of moves.

In a flurry, Cadance flipped herself, going from one stomp, instantaneously to the next, but with a full bodily rotation, it was fast. It was primal, loud. She gave another whoop, this one louder and deeper, and flipped herself the other way, this time, landing on only her left hooves, then again, and again, each time in some different alteration sometimes giving herself time to stomp twice with her own momentum.

The crowd loved it. She loved it, the sensation of blood filling her legs, the vibrations.

The final touch was wrapped around her neck. She ripped into whatever enchantment was holding her illusionary mane together with her magic and although the illusion staggered for a moment, her blunt force attempt to undo her mane worked. The pink and lilac furls quickly joining the fray of her rapid spinning and stomping in a whirl of colour as she began to give increasingly loud whoops with each stomp.

It was exhilarating, but not without the crescendo was Cadance ready to put a bow on her 'addition' to the dancing. She growled as she used the last rotation to throw herself bodily into the air, a noise of exertion following as she pushed off the ground and spun once over head, and twice over her side, before landing and slamming the ground three times so rapidly in sequence that it actually hurt.

She gasped, the breath having been properly removed from her lungs throughout the whole thing, and her adrenaline and alcohol laden brain demanding oxygen for it's work.

She mentally tuned back in to ponies dancing and stomping and cheering in support. Silver looked on with a neutral expression. Something which sapped at Cadance's excitement.

That is until the expression turned into a smirk, and Silver's eyebrows creased.

It was the look of somepony sizing up the competition.

It was a challenge.

You're on.

She told Silver with her expression, and her action as she walked up next to the smaller mare, and looked over her shoulder at her, "Let's see if you can handle the Mareland Waltz."

"Darling. You had me at 'Hello'" Silver stuck out her front left hoof, the one closest to Cadance. Cadance did the same with hers, and they both took a deliberate step away from one another, so that their body lengths were just opposite each other.

Then they came crashing together. Cadance spun, Silver, just a moment after, and their hooves collided in the air, both of them reared up, and practically muzzle to muzzle.

Cadance decided to try and throw Silver off balance by taking the first step, backwards, a clear smirk written across her face gave it away though. Silver dropped her first connecting hoof, and rolled with the back step, now standing completely upright and wrapped in Cadance's leading hoof, Cadance, now forced to follow, twisted with her back step, and flung Silver into a airborne roll, which Silver used to replant, and re-engage. Now back where they were, Silver took the first step, pushing Cadance's following hoof back, while stepping forward with her own leading hoof.

Before Cadance had a chance to respond, Silver repeated the action in reverse, forcing Cadance to match. Suddenly they were in a rhythm of pushing their hooves back and forth between each other, and rapidly switching lead hooves on the ground.

You think you'll get me off guard with a sudden change but- whoah!

Silver did in fact, do that, pulling Cadance's hooves up, and lifting Cadance bodily off the ground, Silver flapped with her wings and slid Cadance under her, barely half a hoof above the floor. Just after, Silver's back hooves landed on the floor at the same time that she heaved, throwing Cadance into the air and spinning around.

Cadance, decidedly trying not to use her wings to avoid any unwanted attention, fell.

Silver caught her in her hooves, her back legs resting against the floor and Silver stood upright with her wings to keep her balanced. Silver leaned in to Cadance's ear and whispered, "Gotcha"

On that, and realizing she'd been beaten, Cadance violently and humorously removed herself from Silver's grip, making sure she was planted on the ground before turning to the laughing Silver. Most ponies after seeing the clear victor, returned to their own dancing after giving several heartfelt cheers.

Cadance felt the heat on her face at the loss, but also from the alcohol, though she didn't feel like she lost. She was having far to much fun. She gently jabbed Silver in the chest, "A fluke, let's see you do that again."


Silver took Cadance's hoof, and spun her away like a storm. Whatever was causing Silver to hold back was seemingly gone now, Cadance's vision nearly impaired from the speed of Silver's rapid moves. On several occasions Cadance found herself being tripped or leaned by Silver in the right directions just to help her keep up.

To say the least, Silver tore the floor a new one, with Cadance joyfully along for the ride.

Eventually the oncoming tide that was Silver's oppressive dancing ended, but Cadance wasn't near from over, having spent enough time observing the other ponies on the floor. Cadance began to shake and bounce away the music, always keeping a smile on her face, and Silver in sight, who elected to do the same as her. They occasionally bumped and quickly exchanged challenging dance moves, but otherwise, whatever constructed competition they had, had broken down into uncontrolled dancing between the two of them.

Flailing wasn't really the right term to describe her own dancing, but she didn't mind. She was a ball dancer, not a night club enthusiast. She wasn't sure how long she danced, but she took immeasurable joy in spinning her mane like a hurricane, and shaking her backside like no tomorrow in particular.

Eventually though, the Princess of Love's party stamina wore out, the exhaustion continually making itself known at the tail end of every dance move. Eventually she had to stop, and just as she did, expecting to take quick breather and get back into it, her exhaustion hit her all at once.

Her vision swam, and she tried to yell for Silver over the noise, having lost sight of her at some point, but it only came out as a mumble as Cadance tried to blink away the nausea and tiredness.

A silver hoof found her, and Cadance idly wondered how Silver managed to get her hooves to look metallic like that, and if she could do that for Cadance's mane.

Next thing she knew, she was off the dance floor, leaning up against Silver, and slowly trotting back to their table. Cadance's whole body felt obnoxiously heavy, her eye lids specifically.

I wasn't... aware it would all slam into me at once... jeez

The single line of comprehensive thought led her all the way back to the table, where Silver wordlessly pressed the open container of ice water to Cadance's lips. She took it in her hooves and drank greedily of the refreshing substance, now not bothering to hide her moan of satisfaction.

Making a 'ah' noise as she tried to place the bottle down on the table she tried not to tumble over into the couch. She wasn't really sure if she succeeded. Silver had grabbed her hoof again and tried to banish the mental fog by shaking her head, but Silver started leading her somewhere.

Eventually the vibrant and loud room formed into a UV lit bathroom Cadance didn't remember walking into.

"-eady to go home Little Princess?" Silver said, Cadance tuning in after realizing she was speaking.

The smile stuck to her face grew as she thought of home, and she nodded slowly.


She shook her head

Silver started stepping on the ground and the 'Silver is casting a spell' alarm bells started ringing in Cadance's mind, urging her to observe and understand. Instead, Cadance just looked at Silver.

She wasn't really sure what to think, so she didn't. Tried not to at least.

The very recognizable portal opened up in front of her; Silver grabbed her by the hoof and led her through it. Now though, the vaguely disorienting sensation sent Cadance into a mental downspin. She was just so warm and happy, and tired. Her smile grew as she jokingly started internally laughing at how she was 'going down.' The thought never properly making it to her conscious mind, as it began shutting down.

She thought she heard shouting, but the idea was over taken by her bed, which she was suddenly in. A wave of magic, and sequentially, a warm blanket that fell over her back in addition to the cool sheets she was laying on was enough to send her into the dream realm in a deeper sleep then she'd slept in a very long time.

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